Catálogo de libros: Medicina: cuestiones generales

30410 Catálogo de libros: Medicina: cuestiones generales

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  • Un tratado de neumología en Abulcasis
    Luisa María Arvide Cambra
    Abu l-Qasim Al-Zahrawi (c.936-c.1013), conocido en la tradición latina, entre otros nombres, como Abulcasis, es uno de los médicos árabes más importantes del islam medieval, que, entre otras aportaciones, llevó a la cirugía a las más altas cotas científicas. Compuso una obra enciclopédica, titulada Kitab al-Ta?rif (Libro de la disposición médica), que está dividida en treinta t...

    18,00 €

  • They Still Call Me Doctor
    Barbara Henick Bachow M. D.
    Dr. Bachow spent her childhood in the inner city, growing up in the Brooklyn projects. Blessed with the necessary academic skills and personality, she fought her way out of her humble beginnings to achieve a level of success that she had never thought possible. Not surprisingly, over the years she became accustomed to the accolades of achievement while standing on life’s pedest...

    13,04 €

  • They Still Call Me Doctor
    Barbara Henick Bachow M. D.
    Dr. Bachow spent her childhood in the inner city, growing up in the Brooklyn projects. Blessed with the necessary academic skills and personality, she fought her way out of her humble beginnings to achieve a level of success that she had never thought possible. Not surprisingly, over the years she became accustomed to the accolades of achievement while standing on life’s pedest...

    22,52 €

  • Governance, democracy and ethics in crisis-decision-making
    This volume brings together findings from rapid-response COVID-19 research that are linked by a focus on governance decisions, particularly the ’how’ and the ’why’ of decision-making during the pandemic. Contributors reflect on how the pandemic seems impossible to disentangle from issues of trust and accountability in power and authority. ...

    71,32 €

  • Islamic Medicine
    Mohammed Salim Khan
    In the centre of naturopathic and herbal medicine is a living healthcare tradition called Tibb. Prophetic medicine provided the foundation, and over time integrated elements from Egypt, India, China and classical Greece. Tibb is an Arabic word, which in difference placed has been referred to as Arabic, Greco-Arab, Hikmah, Unani, Islamic and Sufi medicine. This is the first syst...

    26,41 €

  • The essence of Homeopathy Materia Medica
    Dr. Mahendra Prasad Mahapatra
    In the study and application of homeopathy’s Materia medica, students focus on constant comparison and differentiation. They meticulously compare remedy pathogenesis with patient anamnesis and differentiate similar symptoms among various remedies to select the simillimum. Essential to this process is a deep understanding of each remedy’s individuality, including its peculiar or...

    28,09 €

  • Echoes of Infection
    Dr. Nilesh Panchal
    'Echoes of Infection: Battling Rheumatic Heart Disease' meticulously explores the serious but preventable connection between rheumatic fever and the lasting damage it can cause to heart valves, a condition known as rheumatic heart disease. This book details the pathophysiology of the disease, tracing its development from a streptococcal infection to the inflammatory processes t...

    5,65 €

  • Walking Through Pain Combatting Peripheral Arterial Disease
    Dr. Nilesh Panchal
    'Walking Through Pain: Combatting Peripheral Arterial Disease' offers an in-depth look at Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD), a common yet often underdiagnosed circulatory condition that affects millions of individuals around the globe. This essential guide sheds light on the risk factors and symptoms of PAD, emphasizing the importance of early detection to prevent severe compli...

    5,71 €

  • When the Aorta Fails
    Dr. Nilesh Panchal
    'When the Aorta Fails: Dealing with Aortic Aneurysms' offers a crucial exploration into the serious and potentially life-threatening condition of aortic aneurysms. This comprehensive guide details the risk factors that contribute to the development of aneurysms in the body’s main artery and the warning signs that can often go unnoticed until it’s too late. It thoroughly covers ...

    5,58 €

  • Jewish refugees and the British nursing profession
    Jane Brooks
    This book bears witness to the personal experiences of Jewish refugees from Nazi Europe in the highly gendered profession of nursing. ...

    157,22 €

  • Unpacked
    Dr. Sara Coffey
    The COVID-19 pandemic affected all of us, with individuals, families, and friends navigating the changing landscape in different ways. Many stepped into uncomfortable conversations and experiences that have lingering, lasting effects.In Unpacked, Dr. Sara Coffey explores our collective experience to this life-altering, global pandemic and helps provide clarity and meaning to th...

