Catálogo de libros: zibia gasparetto

97 Catálogo de libros: zibia gasparetto

  • Todos Somos Inocentes
    J.Thomas MSc. Saldias / Por el Espíritu Lucius / Zibia Gasparetto
    Todos somos inocentes, la exitosa novela de Zibia Gasparetto, cuenta la historia de Jovino, un niño honesto y tímido, quien, sin embargo, cree en el uso de la violencia para proteger a sus seres queridos. Y así, alimentando conceptos erróneos, se ve envuelto en una red de intrigas, que culmina en su condena y encarcelamiento por asesinato. Y ahora, ¿dónde encontrará apoyo, si t...

    36,10 €

  • We are all Innocent
    By the Spirit Lucius / Fiorella Flores Cabrel / Zibia Gasparetto
    "We are all innocent", a highly successful novel by Zibia Gasparetto, tells the story of Jovino, an honest and shy boy, who, however, believes in the use of violence to protect his loved ones. And thus, feeding misconceptions, he finds himself involved in a web of intrigue, which culminates in his conviction and imprisonment for murder. Jovino is yet another victim of justice. ...

    36,29 €

  • Not Afraid to Live
    By the Spirit Lucius / Rubi Gutierrez Pineda / Zibia Gasparetto
    Happiness is the achievement of inner success. Feeling accomplished, happy, fulfilled and loved is a natural ambition for all of us. However, we will only make it to the top if we have the audacious optimism to trust in the powers of the unseen.In Not Afraid to Live, Zibia Gasparetto’s highly successful novel, you’ll learn the story of Sérgio, a hard-working and ambitious boy w...

    35,05 €

  • Rien n’est par Hasard
    Lorena Quiróz Díaz / Par l’esprit Lucius / Zibia Gasparetto
    Rien n’est par Hasard aborde des aspects les plus sensibles du mariage, de l’éducation d’un enfant non biologique, des intrigues du profit et de la soif de pouvoir. Cette œuvre est un exemple de victoire des personnes avec des bonnes intentions, outre d’être pleine de liens spirituels qui ne sont pas révélés au début.En suivant le parcours de deux femmes dominantes, Marina et M...

    36,15 €

  • Nobody Belongs To Anyone
    By the Spirit Lucius / Natalie Zegarra Baretolo / Zibia Gasparetto
    Nobody belongs to anybody is about Roberto’s story, married to Gabriela and father of two children. After losing his job and his income source, Roberto spends most of his time at home. While Gabriela, strong and determined, begins to work more and more to support her family. As time goes by, he feels unhealthy jealousy grow and begins to follow his wife, dreaming about a relati...

    38,94 €

  • When the Time Comes
    By the Spirit Lucius / Translated by Ruth Leyva Montalvo / Zibia Gasparetto
    Colonel Firmino’s heirs move to his old mansion, abandoned for a long time and haunted by the spirit of their ancestor, guarding the secrets of the past. Nico, Eurico and Amelinha are the children whose games will awaken the secrets of the house. Eurico’s illness, son of the heirs of the mansion, made them move there, and then the past returned with full force, putting all thos...

    38,64 €

  • Cuando es necesario regresar
    JThomas Saldias MSc. / Por el Espíritu Lucius / Zibia Gasparetto
    Herido por la traición de su esposa, Osvaldo toma decisiones irreflexivas en un intento por escapar de la realidad, pero sucesos inesperados lo hacen enfrentar la verdad y descubrir que no puede avanzar sin enfrentar el pasado. Decide, entonces, que es hora de aceptar todos los desafíos que la vida le ha presentado. ...

    26,00 €

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