3354 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: london

  • Volume Five Modern Origins, Developments, and Perspectives Against the Background of Ma
    A. London Fell / ALondon Fell

    120,34 €

  • Women and Property in the Eighteenth-Century English Novel
    April London / London April

    124,22 €

  • Le Mort de La Tamise
    Mary London / JPBaudricourt
    Le mechant garcon d’une illustre famille est assassine et jete a la Tamise. Sir Malcom Ivory aide de son fidele ami, le superintendant Douglas Forbes, devra resoudre une enigme d’autant plus compliquee qu’elle se situe dans l’univers feutre de la grande aristocratie anglaise.Qui etait reellement ce Jack Boyleston, grand coureur de filles, tricheur et pervers dont on retrouve le...

    16,97 €

  • Un Crime Chinois
    Mary London
    Brian Wallace, dernier descendant d’une illustre lignee britannique, est assassine sauvagement dans son chateau de Chiltern Ground, a la suite du diner d’anniversaire de ses trente-cinq ans. Le superintendant Douglas Forbes risque sa carriere dans cette retentissante affaire dont les medias se sont empares, au grand dam de Buckingham Palace. ...

    17,04 €

  • Sept Ladies Pour Un Meurtre
    Mary London
    Que se passe-t-il a Clarendon House? La veuve du celebre colonel Carter a-t-elle ete empoisonnee dans la pension pour vieilles femmes seules dirigee par la distinguee Mrs Gladstone? Sir Malcolm Ivory devra enqueter parmi des vieilles dames que leur medecin, le seduisant docteur Ashby, a bien raison de trouver trop cachottieres. Mais qui etait au juste Mrs. Carter? Qui sont ces ...

    13,72 €

  • Un Meurtre Chez Les Francs-Macons
    Mary London
    A Londres, un grand banquier est assassine de facon curieuse lors d’une ceremonie maconnique. Sir Ivory, le gentleman champion d’echecs, amateur d’orchidees et de livres rares, va se trouver confronte a une enigme d’autant plus sombre que le secret regne en loi absolue dans ce monde mysterieux. D’ailleurs, pourquoi une femme du meilleur monde assistait-elle ce jour-la a un rite...

    14,87 €

  • La Double Mort de Thomas Stuart
    Mary London / JPBaudricourt

    16,95 €

  • Le Crime Etrange de Greenwich
    Mary London / JPBaudricourt
    Prenez une pipe de marin hollandais, un reste de cigarillo tache de rouge a levres, un catalogue d’eventails, un fou noir de jeu d’echecs et vous vous trouverez devant l’une des plus belles enigmes qu’ait eu a resoudre le sagace sir Malcome Ivory, flanque de son inevitable ami, le superintendant Douglas Forbes de Scotland Yard. Owen Griffith est retrouve pendu dans l’appartemen...

    17,00 €

  • Landlording as a Second Income
    Lawrence London
    More than just a how-to-buy real estate book, this handbook will guide you through every phase of landlording, from finding the right property to profitable, problem-free management. ...

    16,58 €

  • Origins of Legislative Sovereignty and the Legislative State
    A. London Fell / ALondon Fell

    120,49 €

  • Achieving Performance Excellence in University Administration
    Manuel London

    121,52 €

  • Human Reproductive Decisions
    Dunbar R. I. M. / England) Sympo Galton Institute (London

    160,70 €

  • Origins of Legislative Sovereignty and the Legislative State
    A. London Fell / ALondon Fell

    120,76 €

  • Human Resource Development in Changing Organizations
    Manuel London / Richard A. Wueste / Richard AWueste

    121,42 €

  • Origins of Legislative Sovereignty and the Legislative State
    A. London Fell / ALondon Fell

    120,38 €

  • White Fang
    Jack London
    White Fang is a story of a half-wolf, half-dog, who completely understands the cruelty of both nature and humans. After nearly dying to death during the cold Arctic winter, he is seized in first by a man who 'trains' him through constant whipping and later compelled to participate in brutal fights. The story takes a twist as he survives these obstacles and finally meets someone...

    12,25 €

  • The Call of the Wild
    Jack London
    The Call of the Wild is a classic work of animal fiction. A true example of American pastoralism, it reaches back to the time when dog and man first came together. At that time they were rather similar, hairy creatures struggling for survival. The story onsets when a dog was plucked from an indolent early life as a household pet, to become part of a sledge team. The story is fi...

    9,57 €

  • The Iron Heel
    Jack London
       The Iron Heel is a dystopian novel by American writer Jack London, first published in 1908. Generally considered to be 'the earliest of the modern Dystopian,' it chronicles the rise of an oligarchic tyranny in the United States. It is arguably the novel in which Jack London's socialist views are most explicitly on display.   To understand the full impact of the dystopia ...

    13,26 €

  • Before Adam
    Jack London
    Before Adam is a historical novel by Jack London, serialized in 1906 and 1907 in Everybody's Magazine. It is the story of a man who dreams he lives the life of an early hominid Australopithecine.The story offers an early view of human evolution. The majority of the story is told through the eyes of the man's hominid alter ego, one of the Cave People. In addition to the ...

    11,96 €

  • White Fang
    Jack London
    Unabridged value reproduction of Jack London’s novel White Fang is the essence of the raw American frontier, with wild animals in the wild world of humans.  Taste the bitter cold in the unforgettable adventure of White Fang.London writes of dogs driven by, “instinct, sensation, and emotion, and by simple reasoning,” which leaves the reader wanting more chapter after chapter.Rea...

    17,61 €

  • The Sea-Wolf
    Jack London
    'Surely there can be little in this world more awful than the spectacle of a strong man in the moment when he is utterly weak and broken.' - Jack London, The Sea Wolf (1904) The Sea Wolf (1904), published on the heels of Jack London’s widely popular The Call of the Wild, sold out 40,000 copies in its first printing. Considered a psychological adventure novel, the story features...

    22,02 €

  • The Call of the Wild
    Jack London
    The Call of the Wild is a short adventure novel by Jack London, published in 1903 and set in Yukon, Canada, during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush, when strong sled dogs were in high demand. The central character of the novel is a dog named Buck. The story opens at a ranch in Santa Clara Valley, California, when Buck is stolen from his home and sold into service as a sled dog in A...

    13,19 €

  • The People of the Abyss
    Jack London
    'Then arises the third and inexorable question: If Civilisation has increased the producing power of the average man, why has it not bettered the lot of the average man? There can be one answer only-MISMANAGEMENT.' - Jack London, The People of the Abyss (1903)The People of the Abyss (1903) documents Jack London’s firsthand account of his time in London’s East End living among t...

    22,03 €

  • The Republic of Uruguay, South America
    Uruguay Consulado London
    The Uruguayan Consulate in London published this guide to Uruguay in 1883 - today, it offers a unique and detailed history of the early years of the Republic as told by well-informed government officials.In an attempt to inform interested persons about its qualities, the Uruguayan Embassy produced this book. The United Kingdom was then the largest trading partner of the country...

    12,27 €