Catálogo de libros: Ficción clásica

23477 Catálogo de libros: Ficción clásica

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  • Pystrior Marthys Pow Òz
    L Frank Baum / Nicholas Williams
    Yth yw Pystrior Marthys Pow Òz whedhel gans L. Frank Baum ow tùchya mowes vian Dorothy yw scubys dre gorwyns warbarth gans hy hy Tôtô in mes a Kansas bys in Òz, pow stranj ha sêmly. Pàn vo hy ena yma hy owth ervira travalya dhe Cyta an Emerôs may halla hy govyn orth rêwlyas an pow, Pystrior henwys Òz, dh’y gorra tre arta. Yma hy ow metya i’n fordh Bùcka Bryny, usy ow whelas emp...

    70,45 €

  • La geste d’Aalis el Païs de Merveilles
    Lewis Carroll / May Plouzeau
     L’ancien français, qui se parla et s’écrivit, grossièrement, du milieu du 9e siècle au milieu du 14e siècle, connut de multiples variations selon temps et lieux, et nous en conservons des textes innombrables. --- Old French was spoken and/or written in many parts of what is now France, very roughly north of the Loire, and in parts of Belgium ; it was also used in numerous circ...

    18,42 €

  • Әлисәнең Сәйерстандағы мажаралары - Ӓlisӓneñ Sӓyerstandağı majaraları
    Lewis Carroll / Güzäl Sitdykova
    Льюис Кэрролл—атаҡлы инглиз яҙыусыһы һәм Оксфорд университеты Крайст Чёрч колледжының математика уҡытыусыһы Чарлз Латвидж Додсондың (1832–1898) псевдонимы. Ул колледж ректоры Генри Лидделл ғаиләһенең яҡын дуҫы,  үҫмер Элис (1852 йылғы) менән уның Лорина һәм Эдит тигән апаларына әкиәттәр һөйләй торған булған. Бер мәл—1862 йылдың 4 июлендә—Кэрролл, уның дуҫы, рухани Робинсон Даку...

    17,72 €

  • A Tale of Two Cities
    Charles Dickens / Henriette Loreau
    The classic novel tells the story of Charles Darnay, Lucie Manette, Sydney Carton, and others. The narrative is split between Paris and London in the time leading up to the French Revolution (1789–1799). Dickens uses the story as a vehicle to portray the social inequities and injustices that the French peasantry faced at the hands of the aristocracy, which ultimately led to the...

    36,00 €

  • Heart of Darkness
    Joseph Conrad
    Although Polish, Joseph Conrad is one of the greatest English writers, and Heart of Darkness is considered his best.  As a reader we are brought to face our psychological selves to answer, ‘Who is the true savage?’ ...

    6,42 €

  • Pequeño Tim y el Fantasma de Ebenezer Scrooge
    Norman Whaler
    *** 17 AWARDS - WITH CHRISTMAS CAROL SHEET MUSIC ***¡Sí! Para comenzar... el viejo Scrooge está MUERTO...En la secuela del clásico adorado de Charles Dickens, Un Villancico Navideño, Ebenezer Scrooge fallece repentinamente justo siete días antes de Navidad. Pequeño Tim, ahora un joven caballero, quien perdió a su amada Becky, debe luchar contra los demonios de la rabia y de la ...

    12,34 €

  • Beauty and the Beast
    Emilyann Girdner
    Beauty and the Beast is a treasured classic fairytale passed down through generations that explores the love story of a beautiful young girl captured in the enchanted castle of a frightening beast. Now, Beauty and the Beast has been creatively reimagined in this delightful Coloring NovelsTM edition which includes over 50 colorable designs as well as featured art by Emilyann Gir...

    13,66 €

    Mark Twain
    You don’t know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that ain’t no matter. That book was made by Mr. Mark Twain, and he told the truth, mainly. There was things which he stretched, but mainly he told the truth. That is nothing. I never seen anybody but lied one time or another, without it was Aunt Polly, or the widow, or mayb...

    36,84 €

  • Lucy’s Conversations
    Jacob Abbott
    Jacob Abbott was a prolific author, writing juvenile fiction, brief histories, biographies, religious books for the general reader, and a few works in popular science. Follow Lucy, and her friends, on their many adventures. You will have fun learning about subjects such as ethics, history, science, friendship and family. ...

