Catálogo de libros: Física

9808 Catálogo de libros: Física

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  • Ionosfera in vari eventi di Space Weather
    Azad Ahmad Mansoori
    Lo stato e la dinamica della ionosfera terrestre sono completamente controllati dalle radiazioni solari. La quantità di radiazione solare incidente sulla ionosfera varia considerevolmente con l’attività solare, così come la variabilità ionosferica. In questo libro indaghiamo le influenze di diversi eventi meteorologici spaziali come i brillamenti solari, le tempeste geomagnetic...

    92,25 €

  • Ионосфера при различных явлениях космической погоды
    Азад Ахмад Мансоори
    Состояние и динамика ионосферы Земли полностью контролируется солнечным излучением. Количество солнечной радиации, падающей на ионосферу, значительно меняется в зависимости от солнечной активности, как и изменчивость ионосферы. В этой книге мы исследуем влияние различных явлений космической погоды, таких как солнечные вспышки, геомагнитные бури и солнечное затмение, на изменчив...

    39,97 €

  • Sensor für relative Luftfeuchtigkeit
    Nadia Fateh Muhammed
    Eine photonische Kristallfaser ist eine spezielle Klasse von Fasern, die aus einem einzigen Material bestehen und Luftlöcher im Mantel haben. Alle Ausbreitungseigenschaften wie der effektive Indexmodus, der Einschlussverlust, die effektive Fläche und die Dispersion werden durch Modellierung und Simulation mit der Finite-Elemente-Methode (FEM) unter Verwendung der Software COMSO...

    76,70 €

  • Capteur d’humidité relative
    Nadia Fateh Muhammed
    Une fibre à cristaux photoniques est une catégorie spéciale de fibres composées d’un seul matériau et comportant des trous d’air dans la gaine. Toutes les caractéristiques de propagation telles que le mode d’indice effectif, la perte de confinement, l’aire effective, la dispersion sont étudiées par modélisation et simulation à l’aide de la méthode des éléments finis (FEM) en ut...

    76,64 €

  • Sensore di umidità relativa
    Nadia Fateh Muhammed
    La fibra a cristalli fotonici è una classe speciale di fibre costituite da un unico materiale e dotate di fori d’aria nel rivestimento. Tutte le caratteristiche di propagazione, come il modo indice efficace, la perdita di confinamento, l’area efficace e la dispersione, sono studiate mediante modellazione e simulazione con il metodo degli elementi finiti (FEM) utilizzando il sof...

    76,64 €

  • Sensor de humidade relativa
    Nadia Fateh Muhammed
    Uma fibra de cristal fotónico é uma classe especial de fibra que é feita de um único material e tem orifícios de ar no revestimento. Todas as características de propagação, tais como o modo de índice efetivo, a perda de confinamento, a área efectiva e a dispersão, são estudadas através de modelação e simulações utilizando o método dos elementos finitos (FEM) com o software COMS...

    76,64 €

  • Датчик относительной влажности
    Надя Фатех Мухаммед
    Фотонно-кристаллическое волокно - это особый класс волокон, изготовленных из одного материала и имеющих воздушные отверстия в оболочке. Все характеристики распространения, такие как эффективный индекс моды, потери на ограничение, эффективная площадь, дисперсия, изучаются путем моделирования и имитации методом конечных элементов (МКЭ) с использованием программного обеспечения CO...

    34,86 €

  • O Guia do Explorador do Multiverso
    Manu Mitra
    O 'Guia do Explorador do Multiverso' explica a cosmologia moderna e a física quântica. Explica o conceito enigmático do multiverso e desvenda os seus fundamentos científicos, desde os meandros da sobreposição quântica até às implicações dos universos paralelos. Este guia navega através de teorias complexas, evidências observacionais e as questões filosóficas que envolvem a hipó...

    60,44 €

  • Das Handbuch für Multiversumsforscher
    Manu Mitra
    'The Multiverse Explorer’s Guide' erklärt die moderne Kosmologie und Quantenphysik. Er erklärt das rätselhafte Konzept des Multiversums und deckt seine wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen auf, von den Feinheiten der Quantenüberlagerung bis hin zu den Auswirkungen von Paralleluniversen. Dieser Leitfaden führt durch komplexe Theorien, Beobachtungsdaten und philosophische Untersuchungen...

