Catálogo de libros: terror

2147 Catálogo de libros: terror

  • Night Terrors
    J.A. Pitts / J.APitts
    Magic has a cost. Sarah Beauhall, blacksmith and dragon slayer doesn’t know just how high. Her lover, Katie Cornett, has finally been overwhelmed by this spiraling cost and her spirit is blasted from her body and flung into a world of nightmares and monsters.As Katie’s coma deepens and her chances of survival fade, Sarah’s spirit must make a journey of its own through a world ...

    20,55 €

  • Cyber Warfare and Cyber Terrorism

    154,06 €

  • Managerial Guide for Handling Cyber-Terrorism and Information Warfare

    85,70 €

  • Terrorist Training Camps in Iran
    NCRI- U.S. Representative Office / NCRI- U.SRepresentative Office
    The book details how  Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps trains foreign fighters in 15 various camps in Iran to export terrorism. The IRGC has created a large directorate within its extraterritorial arm, the Quds Force, in order to expand its training of foreign mercenaries as part of the strategy to step up its meddling abroad in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, Afghanistan and el...

    23,24 €

  • The Terror
    Arthur Machen
    Several collections have translated and reproduced Machen’s stories. The early 1970s paperback reissue of The Three Impostors in the Ballantine Adult Fantasy series introduced him to a new generation. The tiny press recently published Machen’s work. The famous Library of Wales series reissued two volumes of Machen’s work in 2010 to commemorate his 150th birthday.Wesley D. Sweet...

    17,79 €

  • Terror Tales and Ghost Stories Desires Skyhigh 01
    Ragnar De Brunhoff Bjorn Je... Landolfi / Zhaghdary
    Tales of various moments and encounters that involve lives sex and the city of passion, terror, Ghost Stories and love, with characters from the world of pleasure, fantasy and terror in the city of Lovecraft County in a middle of desires. Embark on tales of pleasure and seduction, involving the world of terror, whose stories involve supernatural beings, dark creatures, those p...

    35,09 €

  • Drop Bear (Outback Terror Book 1)
    Derek Heath
    DROP BEAR by Derek HeathAustralia.For Claire Casey, a British medical doctor in need of a fresh start, the other side of the world doesn’t seem quite far enough. But deep in the Tanami Desert, a great beast is waiting to drag her farther than she could ever have imagined...This is another world entirely.The Drop Bear is a cryptid of Australian legend, a gigantic koala-like crea...

    8,36 €

  • Melhorar a preparação do ambiente construído no Quénia para o terrorismo
    Callistus Akello
    O terrorismo tornou-se um dos maiores tumores que a maioria dos governos de todo o mundo está a investir fortemente no combate. Na última década, assistiu-se ao maior aumento de actos de terrorismo, com muitas pessoas a perderem a vida por causa disso. O Quénia também tem sido palco de vários ataques atribuídos a elementos terroristas. Os mais recentes e mais graves atentados p...

    48,37 €

  • Migliorare la preparazione dell’ambiente costruito keniota al terrorismo
    Callistus Akello
    Il terrorismo è diventato uno dei più grandi tumori che la maggior parte dei governi del mondo sta investendo pesantemente per combattere. Nell’ultimo decennio si è assistito a un aumento vertiginoso degli atti di terrorismo, in cui molti hanno perso la vita. Anche il Kenya è stato teatro di vari attacchi attribuiti a elementi terroristici. I più recenti e i più gravi, perpetra...

    48,37 €

  • Améliorer la préparation de l’environnement bâti kenyan au terrorisme
    Callistus Akello
    Le terrorisme est devenu l’une des plus grandes tumeurs que la plupart des gouvernements du monde entier investissent massivement dans la lutte contre ce fléau. Au cours de la dernière décennie, les actes de terrorisme se sont multipliés à un rythme effréné et ont coûté la vie à de nombreuses personnes. Le Kenya a également été le théâtre de plusieurs attaques attribuées à des ...

    48,37 €

  • Bessere Vorbereitung der kenianischen gebauten Umwelt auf den Terrorismus
    Callistus Akello
    Der Terrorismus hat sich zu einem der größten Tumore entwickelt, in dessen Bekämpfung die meisten Regierungen weltweit massiv investieren. In den letzten zehn Jahren hat der Terrorismus stark zugenommen und viele Menschen haben ihr Leben dabei verloren. Auch Kenia war Schauplatz verschiedener Anschläge, die terroristischen Elementen zugeschrieben werden. Die jüngsten und schlim...

