LIBROS DEL AUTOR: coloring bandit

910 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: coloring bandit

  • Different Dinosaurs
    Coloring Bandit
    Dinosaurs and coloring books? What wonderful combination! This themed coloring book will attract and retain your 5-year-old girls’ attention for hours on end. Coloring boosts your child’s confidence because it is an activity that can be completed without adult help. Give your child the opportunity to improve her sense of accomplishment. Get a copy of this coloring book today! ...

    10,21 €

  • Build Your Own Comic Book
    Coloring Bandit
    Comics are little artistic drawings that tell stories, emotions and feelings.You can use comics and coloring to boost the benefits of artistic develop, better handwriting and motor skills and a generous amounts of creativity. So what are you waiting for? Get a copy of this coloring book and begin coloring today! ...

    10,21 €

  • Create Your Own Comic Hero
    Coloring Bandit
    Your child can be a famous comic artist someday if he/she starts today. Use this coloring book as an invaluable tool to making this happen. Coloring hones the imagination and creativity. It also trains your child to become better in handling small tools like pencils because frequent coloring will strengthen the small muscles in his/her hand. Encourage coloring today! ...

    10,21 €

  • Beautiful Ballerinas
    Coloring Bandit
    These ballerinas would look gorgeous in full color, and you have the power to make that happen. Use your imagination and creativity to turn black and white drawings to portraits. In the process, learn about hand control, boundaries, lines, colors, shapes, forms and perspectives. Also learn to have better confidence, focus, relaxation and patience. Color today! ...

    10,21 €

  • Dinky Derby
    Coloring Bandit
    Coloring teaches your children about boundaries. It may not be obvious now but with a lot more practice, children will learn to understand that they’re not supposed to color beyond the lines. Over time, exposure to boundaries will help kids learn to write. So what are you waiting for? Secure a copy of this coloring book today! ...

    10,21 €

  • Comic Book Expressions
    Coloring Bandit
    Help your child master facial expressions with the help of this unique coloring book for kids. Coloring comic expressions will boost your child’s awareness of emotions. What does happiness look like? How about sadness? Your child will also learn to associate colors with emotions. Red means anger, while yellow means sad. There’s so much to learn from coloring! ...

    10,21 €

  • Digging Up Dinosaurs
    Coloring Bandit
    You can make your dinosaurs, yes you can! Dinos are creatures of a long time ago. No one has seen a real on. What you see in books and in museums are only scientific guesses of how they looked like based on their skeletons. So no one will raise an eyebrow if you color a dinosaur pink or purple! Get your imagination up and running. Begin coloring today! ...

    10,21 €

  • Funny Farts
    Coloring Bandit
    Coloring is fun, and it’s educational too! There are endless possibilities when it comes to coloring - starting from the choice of colors, the combinations, and the patterns to make and so on. But coloring also has the educational benefits of boundaries, handwriting skills and motor skills. Improved focus, relaxation, patience and self-confidence are there, too! ...

    10,21 €

  • Off to School
    Coloring Bandit
    How do you prepare your child for school? You get him/her to become familiar with working on a vertical surface. Coloring will get that job done. This activity will encourage your child to fill an image with colors. At first, the colors will be all over the page but with practice, your child will eventually learn the right grip and hold. Grab a copy today! ...

    14,11 €

  • Stuffies Galore
    Coloring Bandit
    Did you know that coloring provides life-long benefits to kids? It doesn’t matter if you have a toddler or an older child, the benefits would remain the same. One of the most important benefits of coloring is improved focus. It has been proven that kids who color have better focus and concentration skills. Encourage coloring today! ...

    10,21 €

  • Comic Book Art
    Coloring Bandit
    Art is the experssion of thoughts, emotions, ideas and feelings. Art is a natural activity among children. A popular means of artistic expression is coloring. Coloring is freedom because there are no rules to follow. Kids are free to be as creative and imagination as they can be. Encourage coloring today! ...

    10,21 €

  • Splendide Farfalle
    Coloring Bandit
    Wow! Guardate queste farfalle! Le ali hanno modelli che stanno solo aspettando di avere riempito con i colori. 3-anno-vecchio ragazze ameranno questo libro da colorare per le immagini incluse nelle pagine. Questo libro può essere completato individualmente o come gruppo. Consentire al bambino di essere intrattenuti con colorazione. Ottenere una copia oggi! ...