    60,52 €

  • Le guide de l’explorateur du multivers
    Manu Mitra
    'Le guide de l’explorateur du multivers explique la cosmologie moderne et la physique quantique. Il explique le concept énigmatique du multivers et dévoile ses fondements scientifiques, des subtilités de la superposition quantique aux implications des univers parallèles. Ce guide navigue à travers les théories complexes, les preuves observationnelles et les questions philosophi...

    60,52 €

  • La guida dell’esploratore del multiverso
    Manu Mitra
    'The Multiverse Explorer’s Guide' spiega la cosmologia moderna e la fisica quantistica. Spiega l’enigmatico concetto di multiverso e ne svela i fondamenti scientifici, dalle complessità della sovrapposizione quantistica alle implicazioni degli universi paralleli. Questa guida si muove tra teorie complesse, prove osservative e indagini filosofiche che circondano l’ipotesi del mu...

    60,44 €

  • Путеводитель исследователя Мультивселенной
    Ману Митра
    В книге 'Путеводитель исследователя мультивселенной' раскрываются вопросы современной космологии и квантовой физики. В нем раскрывается загадочная концепция мультивселенной и раскрываются ее научные основы, начиная с тонкостей квантовой суперпозиции и заканчивая последствиями существования параллельных вселенных. В этом руководстве рассматриваются сложные теории, данные наблюде...

    26,54 €

  • Is There a Replica of Me in an Alternate Universe?
    Robert 'Greg' Wagoner
    The author offers an introduction to the multiverse hypothesis and the current theories attempting to challenge it. This serves as the foundation for addressing the question posed in the title, 'Is There a Replica of Me in an Alternate Universe?'. Additionally, the author presents a fresh hypothesis, grounded in established and verified quantum theory, with the aim of disprovin...

    26,78 €

  • General Relativity
    Trevor Underwood
    This volume provides annotated translations of the primary sources, which were largely in German, leading up to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, in which Einstein attempted to extend his theory of special relativity beyond space and time, to include matter and gravitational fields, by introducing gravity through his 'equivalence principle' - the equivalence of gravity a...

    74,45 €

  • Condensed Matter Field Theory
    Alexander Altland / Ben Simons

    101,12 €

  • Electromechanics in Quantum Circuit Cavity
    Etta E. Hicks
    Quantum mechanics is a very successful theory which precisely describes the behavior of microscopic particles. Although the theory provides counter-intuitive predictions, such as that an object can be at two different positions at the same time and the 'spooky action at a distance' between two objects, it describes the microscopic world with unprecedental precision. These count...

    25,46 €

  • Distributed Optimization for the DER-Rich Electric Power Grid
    Anurag K. Srivastava / Jannatul Adan
    This book provides a detailed overview of possible applications of distributed optimization in power systems. Centralized algorithms are widely used for optimization and control in power system applications. These algorithms require all the measurements and data to be accumulated at a central location and hence suffer from single-point-of-failure. Additionally, these algorithms...

    68,19 €

  • Visions of Linus Pauling
    Chris Petersen
    His life thrown into chaos by the death of his father in his youth, Linus Pauling persevered through an impoverished childhood to become one of the great scientists and humanitarians of the 20th century. In a stunningly original examination of the two-time Nobel Laureate, Oregon State University archivist Chris Petersen touches upon the major eras of Pauling’s life and dials in...

    57,20 €

  • Finite Temperature Field Theory
    Ashok Das
    This book discusses all three formalisms used in the study of finite temperature field theory, namely the imaginary time formalism, the closed time formalism and thermofield dynamics. In addition, the finite temperature description on an arbitrary path in the complex t-plane is also described in detail. Gauge field theories and symmetry restoration at finite temperature are amo...

