LIBROS DEL AUTOR: david pawson

183 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: david pawson

    David Pawson
    König Alfred der Große ist der Legende nach v.a. für das Anbrennenlassen von Kuchen bekannt. Doch tatsächlich bewirkte er etwas viel Bedeutsameres: Er machte die Zehn Gebote zur Grundlage des englischen Rechts. Instinktiv erahnte er, dass sie das Rezept für eine sichere und erfolgreiche Gesellschaft beinhalten. Das Geheimnis, das ihnen allen gemeinsam ist, lautet Respekt. Zuers...

    10,93 €

    David Pawson
    Viele Christen finden es befremdlich: Bibellehrer und Prediger, die dieselbe Bibel nutzen, unterscheiden sich so stark in ihrer Interpretation und Umsetzung von Gottes Wort. Einer der Hauptgründe für diese Verwirrung ist der Umgang mit dem Wort „Bund', einem grundlegenden Begriff der Bibel. Die beiden wichtigsten Fragen lauten: Wie viele Bündnisse hat Gott mit den Menschen gesch...

    9,91 €

  • Liberty
    David Pawson
    No one is able to keep all of the laws of the Old Testament - all of the time, not even the holy men of the Old Testament - Moses, King David and others.Jesus himself said that even if you only look at a woman lustfully you have already committed adultery in your heart. Priests and those in leadership within the Church have often been guilty of misusing the laws of Moses by tea...

    6,03 €

  • 新旧约纵览旧约 - Unlocking the Bible - Old Testament (Chinese)
    David Pawson
    如何整体阅读圣经:旧约《新旧约纵览:旧约》纵观上帝与他子民的独特故事,让我们真正了解圣经历史的脉络及其对我们生命的影响。大卫·鲍森是广受尊敬的国际作家和演说家。《新旧约纵览》系列丛书汇集了大卫·鲍森一生对圣经的见解。对所有重大事件的文化、历史背景和属灵意义进行了解释,并仔细考察了它们迄今产生的更广泛的影响。这些书是一个绝佳的机会,让我们可以全面理解圣经。 ...

    42,15 €

  • 新旧约纵览新约 - Unlocking the Bible - New Testament (Chinese)
    David Pawson
    如何整体阅读圣经:新约《新旧约纵览:新约》纵观上帝与他子民的独特故事,让我们真正了解圣经历史的脉络及其对我们生命的影响。大卫·鲍森是广受尊敬的国际作家和演说家。《新旧约纵览》系列丛书汇集了大卫·鲍森一生对圣经的见解。对所有重大事件的文化、历史背景和属灵意义进行了解释,并仔细考察了它们迄今产生的更广泛的影响。这些书是一个绝佳的机会,让我们可以全面理解圣经。 ...

    33,64 €

  • Der Weg Zur Hölle
    David Pawson
    Mit der Hölle nehmen wir ein Thema in Angriff, das äußerst anstößig und sehr umstritten ist. Im Grunde genommen versuchen wir, es zu ignorieren.Aber wie man es dreht und wendet, sie ist eine Tatsache, mit der man sich auseinandersetzen muss. Lieber sieht man der Wahrheit jetzt schon ins Auge, auch wenn es wehtut.Die Lehre Jesu über dieses unbequeme Thema richtete sich in erster...

    14,23 €

  • Heaven and Hell
    David Pawson
    In this book, the author addresses a number of key (but widely neglected) topics: The Return of Christ to this Earth; the Punishment of Hell; The Reward of heaven. Ministers, preachers and believers throughout the world will find this a profoundly challenging and informative study of what the Bible actually teaches on these vital matters, and many will discover some surprising ...

    13,03 €

  • Once Saved, Always Saved?
    David Pawson
    The majority Evangelical view is that once someone has accepted Christ as Saviour they are guaranteed salvation. But is it safe to assume that once we are saved, we are saved for always?David Pawson investigates this through biblical evidence, historical figures such as Augustine, Luther and Wesley, and evangelical assumptions about grace and justification, divine sovereignty a...

