827 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: b k

  • Mary Lou
    K.B. Pellegrino
    Years ago, two children survived an explosion that killed their parents and older brother. Now, those distant events have far-reaching consequences when Leana Lonergan is killed in a car accident. Leana was the wealthy, beautiful, and brilliant wife of Gar, but due to the circumstances of her death, authorities aren’t sure if this was an accident or murder. On the west side of ...

    22,01 €

  • Brothers from Another Mother
    K.B. Pellegrino
    Years ago, seven boys connected as children at their local boys club. The strength of their bond lasts through adulthood-and now has serious, possibly murderous, implications. Beautiful women are being slaughtered in West Side, Massachusetts. Major Crimes Unit Captain Rudy Beauregard and his team are on the case and hungry for quick justice. The dead women all have two things i...

    21,91 €

  • You Can’t Keep It
    K.B. Marie / K.BMarie
    You Can’t Keep It is an illustrated collection of forty-nine poems. Each a meditation on the impermanence of the waking world. All we see, all we have--nothing lasts.​And where does that leave us?​How do we build a life without roots, on the unsteady surface of a turbulent sea?​And what joy, freedom, and healing might we gain--if we are brave enough to let go? ...

    9,65 €

  • The Unofficial Account of Gavin Harris
    K. B. Kidder / Kevin Harris
    Tortured Earth supplemental sourcebooks provide players and GMs with new spells, potions, creatures, player species, and more.  Summoning Spells! Players can summon companion creatures (pets) or creatures of essence to do their bidding. Casters can summon swarms of insects, small and large animals, massive treefolk, or undead articulates. These spells expand with each book and ...

    33,99 €

  • The Poppy in the Black of the Gothic Night
    K.B. Ludlow
    The poems in The Poppy in the Black of the Gothic Night take the reader through a journey into a dark, surreal and romantic world, where war and disease are constant companions.This collection immerses the reader in a strange reality where minutes can turn into hours and Death itself appears in a variety of personas. ...

    7,02 €

  • Tortured Earth Role Playing Game
    K. B. Kidder / Kevin Harris
    How is Tortured Earth different from other RPGs?Tortured Earth is a unique, classless system that uses skill points for character advancement. The system is genre-less and easily integrates sci-fi, fantasy, and horror.  As a classless system, players may create their own specialty characters without the constraints of pre-defined limitations. Players may pick from a wide variet...

    43,43 €

    B. Anjaneyulu / BAnjaneyulu / K. Sreekanth / KSreekanth
    Suspension system of an automobile plays an important role in ensuring the stability of the automobile. Another major aspect of suspension system in passenger cars is luxury. A lot of research is going on in this direction, to further the development of independent suspension systems for automobiles.In the independent suspension system, the control arm plays a major role. It is...

    69,66 €

  • Mr. Business
    B.K. Fulton / Michelle Dominado
    Meet Mr. Business: third-grade student who is trying to make his way in a new neighborhood! Follow BK around his community and school as he learns about life. In this adventure, BK does not want to stop playing video games, and feels bad when his mom makes him come home. B.K. has to make a choice between his family and his video games. 3 ...

    22,94 €

    R.B.K. R.B.K. / R.B.KR.B.K.
    My Life My Story My Journey & A Tall Tale - Book 2&3. Compiled together is a continuation of my nonfiction story. Documented and written in real-time as my story unfolded. Authentic raw and real. Written with my heart on my sleeve. I share my spiritual journey with the world. Inspired by Theresa the catalyst of my own awakening. Sent me on a search for answers and clarification...

    19,82 €

  • The Last Roman
    B.K. Greenwood / B.KGreenwood
    Gaul, 37 ADSeasoned imperial officer Marcus Sempronius Gracchus leads the 9th Roman Legion into a bloody battle against a fierce barbarian rival. It’s a battle he won’t survive.When he awakens three days later, clawing his way from a hastily dug grave, Marcus realizes he cannot be killed-but that won’t stop him from dying time and again over the next 2,000 years. Burdened with ...

    12,65 €

  • Structural and functional adaptation of psychrophilic enzymes
    Prakash K K / Santhosh B M
    Structural adaptation in the active site of the enzymes is accommodate the substrate at low energy cost. Structural origins of the enzyme are stabilized through amino acid and salt bridges etc., protein surfaces are also important for adaptation of protein function in both high and low temperatures, as these determine the important structure and Via interaction of water with bo...

    70,58 €

  • Breaking God’s Taboos
    Dr K B Napier
    The author has used a secular term usually used in anthropology, to refer to the way some Christians can fall into devastating evil. In the book, he proposes using ’taboo’ as a way of describing a Christian’s fall into depravity. It is an attempt to use the word as a description. Most believers don’t understand how any Christian can fall so dramatically - but, some do anyway! T...

