3618 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: miguel

  • Formar una pareja...
    Pedro Miguel Garassino
    Amar 'demasiado' causa miedo. Este, y no la incertidumbre, es el peor enemigo para tomar una decisión. En el momento de elegir para desafiar una situación de incertidumbre, comienzan a operar los mecanismos de defensa los que, si no son dominados, paralizan.Informarse es el mejor remedio para reducir el riesgo de equivocarse y de fortalecerse para enfrentar al miedo.Formar una ...

    13,66 €

  • Las aventuras de un campesino
    José Miguel González Riffo
    Las aventuras de un campesino cuenta una historia personal, íntima, ancestral también. Al igual que muchos de nuestros padres que buscaron una mejor condición de vida, en esta novela somos testigos de los inicios de su protagonista, de su viaje a medida que crecía y su relación con la naturaleza, quien siempre está presente y le acompaña.La transición del campo al ambiente cita...

    19,24 €

  • Maikki
    Embárcate en esta aventura llena de acción y fantasíadonde nuestro mundo da un giro de 360º cuandoconverge con un mundo paralelo.Un árbol misterioso, mundos paralelos, un gemelomalvado y amistad, serán los factores correctos para quellegue el héroe que tanto esperábamos.¿Será Maikki capaz de vencer la oscuridad?¿Será que el corazón de nuestro héroe sea capaz desoportar las prue...

    20,80 €

  • Camino Espiritual del Sur por el Geoparque de Granada
    Miguel Ángel Sánchez Rubí
    Esta guía describe un trazado por caminos recuperados para la peregrinación a pie, en bicicleta, con medios motorizados o a cabalgadura, entre Guadix y Caravaca de la Cruz; atravesando las comarcas de Guadix y las de Baza y Huéscar del Altiplano Granadino, junto a la comarca del Noroeste de la Región de Murcia.El camino se estructura en 14 etapas a pie que recorren 318 km sobre...

    19,95 €

  • Analyse von Transmedia-Werbekampagnen und deren Anwendung
    Bryan Rodríguez / Jose Miguel Letamendi
    Transmediales Storytelling nutzt alle verfügbaren Kanäle, um dem Verbraucher einzelne Teile Ihrer Geschichte zu präsentieren und sie miteinander zu verknüpfen. Dieser Prozess stellt neue Anforderungen an die Verbraucher und ist auf die aktive Beteiligung von Gemeinschaften angewiesen, um eine Geschichte endlos zu machen. In diesem Beitrag werden Konzepte, Perspektiven und Beisp...

    74,88 €

  • Analysis of Transmedia Advertising Campaigns and their Application
    Bryan Rodríguez / Jose Miguel Letamendi
    Transmedia storytelling uses all available channels to bring discrete parts of your story to the consumer for them to interrelate. This process places new demands on consumers and relies on the active participation of communities to make a story endless. This paper discusses concepts, perspectives and examples implicit in reading about success stories from transmedia storytelli...

    74,82 €

  • Analisi delle campagne pubblicitarie transmediali e loro applicazione
    Bryan Rodríguez / Jose Miguel Letamendi
    Lo storytelling transmediale utilizza tutti i canali disponibili per portare al consumatore parti discrete della vostra storia e farle interagire tra loro. Questo processo pone nuove esigenze ai consumatori e si basa sulla partecipazione attiva delle comunità per rendere una storia infinita. Questo articolo discute i concetti, le prospettive e gli esempi impliciti nella lettura...

    74,82 €

  • Análise das campanhas publicitárias transmédia e sua aplicação
    Bryan Rodríguez / Jose Miguel Letamendi
    A narrativa transmédia utiliza todos os canais disponíveis para levar partes discretas da sua história ao consumidor para que se inter-relacionem. Este processo coloca novas exigências aos consumidores e baseia-se na participação ativa das comunidades para tornar uma história interminável. Este documento discute conceitos, perspectivas e exemplos implícitos na leitura de histór...

    74,88 €

  • A cuadros
    Miguel Hernández García
    Dieciséis pilotos participantes en un campeonato de motociclismo comparten en estos relatos sus dudas, miedos, frustraciones, esperanzas Aspectos cotidianos como el enamoramiento, el miedo al fracaso, la rivalidad entre hermanos o el suicidio se mezclan con las particularidades del ecosistema profesional de estos deportistas. ...