    48,43 €

    Shailendra Kumar / Shobhna Jeet
    Il libro analizza lo studio comparativo dei crimini informatici nei diversi Paesi, le indagini sui crimini informatici e le prove necessarie ai fini del processo per tali reati, nonché le modalità e le forme con cui le prove informatiche possono essere raccolte per sostenere il controllo giudiziario. Lo studio evidenzia inoltre la diversità delle risposte giudiziarie. Lo studio...

    84,42 €

  • Terror en la conquista
    Ricardo Jiménez
    ¿Podemos ser, en última instancia, el producto o la encarnación de un pasado demoníaco y siniestro que ya conocemos? En un mundo saturado de clichés, surge la interrogante sobre la famosa máxima: El que no conoce su historia está condenado a repetirla. Al adentrarnos en los rincones más oscuros y depravados de la historia, aquellos que nos vinculan con la ascendencia de los con...

    19,76 €

  • Psychological Terrorism!
    Michael P. Brown
    Psychological Warfare, and Terrorism in the WorkplaceThere have always been those who think that doing a good job entails doing it safely and getting along with your coworkers. However, for some people that is not good enough. They want you to meet a fourth requirement, which is not part of any job description: accepting their abuse and harassment while you do your job, and bec...

    11,75 €

  • The War on Terror
    Michael Johnson
    In this comprehensive analysis, delve into the intricate landscape of modern terrorism, starting from its historical roots to the global repercussions of 9/11. Explore the Bush Doctrine’s impact, the controversial interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the evolution of the Global War on Terror. Assess the balance between national security and civil liberties, dissect interr...

    15,11 €

    Shailendra Kumar / Shobhna Jeet
    The book brings analyses the comparative study of cybercrimes in different countries, investigation of cybercrimes and evidence required for trial purposes of such offences, and how and in what form the computer-based evidence can be gathered to stand the judicial scrutiny. It also highlights the diversity in judicial response. The study also lists out suggestions to prevent cy...

    84,50 €

  • Archivo y terror
    Carlos A. Aguilera / Carlos AAguilera
    Carlos A. Aguilera ha recorrido media Europa como quien traza su infinito particular y el resultado es esta cartografía, las rutas de sus lecturas, también de ciertos afectos. Se incluyen aquí ensayos (Virgilio Piñera, Lorenzo García Vega, Osvaldo Lamborghini, ficciones y poder de Estado, nación y literatura...) y entrevistas (Herta Müller, Heiner Müller, Carlos M. Luis, Umbert...

    24,07 €

  • Bellezas Góticas - Libro para colorear de TERROR
    Tara Sims
    Embárcate en un viaje a la oscuridad con el libro para colorear ’Bellezas oscuras - Libro para colorear de TERROR’ para adultos, que presenta mujeres con miradas siniestras, retratos escalofriantes y bellezas misteriosas. Este libro te transporta a un mundo fascinante, proporcionando una experiencia única y cautivadora de colorear.Los beneficios de este libro de colorear radica...

    26,17 €

  • Twisted Darkness Tales of Terror
    Tracy La’Rae
    Scream. Run. Hide.  Twisted Darkness Tales of Terror book is out to haunt you with three heart-racing stories.   Voodoo Curse I’ve been feeling off lately. I keep having this dream. Smoke fills the air as women in a white chant in different tongues- spinning circles to the beat of the drums. A shadowy figure rises from the floor as the drums beat louder. It sees me...smiles a t...

    11,23 €

  • Prevenção do branqueamento de capitais e do financiamento do terrorismo (México)
    Julio Cesar Zetina Escobar
    A situação de violência e impunidade que prevalece no território nacional deve-se certamente à falta de políticas adequadas na luta contra o crime organizado. Ao refletir sobre as medidas implementadas pelo governo mexicano para evitar o problema, observa-se que uma ação eficaz seria a apreensão dos recursos económicos obtidos ilicitamente, o que enfraqueceria significativament...

    86,64 €

  • Prevenzione del riciclaggio di denaro e del finanziamento del terrorismo (Messico)
    Julio Cesar Zetina Escobar
    La situazione di violenza e impunità che prevale sul territorio nazionale è sicuramente dovuta alla mancanza di politiche adeguate nella lotta al crimine organizzato. Riflettendo sulle misure attuate dal governo messicano per evitare il problema, si può osservare che un’azione efficace sarebbe il sequestro delle risorse economiche ottenute illecitamente, che indebolirebbe signi...