    18,90 €

  • Modeling and Simulation of High Reliable Renewable Energy based Hybrid
    Energy is essential to everyone’s life no matter when and where they are. This is especially true in this new century, where people keep pursuing higher quality of life. Among different types of energy, electric energy is one of the most important that people need every day. It is now a globally accepted reality that electrical energy is fundamental for social and economic deve...

    85,59 €

  • Redução das espécies de enxofre e suas transformações
    Sujith K B
    Os oceanos contribuem com cerca de 20% de enxofre biogénico para a atmosfera (15-20 Tg/ano). Vários processos biológicos impulsionam o ciclo do enxofre na superfície do oceano aberto. Através destes processos biológicos são produzidos vários compostos de enxofre no oceano, e os compostos de enxofre voláteis são emitidos para a atmosfera, entre eles o dimetilsulfureto (DMS) é o ...

    61,69 €

  • Zredukowane gatunki siarki i ich przemiany
    Sujith K B
    Oceany dostarczają około 20% biogennej siarki do atmosfery (15-20 Tg/rok). Różne procesy biologiczne napędzają cykl siarkowy na powierzchni otwartego oceanu. W wyniku tych procesów biologicznych w oceanie wytwarzane są różne związki siarki, a lotne związki siarki są emitowane do atmosfery, wśród których najobficiej występującym biologicznym związkiem siarki jest siarczek dimety...

    61,63 €

  • Espèces sulfureuses réduites et leurs transformations
    Sujith K B
    Les océans contribuent à environ 20% du soufre biogénique dans l’atmosphère (15-20 Tg/an). Divers processus biologiques régissent le cycle du soufre à la surface de l’océan. Ces processus biologiques produisent divers composés soufrés dans l’océan, et les composés soufrés volatils sont émis dans l’atmosphère, parmi lesquels le sulfure de diméthyle (DMS) est le composé soufré bi...

    61,69 €

  • Specie di zolfo ridotte e loro trasformazioni
    Sujith K B
    Gli oceani contribuiscono circa il 20% dello zolfo biogenico nell’atmosfera (15-20 Tg/anno). Vari processi biologici guidano il ciclo dello zolfo nella superficie dell’oceano aperto. Attraverso questi processi biologici vari composti di zolfo sono prodotti nell’oceano, e i composti volatili di zolfo sono emessi nell’atmosfera, tra cui il dimetilsolfuro (DMS) è il composto di zo...

    61,69 €

  • Reduzierte Schwefelspezies und ihre Umwandlungen
    Sujith K B
    Die Ozeane tragen etwa 20 % des biogenen Schwefels in die Atmosphäre bei (15-20 Tg/Jahr). Verschiedene biologische Prozesse treiben den Schwefelkreislauf an der Oberfläche des offenen Ozeans an. Durch diese biologischen Prozesse werden verschiedene Schwefelverbindungen im Ozean produziert, und die flüchtigen Schwefelverbindungen werden in die Atmosphäre emittiert, unter ihnen i...

    61,69 €

  • Tecnologia Conversor de Energia das Ondas
    K.N. Seetharamu / K.NSeetharamu / Kavadiki Veerabhadrappa / Suhas B G
    Espera-se que o consumo mundial de energia aumente substancialmente na próxima década e se a mesma negligência em relação ao meio ambiente continuar, haverá um dia em que não haverá ar limpo disponível. A geração de eletricidade se tornou um problema crítico na era moderna, pois os recursos energéticos tradicionais não estão sendo reabastecidos e pode haver um dia em que não ha...

    60,26 €

  • Technologie de conversion de l’énergie des vagues
    K.N. Seetharamu / Kavadiki Veerabhadrappa / Suhas B G
    La consommation mondiale d’énergie devrait augmenter considérablement au cours de la prochaine décennie et si la même négligence envers l’environnement se poursuit, il y aura un jour où il n’y aura plus d’air pur. La production d’électricité est devenue un problème critique à l’ère moderne, car les ressources énergétiques traditionnelles ne se renouvellent pas et il se pourrait...

    60,26 €

  • Tecnologia dei convertitori di energia delle onde
    K.N. Seetharamu / Kavadiki Veerabhadrappa / Suhas B G
    Si prevede che il consumo mondiale di energia aumenti sostanzialmente nel prossimo decennio e se la stessa negligenza verso l’ambiente continua, ci sarà un giorno in cui non ci sarà aria pulita. La generazione di elettricità è diventata un problema critico nell’era moderna, poiché le risorse energetiche tradizionali non si stanno riempiendo e potrebbe arrivare il giorno in cui ...

