284 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: barth

  • Guardians of Finance
    Gerard Caprio / Gerard Caprio Jr. / James R. Barth / Ross Levine

    28,82 €

  • Tradition and Interpretation in Matthew
    Gerhard Barth / Guenther Bornkamm / Heinz Joachim Held
    ’The book is written with all the completeness of scholarship we should expect in Professor Bornkamm and in pupils strongly influenced by him . . . It is an important discussion of views emphasized in the School of Matthew which future commentators and students of biblical theology will need to take into account. Christology, the Church, discipleship, faith, law and tradition a...

    53,94 €

  • No Lasting Home
    Emmy Barth
    It is summer, 1940. As Hitler’s armies turn mainland Europe into a mass graveyard, his feared Luftwaffe rain bombs on England. Meanwhile, amid the green hills of the Cotswolds, a nest of 'enemy aliens' has been discovered: the Bruderhof, a Christian community made up of German, Dutch, and Swiss refugees, and growing numbers of English pacifists.Having fled Nazi Germany to escap...

    11,92 €

  • Automatisierung der Etikettenherstellung
    Wilhelm Barth
    Dieses Buch dient als Fachbuch für die grafische Industrie. Nassleim- und Inmould-Etiketten im Offsetdruckverfahren gedruckt, erfordern eine komplexe und schwer planbare Weiterverarbeitung. Die Automatisierung der Stanzprozesse stellt eine leistungsfähige und zuverlässige Produktion sicher. Anhand eines Beispiels wird eine Analyse der Produktion angestellt und auf viele Möglich...

    80,54 €

  • Ethics
    Karl Barth / Geoffrey W. Bromiley
    Originally published in German in an edition edited by Dietrich Braun, Karl Barth’s Ethics is at last available in English. This volume, containing lectures given as courses at the University at Munster in 1928 and 1929, represents Barth’s first systematic attempt at a theological account of Christian ethics.Although composed over fifty years ago, just prior to Barth’s thirty-y...

    54,41 €

  • Travels in Kamtschatka
    Jean-Baptiste-Barth Lemy De Lesseps / Jean-Baptiste-Barthelemy De Lesseps

    40,60 €

  • Travels in Kamtschatka
    Jean-Baptiste-Barth Lemy De Lesseps / Jean-Baptiste-Barthelemy De Lesseps

    48,71 €

  • On Religion
    Karl Barth / Garrett Green
    Karl Barth was one of the most important theologians of the 20thCentury and, according to Pope Pius XII, the most important since Thomas Aquinas. His magnum opus, Church Dogmatics, runs to thirteen volumes and is one of the most substantial works of systematic theology ever written. On Religion presents a central chapter from Barth’s masterpiece, in which he explores the phenom...

    38,25 €

  • I See . . . a Red-Tail Hawked
    Mary Barth
    While attending a program at a local environmental center, I found out that many red-tailed hawks are killed every year along our highways. I also found out that I was contributing to this problem since when I finished eating an apple in the car, I would throw the core out the window! The core attracts the mice, the mice attract the hawks, and the rest is history. The story the...

    22,84 €

  • Fluchtling Zu Sein, Ist (K)Eine Weltanschauung? Die Politische Integration Von Westdeutschen Und Vertriebenen Und Der Bhe in Nordrhein-Westfalen 1945
    Arno Barth
    „Auf der Rückseite [unserer Fahne] aber ist um einen Eichbaum herum der Wahlspruch geschrieben, der unsere Losung bleiben soll: Ost und West - In Treue fest' Das zitierte Credo des masurischen Gelsenkirchener Pfarrers, Otto Mückeley, kann als repräsentativ für die große Emphase zwischen West- und Ostdeutschen gelten, die in den Abstimmungskämpfen des Versailler Vertrages besch...

    58,96 €

  • Leave Me Alone
    Barth Stoner
    In today's society the government seems to have control over our lives no matter which way we turn. The rules and reglations regarding what we can or cannot do seem to have no end. It wasn't that many years ago that a person could live a life free to do pretty much whatever they wanted as long as they didn't hurt anyone or interfere with someone else's freedoms. The courts a...

    21,33 €

  • Demographischer Wandel in Deutschland
    Melanie Barth
    Gegenstand dieses Buches ist die Frage, inwieweit die mit dem demographischen Wandel einhergehende zunehmende Alterung der Bevölkerung Einfluss auf die gesetzliche Krankenversicherung haben wird. Ein ausschlaggebender Punkt, der zur Belastung der Finanzierung der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung beiträgt ist u.a. die Zunahme psychischer Störungen - insbesondere die der Depressi...

    47,92 €

  • Viaje De Anacarsis A La Grecia
    Jean-Jacques Barth�lemy
    This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturall...

