80519 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: a

  • Colors of Valor
    A Hazra
    'Colors of Valor' is a unique coloring book dedicated to the themes of love, sacrifice, and patriotism associated with Memorial Day. This book features over 30 full-size, intricately designed images that capture the essence of what it means to honor and remember our nation’s heroes. Each page is crafted to engage colorists with beautiful patterns and scenes that reflect the sol...

    7,01 €

  • '¡Chúpate esa, en lo que te mondo la otra!'
    Rafael A Osuba
    '¡Chúpate esa, en lo que te mondo la otra!' El Vendedor De Chinas y Sus AdivinanzasEscrito y Ilustrado por: Rafael A. OsubaResumen: Una breve historia cómica contada en rima presenta a un entretenido vendedor de 'Chinas' (naranjas) en Puerto Rico que utiliza acertijos para atraer y provocar a clientes para que compren sus deliciosas naranjas. Escrito íntegramente en españo...

    31,78 €

  • Engraved
    Ron A. Nelson
    In his memoir, Ron shares his 'engraved' stories about the joys and challenges of his captivating life. Despite life’s hard moments, Ron’s enduring optimism and faith in humanity shine through. Each chapter is not just a tale of adventures of change but also a powerful testament, urging compassion and resilience, inspiring readers to embrace kindness and empathy.Ron bravely di...

    34,59 €

  • Expansão em ortodontia
    Divya A. L. / Sanju Somaiah
    Dois dos problemas mais comuns encontrados pelo ortodontista são o apinhamento e a protrusão dos dentes. Um fator primário no apinhamento dentário é frequentemente a deficiência transversal ou sagital do maxilar. A expansão é um meio de ganhar espaço com a vantagem adicional de ser um procedimento conservador. A expansão pode ser efectuada na direção ântero-posterior, na direçã...

    96,02 €

  • Expansion in der Kieferorthopädie
    Divya A. L. / Sanju Somaiah
    Zwei der häufigsten Probleme, mit denen der Kieferorthopäde konfrontiert wird, sind Engstand und Protrusion der Zähne. Ein primärer Faktor für Engstände ist häufig ein transversaler oder sagittaler Oberkieferdefizit. Die Expansion ist ein Mittel, um Platz zu schaffen, und hat den zusätzlichen Vorteil, dass sie ein konservatives Verfahren ist. Die Erweiterung kann in antero-post...

    95,99 €

  • L’expansion de l’orthodontie
    Divya A. L. / Sanju Somaiah
    Deux des problèmes les plus courants rencontrés par les orthodontistes sont l’encombrement et la protrusion des dents. L’un des principaux facteurs de l’encombrement dentaire est souvent l’insuffisance transversale ou sagittale du maxillaire. L’expansion est un moyen de gagner de l’espace avec l’avantage supplémentaire d’être une procédure conservatrice. L’expansion peut se fai...

    96,02 €

  • Espansione in ortodonzia
    Divya A. L. / Sanju Somaiah
    Due dei problemi più comuni riscontrati dall’ortodontista sono l’affollamento e la protrusione dei denti. Un fattore primario dell’affollamento dentale è spesso il deficit trasversale o sagittale del mascellare. L’espansione è un mezzo per guadagnare spazio con l’ulteriore vantaggio di essere una procedura conservativa. L’espansione può essere effettuata in direzione antero-pos...

    96,02 €

  • 100% Mentalidad de éxito
    Samuel C. A.
    100% MENTALIDAD DE ÉXITO es un libro de motivación y superación personal. Y si es eso lo que buscas, estoy seguro de que te seré de gran ayuda.Voy a hacerte reflexionar sobre cosas que a mí me han ayudado mucho. Te enseñaré cómo debes actuar ante determinadas situaciones, cómo afrontar otras, qué actitud tener, cómo sacar fuerzas de donde no las hay, a no tener miedo, a salir d...

    10,46 €

  • (Re)Envisioning Social Studies Education Research
    Sarah A. Mathews
    This edited book is a continuation of Keith Barton’s Research Methods in Social Studies Education (2006), one of the most popular texts in the Information Age’s Research in Social Education series. (Re)Envisioning Social Studies Education Research: Current Epistemological and Methodological Expansions, Deconstructions, and Creations explores research in social studies education...

