80519 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: a

  • All Things Dark And Dangerous
    A.S. Chambers
    Are monsters that lurk down wells just victims of circumstance? Can you push your gifted child too far? What can really excite a bored fallen angel who has been stranded on Earth since the beginning of time? How do vampires learn to hunt and is it always successful?A.S.Chambers explores these questions and unravels more dark tales in this, his latest collection of short horror ...

    8,75 €

  • What Happens When You Die
    A.L. Edwards
    Celebrated radio announcer and 15-year funeral home veteran A.L. Edwards brings an intricate and interesting tell-all memoir to the table that shows how even in death, it’s all about the dollars.Everyone needs a funeral home. If not for a loved one, one day, most definitely for themselves. For most people, death is the end. It rings clearly with a note of finality. Once the cas...

    28,26 €

  • What Happens When You Die
    A.L. Edwards
    Celebrated radio announcer and 15-year funeral home veteran A.L. Edwards brings an intricate and interesting tell-all memoir to the table that shows how even in death, it’s all about the dollars.Everyone needs a funeral home. If not for a loved one, one day, most definitely for themselves. For most people, death is the end. It rings clearly with a note of finality. Once the cas...

    14,35 €

  • All the Feels Volume 2
    B. A. Paul
    In this second volume of All the Feels, our characters face major life changes and upheaval of their worlds. Whether grappling with rocky relationships or confronting past demons, the choices made will forever change their life trajectories and hopefully forge paths leading to peace and closure.Grab a cup of coffee-and maybe a few tissues-and get ready to enjoy all the feels.St...

    7,59 €

  • All the Feels Volume 1
    B. A. Paul
    Searching for a hint of romance? Perhaps a bittersweet coming-of-age tale? Maybe a bit of mystery is more your flavor. Or perhaps your favorite stories are those that tug at your heartstrings and leave you with a sense of ahhhh.That’s what the All the Feels collections are all about.These characters are in some of the toughest spots ever faced, baring their hearts and souls and...

    7,59 €

  • Mystery Minutes Volume 1
    B. A. Paul
    The first volume of Mystery Minutes takes readers on twisted journeys from alligator pits to abandoned carnivals, from too-perfect subdivisions to quiet country ponds.Mystery abounds, and the locals-be they badge-wearing crime fighters or bathrobe-clad old women-won’t stop until things go their way... whichever way that may be.And one thing’s for sure: You’ll never gaze upon a ...

    10,72 €

  • Out There Volume 1
    B. A. Paul
    Need an escape? A brain break from the mundane and daily drama fests? Maybe a visit somewhere 'out there' would do you good.From morbid dystopias to misguided futuristic humans, this short story collection is certain to pull your imagination to alternate times and dimensions. If only for a moment.Toss in a bio-engineered, fire-breathing dragon, and what more could you ask for?S...

    10,66 €

  • Natürliche und geografische Bedingungen von Zmiev
    Yu. A. Kolovrat-Butenko
    Das Buch ist dem Studium der natürlichen und geographischen Bedingungen der Stadt Zmiev gewidmet: Relief und Geomorphologie, Klima, Wasserressourcen, Böden, Flora und Fauna, Mineralien sowie die natürlichen Verkehrswege - Sewerskij Donez und Murawskij Schlach. Auf der Grundlage von archivierten und veröffentlichten Quellen, Materialien aus Manuskripten und Expeditionen sowie wi...

    104,86 €

  • Condições naturais e geográficas de Zmiev
    Yu. A. Kolovrat-Butenko
    O livro é dedicado ao estudo das condições naturais e geográficas da cidade de Zmiev: relevo e geomorfologia, clima, recursos hídricos, solos, flora e fauna, minerais, bem como vias naturais de comunicação - Seversky Donets e Muravsky shlach.Com base em fontes de arquivo e publicadas, em materiais de manuscritos e expedições, bem como em trabalhos científicos de cientistas de r...

    104,89 €

  • Grundlagen der Fischerei
    A. N. Sayani / Jyoti Sharma / Shabir Ahmad Dar
    Die indische Fischerei und Aquakultur ist ein wichtiger Sektor der Nahrungsmittelproduktion, der die Ernährung der Bevölkerung sicherstellt, zu den Agrarexporten beiträgt und etwa vierzehn Millionen Menschen in verschiedenen Bereichen beschäftigt. Mit seinen vielfältigen Ressourcen, die von der Tiefsee bis zu den Bergseen reichen, und mit mehr als 10 % der weltweiten Artenvielf...

