1119 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: n s

  • Click to Cash
    Sakunthala N / Saravanakumar S
    Click to Cash: A Path to Online Earning - esplora il lucroso mondo della generazione di reddito online attraverso un approccio conciso e pratico. Il libro approfondisce le varie strategie e piattaforme che consentono di capitalizzare l’ambiente digitale, offrendo approfondimenti sul marketing di affiliazione, l’e-commerce e altri flussi di reddito online. I lettori acquisiscono...

    61,88 €

  • Fokussierung der Finanzprognose für die Familie
    Sakunthala N / Saravanakumar S
    Focusing Financial Forecast for Family ist ein praktischer Leitfaden, der die Bedeutung einer strategischen Finanzplanung im familiären Kontext hervorhebt. Das Buch bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über Budgetierungs-, Spar- und Investitionsstrategien, die speziell auf die besonderen Bedürfnisse einer Familie zugeschnitten sind. Es geht auf die Feinheiten der Verwaltung der H...

    62,33 €

  • Concentrer les prévisions financières sur la famille
    Sakunthala N / Saravanakumar S
    Focusing Financial Forecast for Family est un guide pratique qui souligne l’importance de la planification financière stratégique dans le contexte familial. L’ouvrage donne un aperçu complet des stratégies de budgétisation, d’épargne et d’investissement conçues spécifiquement pour répondre aux besoins uniques d’une unité familiale. Il aborde les subtilités de la gestion des fin...

    62,26 €

  • Concentrar a previsão financeira na família
    Sakunthala N / Saravanakumar S
    Focusing Financial Forecast for Family é um guia prático que realça a importância do planeamento financeiro estratégico no contexto familiar. O livro fornece uma visão abrangente das estratégias de orçamento, poupança e investimento, adaptadas especificamente para satisfazer as necessidades únicas de uma unidade familiar. Aprofunda os meandros da gestão das finanças domésticas,...

    62,14 €

  • Focalizzare le previsioni finanziarie per la famiglia
    Sakunthala N / Saravanakumar S
    Focusing Financial Forecast for Family è una guida pratica che sottolinea l’importanza della pianificazione finanziaria strategica nel contesto familiare. Il libro fornisce una panoramica completa delle strategie di budgeting, risparmio e investimento, studiate appositamente per soddisfare le esigenze specifiche di un nucleo familiare. Approfondisce le complessità della gestion...

    62,14 €

  • Soft Skills für junge Menschen im AI-Zeitalter
    Sakunthala N / Saravanakumar S
    Soft Skills, oft auch als zwischenmenschliche oder nicht-technische Fähigkeiten bezeichnet, sind eine Sammlung von persönlichen Eigenschaften und Fähigkeiten, die es dem Einzelnen ermöglichen, effektiv mit anderen zu interagieren und die Herausforderungen der modernen Welt zu meistern. Diese Fähigkeiten umfassen ein breites Spektrum an Kompetenzen, darunter Kommunikation, Führu...

    85,80 €

  • Soft Skills per i giovani nell’era dell’intelligenza artificiale
    Sakunthala N / Saravanakumar S
    Le soft skills, spesso definite competenze interpersonali o non tecniche, sono un insieme di attributi e capacità personali che consentono agli individui di interagire efficacemente con gli altri e di affrontare le sfide del mondo moderno. Queste abilità comprendono un’ampia gamma di competenze, tra cui la comunicazione, la leadership, l’adattabilità, l’empatia, la risoluzione ...

    85,84 €

  • Competências transversais para os jovens na era da IA
    Sakunthala N / Saravanakumar S
    As competências transversais, frequentemente designadas por competências interpessoais ou não técnicas, são um conjunto de atributos e capacidades pessoais que permitem aos indivíduos interagir eficazmente com os outros e enfrentar os desafios do mundo moderno. Estas aptidões englobam uma vasta gama de competências, incluindo comunicação, liderança, adaptabilidade, empatia, res...

    85,84 €

  • Introduction to Economic and Decision Making
    Bhavana S. Karmore / Shraddha N. Zanjat / Vishwajit K. Barbudhe
    Economics is the study of how individuals, businesses, and societies allocate limited resources to satisfy unlimited wants.Microeconomics focuses on the behavior of individual agents, such as consumers and firms, while macroeconomics examines the overall economy, including factors like inflation, unemployment, and national income.The economic problem of scarcity arises because ...

    97,40 €

  • Fundamentals of Biochemical Engineering
    Bhavana S. Karmore / Shraddha N. Zanjat / Vishwajit K. Barbudhe
    Biotechnology is the art and science of converting reactants (substrate) into useful products by the action of microorganisms or enzymes. Microorganisms have been honestly serving the mankind. Thus, any process in which microbes or living organisms play a vital role in getting transformation of the feed into useful products is termed as BIOPROCESSING. For example, the way of co...