    20,45 €

  • Heart of Darkness
    Joseph Conrad
    In the Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad explores the degradation of human morality as symbolized by Marlow’s journey towards the 'heart of darkness.' As Marlow 'penetrates deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness,' and farther and farther into the African wilderness, he probes further into the human subconscious and psyche, represented by the jungle. Marlow’s experiences in ...

    20,58 €

  • Laddie
    Gene Stratton-Porter
    This charming story is told by 'Little Sister' a young girl who loves to learn, but has no patience with schools. Her ideal classroom is nature itself. Join her as she learns about the world and her place in it. ...

    36,65 €

  • English as She Is Spoke
    Jose De Fonseca
    This book was intended as a Portuguese-English conversational guide or phrase book, but is regarded as a classic source of unintentional humour, as the given English translations are generally completely incoherent. The humour appears to be a result of dictionary-aided literal translation, which causes many idiomatic expressions to be translated wildly inappropriately. Mark Twa...

    18,12 €

  • A Christmas Carol
    Charles Dickens
    The beloved holiday classic penned by Charles Dickens in 1843 is presented here in a bilingual English–French edition, complete with full color illustrations. This bilingual edition is designed to assist those learning French. The original English text appears on the left-hand pages of the book, with the corresponding French translation on the right-hand pages. ...

    26,86 €

  • Dubliners
    James Joyce
    Unabridged value reproduction of Dubliners by James Joyce is the 1914 classic written during the heyday of Irish nationalism. Every vignette stands alone, yet every vignette is part of the same tapestry, producing both a personal and profound effect for the reader.Shocking for his time because of its realism, today Dubliners is a portal back to the gritty reality of the Irish e...

    17,61 €

  • A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
    Joyce James
    A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is a semi-autobiographical novel by James Joyc. The story describes the formative years of the life of Stephen Dedalus, a fictional alter ego of Joyce and an allusion to the consummate craftsman of Greek mythology, Daedalus. Joyce’s novel traces the intellectual and religio-philosophical awakening of young Stephen Dedalus as he begins to ...

    27,96 €

  • Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
    Robert Louis Stevenson
    Dr Jekyll, a 'large, well-made, smooth-faced man of fifty', occasionally feels he is battling between the good and evil within himself, thus leading to the struggle between his dual personalities of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. He has spent a great part of his life trying to repress evil urges that were not fitting for a man of his stature. He creates a potion in an attempt to mask t...

    20,64 €

  • Against Nature
    Joris Karl Huysmans
    Against Nature by Joris-Karl Huysmans is a novel in which very little happens; its narrative concentrates almost entirely on its principal character, and is mostly a catalogue of the tastes and inner life of Jean Des Esseintes, an eccentric, reclusive aesthete and antihero, who loathes 19th century bourgeois society and tries to retreat into an ideal artistic world of his own c...

    28,01 €

  • Mansfield Park
    Jane Austen
    Ten-year-old Fanny Price is adopted by her wealthy uncle, Sir Thomas Bertram, and is brought up alongside, rather than with, his own four children. She soon learns her place in the hierarchy of Mansfield Park, and is firmly kept there by her spiteful and interfering Aunt Norris, who is one of Jane Austen’s most memorable creations. While Sir Thomas is away attending to his busine...

    11,74 €

  • Inheriting the Missing
    Donald Hofstetter
    They thought he was a runaway Indian or a criminal, but it was the only chance he had. If he succeeded, the world was his; if not, no one would ever look for his body.Talon had one round of ammunition, two good horses, and little else. He was nineteen years old and life as he knew it had come to a close. A thousand miles away lay the only thing that looked like a future to him....

    11,97 €

  • The Great Gatsby
    F. Scott Fitzgerald
    Out on the island there’s a party wilder than the scene in Manhattan. It’s at a mansion, owned by a multimillionaire who goes by the name of Gatsby.  No one seems to know much about Gatsby. The only thing certain is that he throws a hell of a house party, so if you want the finest liquor, that’s the place to go.The Great Gatsby: Buckman Critical Edition features the original no...