    105,18 €

    Dive into Tomorrow’s Tech, Today.Are you curious about the future of computing but don’t know where to start? Are you fascinated by the quantum buzz but intimidated by dense academic jargon? Step right in-I’m here to guide you through the fascinating universe of quantum tech, in the simplest way possible.Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, software developer, eager student, or an...

    15,58 €

  • Tidal Energy
    Damian Bayne
    Tidal energy has long been considered the laggard of the renewable energy industry. That may soon change. After a brief explanation of how ocean tides originate, progressive reasoning and mathematics are used to make an estimation of the pressure generated by the incoming tide. This is followed by a description of a new innovative structure designed to generate electricity from...

    31,28 €

  • Physics
    Wolfgang Smith
    To the extent that modern physics possesses an ontology at all, it has tended to be the Cartesian doctrine of 'bifurcation.' Not only, however, does this thesis prove to be untenable, but since the advent of quantum theory it has rendered physics de facto incomprehensible. This book introduces an astoundingly uncomplicated and inherently Platonist ontology in which the quantum ...

    31,71 €

  • Physics
    Wolfgang Smith
    To the extent that modern physics possesses an ontology at all, it has tended to be the Cartesian doctrine of 'bifurcation.' Not only, however, does this thesis prove to be untenable, but since the advent of quantum theory it has rendered physics de facto incomprehensible. This book introduces an astoundingly uncomplicated and inherently Platonist ontology in which the quantum ...

    16,15 €

    Dive into Tomorrow’s Tech, Today.Are you curious about the future of computing but don’t know where to start? Are you fascinated by the quantum buzz but intimidated by dense academic jargon? Step right in-I’m here to guide you through the fascinating universe of quantum tech, in the simplest way possible.Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, software developer, eager student, or an...

    29,59 €

  • Studien über organische Moleküle von biologischer Bedeutung
    B H Doreswamy / Mohit Bajpai / Shamantha Kumar
    Einkristalle sind eine der wichtigsten Materialgruppen, da sie aufgrund ihrer kontinuierlichen, einheitlichen und hoch geordneten Struktur einzigartige Eigenschaften besitzen.In der Halbleiterindustrie und der Photovoltaik wird die Einkristalltechnologie heute am häufigsten eingesetzt. In der Photovoltaik wird die effizienteste Kristallstruktur die höchste Umwandlung von Licht ...

    115,62 €

  • Studi di molecole organiche di importanza biologica
    B H Doreswamy / Mohit Bajpai / Shamantha Kumar
    I cristalli singoli sono uno dei gruppi più importanti di materiali grazie alla loro struttura continua, uniforme e altamente ordinata che consente loro di possedere proprietà uniche.I semiconduttori e il fotovoltaico rappresentano oggi il più grande utilizzo della tecnologia dei cristalli singoli. Nel fotovoltaico, la struttura cristallina più efficiente produce la massima con...

    115,66 €

  • Estudos de moléculas orgânicas de importância biológica
    B H Doreswamy / Mohit Bajpai / Shamantha Kumar
    Os monocristais são um dos grupos mais importantes de materiais devido à sua estrutura contínua, uniforme e altamente ordenada, que lhes permite possuir propriedades únicas.Os semicondutores e a energia fotovoltaica são a maior utilização atual da tecnologia de monocristal. Na energia fotovoltaica, a estrutura cristalina mais eficiente produzirá a maior conversão de luz em elet...

    115,66 €

  • Introductory Quantum Optics
    Christopher C. Gerry / Peter L. Knight

    81,34 €

  • Astrophysics For Everyone
    Hiten Shelar
    Hey, If you’ve ever gazed at the stars in the clear, dazzling night sky and found yourself full of burning questions about our incredible universe, then look no further! This book is your ticket to unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos, and it’s designed especially for beginners and those who may not be physicists or fans of complex math.Picture this: you’re a universe enthusia...

    17,98 €

  • Digital Photography Explained
    Peter S Pershan
    This book can serve as a missing guide for technical features of digital photography that many enthusiasts are unaware of or remain bewildered about. An interesting example is that cameras with sensor sizes differing by a factor of three or four can have the same size resolution. The advantages of sensors - found in larger and more expensive cameras - are elucidated to readers....

    70,47 €