LIBROS DEL AUTOR: hanan elzeblawy hassan

45 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: hanan elzeblawy hassan

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  • Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung im Gouvernement Beni-Suef
    Fatma Hosny Abd-ELhakam / Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan / Momen Zakaria Mohamed
    Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung oder Beschneidung ist ein traditionelles und kulturelles Verfahren, das alle Eingriffe umfasst, die eine teilweise oder vollständige Entfernung der äußeren weiblichen Genitalien oder andere Verletzungen der weiblichen Geschlechtsorgane aus nichtmedizinischen Gründen beinhalten.Die am häufigsten genannten Gründe für FGM/C sind soziale Konventionen,...

    111,65 €

  • Mutilations génitales féminines dans le gouvernorat de Beni-Suef
    Fatma Hosny Abd-ELhakam / Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan / Momen Zakaria Mohamed
    La mutilation génitale féminine ou excision est une procédure traditionnelle et culturelle qui comprend toutes les procédures impliquant l’ablation partielle ou totale des organes génitaux externes de la femme ou d’autres lésions des organes génitaux féminins pour des raisons non médicales.Les raisons les plus souvent invoquées pour justifier l’E/MGF sont les conventions social...

    111,69 €

  • Mutilazioni genitali femminili nel governatorato di Beni-Suef
    Fatma Hosny Abd-ELhakam / Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan / Momen Zakaria Mohamed
    La mutilazione genitale femminile o taglio è una procedura tradizionale e culturale che comprende tutte le procedure che comportano la rimozione parziale o totale dei genitali femminili esterni o altre lesioni agli organi genitali femminili per motivi non medici.Le ragioni più comunemente addotte per la FGM/C sono le convenzioni sociali, la religione, la garanzia della verginit...

    111,70 €

  • Sexuelle Dysfunktion bei Frauen mit Gebärmutterhalskrebs
    Hagar Kamal Masaud / Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan / Soad Abd El Salam Ramadan
    Gebärmutterhalskrebs wirkt sich auf alle Aspekte des Lebens einer Patientin aus, auch auf die sexuelle Funktion und die Intimität. Die Leistungserbringer im Gesundheitswesen fragen ihre Patientinnen nicht danach, und den Frauen ist es oft unangenehm, das Thema von sich aus anzusprechen. Sexuelle Funktionsstörungen stellen eine Herausforderung für das soziale, geistige, emotiona...

    112,95 €

  • Dysfonctionnement sexuel chez les femmes atteintes d’un cancer du col de l’utérus
    Hagar Kamal Masaud / Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan / Soad Abd El Salam Ramadan
    Le cancer du col de l’utérus affecte tous les aspects de la vie d’une patiente, y compris le fonctionnement sexuel et l’intimité. Les prestataires de soins de santé n’interrogent pas leurs patientes à ce sujet et les femmes peuvent se sentir mal à l’aise d’aborder elles-mêmes la question. Le dysfonctionnement sexuel pose des problèmes au niveau du bien-être social, mental, émot...

    112,95 €

  • Disfunzioni sessuali tra le donne con cancro cervicale
    Hagar Kamal Masaud / Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan / Soad Abd El Salam Ramadan
    Il cancro della cervice uterina influisce su tutti gli aspetti della vita di una paziente, compresi il funzionamento sessuale e l’intimità. Gli operatori sanitari non chiedono alle pazienti di parlarne e le donne possono sentirsi a disagio nell’affrontare l’argomento da sole. Le disfunzioni sessuali rappresentano una sfida per il benessere sociale, mentale, emotivo e fisico di ...

    112,98 €

  • Disfunção sexual em mulheres com cancro do colo do útero
    Hagar Kamal Masaud / Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan / Soad Abd El Salam Ramadan
    O cancro do colo do útero afecta todos os aspectos da vida de uma paciente, incluindo o funcionamento sexual e a intimidade. Os prestadores de cuidados de saúde não perguntam às doentes sobre o assunto e as mulheres podem sentir-se pouco à vontade para abordar o tema por si próprias. A disfunção sexual coloca desafios ao bem-estar social, mental, emocional e físico de uma pesso...

    112,96 €

  • Sexual Dysfunction among Women with Cervical Cancer
    Hagar Kamal Masaud / Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan / Soad Abd El Salam Ramadan
    Cervical cancer affects all aspects of a patient’s life, including sexual functioning and intimacy. Health care providers don’t ask patients about it, and women may be uncomfortable broaching the topic on their own. Sexual dysfunction poses challenges to one’s social, mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. It may occur as a result of the nature of a cancer, such as a cancer...

    111,65 €

  • Pre-Gynecological Examination Counseling Session
    Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan / Kamilia Ragab AbouShabana / Somaia Ragab Eid
    Gynecological examination is a crucial part of gynecological control. It is a stressful procedure, and the woman may respond negatively as a consequence of her lack of orientation before the examination. Previous negative experiences of gynecological examination, inattention to privacy, religious beliefs, fear of pain, fear of pathological diagnosis, fear about personal hygiene...

    85,76 €

  • Deep Breathing and Kegel Exercises
    Amel Ahmed Omran / Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan / Samar shaban Abdelazim
    Urinary incontinence is a complex and serious condition that can affect menopausal women. It is not only a serious medical condition but also an undeniable psychosocial problem, creating embarrassment and negative self-perception, loss of self-steam, impaired body image, a decreased ability to maintain an independent lifestyle, and social isolation. Early detection of urinary i...

    96,16 €

  • Effect of Simulation on Students’ Achievement in Normal Labor Modules
    Galal Ahmed EL-Kholy / Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan / Noha Hassan Mohamed
    Simulation is potential tools that may help nursing educators prepare future nurses to practice in a real environment. It is a teaching strategy that provides students with an artificial representation of a complex real-life situation, enabling them to learn in a safe environment. Based on its degree of realism, it ranges from low to high fidelity. Low-fidelity simulation refer...

    85,81 €

  • Female Genital Mutilation at Beni-Suef Governorate
    Fatma Hosny Abd-ELhakam / Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan / Momen Zakaria Mohamed
    Female genital mutilation or cutting is a traditional and cultural procedure that includes all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injuries to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.The most commonly claimed reasons for FGM/C were social conventions, religion, ensuring premarital virginity and marital fidelity, e...

    111,74 €

  • Benefits of Folic Acid Intake before and during Pregnancy
    Entisar Mohammed Youness / Fatma Saber Nady / Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan
    Because folic acid plays a role in normal cell division, its intake is important during pregnancy for the rapidly dividing embryonic cells. Consuming sufficient folate before and during early pregnancy can help prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly and can reduce the incidence of congenital heart disease. A deficiency of folate can occur when the body...

    111,76 €

  • Women Undergoing Gynecological and Breast Cancer Treatment
    Entisar Mohammed Youness / Fatma Saber Nady / Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan
    Gynecological cancer is the fourth most common type worldwide; the steep rise in chronic illnesses constitutes a public health challenge for health services and policymakers. The diagnosis of cancer affects patients and their families physically, financially, and emotionally. Cancer is still considered synonymous with death, pain, and suffering. Therefore, there is a need for a...

    111,65 €

  • Impact of Nursing Intervention on Relief of Breast Engorgement
    Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan
    Breast engorgement is defined as enlarged and filling of breast with milk. It is one of the most significant problems confronting nursing women, especially primiparous, in the first week of motherhood. In spite the fact that breast engorgement is neither serious nor life threatening, yet its negligence may lead to serious breast complications. Therefore it should be controlled ...

    129,55 €

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