Catálogo de libros: Lenguaje: consulta y general

17048 Catálogo de libros: Lenguaje: consulta y general

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  • Nem A Poesia Salva
    Lino Porto
    Escritos no auge da pandemia do Covid-19, estes poemas retratam aquele período turbulento, de muita inquietação, ansiedade e desesperança. Mais do que nunca, havia a necessidade imperiosa de a humanidade se agarrar a qualquer tábua de salvação, entre as quais a poesia. Nesta obra o poeta chega à conclusão de que nem mesmo a poesia é capaz de nos salvar, pois tanto ela quanto nó...

    7,13 €

  • Sensorik in Porträts und Ausdrucksformen der Lyrik
    Ludmila Abdullaeva
    Das Werk 'Sensorik in Porträts und Ausdrucksformen der Lyrik (russische Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts)' stellt eine aktuelle literarische Analyse der psychologischen Meisterschaft russischer Schriftsteller des 19. Jahrhunderts dar, die durch die Besonderheiten der sinnlichen Weltanschauung der einzelnen Autoren aufgezeigt wird. Dies führt zu einer Diversifizierung der inneren ...

    25,18 €

  • Sensorics in portraits and expression of lyricism
    Ludmila Abdullaeva
    The work 'Sensorics in portraits and expression of lyricism (Russian literature of the 19th century)' presents an actual literary analysis of psychological mastery of Russian writers of the 19th century, shown through the peculiarities of their individual author’s sensual worldview. This diversifies the inner world of the characters, as the authors of the works translate to the...

    25,04 €

  • Psychologismus, Sensorik, Porträtkunst, Lyrik, Poetik des Textes.
    Ludmila Abdullaeva
    L’ouvrage 'La sensorialité dans les portraits et l’expression du lyrisme (littérature russe du XIXe siècle)' présente une analyse littéraire réelle de la maîtrise psychologique des écrivains russes du XIXe siècle, montrée à travers les particularités de la vision sensuelle du monde de chaque auteur. Le monde intérieur des personnages s’en trouve diversifié, car les auteurs des ...

    25,12 €

  • Sensoristica nei ritratti ed espressione della lirica
    Ludmila Abdullaeva
    L’opera 'La sensorica nei ritratti e nell’espressione della lirica (letteratura russa del XIX secolo)' presenta una vera e propria analisi letteraria della maestria psicologica degli scrittori russi del XIX secolo, mostrata attraverso le peculiarità della visione del mondo sensuale dei loro singoli autori. Questo diversifica il mondo interiore dei personaggi, poiché gli autori ...

    25,12 €

  • Sensorialidade nos retratos e expressão do lirismo
    Ludmila Abdullaeva
    A obra 'Sensorialidade nos retratos e expressão do lirismo (literatura russa do século XIX)' apresenta uma análise literária atual da mestria psicológica dos escritores russos do século XIX, mostrada através das peculiaridades da visão do mundo sensual de cada autor. Isto diversifica o mundo interior das personagens, uma vez que os autores das obras transmitem aos seus heróis a...

    25,12 €

  • English Language Lovers
    Rolade B Berthier
    In our globalised and digitalised world, English has become necessary. It’s simply complex, which makes us keep learning. It is impossible to master all its intricacies in a lifetime; even native speakers are challenged with the daily arrival of new jargon, slang, and formal words and phrases.This book has words of thoughts, thoughts on words, and words to laugh at that will ma...

    23,95 €

  • Images of parents and God
    Réka Nyikos
    Rainer Maria Rilke’s conception of God has been examined from many perspectives, but this essay attempts to shed light on the poet’s relationship to God and Christ from a hitherto unexplored angle. Rilke’s relationship with his parents - especially his mother - his family environment and his socialization raise a number of connections. The essay focuses on his attachment to his...

    61,44 €

  • Images des parents et de Dieu
    Réka Nyikos
    La vision de Dieu de Rainer Maria Rilke a été étudiée sous de nombreuses perspectives, mais cet essai tente d’éclairer la relation du poète à Dieu et au Christ sous un angle encore inexploré. La relation de Rilke avec ses parents - en particulier avec sa mère -, son environnement familial et sa socialisation soulèvent un certain nombre de questions. L’essai se concentre sur le ...

    61,51 €

  • Immagini dei genitori e di Dio
    Réka Nyikos
    La concezione di Dio di Rainer Maria Rilke è stata studiata da molti punti di vista, ma questo saggio cerca di far luce sul rapporto del poeta con Dio e Cristo da un punto di vista finora inesplorato. Il rapporto di Rilke con i genitori, in particolare con la madre, il suo ambiente familiare e la sua socializzazione fanno emergere una serie di connessioni. Il saggio si concentr...

