LIBROS DEL AUTOR: elizabeth clare prophet

135 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: elizabeth clare prophet

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  • Aura Humana, El
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet / Mark L. Prophet
    La ciencia ha comprobado su existencia. La fotografía Kirlian ha captado el color, la intensidad y el movimiento de su luminiscencia misteriosa. Los investigadores médicos de la Universidad de Yale han llegado a la conclusión de que las enfermedades se pueden detectar antes de que se manifiesten en el cuerpo físico mediante el estudio de esta fuerza vital que rodea a todo hombr...

    18,58 €

  • Caminando con el Maestro
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet
    Jesús llamó a un grupo pequeño de discípulos para que dejaran sus redes y lo siguieran. Les dio una enseñanza y un sendero de iniciación; lo que encontramos en el Nuevo Testamento es solo un fragmento de ello. Este sendero es tan real y tan vital hoy como en la época de Jesús. Y ahora, en el cambio de una era, el maestro ascendido Jesús llama a los que desean ser sus discípulos...

    20,01 €

  • Llama violeta, Alquimia para un cambio personal
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet
    Durante miles de años, la llama violeta fue un secreto experimentado por los místicos y conocido por los maestros espirituales, de Oriente y Occidente, quienes lo enseñaron solo a sus discípulos. Ahora, ¡la llama violeta está disponible para todos! La llama violeta es una luz de alta frecuencia que puedes usar para cambiar tu vida. Disuelve la energía negativa y la convierte en...

    20,01 €

  • Llama violeta, Para curar cuerpo, mente y alma
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet
    Edgar Cayce, vidente el siglo XX, reconoció el poder curativo de la luz violeta. Dannion Brinkley vio y contactó la llama violeta en sus experiencias cercanas a la muerte. Sanadores y alquimistas han utilizado esta energía espiritual de alta frecuencia para traer equilibrio energético y transformación espiritual. Ahora tú puedes aplicar las técnicas prácticas de este libro para...

    10,58 €

  • Saint Germain sobre alquimia
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet
    En el siglo XVIII este hombre prodigioso de Europa fue confidente de reyes y amigo de los pobres. Sus bien documentados milagros eran la consecuencia natural de su práctica de la alquimia espiritual, cuyos principios imparte en este, el más grande de todos los libros de ayuda personal y mundial. El mensaje básico de Saint Germain sobre alquimia es que tú no estás atado de pies ...

    24,01 €

  • Tus siete centros de energía
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet / Patricia R. Spadaro
    Tus siete centros de energía contienen profundas ideas y herramientas para alcanzar la plenitud, basándose en la ciencia del sutil sistema energético del cuerpo. Se inspira en la sabiduría de las tradiciones espirituales del mundo para mostrar cómo puedes cuidar de tu alma mediante siete fases de crecimiento personal. Se incluye una visión general de las técnicas holísticas, qu...

    10,61 €

  • Morya and You
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet / Mark L. Prophet
    Sometimes we look a stranger in the eye and have a flash of recognition: we know this person! You may feel an instant soul connection when you gaze into the eyes of the fierce being whose portrait graces the cover of this book. Who is he?He is the ascended master El Morya. Now a purely spiritual being, he’s had many earthly embodiments where millions of souls knew him intimat...

    15,54 €

  • The Lost Teachings of Jesus
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet / Mark L. Prophet
    In Book 1 of their Lost Teachings of Jesus series, Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet demonstrate that many of Jesus’ original teachings were lost. In Book 2, they go one step further. They show how early churchmen, aided and abetted by the Roman emperors Constantine and Justinian, distorted Jesus’ true teachings. And robbed you of what he wanted you to know about the ...

    12,97 €

  • Ashram Notes
    El Morya / Elizabeth Clare Prophet / Mark L. Prophet / Mark LProphet
    Have you ever wondered what you could do to become more spiritually alive?Have you ever wondered how you could contact beings of Light who would help you in your spiritual growth?Have you ever wondered what you could do on a spiritual level to help people, say, in Calcutta or Lima or in the streets of New York?In Ashram Notes, El Morya tells you how to do all three.He starts by...