    26,37 €

  • Unpacked
    Dr. Sara Coffey
    The COVID-19 pandemic affected all of us, with individuals, families, and friends navigating the changing landscape in different ways. Many stepped into uncomfortable conversations and experiences that have lingering, lasting effects.In Unpacked, Dr. Sara Coffey explores our collective experience to this life-altering, global pandemic and helps provide clarity and meaning to th...

    18,58 €

  • Chirurgia cardiaca aperta post-operatoria
    Yousef S. S. Albattniji
    L’assistenza post-operatoria del paziente cardiochirurgico è impegnativa in quanto i cambiamenti possono verificarsi rapidamente. Le condizioni preoperatorie del paziente e gli eventi intraoperatori devono essere presi in considerazione nell’assistenza postoperatoria. Gli infermieri di terapia intensiva sono nella posizione migliore per applicare le conoscenze nella pratica, po...

    63,07 €

  • Nuove tendenze nel trattamento dei casi di intossicazione
    Said Said Elshama
    Questo libro esplora il ruolo della medicina alternativa e complementare nel trattamento delle manifestazioni tossiche di diversi farmaci e sostanze chimiche. Presenta una rassegna generale che mostra il ruolo dei prodotti naturali e la loro efficacia come agenti preventivi e terapeutici. Questo libro è un tentativo di scoprire una strategia terapeutica innovativa nella disinto...

    111,90 €

  • Novas tendências no tratamento de casos de intoxicação
    Said Said Elshama
    Este livro explora o papel da medicina alternativa e complementar no tratamento das manifestações tóxicas de diferentes medicamentos e produtos químicos. Apresenta uma revisão global que mostra o papel dos produtos naturais e a sua eficácia como agentes preventivos e terapêuticos. Este livro é um ensaio para descobrir uma estratégia terapêutica inovadora na desintoxicação e no ...

    111,90 €

  • Pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca aberta
    Yousef S. S. Albattniji
    O cuidado pós-operatório do paciente de cirurgia cardíaca é um desafio, pois as mudanças podem ocorrer rapidamente. A condição pré-operatória do paciente, bem como os eventos intra-operatórios, devem ser considerados nos cuidados pós-operatórios. Os enfermeiros de cuidados intensivos estão na melhor posição para aplicar os conhecimentos na prática, uma vez que estão à cabeceira...

    63,07 €

  • Послеоперационная хирургия открытого сердца
    Юсеф С.С Альбаттниджи
    Послеоперационный уход за кардиохирургическим пациентом сложен тем, что изменения могут происходить быстро. В послеоперационном уходе необходимо учитывать предоперационное состояние пациента, а также интраоперационные события. Медсестры интенсивной терапии находятся в наилучшем положении для применения знаний на практике, поскольку они находятся у постели больного 24 часа в сут...

    63,13 €

  • Neue Trends in der Behandlung von Vergiftungsfällen
    Said Said Elshama
    In diesem Buch wird die Rolle der Alternativ- und Komplementärmedizin bei der Behandlung der toxischen Wirkungen verschiedener Medikamente und Chemikalien untersucht. Es bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die Rolle von Naturprodukten und ihre Wirksamkeit als präventive und therapeutische Mittel. Dieses Buch ist ein Versuch, eine innovative therapeutische Strategie für die ...

    111,86 €

  • Nouvelles tendances dans le traitement des cas d’intoxication
    Said Said Elshama
    Ce livre explore le rôle de la médecine alternative et complémentaire dans le traitement des manifestations toxiques de différents médicaments et produits chimiques. Il présente une revue globale montrant le rôle des produits naturels et leur efficacité en tant qu’agents préventifs et thérapeutiques. Ce livre est un essai pour découvrir une stratégie thérapeutique innovante dan...

    111,89 €

  • Новые тенденции в лечении случаев интоксикации
    Саид Саид Эльшама
    В этой книге рассматривается роль альтернативной и комплементарной медицины в лечении токсических проявлений различных лекарств и химических веществ. В ней представлен общий обзор, показывающий роль натуральных продуктов и их эффективность в качестве профилактических и терапевтических средств. Эта книга - попытка открыть инновационную терапевтическую стратегию в детоксикации и ...

    111,83 €

  • Postoperative Operation am offenen Herzen
    Yousef S. S. Albattniji
    Die postoperative Versorgung herzchirurgischer Patienten ist insofern komplex, als sich Veränderungen schnell einstellen können. Bei der postoperativen Versorgung müssen sowohl der präoperative Zustand des Patienten als auch die intraoperativen Ereignisse berücksichtigt werden. Intensivpflegerinnen und -pfleger sind am besten in der Lage, dieses Wissen in die Praxis umzusetzen,...