    71,64 €

  • (Re)Envisioning Social Studies Education Research
    Sarah A. Mathews
    This edited book is a continuation of Keith Barton’s Research Methods in Social Studies Education (2006), one of the most popular texts in the Information Age’s Research in Social Education series. (Re)Envisioning Social Studies Education Research: Current Epistemological and Methodological Expansions, Deconstructions, and Creations explores research in social studies education...

    127,90 €

  • Patchwork Tales
    A.J. Solano
    Welcome to 'Patchwork Tales: The Powers of the Mighty,' a collection of enchanting stories set in the magical town of Patchwork. Here, every child has a superpower that reflects both their greatest strength and their deepest challenge. Through engaging narratives and vivid illustrations, this book invites young readers to explore a world where differences are celebrated and cha...

    36,98 €

  • Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten für den Massenwohnungsbau
    Sunday Yaro A.
    Dieses Buch fasst die Sichtweise der Fachleute in der Bauindustrie in Bezug auf Wissen und Fähigkeiten zusammen, die den Endnutzern guten Wohnraum liefern und den Kunden ein gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis bieten. Es bietet einen Rahmen für die Entwicklung und Auswahl der richtigen Auftragnehmer für den Auftrag. Es wird auch den Arbeitgebern helfen, die Produktivität ihrer Mit...

    69,78 €

  • Conoscenze e competenze per l’edilizia di massa
    Sunday Yaro A.
    Questo libro racchiude le prospettive dei professionisti del settore edilizio sulle conoscenze e le competenze che consentiranno di fornire un buon alloggio agli utenti finali e un buon rapporto qualità-prezzo ai clienti. Fornisce un quadro di riferimento per lo sviluppo e la selezione degli appaltatori giusti per il lavoro. Aiuterà inoltre i datori di lavoro a migliorare la pr...

    69,78 €

  • Conhecimentos e competências para a habitação colectiva
    Sunday Yaro A.
    Este livro reúne as perspectivas dos profissionais da indústria da construção sobre os conhecimentos e as competências que permitirão oferecer boas habitações aos utilizadores finais e proporcionar uma boa relação qualidade/preço aos clientes. Fornece um quadro de trabalho para o desenvolvimento e seleção dos empreiteiros certos para o trabalho. Também ajudará os empregadores a...

    69,78 €

  • Connaissances et compétences pour le logement de masse
    Sunday Yaro A.
    Ce livre présente les perspectives des professionnels de l’industrie du bâtiment sur les connaissances et les compétences qui permettront de fournir de bons logements aux utilisateurs finaux et d’optimiser les ressources des clients. Il fournit un cadre de travail pour le développement et la sélection des bons entrepreneurs pour le travail. Il aidera également les employeurs à ...

    69,78 €

    A. H. Atteridge
    Biography of a Marshal in Napoleon’s army who referred to him as the 'bravest of the brave.' He was executed by French royalists six months after Waterloo.Michel Ney was born in Saarlouis in 1769 and died in front of a French (royalist) firing squad on 7 December 1815, six months after the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo. He began his army career in 1788 when on 6th December he ...

    22,25 €

    A. H. Atteridge
    Biography of a Marshal in Napoleon’s army who referred to him as the 'bravest of the brave.' He was executed by French royalists six months after Waterloo.Michel Ney was born in Saarlouis in 1769 and died in front of a French (royalist) firing squad on 7 December 1815, six months after the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo. He began his army career in 1788 when on 6th December he ...

    33,57 €

  • Crossing Day
    William A. Glass
    Crossing Day is an action-packed thriller with a thought-provoking premise. The story follows a group of white teenagers living in Alabama 160 years after the Civil War ended with a Confederate victory. Slaves of African descent still perform most of the work in the South. This seems normal to the teenagers who enjoy sharing videos, playing sports, and hanging out at a local dr...

    19,41 €

  • Information superfluity
    Ayele A Teklemariam
                        From Freedom to Freeze:          We might think that more options translate to greater freedom and satisfaction with our choices. However, the paradox suggests that too much choice can have the opposite effect, leading to:Analysis Paralysis: Faced with a superfluous array of options, we get bogged down in overthinking and analyzing every detail. This can le...