    13,45 €

  • La metamorfosis
    Franz Kafka
    La Metamorfosis (1915) es considerada una de las obras maestras del siglo XX y la madre de la literatura del absurdo, influyendo décadas después en numerosos escritores consagrados. En él, Franz nos lleva a reflexionar sobre el valor del ser humano en un sistema en el que solo se valora a las personas en función de su productividad.El relato, dividido en tres partes, narra la t...

    9,99 €

  • Comando Superior: Edição Especial De Três Anos
    Geann Áleaix Bitencourt
    (Esse Box contém os volumes Um e Dois)Edição especial comemorativa de três anos desde o lançamento do primeiro volume da série COMANDO SUPERIOR.Após o desaparecimento do líder do Comando Superior da Via Láctea, o trabalho realizado pela unificação com Andrômeda é severamente prejudicado. Os conflitos gerados entre as principais potências mundiais guiam o mundo para um futuro ca...

    56,92 €

  • Toda Mulher Merece Um Poema
    Sérgio Alves
    O livro Toda Mulher merece um Poema utiliza uma linguagemdireta e acessível para falar da alma - corpo feminino; a poesia destelivro, através da perspectiva do amor e da interação daquela dualidadecom o mundo, busca revelar a beleza e a natureza sui generis da mulher.Ao longo da História, ela tem lutado para usufruir da liberdadee do direito à vida; ser valorizada e amada. Tem ...

    17,07 €

  • La vuelta al mundo en ochenta días
    Julio Verne
    La vuelta al mundo en ochenta días (1873) está protagonizada por el señor Phileas Fogg, quien junto a su criado Passepartout, abandonará su vida disciplinada para cumplir una apuesta con los miembros del Reform Club, en la que arriesgará una parte de su fortuna comprometiéndose a dar la vuelta al mundo en ochenta días utilizando los medios disponibles de la época. A lo largo de...

    14,50 €

  • O Mabinogion
    Lady Charlotte Elizabeth Guest
    Descubra o envolvente universo deO Mabinogion , revelado através da erudição e dedicação de Lady Charlotte Elizabeth Guest. Esta edição não somente desenterra os antigos contos galeses comoPeredur ,Culhwch ac Olwen , e as narrativas do lendário Rei Arthur, mas também ilumina a meticulosa jornada de Lady Charlotte ao traduzir e compilar estas histórias a partir do Livro Vermelho...

    70,53 €

  • The Invisible Man
    Herbert George Wells
    On a bitter evening in the depths of winter, a mysterious stranger arrives to the remote English village of Iping, his face swaddled in bandages.The Invisible Man tells the tale of Griffin, a scientist who has found a way to make himself invisible. To his anger and dismay, however, the experiment appears irreversible. Freed from the constraints of the law and rejected by a soci...

    12,50 €

  • The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes(Illustrated)
    Arthur Conan Doyle
    Includes 20 stunning illustrations, bringing each story to life. Contains a comprehensive summary of the entire collection. Features a detailed characters list for enhanced understanding. Includes an intriguing biography of the legendary author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Enter the world of Sherlock Holmes, the renowned investigator who never fails to enthrall readers with his da...

    17,10 €

  • Esau E Jaco
    O livro narra a história da rivalidade entre dois irmão gêmios suas diferentes personalides. Mais uma vez é feito um retrato da sociedade carioca do final do século XIX e início do século XX. ...

    17,16 €

  • Katia
    Leo Tolstoy
    Katia is the 1859 novel by Leo Tolstoy. The story is about young wife and her much older husband that come to realize they want different things out of life. There are ideals of happiness are not the same. The tone of the book is set but the opening line. 'We were in mourning for our mother, who had died the preceding autumn, and we had spent all the winter alone in the country...

    11,01 €

  • Well, After All
    Frank Frankfort Moore
    Well, After All by Frank Frankfurt Moore is about the life of cunning and sharp-witted lawyer Cyril Mowbray. Excerpt: 'It was an interesting scene, beyond doubt,' said Mr. Westwood, the senior partner in the Bracken-shire Bank of Westwood, Westwood, Barwell, & Westwood. 'Yes, I felt more than once greatly interested in the day.' 'Greatly interested? Greatly interested?' said Cy...

    15,24 €