LIBROS DEL AUTOR: billy wellman

89 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: billy wellman

  • El Imperio romano
    Billy Wellman
    ¿Sabía que no todos los romanos podían llevar toga?En las películas y las series de televisión se representa a los romanos con togas y sandalias en todas partes, pero en realidad no era así. De hecho, las togas se consideraban una prenda formal y un símbolo de estatus, ya que solían llevarlas los miembros de las clases sociales más altas.Se conservan muchos escritos de historia...

    20,91 €

  • History of France
    Billy Wellman
    France is a land absolutely steeped in history. It has always been a leading nation of Western Europe, and in many ways, one could say France is Western Europe.One could confidently say such a thing because of the long history of French polities taking charge in world history. Before France proper even existed, the tribes there, such as the Franks, played a central role in regi...

    20,25 €

  • Ancient History Vol. 2
    Billy Wellman
    Three manuscripts in one book:Indus Valley Civilization: An Enthralling Overview of the Harappan Civilization, Starting from the Early Harappan through Mohenjo-daro to the Aryan Invasion and Achaemenid ConquestAncient China: An Enthralling Overview of Chinese History, Starting from the Settlement at the Yellow River through the Xia, Shang, Zhou, and Qin Dynasties to the Han Dyn...

    27,22 €

  • Mitología egipcia
    Billy Wellman
    ¿Sabía que los antiguos egipcios creían en la vida después de la muerte? ¡Se sorprenderá de lo mucho que se preparaban para la otra vida!Este libro está repleto de historias sobre la vida de los antiguos egipcios, sus dioses y algunos de los mayores mitos de la antigüedad. Los dioses desempeñaban un papel importante en la vida de la gente; ¡te sorprenderá ver hasta qué punto in...

    22,43 €

  • The Spanish Conquest of the Americas
    Billy Wellman
    The Spanish conquest of the Americas is a pivotal part of the history of colonization.Christopher Columbus’s discovery, albeit accidental, of a new landmass turned the world upside-down. Beginning in the late 15th century, the kingdom of Spain spearheaded the effort of colonization, sending expedition after expedition to the Caribbean islands and then to mainland North and Sout...

    20,91 €

  • Celtic History and Mythology
    Billy Wellman
    Two manuscripts in one book:Celtic History: An Enthralling Overview of the CeltsCeltic Mythology: An Enthralling Overview of Celtic Myths, Gods and GoddessesWhether you’re already familiar with the Celts or whether you’ve never even heard of them, The first part of this book is for you. If you would like to delve into their lives, culture, and modern Ireland’s Celtic heritage, ...

    23,56 €

  • History of Persia
    Billy Wellman
    Two manuscripts in one book:The Persians: An Enthralling Guide to the History of Persia and the Persian EmpireCyrus the Great: The Enthralling Life of the Father of the Persian EmpireThroughout history, Persia made great contributions to the language and culture of the region. Nomadic movements and changing empires meant it was a hub of continuous cultural exploration and devel...

    22,86 €

  • Greek Mythology for Teens
    Billy Wellman
    Did you know that Zeus was considered to be both the youngest and the oldest brother?Thanks to their enthralling narratives and relatable characters, Greek myths have captured our imagination for millennia. Despite being thousands of years old, these tales still manage to touch on something in the core of our souls, connecting humans from across all time periods and all stages ...

    20,90 €

  • Ancient China
    Billy Wellman
    It has become a common theme in today’s world to talk about the incredible technological and economic development of modern China. However, there are very strong historical roots to the exponential growth of modern China going back thousands and thousands of years.Today, people stand in awe of China’s achievements, such as lifting hundreds of millions of people from poverty or ...

    20,90 €

  • Ägyptische Mythologie
    Billy Wellman
    Wussten Sie, dass die alten Ägypter an ein Leben nach dem Tode glaubten? Sie werden erstaunt sein, wie intensiv sie sich auf das Jenseits vorbereiteten!Dieses Buch ist voller Geschichten über das Leben der alten Ägypter, ihre Götter und ein paar der größten Mythen der Antike. Die Götter spielten eine wichtige Rolle im Leben der Menschen. Sie werden vielleicht überrascht sein, w...