    98,80 €

  • War of Dark Ages
    Ishtar S.I.N.G.
    The War of Dark Ages descends upon the Realm of Aligashia and San, the last unicorn, remains held captive, defying, and holding her ground against them. She loses consciousness and awakens inside a sarcophagus as much time has passed. Her memories are hazy as she can’t remember the creature she was before they turned her into a creature like them, a being neither of the living ...

    29,24 €

  • Introduction to Analog Electronics Circuit
    Bhavana S. Karmore / Shraddha N. Zanjat / Vishwajit K. Barbudhe
    The field-effect transistor (FET) is a three-terminal device used for a variety of applications that match, to a large extent. Although there are important differences between the two types of devices, there are also many similarities.The term field-effect in the chosen name deserves some explanation. For the FET, an electric field is established by the charges present that wil...

    98,72 €

  • Strategic Stock Investing
    Sakunthala N / Saravanakumar S
    Strategic Stock Investing: Construction of Profitable Portfolios is a comprehensive guide illuminating the intricacies of building and managing profitable investment portfolios. With an emphasis on strategy, the guide covers diverse chapters ranging from risk management to market analysis. It introduces readers to the nuances of speculation, active and passive investment strate...

    63,19 €

  • Empire Builders
    Sakunthala N / Saravanakumar S
    Empire Builders: The Journey of Business Magnates invites readers on an inspiring odyssey through the lives and achievements of visionary leaders who have left an indelible mark on the business world. This captivating collection delves into the intricate stories of business magnates, revealing the strategic brilliance, resilience, and transformative impact that define their jou...

    62,81 €

  • Fraudulent Fables
    Sakunthala N / Saravanakumar S
    Fraudulent Fables: False Frontiers of Electronic Facades exposes the intricate web of deceptive marketing practices within the electronic industry. This insightful exploration unveils the tales of exaggerated performance claims, misleading advertisements, and manipulated reviews that create false narratives, impacting consumers’ purchasing decisions. Each chapter delves into th...

    62,74 €

  • Agricultural Adversity
    Sakunthala N / Saravanakumar S
    Agricultural Adversity: Addressing Agony and Afflictions is a compelling anthology that delves into the intricate challenges confronting the global agricultural landscape. Through a lens that combines environmental, economic, and social perspectives, this collection of narratives illuminates the profound struggles faced by farmers. From the looming threats of climate change imp...

    62,74 €

  • Arte Warli para iniciantes
    Dr. S. N. Kumar / K. B. Preseetha
    A arte Warli, originária da região de Warli em Maharashtra, na Índia, é uma forma de arte tribal venerável com profundas raízes culturais e históricas. Entre as mais antigas expressões da arte popular indiana, tem um significado especial para o povo Warli, originário das zonas montanhosas e costeiras de Maharashtra. Esta forma de arte funciona como uma narrativa visual, captand...

    60,26 €

  • Warli-Kunst für Anfänger
    Dr. S. N. Kumar / K. B. Preseetha
    Die Warli-Kunst, die ihren Ursprung in der Warli-Region im indischen Bundesstaat Maharashtra hat, ist eine ehrwürdige Stammeskunstform mit tiefen kulturellen und historischen Wurzeln. Sie gehört zu den ältesten Ausdrucksformen der indischen Volkskunst und hat eine besondere Bedeutung für das Volk der Warli, das in den Berg- und Küstengebieten von Maharashtra beheimatet ist. Die...

    60,26 €

  • Warli Art pour les débutants
    Dr. S. N. Kumar / K. B. Preseetha
    L’art Warli, originaire de la région de Warli dans le Maharashtra, en Inde, est une forme d’art tribal vénérable aux racines culturelles et historiques profondes. Parmi les plus anciennes expressions de l’art populaire indien, il revêt une importance particulière pour le peuple Warli, originaire des régions montagneuses et côtières du Maharashtra. Cette forme d’art sert de réci...

    60,26 €

  • Warli Arte per principianti
    Dr. S. N. Kumar / K. B. Preseetha
    L’arte Warli, originaria della regione di Warli nel Maharashtra, in India, è una venerabile forma d’arte tribale con profonde radici culturali e storiche. Tra le più antiche espressioni dell’arte popolare indiana, riveste un significato particolare per il popolo Warli, originario delle zone montuose e costiere del Maharashtra. Questa forma d’arte funge da narrazione visiva, cat...