    14,48 €

  • What I’m Looking Forward To
    David Pawson
    In this companion book to Heaven and Hell, David Pawson continues with the subject of the life to come, which despite being integral to the Christian faith is too often neglected. David considers the biblical teaching on the last things (death, judgment, heaven, and hell) and the challenges posed to the Christian in the modern world. In doing so, he asks penetrating questions s...

    14,70 €

  • Vivir en Esperanza
    David Pawson
    Todos los cristianos dicen creer en la segunda venida de Cristo a la tierra, pero tienen poco en claro lo que precederá o seguirá a ese suceso mundial. Tomando los capítulos 24 y 25 de Mateo como base, David Pawson aclara las señales de su próximo advenimiento y la separación de cristianos resultante. En conjunto, explican lo que signifi ca vivir en esperanza. ...

    8,17 €

  • El Dios y el Evangelio de Justicia
    David Pawson
    Para demasiadas personas, el corazón del evangelio es que Dios es amor y que ama a todos incondicionalmente. Sin embargo, ni Jesús ni sus apóstoles predicaron jamás así.Parecen haber pensado que el mundo necesitaba conocer su justicia y su deseo, aun su ansia, de compartirla con nosotros. Esto se debe a que está decidido a tener un universo en el que no haya ninguna injusticia....

    7,84 €

  • 《圣经》中的盟约 - By God I Will (Simplified Chinese)
    David Pawson
    很多基督徒一定感到困惑,为什么教师和传道人虽使用同一本《圣经》,传讲时却有着许多千差万别的解释,特别是在'神话语'的应用上。产生这个困惑的主要原因之一在于如何处理'约' (covenant)这个词,这也正是经文的基础。关键的问题有两个:神与人立了多少约?以及,有多少约在今天仍适用于基督徒?有些人认为,只有一个约('恩典之约')贯穿《圣经》始终。不过这部分人可能会再加一个约('德行之约'),但这只适用于伊甸园的亚当。多数人认为有两个约('旧的'和'新的'),同《旧约》和《新约》相对应(英文在此使用'testament'一词,与'covenant'同义)。还有人声称发现了七个约( 但通常在此处使用'dispensation'一词,有'教规'之义)。本书作者认为,就我们的救赎而言有五个约--'挪亚之约'、'亚伯拉罕之约'、'摩西之约'、'大卫之约'和'弥赛...

    9,79 €

  • 离婚与再婚⸺ 圣经怎么说?- Remarriage is ADULTERY UNLESS... (Simplified Chinese)
    David Pawson
    连续性的多配偶制(即随己意可拥有多位丈夫或妻子,但一次婚姻只有一个配偶)在如今的现代社会被广为接受,成为常态。这并不稀奇。在这个相对主义的时代,万事都可行,能够使婚姻维系一生的社会、法律、道德以及经济的约束都已渐渐消失。但令人惊讶的是,不仅在外面的世界,在教会内部,离婚与再婚也正在成为惯常之事,甚至发生在教会领袖身上,特别是在福音派教会中。尽管主耶稣并未说过什么,但对于这类问题,以及堕胎、同性恋等问题,信徒们一向直言不讳。就本书的主题,耶稣的确说过不少,但要么祂另有深意,不愿人只看到教导的字面意思;要么祂希望放大'例外',成全律法。本书主要针对相信《圣经》是所有信仰与行为问题的最终权威的读者,特别是传道、教导和辅导他人的信徒。作者认为,教会应该带领世界向上攀行,而非跟随世界向下滑行。 ...