    13,02 €

  • Engraved
    Ron A. Nelson
    In his memoir, Ron shares his 'engraved' stories about the joys and challenges of his captivating life. Despite life’s hard moments, Ron’s enduring optimism and faith in humanity shine through. Each chapter is not just a tale of adventures of change but also a powerful testament, urging compassion and resilience, inspiring readers to embrace kindness and empathy.Ron bravely dis...

    50,22 €

  • Crown of the Prophecy
    C.A. Varian
    Embark on the final, heart-pounding chapter of the Phoenix series with 'Crown of the Prophecy' by C.A. Varian. In this climactic conclusion, Queen Aurelia, ruler of the combined Aegricia and Norithae, and her husband, Cristos, venture across the realm of Ekotoria in search of the vanished portal to the human world. As the Aegrician Phoenixes rise from the ashes, the boundary be...

    16,47 €

  • ColoringByKitty
    A. Chebunina / E Chebunina
    This book contains 20 illustrations dedicated to beautiful dark dolls drawn in our style. Each page is one-sided. We recommend using pencils, soft pastel, it is not suitable for wet media such as watercolors. However, if you are using markers use sheet of card under the page you are coloring so it won`t bleed through. It is printed on high quality paper 105 GSM. ...

    24,06 €

  • Spoken
    Robert A Rieck
    Dive deep into a universal tale of resilience, introspection, and connection: A journey from the heartland that resonates with every soul.Every life is a tapestry, woven with threads of experiences, decisions, triumphs, and challenges. In this candid memoir, the author invites readers on a transformative journey through the complexities of human existence. Hailing from the Midw...

    31,53 €

  • Spoken
    Robert A Rieck Jr.
    Dive deep into a universal tale of resilience, introspection, and connection: A journey from the heartland that resonates with every soul.Every life is a tapestry, woven with threads of experiences, decisions, triumphs, and challenges. In this candid memoir, the author invites readers on a transformative journey through the complexities of human existence. Hailing from the Midw...

    23,67 €

  • Hell’s Viper
    C.A. Rene
    A ruthless assassin. Fangs of venom.My heart turned to stone the day I lost my mother. Her abandonment leeched all the light from my soul, And when my father followed, it ripped in two. Battling with good and depravity had begun to take its toll, So I created an outlet, a way to feed the poison festering inside of me. After all these years of believing I was unwanted, The truth...

    16,60 €

  • The Daedalus Enigma
    Tamara A. Lowery
    The sixth Sister of Power presents pirate-turned-vampire Viktor Brandewyne with his greatest challenge yet.Circe proves not only hard to reach: the quest she sets him is fraught with peril from the very start. He must brave a labyrinth to retrieve a puzzle box. He then must revisit each of the Sisters he’s already faced. Five pieces of the box were dispersed among them by order...

    15,23 €

  • Stitches and Sparks
    E.A. Brady
    As a nurse, Mia Reed is used to taking care of other people, but now it’s her own broken heart that needs a little TLC. After confessing her love to the man of her dreams, he confessed his own feelings-for her younger sister. Unable to bear the pitying looks from everyone she knows, Mia flees to a new town for a clean start, without a man to complicate things.Jesse Murphy, a ho...

    17,02 €

  • Dust
    K.A. Williams
    I want to live in a world that doesn’t need heroes.But Firebird’s rebels are all that stand between Overlord Andronicus and his total domination of two worlds. We are the last hope, a jagged alliance teetering on the brink of destruction, alone in a terrible war.Until now.   South of the Border, in a place known simply as the Country, an old power has rekindled. And while sh...

    11,29 €

  • Keeper of Scarlet Petals
    A.N. Skye
    To be a Keeper was to dedicate one’s life - and heart - to protecting another.Jasmine wasn’t ready for it. Less than a year into her training at Sanctuary, a college for Keepers and mages alike, and with a fresh start from a brutal life of thievery in the slums, all she wanted to do was continue mastering the sword arts and avoid her other responsibilities.Those plans are ruine...

    28,30 €

  • Death in St. George’s
    M. A. Monnin
    When Stefanie and Thomas meet in Bermuda for time alone away from the demands of the Artifact Retrieval Team that Thomas heads, their romantic rendezvous is waylaid after an archaeologist requests their help to recover an emerald bracelet that’s been stolen from his site. Thomas is reluctant, but Stefanie can’t resist the lure of buried Spanish treasure. Then one of the archaeo...

    13,33 €