Catálogo de libros: shailendra kumar

26 Catálogo de libros: shailendra kumar

  • Efeito da azoxistrobina no trigo (Triticum aestivum L.)
    Arun Patel / Shailendra Kumar
    O trigo (Triticum spp.) é o terceiro cereal mais produzido no mundo, a seguir ao milho e ao arroz. Conhecido como o 'rei dos cereais', esta cultura é cultivada numa área maior do que qualquer outra cultura alimentar comercial. O comércio mundial de trigo é superior ao de todas as outras culturas. A nível mundial, o trigo é a principal fonte de proteína vegetal (gluteína) na ali...

    49,68 €

  • Effetto dell’azossistrobina sul frumento (Triticum aestivum L.)
    Arun Patel / Shailendra Kumar
    Il grano (Triticum spp.) è il terzo cereale più prodotto al mondo dopo il mais e il riso. Conosciuto come il 're dei cereali', questo cereale è coltivato su una superficie maggiore rispetto a qualsiasi altra coltura alimentare commerciale. Il commercio mondiale di grano è superiore a quello di tutte le altre colture. A livello mondiale, il grano è la principale fonte di protein...

    49,68 €

  • Wirkung von Azoxystrobin auf Weizen (Triticum aestivum L.)
    Arun Patel / Shailendra Kumar
    Weizen (Triticum spp.) ist nach Mais und Reis die am dritthäufigsten angebaute Getreideart der Welt. Er wird als König der Getreidearten' bezeichnet und wird auf einer größeren Fläche angebaut als jede andere kommerzielle Nahrungsmittelpflanze. Der Welthandel mit Weizen ist größer als bei allen anderen Kulturpflanzen. Weizen ist weltweit die wichtigste Quelle für pflanzliches E...

    49,68 €

  • Effet de l’azoxystrobine sur le blé (Triticum aestivum L.)
    Arun Patel / Shailendra Kumar
    Le blé (Triticum spp.) est la troisième céréale la plus produite dans le monde, après le maïs et le riz. Connu sous le nom de 'roi des céréales', il est cultivé sur une plus grande superficie que n’importe quelle autre culture vivrière commerciale. Le commerce mondial du blé est plus important que celui de toutes les autres cultures. À l’échelle mondiale, le blé est la principa...

    49,68 €

    Shailendra Kumar / Shobhna Jeet
    L’ouvrage analyse l’étude comparative des cybercrimes dans différents pays, l’enquête sur les cybercrimes et les preuves requises pour le procès de ces infractions, et comment et sous quelle forme les preuves informatiques peuvent être rassemblées pour résister à l’examen judiciaire. L’étude met également en évidence la diversité des réponses judiciaires. L’étude énumère égalem...

    84,40 €

    Shailendra Kumar / Shobhna Jeet
    O livro analisa o estudo comparativo dos cibercrimes em diferentes países, a investigação dos cibercrimes e as provas exigidas para efeitos de julgamento de tais crimes, e como e de que forma as provas baseadas em computador podem ser reunidas para resistir ao escrutínio judicial. Salienta igualmente a diversidade das reacções judiciais. O estudo enumera ainda sugestões para pr...

    84,42 €

    Shailendra Kumar / Shobhna Jeet
    Das Buch analysiert die vergleichende Untersuchung von Cyberkriminalität in verschiedenen Ländern, die Untersuchung von Cyberkriminalität und die für die Verhandlung solcher Straftaten erforderlichen Beweise sowie die Frage, wie und in welcher Form computergestützte Beweise gesammelt werden können, um der gerichtlichen Prüfung standzuhalten. Die Studie zeigt auch die Unterschie...

    84,38 €

    Shailendra Kumar / Shobhna Jeet
    Il libro analizza lo studio comparativo dei crimini informatici nei diversi Paesi, le indagini sui crimini informatici e le prove necessarie ai fini del processo per tali reati, nonché le modalità e le forme con cui le prove informatiche possono essere raccolte per sostenere il controllo giudiziario. Lo studio evidenzia inoltre la diversità delle risposte giudiziarie. Lo studio...

    84,42 €

    Shailendra Kumar / Shobhna Jeet
    The book brings analyses the comparative study of cybercrimes in different countries, investigation of cybercrimes and evidence required for trial purposes of such offences, and how and in what form the computer-based evidence can be gathered to stand the judicial scrutiny. It also highlights the diversity in judicial response. The study also lists out suggestions to prevent cy...

