3422 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: allan

  • The Bundu Bunch get to Write their Names
    Allan Low
    Sipho feels sad and ashamed.Sad because he has no family to belong to anymore.Ashamed because he cannot write his name like other children can.Sadness and shame turn to joy and pride in the first of this series of inspiring stories based on the real lives of AIDS orphans in southern Africa. ...

    12,42 €

  • One Click Away
    Scott Allan
    One Click Away by Scott Allan is a transformative productivity guide for anyone struggling with the chaos of digital overload. This insightful book delves into the heart of our digital hoarding habits, offering a clear path to a more organized and stress-free digital life.What You’ll Discover in ’One Click Away’:Digital Decluttering Method: A comprehensive, step-by-step approac...

    12,05 €

  • Rosenblüten und weiße Spitze
    Caron Allan
    'Ich erhielt das Buch an einem Freitag und konnte es nicht für längere Zeit weglegen - ade Hausarbeit -, da ich so begeistert war, ich beendete es schon am Samstagabend. ' 'Dottie Manderson ist eine großartige Figur... Eine großartige Lektüre und ich freue mich darauf, mehr über Dottie zu erfahren.' Rosenblüten und weiße Spitze: ein Dottie Manderson Fall: Buch 7eine romantisch...

    19,18 €

  • Empower Your Self-Esteem
    Transform Your Inner Power, Unleash Your Potential, and Unlock Your Best SelfIn Empower Your Self-Esteem, transformational mindset strategist, peak performance trainer, and International Bestselling author Scott Allan delivers key concepts to help you discover how self-esteem is intricately linked to your physical health, mental well-being, and body image.Recognizing the profou...

    13,31 €

  • Rejection Free
    ★Rebuild Your Self-Image, Conquer Your Fear of Rejection, and Defeat the Mental Barriers Holding You Back★Is your fear of rejection holding you back from taking massive action? Do you resist asking for what you want for fear of getting a NO? Do you allow the opinions of others to define your self-worth?If so, Rejection Free™ is the book you MUST read NOW.Scott Allan’s Rejection...

    12,88 €

  • Une Autre Fois, Mate!
    Allan McFadden
    My name is Dougay Roberre. I’ve been living on the Cote d’Azur for nine months and in that time, I’ve solved the death of a beautiful blonde, survived a serious beating by criminals, and unraveled a 40-year-old mystery.Now with a five percent share in l’Opera Mozart, I have big plans for ’my café’. That is if I can stay out of trouble and solve a few nagging questions.Why is th...

    12,43 €

  • Keeping Up with Jesus
    Allan R Bevere
    What is a 'narrative devotional commentary'? It’s a new way to gain insight into a Bible book with commentary that flows much like the source text.For those who may have found the gospel of Mark less helpful than the other gospels or who have looked at it more as a collection of stories strung together in order to get us to the end of Jesus’ life, this commentary could be a bre...

    10,15 €

    George Allan England
    'Darkness and Dawn: Book I' by using George Allan England is a fascinating technology fiction novel that explores a submit-apocalyptic international and humanity’s war for survival. England’s work is a visionary story that unfolds in the aftermath of a worldwide catastrophe that plunges the Earth into darkness. The narrative follows the protagonist, Richard Ferrars, who awakens...

    13,01 €

    George Allan England
    'DARKNESS AND DAWN BOOK. III' by using George Allan England is a fascinating technology fiction novel that explores a submit-apocalyptic international and humanity war for survival. England’s work is a visionary story that unfolds in the aftermath of a worldwide catastrophe that plunges the Earth into darkness. The narrative follows the protagonist, Richard Ferrars, who awakens...

    14,45 €

    George Allan England
    ' DARKNESS AND DAWN BOOK. II' by using George Allan England is a fascinating technology fiction novel that explores a submit-apocalyptic international and humanity’s war for survival. England’s work is a visionary story that unfolds in the aftermath of a worldwide catastrophe that plunges the Earth into darkness. The narrative follows the protagonist, Richard Ferrars, who awake...

    15,19 €

    Este libro del profesor Allan R. Brewer-Carías, sobre 'La militarización de la política,' 'Un mal que nos acecha desde la Independencia,' es un compendio de vario de sus estudios en los cuales hace una reflexión sobre el proceso político venezolano desde la Independencia hasta nuestros días. Para ello, ha partido del estudio de la Independencia como proceso político desarrollad...