    86,64 €

  • Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Mexico)
    Julio Cesar Zetina Escobar
    The situation of violence and impunity that prevails in the national territory is surely due to the lack of adequate policies in the fight against organized crime, when reflecting on the measures implemented by the Government of Mexico to avoid the problem, it can be observed that an effective action would be the seizure of illicitly obtained economic resources, which would sig...

    86,58 €

  • Verhinderung von Geldwäsche und Terrorismusfinanzierung (Mexiko)
    Julio Cesar Zetina Escobar
    Die Situation der Gewalt und der Straflosigkeit, die im Land herrscht, ist sicherlich auf das Fehlen einer angemessenen Politik im Kampf gegen das organisierte Verbrechen zurückzuführen. Wenn man über die Maßnahmen nachdenkt, die von der mexikanischen Regierung zur Vermeidung des Problems ergriffen wurden, kann man feststellen, dass eine wirksame Maßnahme die Beschlagnahmung vo...

    86,70 €

  • Prévention du blanchiment de capitaux et du financement du terrorisme (Mexique)
    Julio Cesar Zetina Escobar
    La situation de violence et d’impunité qui prévaut sur le territoire national est certainement due au manque de politiques adéquates dans la lutte contre le crime organisé. En réfléchissant aux mesures mises en œuvre par le gouvernement mexicain pour éviter le problème, on peut observer qu’une action efficace serait la saisie des ressources économiques obtenues de manière illic...

    86,64 €

  • Terror at Tierra de Cobre
    Michael Merriam
    An ancient evil has awakened... Strong women, ancient magic and the walking dead make for a heady mix. In Michael Merriam’s tale, seven women are called to protect a small mining town in the New Mexico Territory, Tierra De Cobre, against an evil that has killed or stolen the town’s men and is twisting the souls of the townswomen. The Sihuanaba is part siren, part shapeshifter, ...

    11,95 €

  • The Killing Song and Terror Next Door (Two-in-one Collection)
    A. J. Payler
    Two complete novels by the author of Bank Error in Your Favor and Lost in the Red in one convenient volume! THE KILLING SONGWould you risk everything for one shot at immortality?1996, the American Midwest: Zach Coleman is beginning to suspect the nineties aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. His fledgling private investigation career is sinking fast, his band just broke up, and...

    43,31 €

  • Terrorbyte
    Cat Connor
    In Cat Connor’s pulse-pounding crime thriller 'Terrorbyte,' Supervisory Special Agent Ellie Conway is forced to team up with the FSB, the Russian intelligence agency, in a high-stakes mission. As the investigation unfolds, Ellie and her unlikely partner must navigate through a web of deception and danger, racing against time to find truth behind a series of deaths. What is the ...

    29,53 €

  • The Terror A Mystery
    Arthur Machen
    'The Terror: A Mystery' by Arthur Machen is a captivating horror novel that intertwines mystery, gothic elements, and supernatural occurrences in Victorian England. Machen’s skillful storytelling immerses readers in a world of psychological terror, where strange events and occult mysteries unravel with suspenseful intrigue. Set against the backdrop of Victorian England, Machen’...

    12,03 €

  • Microficciones de terror y horror
    Alexandra Gallego Arias / ALMA MARTÍNEZ / Anderson Beltrán Marín / Artemia Aravena / Carlo Sebastian Castellanos / Cathalina Soledad Carrillo Mendoz / Damián Alejandro García Calixto / Daniel Davis Castro Cano / Eliana Peñuela Russi / FRANCISCA REYES GUICHARROUSSE / Helena Guardián / Javier Fontecilla / Jorge Armando Garcí
    Una colección intensa de microficciones de terror y horror que sumerge a los lectores en un oscuro laberinto de pesadillas. Explora, en breves y aterradores relatos, lo perturbador de la mente humana y lo sobrenatural. ...

    10,40 €

  • Terror Tales #7
    Arthur J. Burks / Arthur Leo Zagat / E. Hoffmann Price
    Starting in 1934, editor (and publisher) Harry Steeger unveiled Terror Tales: perhaps the flagship magazine in Popular Publications’ so-called 'Weird Menace' lineup of titles. Running for almost 50 issues, Terror Tales showcased some of the best suspense, mystery and terror stories to see print in the pulps. This facsimile of the March 1935 issue contains stories by Arthur Leo ...

    22,88 €