Catálogo de libros: Metodología psicológica

572 Catálogo de libros: Metodología psicológica

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Psicología Eliminar filtro Metodología psicológica Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
    Mark Watson / Mary McMahon / Wendy Patton
    Career development in the 21st century presents many challenges and opportunities to adults. They must now navigate a complex and rapidly changing world of work influenced by technology, globalisation and fluctuating economic conditions. This book describes the Systems Theory Framework of career development that provides the theoretical background to the MSCI as well as a step-...

    58,88 €

  • Barbacena 120 Anos De Psiquiatria
    Renato Rosa
    Há 120 anos o palco estava montado, e, a tragédia da vida cotidiana das pessoas acometidas por transtornos mentais, surgia na outrora sombria Fazenda da Caveira de Baixo.O livro deve ser considerado um adendo a esta história marcante na vida pública da cidade de Barbacena, porém, original em muitos aspectos, com informações inéditas que não foram contadas até este momento. Rica...

    36,98 €

  • Autismo
    Mariangela Fernandes Vaz
    Não foi a Mariangela Fernandes Vaz que foi demitida da Caixa Econômica Federal, foi suas características deprimidas e autistas. Um desrespeito aos princípios mínimos de cidadania e de empatia. Esse tipo de discriminação tem causado vários prejuízos em termos de vida e dadignidade humana. Esta ação trabalhista foi o gatilho para uma grave depressão, fiquei três anos sem sair de ...

    9,04 €

  • Making Sense of Behavior
    William T Powers
    Making Sense of Behavior, The Meaning of Control by William T. Powers is a profound and sometimes funny introduction to control theory as applied to the behavior of living things. Written for the common reader, MSOB demonstrates how 'living control systems' really behave and interact. Deliberately simple examples peel back the layers of Powers’ Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) t...

    30,36 €

  • Beyond IQ Scores
    Lydia Meem
    Gain confidence in creating a neurodiversity-affirming assessment experience with BEYOND IQ SCORES, the essential handbook for clinicians seeking to navigate the complexities of cognitive and developmental evaluations. This comprehensive guide by clinical psychologist Lydia Meem takes you through every stage of the assessment process - from initial engagement with children and ...

    84,97 €

  • Assessment of Social and Emotional Skills in the OECD’s SSES Study
    Dr. Milos Kankaras
    In the world of educational and psychological assessment, few endeavors are as challenging or as rewarding as the development of instruments that accurately measure social and emotional skills. The OECD’s Study on Social and Emotional Skills (SSES) represents a monumental step in this field, with the creation of the SSES Inventory - an instrument crafted through a global, multi...

    10,75 €

  • Statistics Using Stata
    Daphna Harel / Sarah Knapp Abramowitz / Sharon Lawner Weinberg

    106,59 €

  • Literature Review Simplified
    Rafiq Muhammad
    Are you gearing up for a literature review adventure? Are you beginning your academic journey, this concise checklist book is your guide to mastering the literature review process.Get a Jumpstart: Planning to dive into a literature review soon? This book offers a quick, no-nonsense introduction to the essentials of the process, giving you a solid overview to kickstart your rese...

    4,63 €

  • Doing Research in Psychological Therapies
    Joel Vos

    52,84 €

  • Doing Research in Psychological Therapies
    Joel Vos

    153,55 €

  • National Counselor Examination Blueprint #1 Study Guide For Preparation, Practice Test Questions, Answers and Master the Exam
    Bill T Reese
    This meticulously crafted guide is designed to be your steadfast companion as you navigate the intricate landscape of the National Counselor Exam (NCE). Whether you’re a seasoned counseling professional aiming to enhance your knowledge or a passionate learner stepping into the world of counseling, this guide is your key to mastering the NCE and excelling in the field. This is a...