    13,14 €

  • How to Work with Nature Spirits
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet
    How can we help Mother Nature?Nature spirits, also known as elementals, are the unseen helpers who lovingly tend the elements of earth, air, fire, and water in Earth’s biosphere. Given the weight of world karma, the burden of humankind’s negative thoughts, words and deeds, and the high levels of pollution and ecological imbalance in the world today, the nature spirits desperate...

    8,70 €

  • El Sendero del Yo Superior
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet / Mark L. Prophet
    El Sendero del Yo Superior es la pieza clave de un siglo de literatura metafísica: una guía que nos ayudará a ascender por la montaña del Ser. En un solo volumen se te revela el código olvidado de la Identidad, la Naturaleza y la Vida misma. Cada página desgrana explicaciones prácticas y científicas sobre cómo establecer contacto con el Yo Superior y perpetuar una relación con ...

    30,11 €

  • The Afterlife
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet
    What happens when we die?Is there really a heaven and a hell?What can we expect on the other side?In this profoundly insightful and fascinating work, world-renowned author and spiritual teacher Elizabeth Clare Prophet answers these questions and more as she sheds new light on the mysteries of the life beyond.Gifted with powerful inner sight, enabling her to trace the journey of...

    14,81 €

  • La Ciencia de la Palabra Hablada
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet / Mark L. Prophet / Mark LProphet
    ¡La fuerza más poderosa del mundo! Conviértete en tu propio maestro. Vuelve a descubrir el arte de la invocación practicado en las eras de oro de la Atlántida y Lemuria.Usa fórmulas precisas de la Palabra para ordenar que la luz fluya de tu mente supraconsciente a la consciente, desechando un potencial creativo ilimitado.Aprende a invocar la llama violeta: una energía de alta ...

    21,14 €

  • The Economic Philosophy of Jesus Christ vs The Religious Philosophy of Karl Marx
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet
    In this groundbreaking book Elizabeth Clare Prophet compares and contrasts the world views of two prominent thinkers not often mentioned in the same breath.On the one hand, a holistic and practical economic philosophy promoted by none other than Jesus Christ-a religious giant not normally associated with economic theories.On the other hand, the religious underpinnings of the ec...

    12,76 €

  • Morya and You
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet / Mark L. Prophet
    Sometimes we look a stranger in the eye and have a fl ash of  recognition: we know this person! You may feel an instant soul connection when you gaze into the eyes of the fierce being whose portrait graces the cover of this book. Who is he?He is the ascended master El Morya. Now a purely spiritual being, he’s had many earthly embodiments where millions of souls knew him intimat...

    15,31 €

  • Saint Germain On Alchemy
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet / Mark L. Prophet / Mark LProphet
    Voltaire called him the "man who never dies and knows everything."And that’s an understatement. The Count Saint Germain turned base metals into gold, removed the flaws from diamonds and discovered the elixir of youth. In the eighteenth century this “Wondermanof Europe” was the confidant of kings and a friend to the poor. His well-documented “miracles” were the natural outgrowth...

    18,20 €

  • The Lost Years of Jesus
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet
    “. . .Your Jesus was here.”A historical breakthrough that will shake the foundations of modern Christendom!THE GOSPELS record Jesus age twelve in the temple. Then about age thirty at the river Jordan. That leaves approximately seventeen years unaccounted for.During those so-called lost years, the child “increased in wisdom and stature,” as Luke wrote. But was it in the carpente...

    17,91 €

  • Working with the Masters
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet / Mark L. Prophet / Mark LProphet / Staff of Summit University
    No spiritual journey is complete without a road map and an expert guide. Book 3 in the Sacred Adventure series provides just that: detailed advice from the ascended masters for anyone who would like to follow in their footsteps and reach the pinnacle of self-mastery on one of the seven rays of the divine consciousness.Learn what is important to the ascended masters and how to w...

    42,47 €

  • Meeting the Masters
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet / Mark L. Prophet / Staff of Summit University
    The material world in which we live represents only a small slice of a broad spectrum of being—from the realm of the humblest nature spirits to that of the most exalted archangels. This second book in the Sacred Adventure series expounds on the presence of masterful spiritual beings just beyond the veil. Learn from them how to embody the divine qualities of Will, Wisdom and Lov...

