Catálogo de libros: Medicina clínica e interna

9851 Catálogo de libros: Medicina clínica e interna

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  • Farmaci per anziani
    Isabel Vitória Figueiredo
    L’invecchiamento e le comorbidità multiple, insieme ai cambiamenti nella farmacocinetica e nella farmacodinamica, portano a una maggiore imprevedibilità e varietà nella risposta ai farmaci, e gli anziani possono essere più suscettibili all’effetto di alcuni farmaci. La combinazione di tutti questi fattori contribuisce ad aumentare il rischio di interazioni farmaco-farmaco e far...

    34,07 €

  • Эффект легочной реабилитации при ХОБЛ для улучшения качества жизни
    Хаджа Мохинудди Шайк
    Хроническая обструктивная болезнь легких (ХОБЛ) характеризуется ограничением воздушного потока, приводящим к снижению вентиляционной способности, и сопровождается одышкой. Цель исследования - оценить влияние легочной реабилитации на толерантность к физической нагрузке и качество жизни, связанное со здоровьем, у пациентов с ХОБЛ. Пациенты экспериментальной группы прошли двухмеся...

    26,17 €

  • Pericarditis Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    Unlock the mysteries of Pericarditis with "Pericarditis Demystified: Doctors’ Secret Guide." This comprehensive guide takes you on an enlightening journey through the world of Pericarditis, starting with understanding the condition’s definition, various types, causes, symptoms, and diagnosis. Explore the complexities of Pericarditis, including its complications, differential di...

    13,82 €

  • Diverticulitis Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    "Diverticulitis Demystified: Doctor’s Secret Guide" is your definitive source of knowledge on diverticulitis, offering a comprehensive understanding, effective management strategies, and a holistic approach to dealing with this digestive condition. This book begins by unraveling the mysteries surrounding diverticulitis, exploring its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and potential c...

    15,85 €

  • Fatty Liver Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    "Fatty Liver Demystified: Doctors’ Secret Guide" is your essential companion to unraveling the complexities of fatty liver and taking control of your liver health. This comprehensive guide begins with a deep dive into understanding what fatty liver is, its various types, causes, symptoms, and risk factors. Learn about the critical importance of early diagnosis and explore avail...

    17,72 €

  • Peripheral Vascular Disease Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    Unveil the mysteries of Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) with "Peripheral Vascular Disease Demystified: Doctors’ Secret Guide." This comprehensive guide takes you on a transformative journey through the world of PVD, offering insights into its impact on daily life, the biology of blood vessels, and the recognition of symptoms. Explore effective medical treatments, lifestyle mo...

    16,70 €

  • Hepatitis B Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    "Hepatitis B Demystified: Doctors’ Secret Guide" is your ultimate resource for comprehending, managing, and thriving with hepatitis B. This comprehensive guide kicks off by unraveling the complexities of hepatitis B, explaining its transmission modes, symptoms, and diagnosis, while also shedding light on its physical and emotional impact.Discover the paramount significance of p...

    16,83 €

  • Hepatitis Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    Embark on a journey of discovery with "Hepatitis Demystified: Doctors’ Secret Guide." This comprehensive guide unravels the complexities of Hepatitis, starting with a deep understanding of the condition, its various types, causes, and symptoms. Explore the vital importance of early detection and diagnosis in the battle against Hepatitis.Delve into the biopsychosocial approach t...

    18,72 €

  • Heart Attack Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    "Heart Attack Demystified: Doctors’ Secret Guide" is your ultimate companion to understanding, preventing, and thriving after a heart attack. This comprehensive guide takes you on a journey through the intricacies of heart health, starting with an in-depth look at heart anatomy and the causes of heart attacks. Learn to recognize symptoms, identify risk factors, and appreciate t...

    20,77 €

  • Coronary Heart Disease Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    "Coronary Heart Disease Demystified: Doctor’s Secret Guide" is your definitive resource for understanding, managing, and thriving with coronary heart disease. This comprehensive guide begins by unraveling the complexities of the condition, offering insights into its causes, symptoms, and diagnostic procedures. It then takes a holistic approach, combining medical interventions w...

    16,74 €

  • Strep Throat Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    Unravel the mysteries of Strep Throat with "Strep Throat Demystified: Doctors’ Secret Guide." This comprehensive guide takes you on a journey through the world of Strep Throat, from understanding the condition’s definition, signs, and symptoms to its diagnosis and impact on health and well-being.Discover a holistic approach to managing Strep Throat, embracing the biopsychosocia...

    9,88 €

  • Chlamydia Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    Unlock the mysteries surrounding Chlamydia with ’Chlamydia Demystified: Doctor’s Secret Guide.’ In this comprehensive guide, delve into the world of Chlamydia, understanding its origins, signs, and symptoms, as well as its impact on both physical and mental health. Discover the importance of early detection through laboratory tests and self-testing options in Chapter 2. Explore...