    36,71 €

  • Leitura Das Mãos
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    Aprenda a técnica de leitura das formas das mãos, dos dedos, das linhas principais e secundárias e dos sinais particulares.Com a Quirologia você aprende a ver, pelas mãos, temperamento, qualidades, deficiências, problemas psicológicos e orgânicos.A Quiromancia, por sua vez, vai auxiliá-lo a identificar fatos futuros, ver os sinais de casamentos, filhos, viagens, negócios, relac...

    15,15 €

  • Vader en terapia
    Jaime Méndez
    Este es un libro sobre salud mental. Este es un libro sobre Darth Vader. Este es un libro tan serio como desenfadado, donde a través de las teorías y pensamientos de autores como Fritz Perls, Carl Rogers, Sigmund Freud o Bruce Lee, la vida de Darth Vader se irá desgranando en una insólita terapia psicológica donde el autor aporta su particular visión del humanismo y el existenc...

    23,46 €

  • Inside the Black Room
    Jack A. Vernon
    In the 1950s, a new word ’brainwashing’ entered the English language. Although its meaning was ambiguous and continued to evolve, it captured both concerns about the uses of psychology in warfare and the imagination of the general public through popular cinema (popular example would be The Manchurian Candidate in 1962) through the years as to how possible it really was to 'brai...

    19,14 €

  • Statistical Testing with jamovi Psychology
    Cole Davis
    Features Worked examples from psychologyClearly written, without mathematical formulaeWell-structured, for beginners and intermediate readersComprehensive chapter on categorical analysis   - not just ’Chi squared’Effect sizes and confidence intervalsClear explanation of factor analysisCovers MANOVA and logistic regressionCovers partial correlations, survival analysis and cluste...

    93,86 €

  • Statistical Testing with jamovi Psychology
    Cole Davis
    FeaturesWorked examples from psychologyClearly written, without mathematical formulaeWell-structured, for beginners and intermediate readersComprehensive chapter on categorical analysis   - not just ’Chi squared’Effect sizes and confidence intervalsClear explanation of factor analysisCovers MANOVA and logistic regressionCovers partial correlations, survival analysis and cluster...

    57,17 €

  • Anti-infelicidade
    Fernando Paque
    O Curso Mentalidade, fundado e liderado por Fernando Paque na Missão Mariana Braga em Presidente Prudente SP, virou um livro com o objetivo de alcançar, melhorar etransformar muito mais vidas.Como ser feliz através do autoconhecimento, sabedoria e trilhando um único caminho? Como entrar em ação com foco na sua vida, missão e propósito?Neste livro você vai encontrar técnicas, m...

    10,62 €

  • Trauma and Uprooting
    Diana Miserez
    Trauma and Uprooting describes the traumatic consequences on countless people of the multiple outbreaks of violence in the hundred-year period 1914-2014, i.e. from the First World War to the ISIS attacks on the Yazidi communities of Northern Iraq. The impact of trauma on people who, after living through terror in their countries, have become uprooted is something that has been ...

    21,56 €

  • Bringing Life to Psychology
    Monica Baehr / Nancy Dudley
    Bringing Life to Psychology by Nancy Dudley and Monica BaehrMovies as Mirrors: Is the purpose of movies simply to entertain and preoccupy our time with passive viewing? The authors of this book suggest that there is much more happening in our unconscious mind. As university instructors, they developed strategies for using films to broaden their students’ perspectives on the hum...

    37,79 €

  • Forskningsmetode (Empirisk Samfunnsforskning og Evaluering)
    Fynn Hansen
    Hvordan forskning beriker liv - forskningsmetoder forklart på en enkel måte! Forskningsmetodene innen psykologi og samfunnsvitenskap er svært forskjellige fra metodene i andre empiriske vitenskaper. Det er absolutt ikke lett å prøve å forstå en annen persons tanker, og det er enda vanskeligere innenfor en forskning når det gjelder tankene og følelsene til spesielt mange mennesk...