    60,26 €

  • Problemi nazionali irrisolti e degeneranti
    Eric N Besong / Odey S Robert
    La corruzione e la cattiva leadership influenzano negativamente una nazione in tutte le sue ramificazioni. Questo è il caso della Nigeria, dove le istituzioni e i cittadini stanno rapidamente diventando come i loro leader, il governo. I media sono stati quindi infettati dalla corruzione macrocosmica e dalla cattiva leadership della Nigeria. Questi mali ora prosperano incontroll...

    79,31 €

  • Questões nacionais degenerativas não resolvidas
    Eric N Besong / Odey S Robert
    A corrupção e a má liderança afectam negativamente uma nação em todas as suas ramificações. É o caso da Nigéria, onde as suas instituições e os seus cidadãos estão a tornar-se rapidamente iguais aos seus líderes, o governo. Os meios de comunicação social foram assim infectados pela corrupção macro-cósmica e pela má liderança da Nigéria. Estes males prosperam agora sem controlo ...

    79,28 €

  • Where We Belong
    N.S. Perkins
    Lexie Tuffin has one goal in life: making it to the Olympics as a gymnast for Team USA. Her dream was almost crushed when she injured herself last year and lost everything: her coach, her gym, and her future. Now, she’s starting from scratch. The only gym that will have her is in Nowhere, Vermont, but she’s determined to make a comeback. Nothing and no one is going to shake her...

    13,00 €

    Kali J.N.S
    Discover the future of education with the groundbreaking AIDDFES instructional design model, a visionary approach that reimagines learning for the Age of Enlightenment. As the CEO of Nakhti University, Kali J.N.S takes you on a remarkable journey, steering education toward uncharted waters and unveiling the profound impact of AIDDFES.AIDDFES is short for Analysis, Intelligence ...

    14,75 €

  • Combate às alterações climáticas e à variabilidade na agricultura
    L.S. Rathore / N. Chattopadhyay / Swati Chandras
    O impacto provável da variabilidade climática e das alterações climáticas na produtividade agrícola está a causar grande preocupação aos cientistas e planeadores da Índia, situada no centro-sul da Ásia. A previsão meteorológica a diferentes escalas espaciais e temporais seria uma ferramenta importante para a adoção de medidas adequadas na agricultura num cenário futuro de alter...

    48,69 €

  • Bekämpfung von Klimawandel und Klimaschwankungen in der Landwirtschaft
    L.S. Rathore / N. Chattopadhyay / Swati Chandras
    Die wahrscheinlichen Auswirkungen der Klimaschwankungen und des Klimawandels auf die landwirtschaftliche Produktivität bereiten den Wissenschaftlern und Planern in Indien, das im südlichen Zentralasien liegt, große Sorgen. Wettervorhersagen auf verschiedenen räumlichen und zeitlichen Ebenen wären ein wichtiges Instrument, um geeignete Maßnahmen in der Landwirtschaft unter den B...

    48,76 €

  • Lotta ai cambiamenti climatici e alla variabilità in agricoltura
    L.S. Rathore / N. Chattopadhyay / Swati Chandras
    Il probabile impatto della variabilità climatica e dei cambiamenti climatici sulla produttività agricola è fonte di grande preoccupazione per gli scienziati e i pianificatori dell’India, situata nell’Asia centro-meridionale. Le previsioni meteorologiche a diverse scale spaziali e temporali sarebbero uno strumento importante per adottare misure appropriate in agricoltura in uno ...

    48,69 €

  • Lutte contre le changement et la variabilité climatiques dans l’agriculture
    L.S. Rathore / N. Chattopadhyay / Swati Chandras
    L’impact probable de la variabilité et du changement climatiques sur la productivité agricole préoccupe beaucoup les scientifiques et les planificateurs en Inde, pays situé en Asie centrale du Sud. Les prévisions météorologiques à différentes échelles spatiales et temporelles seraient un outil important pour prendre des mesures appropriées dans l’agriculture dans le cadre du fu...

    48,76 €

  • Beneath The Surface
    K.N. S.J.P.
    Beneath The Surface is a captivating tale that delves into the complex layers of human emotions and experiences, challenging the notion of surface-level judgments. A poignant tale of two women, who were once close childhood friends but lost touch over the years. When they unexpectedly cross paths in adulthood, both women carry the weight of their painful pasts and fear revealin...

    8,30 €

  • Deal with a Djinn
    S.N. Moor
    Deal with a Djinn is part of the holidate series but can be read as a standalone. In this paranormal twist of Cupid’s Contract, our fave five find themselves in Elloree Falls fighting for their freedom of a Djinn who has taken everything from them.Every fae in existence came from the true fae. A kind and benevolent creature. A light fae.When they first began to evolve, the Djin...

    15,42 €