    78,86 €

  • Principes de base de la pêche
    A. N. Sayani / Jyoti Sharma / Shabir Ahmad Dar
    La pêche et l’aquaculture indiennes constituent un secteur important de la production alimentaire, assurant la sécurité nutritionnelle du panier de la ménagère, contribuant aux exportations agricoles et engageant environ quatorze millions de personnes dans différentes activités. Avec des ressources diverses allant des mers profondes aux lacs de montagne et plus de 10 % de la bi...

    78,87 €

  • Fondamenti di pesca
    A. N. Sayani / Jyoti Sharma / Shabir Ahmad Dar
    La pesca e l’acquacoltura indiane sono un settore importante della produzione alimentare, che fornisce sicurezza nutrizionale al paniere alimentare, contribuisce alle esportazioni agricole e impegna circa quattordici milioni di persone in diverse attività. Con risorse diverse che vanno dai mari profondi ai laghi montani e oltre il 10% della biodiversità globale in termini di sp...

    78,90 €

  • Основы рыболовства
    A. H. Саяни / Джиоти Шарма / Шабир Ахмад Дар
    Индийское рыболовство и аквакультура - важный сектор производства продовольствия, обеспечивающий питательную безопасность продовольственной корзины, способствующий экспорту сельскохозяйственной продукции и вовлекающий в различные виды деятельности около четырнадцати миллионов человек. Располагая разнообразными ресурсами - от глубоководных морей до озер в горах - и более чем 10 ...

    78,84 €

  • Fundamentos da pesca
    A. N. Sayani / Jyoti Sharma / Shabir Ahmad Dar
    A pesca e a aquicultura indianas são um sector importante da produção alimentar, proporcionando segurança nutricional ao cabaz alimentar, contribuindo para as exportações agrícolas e envolvendo cerca de catorze milhões de pessoas em diferentes actividades. Com recursos diversificados que vão desde os mares profundos aos lagos nas montanhas e mais de 10% da biodiversidade global...

    78,90 €

  • Management der Wirtschaft
    Prabakaran A.
    Ein Vorwort rechtfertigt oft, dass ein Autor den Stift zu Papier gebracht hat. Ich habe diese Aufgabe meinem ersten Kapitel überlassen. Hier möchte ich erzählen, wie ich in die Schweiz gekommen bin, um dieses Buch zu schreiben, wie ich meine Forschungen betrieben habe und einigen Menschen für ihren Beitrag danken.Bevor ich in die Schweiz reiste, um die Schweizer Weidegemeinscha...

    85,21 €

  • Gestion de l’économie
    Prabakaran A.
    Une préface justifie souvent le fait qu’un auteur ait pris la plume. J’ai laissé cette tâche à mon premier chapitre. Ici, je souhaite raconter comment je suis venu en Suisse et comment j’ai écrit ce livre, expliquer comment j’ai poursuivi mes recherches et remercier certaines personnes pour leur contribution.Avant de partir en Suisse pour étudier les communs de pâturage suisses...

    85,21 €

  • Gestione dell’economia
    Prabakaran A.
    Una prefazione spesso giustifica il fatto che un autore abbia messo la penna sulla carta. Ho lasciato questo compito al primo capitolo. Qui desidero raccontare come sono arrivato in Svizzera e come ho scritto questo libro, parlare di come ho portato avanti la mia ricerca e ringraziare alcune persone per il loro contributo.Prima di partire per la Svizzera per studiare i pascoli ...

    85,14 €

  • Gestão da economia
    Prabakaran A.
    Um prefácio justifica muitas vezes o facto de um autor ter posto a caneta no papel. Deixei essa tarefa para o meu primeiro capítulo. Aqui, quero contar como vim para a Suíça e para escrever este livro, discutir como prossegui a minha investigação e agradecer a algumas pessoas pelo seu papel.Antes de partir para a Suíça para estudar os bens comuns suíços, tinha pouca noção de qu...

    85,14 €

  • The Ten Pleasures of Marriage and The Confession of the New-married Couple
    A. Marsh
    'This small Treatise which I here present unto thee is the fruit of some spare hours, that my cogitations, after they had been for a small time, between whiles, hovering to and fro in the Air, came fluttring down again, still pitching upon the subject of the Ten Pleasures of Marriage, in each of which I hope thou wilt find somthing worthy of thy acceptance, because I am sure ’t...

    16,15 €

  • Condizioni naturali e geografiche di Zmiev
    Yu. A. Kolowrat-Butenko
    Il libro è dedicato allo studio delle condizioni naturali e geografiche della città di Zmiev: rilievo e geomorfologia, clima, risorse idriche, suoli, flora e fauna, minerali, nonché le vie di comunicazione naturali - Seversky Donets e Muravsky shlach. Sulla base di fonti d’archivio e pubblicate, di materiali di manoscritti e spedizioni, nonché di lavori scientifici di important...