    21,54 €

  • Segunda Guerra Mundial
    Billy Wellman
    Descubra la historia de uno de los acontecimientos más determinantes del siglo XXIA pesar de lo mucho que se ha escrito sobre ella, siguen descubriéndose nuevos datos sobre los miles de acontecimientos que conforman los seis años que dieron forma al mundo en que vivimos hoy.La Segunda Guerra Mundial está indisolublemente ligada a Hitler y los nazis; sin embargo, hay mucho más p...

    22,25 €

  • Native American History
    Billy Wellman
    Two manuscripts in one book:Native American Tribes: An Enthralling Guide to the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and SeminoleTrail of Tears: An Enthralling Guide to the Choctaw and Chickasaw Removal, the Seminole Wars, Creek Dissolution, and Forced Relocation of the Cherokee TribeThe 'Five Civilized Tribes' tried to adapt to the American way of life, while others fought to ...

    22,24 €

  • Celtic History
    Billy Wellman
    Have you ever wondered about the ancient Celts of Ireland and what made them who they were? Did you know that Halloween originated with them, that they invented the harp, or that they wielded swords reaching lengths of three feet?In this book, you’ll discover Celtic historical facts like these and so much more. Whether you’re already familiar with the Celts or whether you’ve ne...

    20,87 €

  • Viking History and Norse Mythology
    Billy Wellman
    Two manuscripts in one book:History of the Vikings: An Enthralling Overview of the Viking AgeNorse Mythology: An Enthralling Overview of Norse Myths, Gods, and GoddessesLearn how the Scandinavian people lived, who sailed as part of the Viking raids, the weapons used in battle, and their religious beliefs.In the first part of this book, you will discover:The impact of the Ice Ag...

    24,40 €

  • The Persians
    Billy Wellman
    The Iranian Plateau has an extensive history dating back to 100,000 BCE!Today, Persia is known as the country of Iran, but long ago, Persia was once home to various nomadic tribes. It saw the rise of many empires and dynasties. The Assyrians fell to the Medians, who paved the way for the emergence of the Achaemenid Empire, one of the greatest empires in ancient history.Througho...

    21,65 €

  • History of India
    Billy Wellman
    'Incredible India' is the slogan of India’s official tourism campaign-and it’s true! India has an amazing history, from some of the world’s earliest civilizations to its contemporary high-tech culture and a huge diversity of religions, arts, and people.This book takes you all the way from India’s prehistoric beginnings at Mohenjo-daro to the development of Buddhism and the Maur...

    20,17 €

  • Der Trojanische Krieg
    Billy Wellman
    Epische Erzählung oder historische Tatsache? Historiker streiten, ob der Trojanische Krieg beides oder nichts von beidem war! Um 1200 v.u.Z. wütete ein Krieg zwischen den alten Griechen und ihren Rivalen in Troja. Es ist die älteste Geschichte der Welt und der griechische Dichter Homer hat sie aufgeschrieben. In diesem faszinierenden Buch erfahren Sie, warum man diese Geschicht...

    20,98 €

  • History of the Vikings
    Billy Wellman
    Dragonships, raiding and looting parties, hand-to-hand combat, explorers and adventures, and gods and goddesses -which of these truly describe the fearless Vikings?The word Viking conjures many images. Often, these are created as a result of the numerous movies, books, shows, and comics about the warriors. Some depictions are historically accurate, while others are developed to...

    21,67 €

  • La Inglaterra moderna temprana
    Billy Wellman
    La Inglaterra de principios de la Edad Moderna fue una época de grandes transformaciones que sacó a Inglaterra de la Edad Media y la introdujo en la era moderna, pero es probable que no conozca muchos detalles sobre este periodo.Por ejemplo, ¿sabía que Enrique VIII nunca llegó a divorciarse? ¿Sabía que los piratas, Shakespeare y los juicios por brujería existieron al mismo tiem...

    22,40 €

  • Native American Tribes
    Billy Wellman
    Do you know the story of the Native American tribes, from the earliest known histories to the first European contact to the modern day?The 'Five Civilized Tribes' tried to adapt to the American way of life, while others fought to keep their land. Which was more successful? This book will attempt to tell their story, the story of those five tribes. It will not go back into the d...