    84,50 €

  • Flore algale de Ghatampur Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
    Gaurav Kumar Mishra / Narendra Mohan / Shailendra Kumar Singh
    Le district de Kanpur possède un certain nombre de régions botaniquement intéressantes qui abritent une flore et une faune tout à fait différentes des vastes plaines de l’Inde. La flore riche et variée de cette région est une attraction particulière pour un grand nombre de touristes et de botanistes qui visitent la région dans le but premier de faire une collection d’algues. L’...

    99,89 €

  • Flora algale di Ghatampur Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
    Gaurav Kumar Mishra / Narendra Mohan / Shailendra Kumar Singh
    Il distretto di Kanpur presenta una serie di regioni interessanti dal punto di vista botanico che ospitano una flora e una fauna molto diverse da quelle delle vaste pianure indiane. La ricca e variegata flora di questa regione è un’attrazione speciale per un gran numero di turisti e botanici che visitano la regione con l’obiettivo primario di fare una collezione di alghe. Lo st...

    99,89 €

  • Flora algal de Ghatampur Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
    Gaurav Kumar Mishra / Narendra Mohan / Shailendra Kumar Singh
    O distrito de Kanpur tem uma série de regiões botanicamente interessantes que albergam uma flora e uma fauna bastante diferentes das vastas planícies da Índia. A rica e variada flora desta região constitui uma atração especial para um grande número de turistas e botânicos que visitam a região com o objetivo principal de fazer uma coleção de algas. O estudo começou com a segrega...

    99,89 €

  • Progression of India from Ancient to Modern Times
    Prof (retd.) Shailendra Kumar Roy
    The author, a retired professor born in 1928, possesses extensive expertise in global history, philosophy, and religions. He is a devoted disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahansa and Swami Vivekananda. Growing up during India’s freedom movement, from his early years as a boy to his adolescence and young adulthood, he witnessed the nation’s struggle for independence. In this book, he...

    9,30 €

    Dr Shailendra Kumar Singh
    ’Suicide’ is the story of a person named Shekhar Sharma who becomes a DSP to get rid of his financial problems. He marries a stunning girl. But his spouse and mother are unable to live peacefully. It makes him decide to commit suicide. He foretells all his acquaintance as regards suicide just before his suicide attempt. His attempt fails on account of some reason, whereas he is...

    14,28 €

  • Geossintéticos pré-esforçados em sapatos embutidos
    Chandresh H. Solanki / Shailendra Kumar / Vemula Anand Reddy
    A capacidade de carga e a instalação de fundações é um fenómeno grave nos dias de hoje. Este livro ajuda a estudar a nova abordagem na superação da lacuna nesta área de Geossintéticos em pré-esforço e também ênfase no cálculo da melhoria da capacidade de suporte e redução do assentamento utilizando fundações em pré-esforço numa abordagem inovadora que pode ser aplicada para as ...

    49,93 €

  • Vorgespannte Geokunststoffe in eingebetteten Fundamenten
    Chandresh H. Solanki / Shailendra Kumar / Vemula Anand Reddy
    Tragfähigkeit und Setzungen von Fundamenten sind heutzutage ein ernstzunehmendes Phänomen. Dieses Buch hilft bei der Untersuchung des neuen Ansatzes zur Überwindung der Lücke in diesem Bereich der vorgespannten Geokunststoffe und legt auch den Schwerpunkt auf die Berechnung der Verbesserung der Tragfähigkeit und der Verringerung der Setzungen durch vorgespannte Fundamente in ei...

    50,00 €

  • Geosintetici precompressi nelle fondazioni incorporate
    Chandresh H. Solanki / Shailendra Kumar / Vemula Anand Reddy
    La capacità portante e l’assestamento delle fondazioni sono un fenomeno grave al giorno d’oggi. Questo libro aiuta a studiare il nuovo approccio per superare le lacune in questo settore dei geosintetici precompressi e pone l’accento sul calcolo del miglioramento della capacità portante e della riduzione dell’assestamento utilizzando fondazioni precompresse con un approccio inno...