    61,44 €

  • Imagens dos pais e de Deus
    Réka Nyikos
    A conceção de Deus de Rainer Maria Rilke tem sido estudada de muitas perspectivas, mas este ensaio tenta lançar luz sobre a relação do poeta com Deus e Cristo de um ângulo até agora inexplorado. A relação de Rilke com os seus pais - especialmente a sua mãe -, o seu ambiente familiar e a sua socialização revelam uma série de ligações. O ensaio centra-se na sua ligação aos pais, ...

    61,44 €

  • Образы родителей и Бога
    Река Ньикош
    Концепция Бога у Райнера Марии Рильке изучалась с разных точек зрения, но в этом эссе предпринята попытка пролить свет на отношения поэта с Богом и Христом с до сих пор не исследованной стороны. Отношения Рильке с родителями, особенно с матерью, его семейное окружение и его социализация обнаруживают ряд связей. Эссе посвящено его привязанности к родителям, его семейной социализ...

    61,51 €

  • Стратегии понимания прочитанного
    К. Лаццаротто Волкао / Крис Ройс Шардосим
    Эта книга основана на результатах исследования, проведенного в период с 2011 по 2015 год и посвященного стратегиям понимания прочитанного с учащимися 6-го класса начальной школы. Она основана на экспериментальном психолингвистическом исследовании, проведенном с группой учащихся из Ибирамы, штат Санта-Катарина, в форме семинара в 2014 году в рамках проекта расширения, организова...

    77,85 €

  • Stratégies de compréhension de la lecture
    C. Lazzarotto Volcão / Chris Royes Schardosim
    Cet ouvrage est issu d’une recherche menée entre 2011 et 2015 sur les stratégies de compréhension en lecture avec des élèves de 6e année primaire. Il s’est appuyé sur une recherche psycholinguistique expérimentale avec un groupe d’élèves d’Ibirama, à Santa Catarina, sous forme d’atelier en 2014 dans le cadre d’un projet d’extension organisé par l’Institut Fédéral de Santa Catar...

    77,86 €

  • Strategien zum Leseverstehen
    C. Lazzarotto Volcão / Chris Royes Schardosim
    Dieses Buch ist das Ergebnis von Forschungen, die zwischen 2011 und 2015 zu Strategien für das Leseverständnis mit Schülern der 6. Klasse der Grundschule durchgeführt wurden. Es basiert auf einer experimentellen psycholinguistischen Untersuchung mit einer Gruppe von Schülern aus Ibirama in Santa Catarina, die 2014 in Form eines Workshops im Rahmen eines vom Bundesinstitut von S...

    77,85 €

  • Strategie per la comprensione della lettura
    C. Lazzarotto Volcão / Chris Royes Schardosim
    Questo libro nasce da una ricerca condotta tra il 2011 e il 2015 sulle strategie di comprensione della lettura con studenti del sesto anno della scuola primaria. Si basa su una ricerca psicolinguistica sperimentale con un gruppo di studenti di Ibirama, a Santa Catarina, sotto forma di laboratorio nel 2014 nell’ambito di un progetto di estensione organizzato dall’Istituto Federa...

    77,89 €

  • Strategies for reading comprehension
    C. Lazzarotto Volcão / Chris Royes Schardosim
    This book is the result of research carried out between 2011 and 2015 on strategies for reading comprehension with 6th grade students. It was based on experimental research in psycholinguistics with a group of students from Ibirama, in Santa Catarina, in the form of a workshop in 2014 as part of an outreach project run by the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina. The thirty 6th ...

    77,90 €

  • Sous le soleil
    Essosimna Ketekpena
    Sous le soleil est un recueil d’une quarantaine de poèmes. L’auteur fait un mélange de tons lyrique, pathétique et didactique à travers divers poèmes. Ainsi dans le recueil, on peut trouver différents poèmes avec des rythmes et ceux en vers libres. Ecrit depuis 2017, l’auteur fait la peinture de l’adversité à laquelle l’Homme fait face dans sa vie. Bien que certains soient admi...

    34,01 €

  • Unlock Your Language Potential
    William K. Spier
    The person and number of a verb are those modifications in which it agrees with its subject or nominative. In each number, there are three persons; and in each person, two numbers: thus, Singular. Plural. 1st per. I love, 1st per. We love, 2d per. Thou lovest, 2d per. You love, 3d per. He loves; 3d per. They love. Where the verb is varied, the second person singular is regularl...

