17538 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: n

  • Fondamenti di ingegneria biochimica
    Bhavana S. Karmore / Shraddha N. Zanjat / Vishwajit K. Barbudhe
    La biotecnologia è l’arte e la scienza di convertire i reagenti (substrati) in prodotti utili attraverso l’azione di microrganismi o enzimi. I microrganismi sonostati onestamente al servizio dell’umanità. Pertanto, qualsiasi processo in cui i microbi o gli organismi viventi svolgono un ruolo vitale nella trasformazione degli alimenti inprodotti utili è definito BIOPROCESSIONE. ...

    94,95 €

  • Recipes of Good Mood
    Helen N. Ray
    The receipts composing the Volume here submitted to the Public have been collected under peculiarly favourable circumstances by a Lady of distinction, whose productions in the lighter department of literature entitle her to a place among the most successful writers of the present day. Moving in the first circles of rank and fashion, her associations have qualified her to furnis...

    13,34 €

  • Eine Tasche voller Veränderungen - CM & OD vereinfacht
    Narayana Coimbatore N.
    Als Professor für Change & OD habe ich festgestellt, dass es viele Management-Bücher zu diesem Thema gibt, mit vielen Fallstudien und Theorien zur Erklärung von Change & OD. In den letzten zehn Jahren hat sich viel verändert. Diese Veränderungen, die mit dem Aufkommen radikaler technologischer Veränderungen einhergingen, erforderten menschliche Verhaltensweisen und kulturelle V...

    41,11 €

  • Une poche de monnaie - CM & OD simplifiés
    Narayana Coimbatore N.
    En tant que professeur de changement et de développement organisationnel, j’ai observé qu’il existe de nombreux ouvrages de gestion sur le sujet, avec beaucoup d’études de cas et de théories expliquant le changement et le développement organisationnel. Beaucoup de choses ont changé au cours des dix dernières années. Ces changements, avec l’avènement de changements technologique...

    41,04 €

  • Una manciata di cambiamenti
    Narayana Coimbatore N.
    Come professore di Change & OD, ho osservato che ci sono molti libri di management sull’argomento, con molti casi di studio e teorie che spiegano il Change & OD. Negli ultimi dieci anni sono cambiate molte cose. Questi cambiamenti, ora con l’avvento di radicali cambiamenti tecnologici, hanno reso necessari comportamenti umani e cambiamenti culturali - una battaglia è sempre in ...

    41,04 €

  • Bolso cheio de mudanças - CM e OD simplificados
    Narayana Coimbatore N.
    Como professor de Mudança e DO, tenho observado que existem muitos livros de gestão sobre o assunto, com muitos estudos de caso e teorias que explicam a mudança e o DO. Muita coisa mudou nos últimos dez anos. Estas mudanças, agora com o advento das mudanças tecnológicas radicais, exigiram comportamentos humanos e mudanças culturais - uma batalha que está sempre a decorrer dentr...

    41,04 €

  • Endowed with Death
    P.D. n Workm
    Justice is worth the riskThe death of a child is always heartbreaking, but what Kenzie Kirsch, assistant to the Medical Examiner, finds on her slab shakes her to the core. Kenzie can’t help but feel a surge of anger and sadness as she examines the evidence.As she delves deeper into the case, Kenzie uncovers a tangled web of lies and deceit. But Kenzie is not one to back down fr...

    44,29 €

  • The Sugar Bowl Feud
    Gina N. Brown
    'The rule of siblings: if your siblings get something you want, you try to take it, break it, or say it’s no good.'  Patricia FlemingFour siblings inherit their Mom’s house full of stuff. And they all want the same item. What could possibly go wrong? When Courtney claims a long-forgotten sugar bowl as a memento of her late mother, suddenly the law of siblings kicks in. Twins B...

    13,40 €

  • You’re My IT
    C.N. Holmberg
    Dice meets derby in a new contemporary romance novel by bestselling author Charlie N. Holmberg.Fourth try’s the charm... or is it?The first guy Blaine ever confessed her feelings to dismissed her. The second made her friendless. The third, a viral internet sensation.And Blaine is praying the fourth will be different.After two years of pining for the aloof and secretly hilarious...

    11,73 €

  • Two-Damage My Heart
    C.N. Holmberg
    Broken hearts meet foam swords in a new contemporary romance novel by bestselling author Charlie N. Holmberg.Eight years ago, Rue Thompson fell in love with her brother’s roommate. From across the country, he started writing her letters out of the blue-letters that encouraged her, amused her, and healed her.Then he ghosted her and broke her heart.Fortunately, Rue’s now stone-co...