    49,93 €

    Shailendra Kumar Mishra
    These poems evoke still images buried in the memory of a village long forgotten. These are the poems, which dream of a nation of their own. Sprouting of seasons, a mother’s compassion, songs of war, and shivering hope- Shailendra’s poems, like his name, epitomize diverse themes. These verses pay homage equally to the old and the contemporary. ...

    12,13 €

  • Ek Pratidhwani Jan Kendrit Shasan Ki Ore (एक प्रतिध्वनि जन केन्द्रित शासन की ओर)
    Shailendra Joshi Kumar
    ’एक प्रतिध्वनि-जन केंद्रित शासन की ओर’ लीक से हट कर लिखी एक अनूठी पुस्तक है जो समाज के हर वर्ग को अपने आसपास की घटनाओं से प्रेरणा लेकर एक लोक कल्याणकारी सामाजिक व्यवस्था स्थापित करने के लिए प्रेरित करती है। ’सर्वजन हिताय सर्वजन सुखाय’ की परिकल्पना को व्यक्तिगत अनुभवों के आधार पर इस पुस्तक में इस प्रकार संजोया गया है कि सभी पाठक एक रचनात्मक स्फूर्ति का अनुभव करेंगे। अति सरल भाषा...

    19,57 €

  • Full Mouth Rehabilitation
    Priyanka Priyadarshni / Ritish Vatsa / Shailendra Kumar Dubey
    A beautiful smile always gives pleasure. Crooked, discolored and missing teeth negate the good looks of an individual. The advancements in dentistry have made it possible to enhance the face value by improving the teeth through restorative and cosmetic treatment. Both function and health can be restored to badly deteriorated, diseased mouths by utilizing modern techniques of or...

    90,91 €

  • Fixed Point Problems in Probabilistic And Fuzzy Metric Spaces
    Ravi Prakash Dubey / Shailendra Kumar PATEL
    Growing specialization and diversification have brought a host of monographs and theses on increasingly specialized topics. However, the tree of knowledge of mathematics and related field does not grow only by putting forth new branches. It also happens quite often in fact that branches which were thought to be completely disparate are suddenly seen to be related.It is apparent...

    79,26 €

  • Field Study Of Thermal Comfort And Adaptation Of Hostel Occupants
    Shailendra Kumar Chaurasiya
    This book provides the reader with a fundamental understanding of seasonal thermal comfort and adaptation in hostel buildings. The prime objective of the hostel building is to provide an adequate thermal environment to the occupants for their good health and learning performance. Hostel buildings are different from other type of buildings because hostel buildings are used for l...

    56,66 €

  • Comparative study of electrolyte excretion in residents of Aizawl
    Shailendra Kumar Tripathi
    Ever since the inception of life primordia, there has been constant interaction between biotic & abiotic components of life with environment, which resulted in the evolution of different species on this planet. This evolution not only affected the flora and the fauna but was also responsible for agricultural and industrial revolution especially in last two millenniums. The agri...

    121,70 €

  • Simplified Testing Methods of Double-K Concrete Fracture Model
    Shailendra Kumar / Shashi Ranjan Pandey
    This book presents formulation and numerical results of the double - K fracture parameters of concrete obtained using various analytical models. Due to several advantages of split-tension cube test, development of double-K fracture model for the split-tension cube specimen is also presented in the book. Further, application of peak load method for determining the fracture param...

    103,89 €

  • Effect of elevated carbon dioxide on nitrogen nutrition in wheat
    S. Lekshmy / Shailendra Kumar Jha / SLekshmy / Vanita Jain
    Availability of nitrogen (N) is a critical factor determining plant responses to high CO2. Elevated CO2 affects N metabolism, depending on the nitrogen source. However limited information is available on how various forms of N affects morphology and metabolism of plant under elevated CO2. Similarly elevated CO2 induces changes in stomatal and epidermal parameters in plants. Dif...

    84,47 €

  • Desiccant Cooling System-Performance Studies and Applications
    Prachi Rai / Shailendra Kumar Shukla
    With the drastically change in climatic conditions in recent years, demand for air conditioning is spreading all over the world. This causes a primary consumption of energy in high quantity. In order to provide the best indoor air quality and thermal comfort with minimum consumption of energy, the hybrid desiccant cooling system is one of the options in our daily life. This wor...

    60,52 €