    104,88 €

  • Natural and geographical conditions of Zmiev
    Yu. A. Kolovrat-Butenko
    The book is devoted to the study of natural and geographical conditions of the city of Zmiev: relief and geomorphology, climate, water resources, soils, flora and fauna, minerals, as well as natural routes of communication - Seversky Donets and Muravsky shlach. On the basis of archival and published sources, materials of manuscripts and expeditions, as well as scientific works ...

    104,90 €

  • 3E - Planetearth-Konzept für nachhaltige Entwicklung
    Khalid A. Al-Thour
    Leistungsmessung und -management im Bereich der Nachhaltigkeit können nur dann integriert werden, wenn wir sicherstellen, dass der Fortschritt in den Bereichen Sozialwissenschaft, Technologie und Innovation im Einklang mit Umwelt, Bildung und Wirtschaft erfolgt. Weltweit besteht ein wachsender Bedarf an nachhaltigen und kohärenten Lösungen für alle Umweltprobleme. In vielen Fäl...

    50,25 €

  • 3E - Concept Planetearth pour le développement durable
    Khalid A. Al-Thour
    La mesure et la gestion des performances en matière de durabilité ne seront intégrées que si nous veillons à ce que les progrès des sciences sociales, de la technologie et de l’innovation se fassent en harmonie avec l’environnement, l’éducation et l’économie. Dans le monde entier, le besoin de solutions durables et cohérentes à tous les problèmes environnementaux se fait de plu...

    50,19 €

  • 3E - Conceito Planetearth para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável
    Khalid A. Al-Thour
    A medição e a gestão do desempenho da sustentabilidade só serão integradas se garantirmos que o progresso das ciências sociais, da tecnologia e da inovação ocorre em harmonia com o ambiente, a educação e a economia. Em todo o mundo, há uma necessidade crescente de soluções sustentáveis e coerentes para todos os problemas ambientais. Em muitas ocasiões, isto não é viável, princi...

    50,19 €

  • 3E - Concetto Planetearth per lo sviluppo sostenibile
    Khalid A. Al-Thour
    La misurazione e la gestione delle prestazioni in materia di sostenibilità non sarebbero integrate se non garantissimo che il progresso delle scienze sociali, della tecnologia e dell’innovazione avvenga in armonia con l’ambiente, l’istruzione e l’economia. In tutto il mondo cresce l’esigenza di soluzioni sostenibili e coerenti a tutti i problemi ambientali. In molte occasioni, ...

    50,19 €

  • Architects of Reality
    Michael A Puskas
    We live in a Blinking Universe. A conscious eye that quantum entangles us within the realms of light and dark in trillions of a second to co create our reality. As above so below we move in perfect harmony with the oscillating frequency’s that create our divine connection to source. As architects of our projected perception of this quantum reality we have the liberated intentio...

    69,38 €

  • Brews and Clues
    A.N. Payton
    CSI meets fantasy - with a dash of cozy!Trouble is brewing in Hallow’s Promise...Rae wants to steep in the success of her magic potion wagon, BREW-TEA-FUL, and sell drinks that help the residents of Hallow’s Promise. She certainly doesn’t want to assist the town’s investigator in solving another murder. Except this crime has a personal link to her own history: the victim came f...

    22,30 €

  • Black Woman HEAL Thy Self
    Anita Monique / Carolyn Hubert-Black / Jendayi A Stafford
    There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to health and wellness, but there are specific steps that everyone can take to discover their ideal formula for wellbeing. Whether you are new to holistic health and wellness or have been in the field for years, this book is an excellent resource for helping you develop your ideal level of health and well-being! ...

    17,31 €

  • Lexy And Kaylee’s Canine Coloring Book For Children Volume Seven
    Lexy A Golden
    Thirty dog breeds are presented for children to color. Includes a brief description of each breed and information on the standard breed colors.The standard colors are meant as a guide for children to color in their poochs. However, they may color each breed as their imagination allows them.Coloring BookBlack and White64 Pages (30 Breed Illustrations to Color)Includes Brief Desc...

    6,88 €

  • Rags and the Adventure with Mrs Fox
    A. M. Houston
    Rags is blossoming into a charming character who simply adores the company of people. He’s always eager to greet anyone he encounters with a joyful ’hello’. On one memorable occasion, Rags approached a man by his garden gate, eager to make a new friend. The man, touched by Rags’ friendly gesture, gratefully expressed, ’Thank you for being in the world.’ If Rags could talk, he’d...

    9,29 €