    12,89 €

  • 十诫新观 - Maker’s Instructions (Simplified Chinese)
    David Pawson
    人们对阿尔弗雷德大帝记忆最深的莫过于'把蛋糕烤糊'的故事,但他做过远比这更重要、意义更深远的事。他将很久以前神赐给犹太人的十条诫命作为英国法律的基础。他本能地意识到,《十诫》是实现一个社会安全与繁荣的良方。藏于每条诫命中的秘诀就是'尊重'。首先,尊重神,尊重祂是独一的,尊重祂的特性,尊重祂的名以及祂的安息日。其次,尊重彼此,尊重我们的家人,尊重生命本身,尊重婚姻、财产和名誉。教会呼吁会众背诵《十诫》,一同背诵的还有《主祷文》和《使徒信经》。这三者常常被挂在墙上,作为基督徒信仰与生命的总纲,也常常用于敬拜之中。但是,如此久远、如此遥远的准则是如何与现代社会产生关联的呢?正如一位《新约圣经》译者(J·B·Phillips)所说:'借助神律法的直尺,我们才会发现自己有多偏离。'只有意识到这一点,我们才做好了去了解耶稣福音的准备。 ...

    12,68 €

  • Kommentar zum Römerbrief
    David Pawson
    Warum schreibt Paulus seinen längsten Brief an eine Gemeinde, die er nicht gegründet und noch nie zu Gesicht bekommen hat? Der Schreiber dieses Buches glaubt, dass die Antwort in der Geschichte dieser Gemeinde liegt, die eine große Krise erlebte, die das Potential hatte, die Gemeinde in zwei Denominationen zu spalten. Sie wurde von Juden gegründet (Apg.2,10-11), bald kamen aber...

    15,97 €

  • Por que Deus permite os desastres naturais?
    David Pawson
    Em 'Por que Deus permite os desastres naturais?' David Pawson nos ajuda a encontrar a resposta para essa e outras perguntas sobre Deus. Todas as pessoas que fazem essa pergunta partem de duas premissas: que Deus é Todo-Poderoso e que ama todas as pessoas. Este livro nos ajuda a ter uma visão bíblica, e não sentimental, sobre Deus. A visão sentimental do amor de Deus anunciada a...

    10,90 €

  • Uma Vez Salvo, Salvo Para Sempre?
    David Pawson
    A maioria dos evangélicos acredita que todo aquele que aceita Cristo como Salvador tem a salvação garantida. Mas será que é seguro presumir que uma vez salvos, estaremos salvos para sempre?David Pawson investiga esse tema por meio de evidências bíblicas, fi guras históricas, como Agostinho, Lutero e Wesley, e pressupostos evangélicos sobre graça e justifi cação, soberania divina ...

    12,64 €

  • A BÍBLIA EXPLICA O Fim dos Tempos?
    David Pawson
    David Pawson tem um ministério mundial de ensino, direcionado principalmente a líderes cristãos. Muitos o conhecem por seus programas disponíveis em canais de comunicação cristãos e como autor de diversos livros.Cada livro da série 'A Bíblia Explica' examina um aspecto importante da fé cristã e é escrito de maneira a apresentar a mensagem bíblica de forma clara e simples. Neste...

    7,13 €

  • A BÍBLIA EXPLICA Principais passos para se tornar um cristão
    David Pawson
    SÉRIE A BÍBLIA EXPLICA David Pawson tem um ministério mundial de ensino, direcionado principalmente a líderes cristãos. Muitos o conhecem por seus programas disponíveis em canais de comunicação cristãos e como autor de diversos livros. Cada livro da série 'A Bíblia Explica' examina um aspecto importante da fé cristã e é escrito de maneira a apresentar a mensagem bíblica de form...

    9,89 €

    David Pawson
    João 3.16 é citado por muitos como 'a síntese do evangelho'. Creio que seja um dos versículos mais mal interpretados, malcompreendidos e mal aplicados da Bíblia. Como muitos cristãos, eu compreendia o texto de forma totalmente equivocada. Portanto, alerto quanto à grande possibilidade de que eu estrague João 3.16 para você pelo resto da sua vida. Espero, contudo, que este livro...

