Catálogo de libros: young scholar

79 Catálogo de libros: young scholar

  • Origami f¸r Kinder
    Young Scholar
    Origami f¸r Kinder ist ein Aktivit‰tsbuch, das Kinder und Interessierte lehrt, wie man Papier in wunderbare Tierformen und mehr faltet. Origami ist eine F‰higkeit, die dich von den anderen abhebt und dieses Buch zeigt dir, wie man es in einfachen, klaren Schritten macht.Es gibt einen K¸nstler in jedem Kind, lass es nicht verblassen oder zur¸ckbleiben, n‰hren es mit diesem Origa...

    10,75 €

  • Origami per bambini
    Young Scholar
    Origami per bambini e un libro di attivita, il bambino e le prospettive come piegare la carta in forme animali meravigliosi e insegna di piu. Origami e una capacita che si distingue dagli altri e questo libro mostra come farlo in chiare, semplici passaggi. Egli e un artista in ogni bambino, non lasciare svanire o il soggiorno Fed Origami per la creativita dei bambini deve esser...

    10,04 €

  • Océan Underwater poissons livre de coloriage et de la vie de la mer
    Young Scholar
    Livre de coloration de l'océan sous-marin Fish and Sea Life est le dernier livre à colorier pour apprendre sur la vie sous les vagues. Il ya un tout nouveau monde sous la mer, les requins, les tortues, les dauphins, les poulpes, etc.,Les créatures de la mer viennent dans différentes rangées de couleurs et de textures. Engagez votre petit avec ce livre à colorier qui augment...

    6,57 €

  • Come disegnare per i bambini
    Young Scholar
    Come disegnare for Kids e un libro di attivita che insegna ai bambini e chiunque sia interessato a imparare a disegnare, il modo piu veloce e piu facile da realizzare che, utilizzando forme semplici. Non appena i bambini possono tenere una matita possono imparare a disegnare i loro animali preferiti utilizzando questo libro come una guida. C'e un artista in ogni bambino, no...

    11,28 €

  • Wie zeichne f¸r Kinder
    Young Scholar
    Wie f¸r Kinder zu zeichnen ist ein Aktivit‰tsbuch, das Kinder und jedermann interessiert zu lernen, wie man zeichnet, die schnellste und einfachste Weg, um das zu erreichen, mit einfachen Formen. Sobald Kinder einen Bleistift halten kˆnnen, kˆnnen sie lernen, wie man ihre Lieblingstiere mit diesem Buch als Leitfaden zeichnet. Es gibt einen K¸nstler in jedem Kind, lass es nicht ...

    11,28 €

  • How to Draw for Kids
    Young Scholar
    How to Draw for Kids is an activity book that teaches kids and anyone interested in learning how to draw, the fastest and easiest way to accomplish that, using simple shapes. As soon as kids can hold a pencil they can learn how to draw their favorite animals using this book as a guide. There is an artist in every child, do not let it fade or be left behind, nourish it with this...

    13,54 €

  • Comment dessiner pour les enfants
    Young Scholar
    Comment dessiner pour les enfants est un livre d'activitÈ qui enseigne aux enfants et a toute personne intÈressÈe a apprendre a dessiner, le moyen le plus rapide et le plus simple d'y parvenir, en utilisant des formes simples. Des que les enfants peuvent tenir un crayon, ils peuvent apprendre a dessiner leurs animaux prÈfÈrÈs en utilisant ce livre comme guide. Il y a un...

    11,24 €

  • CÛmo dibujar para ninos
    Young Scholar
    CÛmo dibujar para los ninos es un libro de actividades que ensena a los ninos y cualquier persona interesada en aprender a dibujar, la manera m·s r·pida y m·s f·cil de lograr que, utilizando formas simples. Tan pronto como los ninos pueden sostener un l·piz que pueden aprender a dibujar sus animales favoritos utilizando este libro como una guÌa. Hay un artista en cada nino, no ...

    11,28 €

  • Origami for Kids
    Young Scholar
    Origami for Kids is an activity book that teaches kids and anyone interested, how to fold paper into wonderful animal shapes and more. Origami is a skill that sets you apart from the rest and this book shows you how to do it in easy clear steps. There is an artist in every child, do not let it fade or be left behind, nourish it with this Origami for Kids Creativity must be nour...

    12,45 €

  • Origami para ninos
    Young Scholar
    Origami para ninos es un libro de actividades que ensena a los ninos y las personas interesadas papel cÛmo se pliegan en formas animales maravillosos y m·s. Origami es una habilidad que se distingue de los dem·s y este libro le muestra cÛmo hacerlo en pasos simples y claras.Hay un artista en todos los ninos, no deje que se desvanezca o permanecer allÌ alimentan con este Origami...