    60,26 €

  • Wellenenergie-Konverter-Technologie
    K.N. Seetharamu / Kavadiki Veerabhadrappa / Suhas B G
    Es wird erwartet, dass der weltweite Energieverbrauch in den nächsten zehn Jahren erheblich ansteigen wird, und wenn die gleiche Nachlässigkeit gegenüber der Umwelt anhält, wird es einen Tag geben, an dem keine saubere Luft zur Verfügung steht. Die Stromerzeugung ist zu einem kritischen Problem in der modernen Ära geworden, da die traditionellen Energieressourcen nicht wieder a...

    60,26 €

  • Technologia konwertera energii falowej
    K.N. Seetharamu / Kavadiki Veerabhadrappa / Suhas B G
    Oczekuje się, że światowe zużycie energii wzrośnie znacząco w ciągu następnej dekady i jeśli to samo zaniedbanie w stosunku do środowiska będzie kontynuowane, nadejdzie dzień, w którym nie będzie dostępne czyste powietrze. Wytwarzanie energii elektrycznej stało się krytycznym problemem w nowoczesnej erze, ponieważ tradycyjne zasoby energii nie są uzupełniane i może być dzień, w...

    60,26 €

  • Plantas inseticidas e agro-homopatia
    Carolina F.M. Santos / Carolina F.MSantos / Jéssica K.S. Pachú / Jéssica K.SPachú / José B. Malaquias / José BMalaquias
    O controlo de pragas através do uso de pesticidas tem estado sujeito a vários problemas, devido ao risco de selecção de resistência em insectos, influência negativa nas populações de organismos não alvo e contaminação ambiental. Neste contexto, outras práticas são necessárias, tais como o controle biológico e o uso de inseticidas alternativos, a fim de minimizar os impactos neg...

    61,63 €

  • Destylacja wody przy użyciu sześciokątnego kolektora słonecznego
    B. Pitchia Krishnan / BPitchia Krishnan / K. Gokulnath / KGokulnath / P. Gopi / PGopi
    W tym nowym obszarze zielonej technologii, destylacja słoneczna odgrywa główną rolę w przekształcaniu słonawej i słonej wody w wodę przenośną. Ponieważ kryzys energetyczny odgrywa główną rolę w świecie z powodu zwiększonego wskaźnika urodzeń i zmniejszonego wskaźnika zgonów, co prowadzi do wysokiego zużycia i degradacji zasobów naturalnych. Od teraz źródło słodkiej wody musi by...

    61,44 €

  • Plantas insecticidas y agro-homeopatía
    Carolina F.M. Santos / Carolina F.MSantos / Jéssica K.S. Pachú / Jéssica K.SPachú / José B. Malaquias / José BMalaquias
    Plantas insecticidas y preparados homeopáticos, como aquellos obtenidos a partir de semillas secas de la planta Delphinium staphisagria L. (Ranunculaceae), las cuales contienen alcaloides tóxicos, han recibido relevante atención de la comunidad científica y de productores, especialmente con respecto al control de áfidos. Sin embargo, es importante exponer informaciones que pued...

    61,69 €

  • Wave Energy Converter Technology
    K.N. Seetharamu / K.NSeetharamu / Kavadiki Veerabhadrappa / Suhas B. G. / Suhas BG.
    The world energy consumption is expected to increase substantially in the next decade and if the same negligence towards the environment continues, there will be a day when no clean air would be available. Electricity Generation has become a critical problem in the modern era as the traditional energy resources are not getting replenished and there might be a day where there ma...

    61,57 €

  • Piante insetticide e agro-omeopatia
    Carolina F.M. Santos / Jéssica K.S. Pachú / José B. Malaquias
    Le piante insetticide e i preparati omeopatici, come quelli ottenuti dai semi essiccati della pianta Delphinium staphisagria L. (Ranunculaceae), che contengono alcaloidi tossici, hanno ricevuto un’attenzione rilevante dalla comunità scientifica e dai produttori, soprattutto per quanto riguarda il controllo degli afidi. Tuttavia, è importante presentare informazioni che possano ...

    55,10 €

  • Insecticidal plants and agro-homeopathy
    Carolina F.M. Santos / Jéssica K.S. Pachú / José B. Malaquias
    Insecticidal plants and homeopathic preparations, such as those obtained from dried seeds of the plant Delphinium staphisagria L. (Ranunculaceae), which contain toxic alkaloids, have received relevant attention from the scientific community and producers, especially with respect to aphid control. However, it is important to present information that can support the implementatio...

    61,57 €

  • Rośliny owadobójcze i agrohomeopatia
    Carolina F.M. Santos / Jéssica K.S. Pachú / José B. Malaquias
    Rośliny owadobójcze i preparaty homeopatyczne, takie jak te otrzymywane z wysuszonych nasion rośliny Delphinium staphisagria L. (Ranunculaceae), które zawierają toksyczne alkaloidy, cieszą się dużym zainteresowaniem ze strony środowiska naukowego i producentów, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do zwalczania mszyc. Ważne jest jednak, aby przedstawić informacje, które mogą wesprzeć wdroże...

    61,63 €