LIBROS DEL AUTOR: hossein gholami

133 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: hossein gholami

  • Metodi numerici in ingegneria civile
    Hossein Gholami / Hossein Norouzi / Shahide Dehghan
    L’obiettivo di questo libro è fornire agli studenti le conoscenze fondamentali dell’analisi agli elementi finiti e le modalità di applicazione di tali conoscenze alla soluzione di problemi di ingegneria civile a livello intermedio e avanzato. Al termine di questa unità, gli studenti dovranno acquisire la conoscenza dei metodi di formulazione delle equazioni agli elementi finiti...

    60,83 €

  • Numerische Methoden im Bauwesen
    Hossein Gholami / Hossein Norouzi / Shahide Dehghan
    Ziel dieses Buches ist es, den Studierenden grundlegende Kenntnisse der Finite-Elemente-Analyse zu vermitteln und ihnen zu zeigen, wie sie diese Kenntnisse bei der Lösung von Problemen im Bauwesen auf mittlerem und fortgeschrittenem Niveau anwenden können. Am Ende dieser Einheit sollten die Studierenden Kenntnisse über die Methoden zur Formulierung von Finite-Elemente-Gleichung...

    60,95 €

  • Méthodes numériques en génie civil
    Hossein Gholami / Hossein Norouzi / Shahide Dehghan
    L’objectif de cet ouvrage est de fournir aux étudiants les connaissances fondamentales de l’analyse par éléments finis et la manière d’appliquer ces connaissances à la résolution de problèmes de génie civil de niveau intermédiaire et avancé. A la fin de cette unité, les étudiants devraient acquérir une connaissance des méthodes de formulation des équations des éléments finis, d...

    60,89 €

  • Artificial Neural Network for Civil Engineering
    Hossein Gholami / Hossein Norouzi / Shahide Dehghan
    In recent years, artificial neural networks (ANN) and artificial intelligence (AI), in general, have garnered significant attention with respect to their applications in several scientific fields, varying from big data management to medical diagnosis. ANN techniques are already used in everyday applications, such as personalized advertisements, virtual assistants, autonomous dr...

    84,28 €

  • Numerical Investigation in Geotechnical Engineering
    Hossein Gholami / Hossein Norouzi / Shahide Dehghan
    In recent decades, with the acceleration of urbanization and rapid economic development, research on underground space development and utilization, ground improvement, disaster prevention and control in engineering geology, environmental geotechnical engineering, and other fields is increasing. With the advance of computer technology and the progress of computing power, numeric...

    60,64 €

  • Barrage en béton
    Hossein Gholami / Nayereh Rahimi / Shahide Dehghan
    Un barrage à mur solide qui est créé afin de contrôler ou de changer la direction de l’eau à travers la vallée ou entre deux montagnes et le long de la rivière. L’augmentation de la hauteur de l’eau par la création d’un barrage ne peut avoir pour but que de contrôler ou de changer la direction de l’eau de la rivière, ou de stocker l’eau derrière le barrage pour l’agriculture, l...

    85,59 €

  • Barragem de betão
    Hossein Gholami / Nayereh Rahimi / Shahide Dehghan
    Uma forte barragem de parede que é criada para controlar ou mudar a direcção da água através do vale ou entre duas montanhas e ao longo do rio. Aumentar a altura da água através da criação de uma barragem só pode ter como objectivo controlar ou alterar a direcção da água do rio, ou armazenar água atrás da barragem para a agricultura, irrigação e abastecimento de água, ou mesmo ...

    85,53 €

  • Diga in calcestruzzo
    Hossein Gholami / Nayereh Rahimi / Shahide Dehghan
    Una forte diga a muro che viene creata per controllare o cambiare la direzione dell’acqua attraverso la valle o tra due montagne e lungo il fiume. L’aumento dell’altezza dell’acqua attraverso la creazione di una diga può avere solo lo scopo di controllare o cambiare la direzione dell’acqua del fiume, o di immagazzinare l’acqua dietro la diga per l’agricoltura, l’irrigazione e l...

    85,53 €

  • Betondamm
    Hossein Gholami / Nayereh Rahimi / Shahide Dehghan
    Eine starke Staumauer, die errichtet wird, um die Richtung des Wassers im Tal oder zwischen zwei Bergen und entlang des Flusses zu kontrollieren oder zu ändern. Die Erhöhung des Wasserspiegels durch den Bau eines Staudamms kann nur dazu dienen, die Richtung des Flusswassers zu kontrollieren oder zu ändern, oder das Wasser hinter dem Damm für die Landwirtschaft, die Bewässerung ...