    10,12 €

  • Origami pour les enfants
    Young Scholar
    Origami pour les enfants est un livre d'activitÈs qui enseigne aux enfants et les personnes intÈressÈes comment le papier se plier dans des formes animales merveilleux et plus encore. Origami est une compÈtence qui vous distingue des autres et ce livre vous montre comment le faire dans des Ètapes claires, simples. Il est un artiste dans chaque enfant, ne le laissez pas fond...

    10,04 €

  • Delicious Desserts Activity Book for Kids
    Young Scholar
    Delicious Desserts Activity Book for Kids is the ultimate activity book for anyone that loves cupcakes, ice cream pastries, Cherry on top, chocolate frosting, strawberries etc.! Let's face it, baked goods are tasty and sweet and can come in various interesting and awesome colors. We don't always have to eat them to enjoy them. Moderation please. But, we can enjoy them i...

    7,71 €

  • Bauernhof Tiere Aktivitätsbuch f¸r Kinder
    Young Scholar
    Vorstellung der Farm Tieraktivität Buch f¸r Kinder! Ziegen, Schweine, Pferde, Maisfelder, Gefl¸gel etc. Es gibt viel zu tun auf dem Bauernhof und wir haben dieses erstaunliche Aktivitätsbuch zusammengestellt. Engage Kinder heute mit Farm und Nutztier Themen-Labyrinthe, Malvorlagen, Puzzles und vieles mehr! ‹bung macht den Meister; Und Kinder sind nicht von dieser Regel befreit....

    11,86 €

  • Farm Animals Activity Book for Kids
    Young Scholar
    Introducing the Farm Animal activity Book for Kids! Goats, pigs, horses, fields of corn, poultries etc. Thereís a lot to do in the farm and we have put together this amazing activity book. Engage kids today with Farm and farm animal themed mazes, Coloring pages, puzzles and lots more!  Practice makes perfect; and children are not exempt from this rule. They gain confidence in t...

    11,86 €

  • How to Draw for Kids
    Young Scholar
    How to Draw for Kids is an activity book that teaches kids and anyone interested in learning how to draw, the fastest and easiest way to accomplish that, using simple shapes. As soon as kids can hold a pencil they can learn how to draw their favorite animals using this book as a guide. There is an artist in every child, do not let it fade or be left behind, nourish it with th...

    23,37 €

  • Origami for Kids
    Young Scholar
    Origami for Kids is an activity book that teaches kids and anyone interested, how to fold paper into wonderful animal shapes and more. Origami is a skill that sets you apart from the rest and this book shows you how to do it in easy clear steps. There is an artist in every child, do not let it fade or be left behind, nourish it with this Origami for Kids Creativity must be nou...

    22,84 €

  • Livre de Coloriage Lapin Pet
    Young Scholar
    Livre de Coloriage Lapin Pet est hilarant et puante ! Enfants construisent leur confiance lorsqu’ils choisissent les couleurs et leur motricité et la dextérité lorsque qu’ils ramassent le crayon et la couleur à l’intérieur de la ligne. Ennuyeuse est sorti. Amusement et l’excitation sont en. Garder les enfants impliqués et de vos cheveux, comme vous s’occuper des travaux de la m...

    6,69 €

  • Fart de conejo para colorear libro
    Young Scholar
    ¡Libros para colorear conejito de pedos es hilarante y apestoso! Los niños construyen en su confianza cuando escoge colores y en su motricidad y destreza cuando toman el lápiz y el color dentro de la línea. Aburrido es. Diversión y emoción están en. Mantenga a los niños que participan y su cabello, como cuidar del trabajo de la casa y hacer las cosas. Los niños se ríen ellos mi...

    6,69 €

  • Coniglio scoreggia libro da colorare
    Young Scholar
    Coniglietto scoregge Coloring Book è esilarante e puzzolente! I bambini costruiscono il loro fiducia quando scegli i colori e sulle loro capacità motorie e la destrezza quando si prende in mano la matita e colore all'interno della linea. Noioso è fuori. Divertimento ed emozione sono. Tenere i bambini impegnati e dai vostri capelli, come prendersi cura di lavori di casa e ot...

    6,69 €

  • Kaninchen-Furz-Malbuch
    Young Scholar
    Kaninchen-Furz-Malbuch ist urkomisch und stinkig! Kinder bauen auf ihr Vertrauen, wenn sie Farben auswählen und auf ihre motorischen Fähigkeiten und Geschicklichkeit, wenn sie den Bleistift und Farbe innerhalb der Linie abholen. Langweilig ist out. Spaß und Spannung sind. Halten Sie Kinder engagiert und aus den Haaren, als kümmern Sie Hausarbeit erledigen. Kinder werden sich al...