    63,13 €

  • Chirurgie cardiaque ouverte postopératoire
    Yousef S. S. Albattniji
    Les soins postopératoires prodigués aux patients ayant subi une chirurgie cardiaque constituent un défi dans la mesure où les changements peuvent survenir rapidement. L’état préopératoire du patient ainsi que les événements peropératoires doivent être pris en compte dans les soins postopératoires. Les infirmières des soins intensifs sont les mieux placées pour mettre les connai...

    63,07 €

  • Заболевания сетчатки сосудистого происхождения
    Соуад Ноуасри / Феттоума Мазари
    Заболевания сетчатки сосудистого происхождения весьма полиморфны и во многих случаях угрожают функциональному прогнозу пациентов. Эти нарушения могут быть вторичными по отношению к поражению стенки с повреждением сосуда, как в случае диабетической ретинопатии или системных заболеваний. Они могут быть вторичными по отношению к нарушениям содержимого, как в случае гемоглобинопати...

    84,43 €

  • Doenças da retina de origem vascular
    Fettouma Mazari / Souad Nouasri
    As doenças da retina de origem vascular são altamente polimórficas, ameaçando em muitos casos o prognóstico funcional dos doentes. Estas perturbações podem ser secundárias a lesões que afectam a parede, com danos no recipiente, como no caso da retinopatia diabética ou de doenças sistémicas. Podem ser secundários a perturbações do conteúdo, como no caso das hemoglobinopatias ou ...

    84,47 €

  • Vaskulär bedingte Netzhauterkrankungen
    Fettouma Mazari / Souad Nouasri
    Die vaskulär bedingten Netzhauterkrankungen sind sehr vielgestaltig und stellen in vielen Fällen die funktionelle Prognose der Patienten in Frage. Diese Erkrankungen können auf Wandverletzungen zurückzuführen sein, wobei es sich um eine Schädigung des Gefäßinhalts handelt, wie bei der diabetischen Retinopathie oder bei systemischen Erkrankungen. Sie können auf eine Schädigung d...

    84,46 €

  • Retinal disorders of vascular origin
    Fettouma Mazari / Souad Nouasri
    Retinal disorders of vascular origin are highly polymorphic, and in many cases they are life-threatening. They may be secondary to lesions of the vessel wall, i.e. damage to the vessel container, as in diabetic retinopathy or systemic diseases. They may be secondary to affections of the content, as in the case of hemoglobinopathies or blood viscosity anomalies.Vascularization o...

    84,50 €

  • HERRING - Silber der Ozeane
    Andreas C. Bryhn / Morten Bryhn
    Das Silber der Ozeane, der König der Meere - der Hering hat viele Namen. In diesem Buch geht es um Omega3-Nahrungsergänzungskapseln, die aus Heringsöl hergestellt werden, einer Omega3-Quelle, die bisher noch nicht verwendet wurde. In Kapitel 1 werden der atlantische Hering, seine Bedeutung für die Menschen und Kulturen sowie die Vorteile, die er mit sich bringt, vorgestellt. In...

    63,00 €

  • HERRING - Prata dos Oceanos
    Andreas C. Bryhn / Morten Bryhn
    A prata dos oceanos, o rei do mar, o arenque tem muitos nomes. Este livro é sobre cápsulas de suplemento alimentar de ómega 3 feitas de óleo de arenque, uma fonte de ómega 3 que nunca foi utilizada antes. O capítulo 1 apresenta o arenque do Atlântico, o seu significado para os povos e culturas e os benefícios que traz. O capítulo 2 descreve dois estudos animais revistos por par...

    63,00 €

  • HERRING - Argento degli oceani
    Andreas C. Bryhn / Morten Bryhn
    L’argento degli oceani, il re del mare; l’aringa ha molti nomi. Questo libro tratta delle capsule di integratori alimentari di omega3 a base di olio di aringa, una fonte di omega3 mai utilizzata prima. Il capitolo 1 presenta l’aringa dell’Atlantico, il suo significato per le persone e le culture e i benefici che apporta. Il capitolo 2 descrive due studi sugli animali, sottopost...

    63,00 €

  • HERRING - L’argent des océans
    Andreas C. Bryhn / Morten Bryhn
    L’argent des océans, le roi de la mer, le hareng porte de nombreux noms. Ce livre traite des capsules de compléments alimentaires oméga-3 fabriqués à partir d’huile de hareng, une source d’oméga-3 qui n’a jamais été utilisée auparavant. Le chapitre 1 présente le hareng de l’Atlantique, son importance pour les peuples et les cultures, et les bienfaits qu’il apporte. Le chapitre ...

    63,00 €