    85,59 €

  • Water Engineering in Numerical Method
    Hossein Gholami / Hossein Norouzi / Shahide Dehghan
    Underground water sources are one of the most important sources of water supply, so their modeling is important. In the meantime, studying and investigating the fluctuations of the underground water level in terms of management studies, creating engineering structures, agricultural uses and obtaining high quality underground water is of great importance. Most of the demand for ...

    60,52 €

  • Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering
    Hossein Gholami / Hossein Norouzi / Shahide Dehghan
    The objective of this book is to provide students with fundamental knowledge of finite element analysis and how to apply this knowledge to the solution of civil engineering problems at intermediate and advanced levels. At the end of this unit, students should acquire knowledge of methods of formulating finite element equations, basic element types, the use of finite element met...

    60,64 €

  • Optimização da Estrutura Hidráulica
    Hossein Gholami / Nayereh Rahimi / Shahide Dehghan
    A engenharia da água e estruturas hidráulicas é uma tendência completamente inovadora que só pode ser encontrada nos Países Baixos. Porque um dos desafios que os estadistas holandeses têm pela frente é manter a integridade territorial do país face à subida do nível do mar. É activo no campo da análise e concepção de estruturas que de alguma forma lidam com a água e são utilizad...

    85,14 €

  • Optimierung von Wasserbauwerken
    Hossein Gholami / Nayereh Rahimi / Shahide Dehghan
    Wasserbau und Wasserbauwerke sind ein völlig neuer Trend, der nur in den Niederlanden zu finden ist. Weil eine der Herausforderungen für die niederländischen Staatsmänner darin besteht, die territoriale Integrität des Landes angesichts des steigenden Meeresspiegels zu bewahren, ist sie im Bereich der Analyse und des Entwurfs von Strukturen aktiv, die irgendwie mit Wasser zu tun...

    85,21 €

  • Ottimizzazione della struttura idraulica
    Hossein Gholami / Nayereh Rahimi / Shahide Dehghan
    L’ingegneria dell’acqua e delle strutture idrauliche è una tendenza completamente innovativa che si può trovare solo nei Paesi Bassi. È attiva nel campo dell’analisi e della progettazione di strutture che in qualche modo hanno a che fare con l’acqua e sono utilizzate in edifici idraulici. In effetti, questa tendenza è una combinazione di tendenze relative alle strutture e all’a...

    85,14 €

  • Optimisation des structures hydrauliques
    Hossein Gholami / Nayereh Rahimi / Shahide Dehghan
    L’ingénierie de l’eau et des structures hydrauliques est une tendance totalement innovante que l’on ne trouve qu’aux Pays-Bas. Parce que l’un des défis qui attend les hommes d’État néerlandais est de maintenir l’intégrité territoriale du pays face à l’élévation du niveau de la mer, elle est active dans le domaine de l’analyse et de la conception de structures qui, d’une manière...

    85,14 €

  • Construction Management Optimization
    Hossein Gholami / Nayereh Rahimi / Shahide Dehghan
    It addresses topics including decision-making principles, planning and scheduling, mathematical forecasting models, optimization techniques programming and artificial intelligence techniques. Providing a valuable resource for anyone managing multiple projects in the construction industry, this book is intended for civil and construction engineering students, project managers, c...

    61,82 €

  • Insurance Investment
    Hossein Gholami / Nayereh Rahimi / Shahide Dehghan
    Today, insurance companies, as a financial service institution, along with banks and other credit institutions, play a significant role in the economic development process of countries by creating economic-social security and creating a suitable platform for investment. In addition to the fact that insurance companies play a significant role in creating economic security and in...

    61,94 €

  • Worker Health
    Hossein Gholami / Nayereh Rahimi / Shahide Dehghan
    How can a holistic approach to worker well-being assist in improving the safety and health of workers?Total Worker Health is defined as policies, programs, and practices that integrate protection from work-related safety and health hazards with promotion of injury and illness-prevention efforts to advance worker well-being. The Total Worker Health (TWH) approach seeks to improv...

    62,02 €

  • Dam Stability
    Hossein Gholami / Hossein Norouzi / Shahide Dehghan
    A dam is a barrier that stops or restricts the flow of surface water or underground streams. Reservoirs created by dams not only suppress floods but also provide water for activities such as irrigation, human consumption, industrial use, aquaculture, and navigability. Hydropower is often used in conjunction with dams to generate electricity. A dam can also be used to collect or...

    62,02 €

  • Globale Erwärmung
    Hossein Gholami / Morteza Soltani / Shahide Dehghan
    Die globale Erwärmung ist die seit der vorindustriellen Zeit (zwischen 1850 und 1900) beobachtete langfristige Erwärmung der Erdoberfläche, die auf menschliche Aktivitäten, vor allem die Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe, zurückzuführen ist, die den Gehalt an wärmespeichernden Treibhausgasen in der Erdatmosphäre erhöht. Dieser Begriff ist nicht austauschbar mit dem Begriff 'Klim...