    21,83 €

  • Die Auswirkung von Sicherheitsmaßnahmen auf die Steigerung der Kundenzufriedenheit
    Allan Mugo / Elijah O. S. Odhiambo
    Globale Sicherheitsbedenken haben aufgrund der Verbreitung von Terrorismus, organisierter Kriminalität, Cyber-Bedrohungen und anderen Sicherheitsproblemen verstärkte Sicherheitsmaßnahmen in öffentlichen Räumen, einschließlich Einkaufszentren, erforderlich gemacht. Die vorliegende Studie soll diese Wissenslücke schließen, indem sie die Beziehung zwischen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen und...

    62,87 €

  • L’impact des mesures de sécurité sur l’amélioration de la satisfaction des clients
    Allan Mugo / Elijah O. S. Odhiambo
    Les préoccupations mondiales en matière de sécurité ont rendu nécessaire le renforcement des mesures de sécurité dans les espaces publics, y compris les centres commerciaux, en raison de la prévalence du terrorisme, du crime organisé, des cybermenaces et d’autres problèmes de sécurité. Cette étude vise à combler cette lacune en examinant la relation entre les mesures de sécurit...

    62,87 €

  • O impacto das medidas de segurança no aumento da satisfação do cliente
    Allan Mugo / Elijah O. S. Odhiambo
    As preocupações globais com a segurança exigiram medidas de segurança reforçadas nos espaços públicos, incluindo os centros comerciais, devido à prevalência do terrorismo, do crime organizado, das ameaças cibernéticas e de outras questões de segurança. Esta investigação visa colmatar esta lacuna de conhecimentos, examinando a relação entre as medidas de segurança e a satisfação...

    62,81 €

  • L’impatto delle misure di sicurezza sul miglioramento della soddisfazione dei clienti
    Allan Mugo / Elijah O. S. Odhiambo
    Le preoccupazioni per la sicurezza globale hanno reso necessario un rafforzamento delle misure di sicurezza negli spazi pubblici, compresi i centri commerciali, a causa della prevalenza del terrorismo, della criminalità organizzata, delle minacce informatiche e di altri problemi di sicurezza. Questa ricerca si propone di colmare questa lacuna conoscitiva esaminando la relazione...

    62,81 €

    Este libro del profesor Allan R. Brewer-Carías, está destinado a analizar las vicisitudes que tuvieron lugar en Venezuela con motivo de (i) la convocatoria del referendo consultivo sobre la cuestión de la reclamación del Territorio Esequibo en diciembre de 2023, y que consideró como una decisión errada, inconstitucional, inútil, inconveniente, inoportuna, irresponsable y contra...

    21,75 €

  • Die Kriminologie des Feindes
    Allan Arburola Valverde
    Ausgangspunkt dieser Untersuchung war die Feststellung der Notwendigkeit der Entstehung einer neuen kriminologischen Strömung mit der Bezeichnung 'Kriminologie des Feindes', die sich mit einer besonderen Form der Kriminalität befasst, nämlich der dschihadistischen Terrorbewegung. Der dschihadistische Terrorismus stellt derzeit eine äußerst gefährliche Bedrohung für die Menschhe...

    56,47 €

  • The criminology of the enemy
    Allan Arburola Valverde
    The starting point of this research was to establish the need for the emergence of a new criminological current called 'Criminology of the Enemy', which studies a special form of criminality called the Jihadist terrorist movement. Jihadist terrorism currently represents an extremely dangerous threat to humanity, because of its claim to dominate the whole world. Islam as the rel...

    56,40 €

  • La criminologie de l’ennemi
    Allan Arburola Valverde
    Le point de départ de cette recherche a été d’établir la nécessité de l’émergence d’un nouveau courant criminologique appelé 'Criminologie de l’ennemi', qui étudie une forme particulière de criminalité appelée le mouvement terroriste djihadiste. Le terrorisme djihadiste représente actuellement une menace extrêmement dangereuse pour l’humanité, en raison de sa prétention à domin...

    56,40 €

  • A criminologia do inimigo
    Allan Arburola Valverde
    O ponto de partida desta investigação foi a constatação da necessidade do aparecimento de uma nova corrente criminológica denominada 'Criminologia do Inimigo', que estuda uma forma especial de criminalidade denominada movimento terrorista jihadista. O terrorismo jihadista representa atualmente uma ameaça extremamente perigosa para a humanidade, devido à sua pretensão de dominar...