    14,31 €

  • How to Write a Bestselling Billionaire Romance
    Just Bae
    'Jump into your bestselling writer’s shoes and write romances that command empires and steal hearts.'’How to Write a Bestselling Billionaire Romance’ gives you the arsenal to create novels that bewitch readers and storylines that drive sales. From crafting your protagonists and strong love interests, mastering believability, and carefully balancing power & vulnerability, you’ll...

    15,53 €

    Olivier-Jeff KALALA TSHAMALA
    Jeff a réussi à remonter méthodiquement la vase d’un itinéraire, en décrivant les différentes péripéties. D’abord, l’enfance et le bain familial d’Astrid, en passant par sa scolarité primaire et secondaire à Kolwezi. Cette étape se caractérise par l’instruction des abc et l’apprentissage des principes moraux de savoir vivre en société. Ensuite, son éloignement du toit parental,...

    50,38 €

  • Reader’s House
    The Reader’s House
    EDITOR’S LETTERIn the tapestry of children’s literature, some authors possess the magical ability to ignite the spark of imagination, weaving stories that become cherished companions in the journey of growing up. Vickie L. Gardner, the acclaimed author behind 'The Adventures of Darby' series and the captivating 'The Ghost of Morgan Gulch,' is undeniably one such literary alchem...

    35,51 €

  • Successful Methods of Public Speaking
    Grenville Kleiser
    As you carefully study the successful methods of public speakers, as briefly set forth in this book, you will observe that there is nothing that can be substituted for personal sincerity. Unless you thoroughly believe in the message you wish to convey to others, you are not likely to impress them favorably. It was said of an eminent British orator, that when one heard him speak...

    9,61 €

  • History Of Famous Orators
    Marcus Tullius Cicero
    Cicero is considered to be Rome’s greatest orator and prose writer. His writing is some of the best classical Latin still in existence. Cicero introduced Rome to Greek philosophy and created the Latin philosophical vocabulary. This book contains two selections. Cicero’s Brutus or History of Famous Orators was written during the end of the civil war in Africa. It discusses all t...

    17,10 €

    Muhayokhon Hamidova
    The favorite writer of our nation, People’s Writer of Uzbekistan Shukur Kholmirzayev, stories such as 'Kil koprik ', 'Olaboji ', 'Last stop', 'Who is not in the 18th class?', ' Waves' and Readers who have read his novels, many serious stories and novels understand that Uzbek literature reflects a new worldview of a person, the colors of the world of thought. In the works, the p...

    111,69 €

  • L’archéologie de l’écriture chez Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio
    Jean Florent Romaric Gnayoro
    Dans un contexte leclézien, autobiographique ou biographique plus ou moins romancé, on s’interroge sur les processus de transmutation littéraire, entre l’expérience inspirée du domaine familial et l’archéologie de l’écriture ; en explorant notamment les retentissements induits par les émotions gardées en mémoire, que Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio arrive à traduire dans ses œuvre...

    85,81 €

    Bunleang Kors
    Introducing a language learning guide that combines English and Khmer words, designed specifically for Cambodian people seeking to enhance their English skills. This comprehensive resource offers an easy-to-follow format, providing clear and simple explanations to facilitate effective learning. With a focus on practical vocabulary and essential grammar, this guide aims to empow...

    99,43 €

    Dans ce travail de recherche, les caractéristiques esthétiques artistiques spécifiques du problème de l’idéal esthétique artistique dans l’œuvre du mouvement moderniste des XIXe-XXe siècles, en particulier dans les œuvres des grands éclaireurs, sont étudiées de manière comparative et résumées sur la base de sources scientifiques. . Dans la littérature Jadid, des questions telle...

    85,79 €

  • Speak American? Govorite li Američki?
    Aleksandar D Stajković / Kayla S Stajković
    'Speak American? Govorite li Američki?' is a guide to embracing American-Serbian cultural nuances. In today’s global world, the ability to communicate effectively across cultural boundaries is more than a skill-it is a necessity. 'Speak American? Govorite li Američki?' is a tool for Serbian professionals who are seeking to navigate the American business landscape and for Americ...

    21,93 €

  • Facet of the French Novel
    Jean Florent Romaric Gnayoro
    This work is part of the First Study Day on the French Novel, as a space for reflection, debate and expression. This framework of study sheds light on the specificity of French novelists Gaston Leroux and Jean d’Omerson. The various contributions highlight the particularity of the literary imagination, following an analysis of the aesthetics of these French novelists. ...

    61,76 €