    7,30 €

  • Bunny Farts Coloring Book
    Young Scholar
    Bunny Farts Coloring Book is hilarious and stinky! Children build on their confidence when they pick colors, and on their motor skills and dexterity when they pick up the pencil and color inside the line. Boring is out. Fun and excitement are in. Keep children engaged and out of your hair, as you take care of house work and get things done. Kids will laugh themselves silly whil...

    7,30 €

  • Ostern-Aktivitätsbuch für Kinder
    Young Scholar
    Ostern-Aktivitäts-Buch für Kinder, ist ein Jumbo-sortiertes Tätigkeitsbuch, das Ihre Jungen unterhalten und unterhalten hält. Ostern, markiert die Feier der Auferstehung Jesu Christi und ist eine der ältesten christlichen Feiern. Es fällt auch mit dem Beginn des Frühlings zusammen, wenn die Blumen blühen, Vögel zwitschern und Gärten, die Gestalt annehmen. Welcher bessere Weg, u...

    9,59 €

  • Easter Activity Book for Kids
    Young Scholar
    Easter Activity Book for Kids, is a Jumbo-sized activity book that will keep your young ones engrossed and entertained. Easter, marks the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and is one of the oldest Christian celebrations. It also coincides with the onset of Spring, when the flowers are blooming, birds chirping and gardens taking shape. What better way to usher in t...

    9,46 €

  • Underwater Ocean Coloring Book Fish and Sea Life
    Young Scholar
    Underwater Ocean Coloring Book Fish and Sea Life is the ultimate coloring book to learn about life under the waves. There’s a whole new world under the sea, sharks, turtles, dolphins, Octopuses etc.,Sea creatures come in different arrays of colors and textures. Engage your little one with this coloring book that would boost their confidence as they pick colors and decide on whi...

    6,57 €

  • Oceano subacquea libro da colorare pesci e vita marina
    Young Scholar
    Underwater Ocean Coloring Book pesci e vita marina è l'ultimo libro da colorare per conoscere la vita sotto le onde. C'è un intero nuovo mondo sotto il mare, squali, tartarughe, delfini, polpi, ecc,Le creature del mare sono disponibili in diverse matrici di colori e texture. Coinvolgere il piccolo con questo libro da colorare che aumentare la loro fiducia come scegliere...

    6,57 €

  • Unterwasser Ozean Färbung Buch Fisch und Meer Leben
    Young Scholar
    Unterwasser Ozean Färbung Buch Fisch und Meer Leben ist das ultimative Malbuch, um über das Leben unter den Wellen zu lernen. Es gibt eine ganz neue Welt unter dem Meer, Haie, Schildkröten, Delfine, Kraken etc.,Meeresgeschöpfe kommen in verschiedenen Arrays von Farben und Texturen. Vervollkommnen Sie Ihre Kleine mit diesem Farbbuch, das ihr Vertrauen steigern würde, wenn sie Fa...

    7,18 €

  • Océano bajo el agua para colorear peces y vida marina
    Young Scholar
    Libro para colorear el océano subacuático El pescado y la vida marina es el último libro para colorear para aprender sobre la vida debajo de las ondas. Hay un nuevo mundo bajo el mar, tiburones, tortugas, delfines, pulpos, etc.,Las criaturas del mar vienen en diferentes arreglos de colores y texturas. Involucrar a su pequeño con este libro para colorear que aumentaría su confia...

    6,57 €

  • Fun Farm Animals Coloring Book
    Young Scholar
    Fun Farm Animals Coloring Book is a collection of full page illustrations of animals you would see in farm engaged in various activities.Whether you little one is going on a field trip to a farm, or interested in learning more about the animals around them, this coloring book is well equipped to meet those needs. The cows, goats, pigs, horses etc. eagerly await the strokes of y...

    6,52 €

  • Animali Super Fun Libri per bambini
    Young Scholar
    Super Fun Animals Coloring Book for Kids è una raccolta di belle illustrazioni di animali provenienti da tutto il mondo. Le immagini sono di grandi dimensioni, che mostra gli animali impegnati nella loro attività quotidiana.Scoiattoli, elefanti, lupi, ecc.; non importa quale sia il vostro preferito è, troverete le immagini di questi animali molto coinvolgente! I bambini ottener...

    6,57 €

  • On the Road Cars & More Transportation Coloring Book
    Young Scholar
    On the Road Cars & More Transportation Coloring Book! Children love things that move and learning about cars, planes and other means of transport can be captivating. What better way to learn about means of transportation than with this coloring book,Engage your little one today. Provide them the opportunity to pick colors, learn about shapes and sizes, build new skills and hone...

    6,52 €

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