    56,40 €

  • La criminologia del nemico
    Allan Arburola Valverde
    Il punto di partenza di questa ricerca è stato quello di stabilire la necessità della nascita di una nuova corrente criminologica chiamata 'Criminologia del nemico', che studia una particolare forma di criminalità chiamata movimento terroristico jihadista. Il terrorismo jihadista rappresenta attualmente una minaccia estremamente pericolosa per l’umanità, a causa della sua prete...

    56,40 €

  • O Que É O Espiritismo
    Allan Kardec
    As pessoas que só têm conhecimento superficial do Espiritismo são, naturalmente, inclinadas a formular certas questões, cuja solução podiam, sem dúvida, encontrar em um estudo mais aprofundado dele; porém, o tempo e, muitas vezes, a vontade lhes faltam para se entregarem a observações seguidas. Antes de empreenderem essa tarefa, muitos desejam saber, pelo menos, do que se trata...

    12,49 €

  • The Cross and The Crisis
    Allan Smith / Fulton J. Sheen
    The Cross and the CrisisToday the world stands at a crossroad. Two paths stretch out toward the future. One leads to moral and religious ruin: the other to the salvation of civilization and culture. Down one, men will walk in the comradeship of anti-Christ, up the other in the brotherhood of Christ. There is no middle course. As Fulton Sheen puts it, the choice is between 'an o...

    18,71 €

  • Calvary and the Mass
    Allan Smith / Fulton J. Sheen
    CALVARY AND THE MASS. (Special Large Print Edition)Fulton J. Sheen will present a collection of his writings that will encourage the reader to better understand the transformative power of the Eucharist and the beauty of the Mass.We were there then during that Crucifixion. The drama was already completed as far as the vision of Christ was concerned, but it had not yet been unfo...

    18,92 €

  • The Priest Is Not His Own.
    Allan Smith / Fulton J. Sheen
    THE PRIEST IS NOT HIS OWN - Becoming The Father God Has Called You to BeBy Fulton J. SheenThe Priest Is Not His Own is far more than a book for priests or for those considering the priesthood as a vocation. In these penetrating, deeply pondered discussions of the priesthood, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen has produced a work of lasting value, a book that will perhaps change many hundre...

    20,17 €

  • Abordagem Legal
    Allan Sarmento Vieira / Andr Maria Brandão Mendes de Oliveira / Jéssica Ruana Lima Mendes
    A crescente geração diária de resíduos sólidos urbanos, e a permanência da disposição final de forma inadequada em vazadouros a céu aberto, representam um dos grandes desafios das gestões municipais. Considerando as mudanças advindas do novo marco regulatório do saneamento básico, com a Lei 14.026/2020, essa pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar os impactos e os recentes movimento...

    87,15 €

  • A Wreath of Lilies
    Caron Allan
    A Wreath of Lilies: Miss Gascoigne mysteries book 2 - a traditional romantic cosy mystery set in the swinging 60s The Miss Gascoigne mysteries are a series of traditional amateur detective mysteries set in Britain in the ’Swinging 60s’ and featuring Diana ’Dee’ Gascoigne as an amateur detective who stumbles over dead bodies almost as often as your average dog-walker. Between jo...

    17,93 €

  • MIS APORTES A LA CONSTITUCIÓN DE 1999. Con las propuestas, observaciones y votos salvados negativos formulados durante los debates de la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente de 1999.
    Este libro del profesor Allan R. Brewer-Carías, recoge todos sus aportes a la Constituci;on de 1999 que como miembro independiente electo que fue de la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente de ese año, formuló mediante propuestas escritas enviadas a la Asamblea y a sus diversas Comisiones, sus observaciones formuladas a las Propuestas de las diversas Comisiones, sus exposiciones oral...

    38,57 €

  • PRINCIPLES OF THE RULE OF LAW (État de droit, Estado de derecho, Stato di diritto, Rechtsstaat). Historical Approach
    This book of Professor Allan R. Brewer-Carías, deals with the concept of the Rule of Law State, which is equivalent to the German Rechtsstaat, the French État de droit, the Spanish Estado de derecho and the Italian Stato di diritto, which had its origin in the basic ideas and principles generated after the English Glorious Revolution of the seventeenth century, from the America...

    25,96 €

  • Sun Step Black Lake
    Allan Graubard
    Sun Step Black Lake is a remarkable book which showcases the art of collaboration, and artistic dialogue. The beautiful, abstract images, from John Welson, provide a platform for Allan Graubard’s sublime words to wander through the terrain laid  by Welson. But, then, in the true spirit of artistic friendship, Welson’s images return the favour and work their way through Grauba...

    14,06 €