    10,00 €

  • Trading sin limites
    José Miguel Pascual Gamarra
    Se trata de la primera obra de este autor en el mundo financiero. Aquí hace hincapié en la importancia de la esfera psicológica y emocional del trading. En este libro se recopila gran cantidad de fundamentos psicológicos, que son aplicados de forma eficiente a los mercados bursátiles. Además, se aportan enseñanzas y herramientas para reforzar esta esfera de forma permanente, y ...

    19,95 €

  • Das rechtliche Grundbedürfnis nach den Rechten empfindungsfähiger nicht-menschlicher Lebewesen
    Miguel Furtado
    Das Tier ist ein Lebewesen, das mit dem Menschen identisch ist, das ebenfalls Gefühle wie Glück und Schmerz empfindet und das den gleichen Respekt verdient. In einer Welt, die den Anspruch erhebt, zivilisiert zu sein, und in der die Sorge um die anderen zwingend erforderlich ist, muss sich diese Sorge aufgrund der ständigen Weiterentwicklung des Grundsatzes der Menschenwürde au...

    59,08 €

  • Jusfundamental Need for the Rights of Sentient Non-Human Beings
    Miguel Furtado
    The animal is a living being identical to any human being, who also enjoys emotions such as happiness and pain, and deserves equal respect. In a world that claims to be civilized, where there must be an imperative concern for others, this must be extended to sentient non-human beings, as a result of the permanent evolution of the Principle of the Dignity of the Human Person. In...

    59,08 €

  • Nécessité fondamentale des droits des êtres sensibles non humains
    Miguel Furtado
    L’animal est un être vivant identique à tout être humain, qui éprouve également des émotions telles que le bonheur et la douleur, et qui mérite un respect égal. Dans un monde qui se veut civilisé, où le souci de l’autre doit être impératif, celui-ci doit s’étendre aux êtres sensibles non humains, en raison de l’évolution permanente du Principe de Dignité Humaine. Compte tenu de...

    59,08 €

  • Necessità fondamentale per i diritti degli esseri senzienti non umani
    Miguel Furtado
    L’animale è un essere vivente identico a qualsiasi essere umano, che prova anche emozioni come la felicità e il dolore, e merita uguale rispetto. In un mondo che pretende di essere civile, in cui deve esistere un’attenzione imperativa per gli altri, questa deve estendersi agli esseri senzienti non umani, come risultato dell’evoluzione permanente del Principio di Dignità Umana. ...

    59,08 €

  • From Balfour to Oslo
    Roberto Miguel Rodriguez
    'From Balfour to Oslo: A History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict' provides a comprehensive and balanced analysis of one of the most prolonged and complex conflicts in modern history. This meticulously researched book delves into the intricate web of historical events, political ideologies, and religious sentiments that have shaped the Arab-Israeli conflict from its roots to its co...

    16,80 €

  • Navigating Threats
    Roberto Miguel Rodriguez
    'Navigating Threats: Understanding Israel’s Foreign Policies Since Birth' offers an in-depth analysis of the evolution of Israel’s foreign policies from its inception in 1948 to the present day. This comprehensive work delves into the complex tapestry of diplomatic, military, and economic strategies that have defined Israel’s approach to international relations and security.The...

    15,17 €

  • Nepotism and Corruption in Communist Party Leadership
    Roberto Miguel Rodriguez
    'Nepotism and Corruption in Communist Party Leadership' meticulously examines the intricate web of familial ties, favoritism, and corrupt practices that have permeated various Communist regimes throughout history. This comprehensive and compelling book delves into the paradoxical world of Communist Party leadership, where the ideological commitment to egalitarianism and classle...

    15,33 €

  • Curly, Wavy, or Straight
    Bradley James Loch / Roberto Miguel Rodriguez
    'Curly, Wavy, or Straight: The Coat Types of Doodle Dogs' is an expansive and detailed guide dedicated to helping owners, breeders, and enthusiasts understand the diverse world of Doodle dog coats. Doodle dogs, a popular category of mixed breed dogs that typically includes a Poodle parent, are well-known for their varied and unique coats. This book delves into the genetics, car...

    16,67 €

  • Meio Ambiente
    Este texto pretende proporcionar ao leitor, como módulo de estudo, um amplo conjunto de conceptualizações e técnicas em relação à gestão dos aspectos ambientais, acompanhadas de critérios e directrizes de atuação com o objetivo de facilitar a sua aplicação, adaptando-as aos interesses e necessidades das partes interessadas; A aplicação de técnicas de cuidado do ambiente que se ...