    11,77 €

    Sukanya N
    Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that enables secure, transparent, and decentralized transactions. It operates as a distributed ledger system, where transactions are recorded across a network of computers in a tamper-resistant manner. Each transaction is verified by network participants, removing the need for intermediaries and enhancing trust. Blockchain’s key features...

    60,32 €

  • Where’s Yeti’s Teddy?
    Michael N Lawrence
    Yeti wants to go to bed, but he needs to find his Teddy first. Yeti searches all over but can’t find Ted anywhere. What if Ted’s lost? What if Ted’s...not in the book at all? Children will relate to the feeling of misplacing a favorite sleep toy, as told in this story through rhymes and verse. With a heartwarming ending that sees Teddy and Yeti reunited at last, this will be a ...

    7,46 €

  • Soziale Medien als Magnetbildschirm
    Sakunthala N. / Saravanakumar S.
    Soziale Medien als Magnetbildschirm: Darkness and Daylights ist eine umfassende Erkundung der digitalen Welt mit Absicht und Ausgewogenheit. Diese Sammlung befasst sich mit den vielfältigen Aspekten des Engagements in den sozialen Medien und bietet Einblicke und Strategien, die den Leser durch die sich ständig verändernden Strömungen der Online-Welt führen. Vom achtsamen Konsum...

    60,32 €

  • Il valore temporale del denaro
    Sakunthala N. / Saravanakumar S.
    Esplorate l’intricata danza tra i principi del Time Value of Money e l’economia globale in questo avvincente viaggio attraverso i paesaggi finanziari. I concetti fondamentali del TVM - valore attuale, valore futuro e dinamica dei tassi d’interesse - si rivelano come luci guida nel processo decisionale finanziario strategico. Sottolineando il ruolo vitale del tempo, questa esplo...

    60,38 €

  • Les médias sociaux, un écran magnétique
    Sakunthala N. / Saravanakumar S.
    Les médias sociaux, un écran magnétique : Darkness and Daylights est une exploration complète de la navigation dans le monde numérique avec intention et équilibre. Cette collection explore les multiples facettes de l’engagement dans les médias sociaux, offrant des idées et des stratégies pour guider les lecteurs à travers les courants en constante évolution du monde en ligne. D...

    60,26 €

  • I social media come schermo magnetico
    Sakunthala N. / Saravanakumar S.
    I social media come schermo magnetico: Darkness and Daylights è un’esplorazione completa della navigazione nel regno digitale con intenzione ed equilibrio. Questa raccolta approfondisce i molteplici aspetti dell’impegno sui social media, offrendo spunti e strategie per guidare i lettori attraverso le mutevoli correnti del mondo online. Dal consumo consapevole di contenuti alla ...

    60,20 €

  • As redes sociais são um ecrã magnético
    Sakunthala N. / Saravanakumar S.
    Redes Sociais um ecrã magnético: Darkness and Daylights é uma exploração abrangente da navegação no domínio digital com intenção e equilíbrio. Esta coleção analisa os aspectos multifacetados do envolvimento nas redes sociais, oferecendo ideias e estratégias para orientar os leitores através das correntes em constante mudança do mundo online. Desde o consumo consciente de conteú...

    60,20 €

  • Zeitwert des Geldes
    Sakunthala N. / Saravanakumar S.
    Erforschen Sie den komplizierten Tanz zwischen den Grundsätzen des Zeitwerts des Geldes und der globalen Wirtschaft in dieser fesselnden Reise durch die Finanzlandschaft. Die grundlegenden Konzepte des Zeitwerts des Geldes - Gegenwartswert, Zukunftswert und die Dynamik der Zinssätze - dienen als Richtschnur für strategische Finanzentscheidungen. Mit dem Schwerpunkt auf der ents...

    60,44 €

  • Valeur temporelle de l’argent
    Sakunthala N. / Saravanakumar S.
    Explorez la danse complexe entre les principes de la valeur temporelle de l’argent et l’économie mondiale dans ce voyage fascinant à travers les paysages financiers. Les concepts fondamentaux de la valeur temporelle de l’argent - valeur actuelle, valeur future et dynamique des taux d’intérêt - se révèlent être des points de repère pour la prise de décisions financières stratégi...

    60,38 €

  • Valor temporal do dinheiro
    Sakunthala N. / Saravanakumar S.
    Explore a intrincada dança entre os princípios do Valor Temporal do Dinheiro e a economia global nesta viagem fascinante pelas paisagens financeiras. Os conceitos fundamentais do TVM - valor presente, valor futuro e a dinâmica das taxas de juro - revelam-se como luzes orientadoras na tomada de decisões financeiras estratégicas. Enfatizando o papel vital do tempo, esta exploraçã...