    14,11 €

  • Leones, Tigres Y Osos
    Coloring Bandit
    No debería acercarse a leones, tigres y osos cuando vea en la naturaleza porque es peligroso. Pero se puede jugar con ellos y pintarlos al verlas en las páginas de este libro para colorear. Aumenta la coloración de la mano coordinación ojo. También mejora el juego imaginativo. ¡Anime a su niño a color hoy! ...

    14,11 €

  • Lions, des Tigres et des Ours
    Coloring Bandit
    Vous ne devriez pas approcher les Lions, les Tigres et les ours quand vous les voyez dans la nature parce que c’est dangereux. Mais, vous pouvez jouer avec eux et les peindre quand vous les voyez dans les pages de ce livre de coloriage. La coloration augmente la coordination main à oeil. Il améliore également le jeu imaginatif. Encouragez votre enfant à la couleur aujourd’hui! ...

    14,11 €

  • Löwen, Tiger und Bären
    Coloring Bandit
    Sie sollten nicht nähern, Löwen, Tiger und Bären, wenn Sie sie in freier Wildbahn sehen, weil es gefährlich ist. Aber Sie können mit ihnen spielen und malen sie, wenn Sie sie auf den Seiten von diesem Malbuch sehen. Färbung steigert hand-Augen-Koordination. Es verbessert auch fantasievolles Spiel. Ermutigen Sie Ihr Kind heute Farbe! ...

    14,11 €

  • Leoni, Tigri E Orsi
    Coloring Bandit
    Quando li vedete in natura perché è pericoloso, si non dovrebbe avvicinarsi leoni, tigri e orsi. Ma, si può giocare con loro e dipingerli quando li vedi nelle pagine di questo libro da colorare. Spinte di colorazione a mano a coordinazione occhio. Inoltre migliora il gioco immaginativo. Incoraggiate vostro figlio a colore oggi! ...

    14,11 €

  • A Scuola
    Coloring Bandit
    Come si prepara il bambino per la scuola? Si ottiene lui/lei per acquisire familiarità con il lavoro su una superficie verticale. Coloritura otterrà quel lavoro fatto. Questa attività sarà Incoraggiate vostro figlio a riempire un’immagine con i colori. In un primo momento, i colori saranno tutta la pagina, ma con la pratica, il vostro bambino sarà alla fine imparare il giusto g...

    14,11 €

  • Méditation Avec des Mandalas
    Coloring Bandit
    Détendez votre esprit tout en gardant vos mains occupées. La coloration est une forme abordable de libération de stress que vous pouvez faire à tout moment, jour et lieu. Chaque fois que vous vous sentez enfermé dans une émotion ou une pensée, la couleur. Ce livre a des images de Mandala pour amplifier ses effets thérapeutiques. Commencez à colorier aujourd’hui! ...

    14,11 €

  • Meditieren mit Mandalas
    Coloring Bandit
    Entspannen Sie Ihren Geist und halten Ihre Hände beschäftigt. Färbung ist eine kostengünstige Form der Stressabbau, die Sie, zu jeder Zeit tun können, Tag und Ort. Wann immer Sie das Gefühl boxed in eine Emotion oder ein Gedanke, Farbe. Dieses Buch hat Mandala Bilder, seine therapeutische Wirkung zu steigern. Beginnen Sie heute färben! ...

    14,11 €

  • Meditando Con Mandalas
    Coloring Bandit
    Relajar la mente, manteniendo sus manos ocupadas. Colorante es una forma asequible de liberación de estrés que usted puede hacer en cualquier momento, día y lugar. Cuando te sientes en caja en una emoción o un pensamiento, color. Este libro tiene imágenes de mandala para potenciar sus efectos terapéuticos. ¡Comenzar a colorear hoy! ...

    14,11 €

  • Meditazione Con I Mandala
    Coloring Bandit
    Rilassare la mente, mantenendo le mani occupato. Colorazione è una forma conveniente di alleviare lo stress che si può fare in qualsiasi momento, giorno e luogo. Ogni volta che si sente 'in box' in un pensiero o un’emozione, di colore. Questo libro propone immagini di mandala per aumentare i suoi effetti terapeutici. Iniziare a colorare oggi! ...