    83,20 €

  • Umfeld
    Dieser Text zielt darauf ab, dem Leser als Studienmodul eine breite Palette von Konzepten und Techniken in Bezug auf das Management von Umweltaspekten zur Verfügung zu stellen, begleitet von Kriterien und Leitlinien für Maßnahmen mit dem Ziel, die Umsetzung zu erleichtern, indem sie an die Interessen und Bedürfnisse der interessierten Parteien angepasst werden; Die Anwendung vo...

    83,19 €

  • Environment
    This text intends to make available to the reader as a study module; a broad set of conceptualization and techniques in relation to the management of environmental aspects, accompanied by criteria and guidelines for action with the purpose of facilitating the implementation, adapting them to the interests and needs of the interested parties; The application of techniques for th...

    83,23 €

  • Ambiente
    Questo testo si propone di fornire al lettore, come modulo di studio, un ampio insieme di concettualizzazioni e tecniche in relazione alla gestione degli aspetti ambientali, corredate da criteri e linee guida per l’azione allo scopo di facilitarne l’attuazione, adattandole agli interessi e alle esigenze delle parti interessate; l’applicazione di tecniche per la cura dell’ambien...

    83,20 €

  • Environnement
    Ce texte vise à fournir au lecteur, en tant que module d’étude, un vaste ensemble de conceptualisations et de techniques relatives à la gestion des aspects environnementaux, accompagnées de critères et de lignes directrices pour l’action dans le but de faciliter la mise en œuvre, en les adaptant aux intérêts et aux besoins des parties intéressées ; L’application des techniques ...

    83,20 €

  • Corazón
    Gloria I San Miguel
    La serie de libros WordPOWER destaca el poder que realmente tienen las palabras. Todo el mundo tiene una historia y todo el mundo tiene palabras que han impactado sus vidas.WordPOWER, una iniciativa de Fig Factor Media, reúne palabras poderosas para crear libros significativos. Con ahora 25 libros en la serie con su primera edición en inglés y segunda edición en español, WordPO...

    24,48 €

  • Encore! Encore!
    Elías Miguel Muñoz
    Behind the Beauty of a Tropical Paradise is a World Seldom Seen... Step into the world of Encore! Encore! as it unveils the captivating tapestry of Santo Domingo in the early 1980s-a place where tropical allure meets the struggles of a developing nation. the heart of this evocative tale lies the Hotel Cristóbal, a clandestine stage for the 'biz' of sex work. As the story unfold...

    15,19 €

  • Sacred Ties
    Roberto Miguel Rodriguez
    In 'Sacred Ties,' readers are taken on a captivating journey across the globe, exploring the myriad ways in which societies come together to celebrate the union of two individuals. Through a careful anthropological lens, the book delves deep into the rituals, symbols, and traditions that form the bedrock of wedding ceremonies from various cultures and epochs.The narrative begin...

    14,02 €

  • Unsettled Borders
    Roberto Miguel Rodriguez
    'Unsettled Borders' offers a comprehensive exploration into the long-standing territorial dispute between Guyana and Venezuela, focusing on the resource-rich Esequibo region. While many territorial disputes find their roots in ancient claims or colonial legacy, the Esequibo contention has taken on fresh urgency in the face of modern geopolitics and the discovery of vast oil res...

    14,14 €

  • The United States 'Easy' Wars and Diplomatic Maneuverings
    Roberto Miguel Rodriguez
    'The United States ’Easy’ Wars and Diplomatic Maneuvering' offers a comprehensive exploration of the lesser-discussed military engagements of the United States-those that, on the surface, appeared to be swiftly concluded with minimal American casualties. However, as the book delves deeper, it uncovers the complexities, strategies, and diplomatic efforts that underpinned these o...

    14,24 €

  • Masters of Deceit
    Roberto Miguel Rodriguez
    In the shadowy world of espionage, where truth intertwines with deception, 'Masters of Deceit' delves deep into the enigmatic realm of double agents and the high-stakes game of counterintelligence. These are individuals who defy the common understanding of loyalty, navigating between enemy lines, and constantly reshaping the balance of global power.Through a series of thrilling...

    14,05 €

  • Seniors with Age-Related Memory Decline
    Roberto Miguel Rodriguez
    Navigating the challenges of age-related memory decline is no small feat. 'Memory Matters' offers an empathetic and comprehensive guide tailored specifically for caregivers of seniors who are grappling with this often daunting and emotional journey.The book sheds light on the intricacies of age-related memory loss, distinguishing between normal signs of aging and more concernin...

    14,02 €