    67,81 €

  • Viaje De Anacarsis A La Grecia, Volume 1
    Jean-Jacques Barth�lemy
    This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is cult...

    45,97 €

  • Kristillinen Kirko-historia
    Christ. Gottlob Barth
    This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is cult...

    32,13 €

  • Viaje De Anacarsis A La Grecia, Volume 3
    Jean-Jacques Barth�lemy
    This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturall...

    63,88 €

  • „Flüchtling zu sein, ist (k)eine Weltanschauung'?
    Arno Barth
    Magisterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Geschichte Europa - Deutschland - Nachkriegszeit, Kalter Krieg, Note: 1,0, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: „Auf der Rückseite [unserer Fahne] aber ist um einen Eichbaum herum der Wahlspruch geschrieben, der unsere Losung bleiben soll: Ost und West - In Treue fest' Das zitierte Credo des masurischen Gelsen...

    48,00 €

  • Every Third Thought
    John Barth

    16,21 €

  • Theological Existence To-Day!
    Karl Barth / R. Birch Hoyle / RBirch Hoyle

    14,89 €

  • The Teaching of the Church Regarding Baptism
    Karl Barth

    19,66 €

  • A Shorter Commentary on Romans
    Karl Barth

    46,23 €

  • Call for God
    Karl Barth
    This second collection of sermons preached by Karl Barth in Basel prison won the same high praise as its predecessor, Deliverance to the Captives. In a mere twelve sermons much of Barth’s greatness comes through, his faith, his heart and compassion’, wrote the Times Literary Supplement, and the Church of England Newspaper remarked, We find revealed here the deep and pastoral co...

    27,13 €

  • Prayer and Preaching
    Karl Barth
    In a Preface, Professor James S. Stewart, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, writes: `This little book demonstrates wonderfully Barth’s characteristic union of simplicity and profundity. Certainly there is in these pages a Word from the Lord for the revitalizing of the Church.’The book is based on two series of informal lectures, published in the USA a...

    35,11 €

  • My Almost Certainly Real Imaginary Jesus
    Kelly Barth
    Kelly Barth, like many American kids, went to Sunday school, sang songs about Zaccheas, and was tucked in with bedtime prayers. A typical Christian kid, that is, until she developed a searingly deep crush on another little girl playing afterhours in church, and more importantly, until Jesus—a tiny, imaginary Jesus, one that stays 'safely tucked behind the baseboard or the...

    16,54 €

  • Das formale Strafverfahren in der Hauptverhandlung
    Ilka Barth
    Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. Das Hauptverhandlungsprotokoll im formalen Strafverfahren ist eine öffentliche Urkunde und erbringt den vollen Beweis, dass die gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Förmlichkeiten der Verhandlung befolgt wurden. Der Verlauf und alle wesentlichen Ereignisse der Hauptver­handlung müssen im Protokoll schriftlich fixiert werden und gelten damit als tats...

    47,92 €

  • Inklusion/Exklusion und das System der Massenmedien
    Thomas Barth
    Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. Die soziale Ausgrenzung von Menschen und die Marginalisierung von Gruppen haben in den letzten Jahren vor allem unter dem Stichwort der Exklusion erneute Aufmerksamkeit erhalten und auch die wissenschaftlichen Debatten haben an Intensität gewonnen. So bietet doch der Exklusionsbegriff auch einiges theoretisches Potenzial, in der modernen ...

    75,37 €

  • Personalentwicklung auf dem Prüfstand
    Astrid Barth
    Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. Hervorragend qualifizierte Mitarbeiter sind für eine langfristige Sicherung der Wett­bewerbsfähigkeit von Unternehmen unverzichtbar. Doch gerade in kon­junk­turell schlechten Zeiten vernachlässigen Unternehmen ihr wertvollstes Gut: ihr Personal. Das liegt daran, dass der ökonomische Nutzen einer „In­ves­ti­tion in den Mitarbeiter' nicht zwing...

    56,97 €

  • Dogmatics in Outline
    Karl Barth
    Barth stands before us as the greatest theologian of the twentieth century, yet the massive corpus of work which he left behind, the multi volume Church Dogmatics, can seem daunting and formidable to readers today. Fortunately his Dogmatics in Outline first published in English in 1949, contains in brilliantly concentrated form even in shorthand, the essential tenets of his thi...

    43,73 €

  • Disorders of neuronal migration
    Peter G. Barth
    Disorders of neuronal migration can cause learning disability, autism, and epilepsy. Many are genetically determined and need precise diagnosis to provide genetic counselling. This book will help the clinician to acquire insight as well as proficiency in diagnosis. Individual chapters describe subgroups including lissencephalies, subependymal heterotopia, non-lissencephalic cor...

    84,12 €

  • Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa - Volume 1
    Heinrich Barth

    79,62 €

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