    60,38 €

  • The Value of Divination to Spirituality in Life and Social Globalization Liberalism
    N. K. S. R. Nantu Roy / Salween Roy
    Social Globalization held on from the beginning of Human Evolution and thereafter when Society formed which turned to civilization in the route of Settlement lifestyle under leaders where they were  kings and remained as tribal leaders . Societal Collapse was held on and racism formed to different groups of people. Slavery system is implemented by the winner in battle or in war...

    25,30 €

  • Entwicklung von Wohngebieten
    N.S. Nethengwe / Ntanganedzeni Alex Mabasa
    Die Siedlungsentwicklung ist einer der wichtigsten Aspekte, die zur globalen Umweltverschlechterung beitragen. Eine solche Verschlechterung kann zu einer veränderten Bodennutzung und Bodenbedeckung beitragen, die das Mikroklima in Thohoyandou Unit D verändern kann. Aus der neueren Literatur geht hervor, dass der Bau von Häusern, Straßen, Abwasserleitungen und anderen Aktivitäte...

    48,51 €

  • Développement résidentiel
    N.S. Nethengwe / Ntanganedzeni Alex Mabasa
    Le développement résidentiel est l’un des aspects les plus importants qui contribuent à la dégradation de l’environnement mondial. Cette dégradation peut contribuer à une modification de l’utilisation et de l’occupation des sols susceptible de modifier le microclimat de l’unité D de Thohoyandou. La littérature récente a montré que la construction de logements, de routes, de can...

    48,51 €

  • Sviluppo residenziale
    N.S. Nethengwe / Ntanganedzeni Alex Mabasa
    Lo sviluppo residenziale è uno degli aspetti più importanti che contribuiscono al degrado ambientale globale. Tale degrado può contribuire al cambiamento dell’uso e della copertura del suolo che può modificare il microclima dell’Unità D di Thohoyandou. La letteratura recente ha dimostrato che la costruzione di abitazioni, strade, condotte fognarie e altre attività sono responsa...

    48,51 €

  • Desenvolvimento residencial
    N.S. Nethengwe / Ntanganedzeni Alex Mabasa
    O desenvolvimento residencial é um dos aspectos mais importantes que contribuem para a degradação ambiental global. Essa degradação pode contribuir para a alteração do uso e da ocupação do solo, o que pode modificar o microclima da Unidade D de Thohoyandou. A literatura recente demonstrou que a construção de habitações, estradas, condutas de esgotos e outras actividades são res...

    48,51 €

  • Threads of Time
    C. N. Jackson / Christy Nicholas
    Her mission to the past is in shambles. Her future’s in deadly peril. Can this resourceful spitfire stop the present from going sideways?Wilda Firestone suffers no fools. And the seasoned retiree refuses to be tempted by the thrill of time-traveling shenanigans and instead buckles down to train her clueless new protégé. But when a bomb reduces the time machine next door to ashe...

    26,04 €

  • Time Tourist Outfitters, Ltd.
    C. N. Jackson / Christy Nicholas
    No matter where the watch hands turn, she’d rather be binge-watching cooking shows. But when the fate of time travelers hangs in the balance, can she stop the deadly clock?Wilda Firestone survives off black coffee and white-hot sarcasm. And despite the colorful slew of characters filing through her time tourism costume shop, the retired First Nations Temporal Agent thought her ...

    25,99 €

  • A Tether Through The Rift
    Lindsey N. Rhoden
    Hazel is ready to find answers about a past she can’t remember. She has no memories, no family-only the fierce loyalty of Arlo, her ultimate protector turned devoted partner. But after a year of garish nightmares that constantly threaten her stability, she grows unsatisfied and decides to follow the pull she feels inside. Suddenly Hazel is tumbling through a rift between worlds...

    22,46 €

  • Cooking w/ Sgt Perez 'Quick Meals for a Tactical Life '
    N. Alessandro Penington
    Are you constantly on the go? Do you live a tactical life that demands a lot of your time? Are you tired of not having delicious recipes to fuel your life? Are you looking for some quick, easy, delicious, and healthy recipes to enjoy during your crazy life? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are going to want to keep reading.In Cooking With Sgt Perez, you will f...

    20,10 €

  • Cooking w/ Sgt Perez 'Even More Meals from a Military Man'
    N. Alessandro Penington
    Continuing the journey of delicious and quick culinary creations, 'Cooking with Sgt Perez: Even More Meals from a Military Man' brings an entirely new set of recipes tailored for those with a dynamic lifestyle. If you’ve ever felt the constraints of a bustling schedule or the demanding nature of tactical professions like the military or law enforcement, and yearn for variety an...

    20,30 €