    12,72 €

  • Effectiveness of rehabilitation in patients who have had a re-stroke
    Salomova Nilufar
    This book is dedicated to acute circulatory failure of the brain, which is one of the current pressing problems, and now comprehensive measures are being implemented to develop an effective system in the medical field of Uzbekistan, including the early diagnosis of neurological diseases among different segments of the population and reducing their complications, the timely dete...

    26,06 €

  • Cardiomyopathy Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    Unlock the mysteries of cardiomyopathy with ’Cardiomyopathy Demystified: Doctor’s Secret Guide.’ This comprehensive guide takes you on a journey through understanding cardiomyopathy in Chapter 1, exploring its causes, symptoms, types, and the role of lifestyle choices. Discover a holistic approach to managing cardiomyopathy in Chapter 2, encompassing physical health, psychologi...

    16,81 €

  • Lyme Disease Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    Navigate the complexities of Lyme Disease with "Lyme Disease Demystified: Doctor’s Secret Guide." This comprehensive guide takes you on a journey through the intricacies of Lyme Disease, offering insider insights and a holistic approach to recovery.Begin by understanding the origins of Lyme Disease, its signs and symptoms, and the profound impact it can have on the body. Gain a...

    12,81 €

    Kamel Ktari / Syrine Daadaa / WADYE HAMDOUNI
    A fibrose retroperitoneal (FPR) é uma doença caracterizada pela presença de tecido fibro-inflamatório aberrante e inespecífico que se forma à volta das estruturas retroperitoneais, envolvendo-as num grau variável. Estas estruturas incluem a aorta abdominal, a veia cava inferior e os ureteres. Embora possa ter uma variedade de etiologias e, por conseguinte, ser considerada secun...

    85,72 €

    Kamel Ktari / Syrine Daadaa / WADYE HAMDOUNI
    Die retroperitoneale Fibrose (FRP) ist eine Erkrankung, die durch das Vorhandensein von unspezifischem, aberrierendem fibroinflammatorischem Gewebe gekennzeichnet ist, das sich um die retroperitonealen Strukturen bildet, die diese in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß umschließen. Zu diesen Strukturen gehören unter anderem die Bauchaorta, die Vena cava inferior und die Harnleiter. Obwohl...

    85,78 €

    Kamel Ktari / Syrine Daadaa / WADYE HAMDOUNI
    La fibrosi retroperitoneale (RPF) è una condizione caratterizzata dalla presenza di tessuto fibro-infiammatorio aberrante e aspecifico che si forma intorno alle strutture retroperitoneali che le circondano in misura variabile. Queste strutture includono l’aorta addominale, la vena cava inferiore e gli ureteri. Sebbene possa avere diverse eziologie e quindi essere considerata se...

    85,72 €

    Kamel Ktari / Syrine Daadaa / WADYE HAMDOUNI
    Retroperitoneal fibrosis (RPF) is a condition characterized by the presence of aberrant, nonspecific fibro-inflammatory tissue forming around retroperitoneal structures, enclosing them to a variable degree. These structures include the abdominal aorta, inferior vena cava and ureters. Although it can have a variety of etiologies, and can therefore be considered secondary, in ove...

    85,65 €

    Вади Хамдуни / Камель Ктари / Сирин Даадаа
    Ретроперитонеальный фиброз (РПФ) - это заболевание, характеризующееся наличием аберрантной, неспецифической фиброзно-воспалительной ткани, формирующейся вокруг забрюшинных структур, окружающих их в той или иной степени. К таким структурам относятся брюшная аорта, нижняя полая вена и мочеточники. Хотя заболевание может иметь различную этиологию и поэтому считается вторичным, бол...

    34,89 €

  • Molecular Alterations of the Proteins of the Fibrogenic System
    Alejandra Guillermina Miranda Díaz / Andres Garcia Sanchez / José Manuel Hermosillo
    Biliary tract injury (BTI) is a serious accident manifested by repetitive cholangitis that requires treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics, prolonged surgery, produces significant risk of re-stenosis, re-operation, secondary biliary cirrhosis, portal hypertension and is capable of leading to death of the patient. Biliary obstruction produces complex hepatic changes with bile...

    55,04 €

  • Molekulare Veränderungen der Proteine des fibrogenen Systems
    Alejandra Guillermina Miranda Díaz / Andres Garcia Sanchez / José Manuel Hermosillo
    Eine Verletzung der Gallenwege ist ein schwerer Unfall, der sich durch eine wiederholte Gallengangscholangitis äußert, die eine Behandlung mit Breitbandantibiotika, eine langwierige Operation, ein erhebliches Risiko einer erneuten Stenose, eine erneute Operation, eine sekundäre biliäre Zirrhose und eine portale Hypertension erfordert und zum Tod führen kann. Eine Gallengangsobs...