    20,97 €

  • Primera Guerra Mundial
    Billy Wellman
    La Primera Guerra Mundial es tristemente célebre por haber revolucionado la guerra moderna tal y como la conocemos.Es bien sabido que la Primera Guerra Mundial se inició con el asesinato del archiduque austriaco Francisco Fernando. Las superpotencias mundiales se enzarzaron entonces en el conflicto más sangriento de la historia, con millones de bajas en ambos bandos. La Primera...

    21,53 €

  • The Inca Empire
    Billy Wellman
    Did you know that the Incas worshiped the mummies of their emperors?For the Incas, death didn’t exist; it simply took the dead to a different plane of life. So, the mummies of their emperors were treated as people; they were given food and drink and even visited each other ceremoniously. They also owned country estates, which generated enough profits to keep them in the style t...

    20,97 €

  • La civilización sumeria
    Billy Wellman
    ¿Cuánto sabe sobre la cuna de la civilización? Explore el legado de los brillantes antiguos mesopotámicos que transformaron el mundo.El legado de la antigua Mesopotamia fue realmente revolucionario. Dibujos infantiles rayados en arcilla húmeda evolucionaron hasta convertirse en el primer lenguaje escrito. Los mesopotámicos escribieron los primeros poemas épicos, los primeros hi...

    21,72 €

  • Ancient History Vol. 1
    Billy Wellman
    Three manuscripts in one book:Ancient Egypt: An Enthralling Overview of Egyptian History, Starting from the Settlement of the Nile Valley through the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms to the Death of Cleopatra VIIAncient Rome: An Enthralling Overview of Roman History, Starting From the Romulus and Remus Myth through the Republic to the Fall of the Roman EmpireAncient Mesopotamia: A...

    30,67 €

  • Nordische Mythologie
    Billy Wellman
    Wussten Sie, dass Loki der Vater der ungeheuren Kreaturen ist, von denen prophezeit wird, dass sie die Götter von Asgard töten werden?Als Heimdall in sein Horn bläst, um den Beginn von Ragnarök anzukündigen, bleibt den Göttern Asgards keine andere Wahl, als sich den Mächten des Chaos auf dem Schlachtfeld Vigrid zu stellen. Dies ist der Tag, an dem Loki und seine monströsen Söhn...

    22,37 €

  • Die Griechische Mythologie
    Billy Wellman
    Die griechische Mythologie beeinflusst uns noch heute. Wussten Sie zum Beispiel, dass der Name der berühmten Sportmarke Nike ursprünglich vom Namen der griechischen Göttin des Sieges abgeleitet worden ist? Die griechische Mythologie gehört zweifellos zu den bekanntesten Legenden der Welt. Wie die meisten Menschen hatten auch die Olympier mit einer Vielzahl von Familiendramen zu...

    22,42 €

  • The Crusades
    Billy Wellman
    So, you think you know what happened during the Crusades. But do you really?It’s a good question to ask since there are plenty of misconceptions regarding what caused the Crusades, let alone what actually took place during their duration. In this book, we seek to clear up many of these questions and provide you with a concise and accurate history of the Crusades. Much of the hi...

    21,02 €

  • Trail of Tears
    Billy Wellman
    The removal of the Native Americans west of the Mississippi River during the 1800s to clear the way for settlers is a tragic story that involves human suffering on a grand scale.  The policy of Manifest Destiny said America was a morally superior nation that had the right to build an empire from the East Coast to the West Coast, much to the detriment of the Native Americans who...

    20,13 €

  • Das Antike Rom
    Billy Wellman / Enthralling History
    Sind Sie fasziniert von den Mythen, der Kultur und der spektakulären Entstehungsgeschichte des antiken Roms? Wenn ja, wird Sie diese spannende Nacherzählung der Geschichte Roms in ihren Bann ziehen! Sie werden das Buch gar nicht mehr weglegen wollen. Die erstaunliche Geschichte der legendären Stadt Rom erstreckt sich mittlerweile über 28 Jahrhunderte hinweg. In dieser Zeit hat ...

    23,71 €

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