    41,54 €

  • The Spiritual Quest
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet / Mark L Prophet / Staff of Summit University
    Summit University, a modern-day mystery school, offers you this transformative home study program called a Sacred Adventure. The Spiritual Quest, the first book in the series, presents a step-by-step guide to the spiritual path. It gives you a thorough understanding of the purpose of life—from your point of origin to your ultimate destiny as a masterful spiritual being. You’ll ...

    27,53 €

  • Morya and You
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet / Mark L. Prophet
    Sometimes we look a stranger in the eye and have a flash of recognition: we know this person! You may feel an instant soul connection when you gaze into the eyes of the fierce being whose portrait graces the cover of this book. Who is he?He is the ascended master El Morya. Now a purely spiritual being, he’s had many earthly embodiments where millions of souls knew him intimatel...

    15,17 €

  • Archangel Michael
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet
    Terrorism. War. Earth changes. Violent crime. The threats to our families, nations and environment are enormous. Could it be that these issuesare taking place because we are failing to invite divine intercession? Now more than ever, we need Archangel Michael.This breakthrough book introduces you to the best ways to bring Archangel Michael into our lives and how you can call for...

    8,07 €

  • Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet
    The Book of Enoch, quoted by Jesus and the apostles James and Jude, disappeared from sight - all known copies destroyed or hidden. Fortunately three copies were discovered safely hidden in Ethiopia. Why would powerful rabbis and Church leaders suppress this book?Once again available, Fallen Angels by Elizabeth Clare Prophet brings you the entire Book of Enoch plus a well-resear...

    17,48 €

  • Lords of the Seven Rays
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet / Mark L. Prophet / Mark LProphet
    Lords of the Seven Rays tells the stories of seven mystics who reached for and accomplished the goal of self-transcendence on each of the seven initiatic paths, or ‘rays’, of spiritual growth.The seven rainbow rays of spiritual light correspond to the seven major energy centers, or chakras, in the body. Each ray has a unique color frequency and quality, and each one represents ...

    17,44 €

  • Finding a Higher Love
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet
    We’re all looking for that special someone. But our expectations for love and relationships are often based on the notions of romantic love we’ve seen in Hollywood movies. We start to believe that if our marriage or relationship is not blissfully out of this world and doesn’t perfectly fulfill all of our needs, there must be something terribly wrong. In Finding a Higher Love, w...

    22,83 €

  • La Apertura del Septimo Sello
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet
    Me llamáis Sanat Kumara, y me conocéis como aquel que estuvo ante el consejo cósmico conocido como el Consejo de los Ciento Cuarenta y Cuatro. Me conocéis porque fuisteis testigos de mi súplica hecha por las evoluciones de la Tierra y en su nombre, que ya no conocían la presencia del Cordero, que por desobediencia fueron apartadas del Gurú vivo. Me conocéis como quien se ofreci...

    17,19 €

  • The Gift of the Violet Flame
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet
    Share the Joy of Teaching Spiritual Truths to Your ChildrenParents care about their children’s well-being. We yearn to help our ­children develop full and meaningful lives, and we seek to create a family life that nourishes the heart and soul of each one. But how can we do this? How can we develop and maintain that spark of love and joy that ­enriches relationships and deepens ...

    13,18 €

  • Quietly Comes the Buddha
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet
    Take a moment and commune with the heart of the Buddha.Discover peace, transformation and divine solutions to your everyday problems through the creativity of the Buddha-nature in your heart.You can realize your Buddha-nature by cultivating its qualities known as the Ten Perfections. See them as ten habits of highly -effective Buddhas to be:• Giving of yourself (alms)• Attainin...

    13,01 €

  • Nurturing Your Baby’s Soul
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet
    “A fascinating, mind-opening, heart-opening book flooded with inspiration, hope and encouragement. Any prospective parent or guardian can benefit deeply from reading Nurturing Your Baby’s Soul and the touching stories it contains.”—HUGH PRATHER author of Spiritual Notes to Myself coauthor of Spiritual ParentingIs there anything you can do to increase your child’s potential befo...

    11,48 €

  • The Path of Self Transformation
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet / Mark L. Prophet
    The Path of Self-Transformation continues the authors’ teachings on the inner mysteries of God. It lifts the veil and reveals the true understanding of biblical allegory, including the mystical meaning of the “fall” of Adam and Eve. It answers profound spiritual questions that are supremely relevant for today.• Who suppressed the concepts of karma and reincarnation and why are ...

    13,51 €

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