    14,11 €

  • Me N’oubliez Pas
    Coloring Bandit
    Saviez-vous que la coloration est une activité recommandée pour les patients atteints d’Alzheimer? C’est parce que la coloration aide à intégrer les deux zones du cortex cérébral. La logique et la créativité sont utilisées lors du remplissage des pages avec des couleurs. Donc, si vous connaissez quelqu’un qui souffre de la maladie d’Alzheimer, puis lui obtenir une copie de ce l...

    14,11 €

  • Forget Me Not
    Coloring Bandit
    Wussten Sie, dass die Färbung ist eine Aktivität am besten empfohlen für Patienten mit Alzheimer Krankheit? Und zwar deshalb, weil die Färbung hilft, beide Bereiche der Großhirnrinde zu integrieren. Logik und Kreativität werden verwendet, wenn Sie die Seiten mit Farben zu füllen. Also wenn Sie jemanden, der an Alzheimer leidet kennen, dann hol dir jetzt ihm/ihr eine Kopie von d...

    14,11 €

  • No Me Olvides
    Coloring Bandit
    ¿Sabías que para colorear es una actividad mejor recomendada para pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer? Esto es porque ayuda a incorporar ambas áreas de la corteza cerebral del colorante. Lógica y la creatividad se usan cuando llenan las páginas de colores. Así que si conoces a alguien que sufre de Alzheimer, para obtener él una copia de este libro para colorear hoy! ...

    14,11 €

  • Gatto, Mucca E Azienda
    Coloring Bandit
    Cosa può realizzare il vostro piccolo studente da libri da colorare? Ci sono un sacco! Colorazione si allena il tuo bambino a lavorare comodamente su carta. È necessario ricordare che quasi tutte le lezioni a scuola vengono fornite tramite carta. Di conseguenza, prendere familiarità con il mezzo presto aiuteranno il vostro bambino preparare per istruzione formale. Incoraggiare ...

    14,11 €

  • Facile Et Rapide a Colorier pour les Débutants
    Coloring Bandit
    Si votre petit ne fait que commencer à colorier, alors bien sûr vous ne donneriez pas des images trop complexes pour travailler avec. Les coloristes débutants apprennent toujours à saisir les crayons à la pression exacte qui se traduirait par moins de crayons cassés et de désordre. Ne soyez pas frustré si votre enfant couleurs partout dans la page. C’est normal pour les débutan...

    14,11 €

  • Schnelle und Einfache Färbung für Anfänger
    Coloring Bandit
    Wenn Ihr kleiner Liebling gerade erst anfangen ist zu färben, dann natürlich würde Sie nicht übermäßig komplexe Bilder mit Arbeiten geben. Anfang Coloristen lernen noch Buntstifte in genau dem richtigen Druck zu greifen, die weniger gebrochene Stifte und Chaos führen würde. Nicht frustriert, wenn Ihr Kind überall auf der Seite Farben. Das ist normal für Anfänger. ...

    14,11 €

  • Rápida Y Fácil De Colorear Para Principiantes
    Coloring Bandit
    Si tu pequeñín está empezando a colorear, luego por supuesto no dar imágenes excesivamente complejas para trabajar con. Coloristas de principio todavía están aprendiendo a sujetar lápices de colores en exactamente la presión justa que daría lugar a menos creyones rotos y desorden. No te frustres si tu niño los colores en la página. Eso es normal para los principiantes. ...

    14,11 €

  • Via Terra, Aria E Acqua
    Coloring Bandit
    Per i bambini che amano tutto ciò che si muove, questo libro sarà un’ottima aggiunta alla loro collezione. È bello vedere ragazzi entrare in colorazione a causa dei benefici coinvolti. Sono alcuni dei benefici dell’attività di rafforzamento della fiducia. Completando una pagina dà al vostro bambino un senso di realizzazione, che a sua volta costruisce la fiducia e l’autostima. ...

    14,11 €

  • Cool Vos Avions
    Coloring Bandit
    Jetez un oeil à ces jets! N’ont-ils pas l’air forts et puissants? Mais ils peuvent regarder phénoménale si vous leur donnez leurs couleurs. La coloration est une activité qui stimule la connaissance de vos enfants des lignes, formes, formes, teintes, couleurs et perspectives. Il s’agit d’un exercice de liberté, car il est livré sans instructions établies. Laissez votre enfant e...

    14,11 €