    55,10 €

  • Kognitive Funktionstherapie bei chronischen Nackenschmerzen - Eine offene RCT
    Nikita Chavan / Prachita Walankar / Vrushali Panhale
    Chronische Nackenschmerzen, eine der häufigsten Muskel-Skelett-Erkrankungen, wirken sich sowohl auf den Einzelnen als auch auf die Gemeinschaft aus. Bei der Aufrechterhaltung von Nackenschmerzen spielen mehrere ursächliche Faktoren eine entscheidende Rolle. Sie umfassen physische, soziale und psychologische Faktoren. In der Literatur sind verschiedene konservative physiotherape...

    61,63 €

  • Terapia cognitivo-funzionale nel dolore cronico al collo - Un RCT in aperto
    Nikita Chavan / Prachita Walankar / Vrushali Panhale
    Il dolore cronico al collo, uno dei disturbi muscoloscheletrici più comuni, ha un impatto sull’individuo e sulla comunità. Molteplici fattori causali giocano un ruolo fondamentale nel perpetuare il dolore al collo. Comprendono fattori fisici, sociali e psicologici. In letteratura sono disponibili diversi approcci fisioterapici conservativi. Laterapia cognitivo-funzionale è un i...

    61,51 €

  • Terapia cognitivo-funcional na dor cervical crónica - Um ensaio clínico aberto
    Nikita Chavan / Prachita Walankar / Vrushali Panhale
    A dor cervical crónica, uma das perturbações músculo-esqueléticas mais comuns, tem um impacto tanto no indivíduo como na comunidade. Múltiplos factores causais desempenham um papel vital na perpetuação da dor cervical. Engloba os factores físicos, sociais e psicológicos. Existem várias abordagens fisioterapêuticas conservadoras na literatura.A terapia cognitivo-funcional é uma ...

    61,51 €

  • Alterazioni molecolari delle proteine del sistema fibrogenico
    Alejandra Guillermina Miranda Díaz / Andres Garcia Sanchez / José Manuel Hermosillo
    La lesione delle vie biliari (ITV) è un incidente grave che si manifesta con colangite ripetuta dei dotti biliari che richiede un trattamento con antibiotici ad ampio spettro, un intervento chirurgico prolungato, un rischio significativo di ri-stenosi, un nuovo intervento, cirrosi biliare secondaria, ipertensione portale e può portare alla morte. L’ostruzione biliare causa comp...

    55,04 €

  • Alterações moleculares das proteínas do sistema fibrogénico
    Alejandra Guillermina Miranda Díaz / Andres Garcia Sanchez / José Manuel Hermosillo
    A lesão do trato biliar (BTI) é um acidente grave que se manifesta por colangite repetida das vias biliares que requer tratamento com antibióticos de largo espetro, cirurgia prolongada, risco significativo de reestenose, reoperação, cirrose biliar secundária, hipertensão portal e pode levar à morte. A obstrução biliar provoca alterações hepáticas complexas com estagnação dos ác...

    55,04 €

  • Bewertung der KAP von Mitarbeitern der medizinischen Grundversorgung in Bezug auf psychische Erkrankungen
    Zegeye Yohannis
    Die Behandlungslücke bei psychischen, neurologischen und substanzbezogenen Störungen (MNS) ist in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen sehr groß. Mehr als 75 % der Menschen mit psychischen, neurologischen und substanzbezogenen Störungen erhalten keinerlei Behandlung oder Versorgung. Die wichtigste Strategie zur Verringerung dieser Behandlungslücke ist die Integration d...

    49,68 €

  • Valutazione del KAP degli operatori sanitari di base nei confronti della malattia mentale
    Zegeye Yohannis
    Il divario di trattamento per i disturbi mentali, neurologici e da uso di sostanze (MNS) è elevato nei Paesi a basso e medio reddito, dove oltre il 75% delle persone con disturbi mentali, neurologici e da uso di sostanze non riceve alcun trattamento o assistenza. La strategia principale per ridurre questo divario di trattamento è l’integrazione delle cure mentali nell’assistenz...

    49,68 €

  • Avaliação do CAP dos trabalhadores dos cuidados de saúde primários relativamente à doença mental
    Zegeye Yohannis
    O défice de tratamento das perturbações mentais, neurológicas e associadas ao consumo de substâncias (MNS) é elevado nos países de baixo e médio rendimento, onde mais de 75% das pessoas com perturbações mentais, neurológicas e associadas ao consumo de substâncias não recebem qualquer tratamento ou cuidados. A principal estratégia para reduzir este défice de tratamento consiste ...

    49,68 €