    59,46 €

  • Le réchauffement de la planète
    Hossein Gholami / Morteza Soltani / Shahide Dehghan
    Le réchauffement planétaire est le réchauffement à long terme de la surface de la Terre observé depuis la période préindustrielle (entre 1850 et 1900) en raison des activités humaines, principalement la combustion de combustibles fossiles, qui augmentent les niveaux de gaz à effet de serre pièges à chaleur dans l’atmosphère terrestre. Ce terme n’est pas interchangeable avec l’e...

    59,46 €

  • Riscaldamento globale
    Hossein Gholami / Morteza Soltani / Shahide Dehghan
    Il riscaldamento globale è il riscaldamento a lungo termine della superficie terrestre osservato a partire dal periodo preindustriale (tra il 1850 e il 1900) a causa delle attività umane, in primo luogo la combustione di combustibili fossili, che aumentano i livelli di gas serra nell’atmosfera terrestre. Questo termine non è intercambiabile con il termine 'cambiamento climatico...

    59,39 €

  • Intelligent Control of Water Resources
    Hossein Gholami / Morteza Soltani / Shahide Dehghan
    Water covers 70% of our planet. If you think this figure is reassuring and wonder why should we care about such a plentiful resource, then think again. Water scarcity is a growing issue. According to several UN reports, it will directly affect nearly 20% of the human population by 2025. By 2040, roughly 1 in 4 children worldwide will be living in areas of extremely high-water s...

    59,33 €

  • Wasserveredelung
    Hossein Gholami / Morteza Soltani / Shahide Dehghan
    Wasseraufbereitung ist jedes Verfahren, das die Qualität des Wassers verbessert, um es für eine bestimmte Endnutzung geeignet zu machen. Die Endnutzung kann als Trinkwasser, für die industrielle Wasserversorgung, zur Bewässerung, zur Aufrechterhaltung des Wasserflusses, zur Erholung oder für viele andere Zwecke, einschließlich der sicheren Rückführung in die Umwelt, erfolgen. D...

    79,18 €

  • Raffinement de l’eau
    Hossein Gholami / Morteza Soltani / Shahide Dehghan
    Le traitement de l’eau est un processus qui améliore la qualité de l’eau pour la rendre appropriée à une utilisation finale spécifique. L’utilisation finale peut être la consommation, l’approvisionnement en eau industrielle, l’irrigation, le maintien du débit des rivières, les loisirs aquatiques ou de nombreuses autres utilisations, y compris le retour en toute sécurité dans l’...

    79,19 €

  • Affinamento dell’acqua
    Hossein Gholami / Morteza Soltani / Shahide Dehghan
    Il trattamento dell’acqua è un processo che migliora la qualità dell’acqua per renderla adatta a uno specifico uso finale. L’uso finale può essere quello potabile, l’approvvigionamento idrico industriale, l’irrigazione, la manutenzione del flusso fluviale, la ricreazione acquatica o molti altri usi, compreso il ritorno in sicurezza nell’ambiente. Il trattamento dell’acqua rimuo...

    79,21 €

  • Refinamento da água
    Hossein Gholami / Morteza Soltani / Shahide Dehghan
    O tratamento da água é qualquer processo que melhore a qualidade da água para a tornar apropriada para uma utilização final específica. A utilização final pode ser potável, abastecimento de água industrial, irrigação, manutenção do fluxo do rio, recreação da água ou muitas outras utilizações, incluindo o seu regresso em segurança ao ambiente. O tratamento da água remove contami...

    79,19 €

  • Global Warming
    Hossein Gholami / Morteza Soltani / Shahide Dehghan
    Global warming is the long-term heating of Earth’s surface observed since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere. This term is not interchangeable with the term 'climate change.'Since the pre-industrial period, human activities are estimat...

    57,96 €

  • Water Refinement
    Hossein Gholami / Morteza Soltani / Shahide Dehghan
    Water treatment is any process that improves the quality of water to make it appropriate for a specific end-use. The end use may be drinking, industrial water supply, irrigation, river flow maintenance, water recreation or many other uses, including being safely returned to the environment. Water treatment removes contaminants and undesirable components, or reduces their concen...

    76,65 €

  • Sviluppo sostenibile dell’ambiente
    Elahe Zamani / Hossein Gholami / Shahide Dehghan
    In questa ricerca, in primo luogo, attraverso studi comparativi, sono state indagate le misure adottate su casi campione in periodi di tempo specifici e i loro effetti sugli ecosistemi naturali. Poi la spiegazione delle misure di sviluppo sostenibile utilizzate dagli architetti nella progettazione di questi edifici era all’ordine del giorno. Poi i risultati sono presentati in m...

    94,36 €

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