    10,64 €

  • Araştırma Yöntemleri (Araştırma Metotları)
    Yusuf Yilmaz
    Araştırma hayatları nasıl zenginleştirir - araştırma yöntemleri basitçe açıklanıyor! İnsan bilimleri alanında psikoloji ve sosyal bilimlerin araştırma yöntemleri, diğer ampirik bilimlerin yöntemlerinden çok farklıdır. Başka bir kişinin düşüncelerini anlamaya çalışmak kesinlikle kolay değildir ve özellikle çok sayıda insanın düşünceleri ve duyguları söz konusu olduğunda bir araş...

    10,78 €

  • Statistics for Psychology
    Elizabeth Collins / Roger Watt
    A student-friendly, highly visual guide to really understanding the big picture and principles behind the many different statistical practices in Psychology. ...

    172,82 €

  • Tutkimusote (Empiirinen Sosiaalinen Tutkimus ja Arviointi)
    Emilia Mäkelä
    Miten tutkimus rikastuttaa elämää - tutkimusmenetelmät selitetään yksinkertaisesti! Psykologian ja yhteiskuntatieteiden tutkimusmenetelmät ihmistieteiden alalla eroavat suuresti muiden empiiristen tieteiden menetelmistä. Ei todellakaan ole helppoa yrittää ymmärtää toisen ihmisen ajatuksia, ja vielä vaikeampaa se on tutkimuksen sisällä, kun kyse on erityisen monen ihmisen ajatuk...

    10,88 €

  • Estudos Sobre Envelhecimento
    Ernani Neto
    Este trabalho é fruto de anos de pesquisas. De caráter interdisciplinar, o livro reúne um conjunto de estudos com foco no envelhecimento humano que nasceram do diálogo de diferentes disciplinas das Ciências Humanas. Os trabalhos foram desenvolvidos partindo da prática clínica com idosos e de pesquisas no âmbito da Psicologia e da Ciência da Religião. Inquestionavelmente, a inte...

    19,53 €

  • The Essentials of Mental Disorders
    Alicia Tyler / Paul A Phillips / Paul A. Phillips / Yolla Makhoul
    Did you ever want to know how a mental disorder should be diagnosed? How the common mental disorders or illnesses are different? Or what treatments can work for what disorders? If so, then this is the book for you. It is written in plain English and describes how the most common mental disorders are different from each other, their key features and how they should be accurately...

    33,85 €

  • Digital Psychology’s Impact on Business and Society
    Individuals, businesses, organizations, and countries all benefit from having access to data. People who generate data do it voluntarily, forming their habits, patterns, and behaviors in the process. Their psychological characteristics will be better understood as a result of the data that they generate, allowing them to make intelligent decisions. Organizations are motivated b...

    268,48 €

  • The Power of the Pen
    This book is an anthology with contributors from around the world, highly respected handwriting analysts and psychologists who bring their years of experience to the page. Essays include personal stories and deep psychology with many illustrations. ...

    19,62 €

  • Forskningsmetoder
    Finn Nielsen
    Forskningsmetoder forklaret enkelt! Psykologiens og samfundsvidenskabens forskningsmetoder inden for humaniora er meget forskellige fra andre empiriske videnskabers metoder. Det er bestemt ikke let at forsøge at forstå et andet menneskes tanker, og det er endnu vanskeligere inden for en forskning, når det drejer sig om særligt mange menneskers tanker og følelser. I sidste ende ...

    10,82 €

  • Research Methods
    Bernard C. Beins

    160,34 €

  • Pismo Naukowe
    Jakub Kowalczyk
    Naukowe pisanie prac licencjackich, prac magisterskich, prac dyplomowych, prac magisterskich. Istnieje wiele różnych sposobów na ukończenie edukacji akademickiej, a żaden nie jest mniej wartościowy od innego. Wszystkie są równie znaczące i mogą zmienić życie poszczególnych uczniów. A jednak tak wielu uczniów ma problemy z tym, by nawet usiąść do takiej pracy. Są pozostawieni sa...

    10,75 €