    7,72 €

  • Men for God
    David Pawson
    When God numbered Israel he counted the men over twenty who were able to fight. When Jesus began to build his church He chose twelve men, most of whom worked with their hands. The New Testament letters are all addressed to ’brothers’. Yet many churches today resemble lifeboats, saving women and children fi rst.What went wrong?How can it be put right?Why is it easier to get women ...

    11,14 €

  • A Commentary on Colossians
    David Pawson
    The author writes: 'I am willing to unite with anyone who will preach the ’gospel of Paul’ and have fellowship with them. I have been in a Roman Catholic presbytery with a priest, and we spent two hours talking about the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and we found that we believed the same gospel' - i.e. the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ as preached by Paul. ...

    11,72 €

  • Einmal gerettet - immer gerettet?
    David Pawson
    Die evangelikale Betrachtungsweise ist sehr eindeutig: Sobald jemand Jesus als Herrn und Retter angenommen hat, ist seine Errettung garantiert. Aber stimmt  das wirklich? Sind wir ein für alle Mal gerettet, wenn wir einmal gerettet wurden?David Pawson untersucht dies anhand von Bibelstellen, lässt historische Figuren wie Augustinus, Luther und Wesley zu Wort kommen und analysie...

    14,30 €

  • A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew
    David Pawson / TBD
    You see the full character of Christ through the four different portraits in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Each of them is painting a different picture – not a contradictory one, but filling it out with a new aspect. Matthew paints the King of the Jews. That is his object. We now suddenly realise why Matthew is the first in the New Testament, even if it was not the first to be ...

    19,90 €

  • Нормальное рождение христианина
    David Pawson
    «Это руководство по духовному акушерству, написанное ввиду глубокой обеспокоенности тем, что так много христиан были плохо «рождены». Очень часто позднее, появившееся духовное заболевание можно проследить до неадекватного посвящения в Царство. Лучшее рождение означает хороший рост в здоровой христианской жизни». Основываясь на своем исследовании Нового Завета, Дэвид Посон высту...

    19,40 €

  • Completando a Reforma de Lutero no Século 21
    David Pawson
    David Pawson escreve:“Em países onde a Igreja está em declínio, qual deve ser nossa oração e o que devemos fazer a respeito? Percebo que os cristãos se dividem em dois grupos principais: os que estão esperando que Deus tome alguma providência [reavivamento] e os que acreditam que ele está esperando que nós façamos algo a respeito [reforma]... Creio que Deus está esperando que n...

    10,52 €

  • EXPLAINING Grace and Salvation
    David Pawson
    Each book in the Explaining series examines an important aspect of the Christian faith and is written in a way that presents the message  of the Bible clearly and simply.  In this book David Pawson teaches what the Bible says about Grace and Salvation. ...

    6,73 €

  • A Commentary on Isaiah
    David Pawson
    The book of Isaiah is the whole Bible in miniature. The first 39 chapters reflect the themes of the 39 books in the Old Testament, and the last 27 chapters prefigure the events of the New, from John the Baptist to the new heaven and earth. Yet the prophet lived and died (horribly) centuries before Jesus was born. A miracle in words! Readers are now invited to explore and discover ...

    22,55 €

  • Führung ist Männersache
    David Pawson
    Elisabeth Elliot schreibt im Vorwort: „Hier erörtert nun ein Mann dieses Thema auf eine einfache, geradlinige und ernsthafte Art. Man merkt, dass er Gott liebt und Frauen sehr schätzt, aber gleichzeitig die Inspiration der Schrift sowie die Integrität des Apostels anerkennt. Er beschäftigt sich mit all den „problematischen” Textstellen. Er weist zudem darauf hin, dass es hier u...

    13,04 €

  • A Commentary on ECCLESIASTES
    David Pawson
    The author writes: The basic questions always begin with “why”, not “how”. People ask :“How can I be happy? How can I make a living? How can I get guidance? How can I do this?” They should be asking, “Why should I make a living? Why should I need guidance?” Science answers the question “how” again and again, but it never answers the question “Why?” It may be able to tell us how...

    13,37 €

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