Catálogo de libros: rop kipsang bernard

51 Catálogo de libros: rop kipsang bernard

rop kipsang bernard Eliminar filtro Libros Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Workshop and Laboratory Practices
    Bernard Kipsang Rop / Irene Munyerere Fedha / Wycliffe Habel Namwiba
    This manual is intended to impart practical skills for workshop and laboratory practices meant for the Bachelor of Science Degree program in Mining and Mineral Processing Engineering. The book focuses on practical participatory approach for both learners and the technologists who will be administering practicals for internal attachment. Emphasis is placed on evaluation that wil...

    93,50 €

  • Review of Oil and Gas Prospectivity
    Bernard Kipsang Rop / Margaret Chepkoech Ketter / Sheilla Jeptanui Sawe
    This research-related book gives geological history and the key exploration activities of oil and gas (petroleum) in the four major sedimentary rift basins in Kenya, where prospectivity is presently being carried out by international oil companies. The basins are Lamu, Anza, Mandera and the Tertiary Rift basins; and have undergone intermittent plate tectonic rifting processes d...

    94,92 €

  • Wat een glorieuze liefdevolle God!
    Bernard KIpsang Rop / Godwin Kiprotich Sang
    Dit boek leert ons hoe we God echt kunnen kennen en vertrouwen als ons toevluchtsoord en een sterke toren in tijden van problemen zoals de COVID-19 pandemie! De almachtige God zal hen die Hem aanroepen nooit in de steek laten. De barmhartige God is inderdaad onze toevlucht en ons bolwerk in tijden van moeilijkheden (hoge kosten, armoede en wanhoop). We moeten erkennen dat de HE...

    95,93 €

  • Spiritual Hindrances to Christianity
    Bernard KIpsang Rop / Godwin Kiprotich Sang
    In this generation, many people live their daily lives oblivious of the spiritual warfare between the forces of light and the forces of darkness over their own souls. Many Christians, although aware of the presence of spiritual warfare, lack the necessary knowledge to enable them tilt the battle in their favour. One cannot win any war without uttermost comprehension of your foe...

    80,59 €

  • Besser wissen und leben
    Bernard Kipsang Rop / Godwin Kiprotich Sang
    Die meisten von uns sind heute davon überzeugt, dass wir in einer Zeit leben, die unmittelbar vor dem zweiten Kommen des Herrn Jesus liegt. In Matthäus 24,37 heißt es: 'Wie aber die Tage Noahs waren, so wird auch das Kommen des Menschensohnes sein'. Die erste Eigenschaft, die Gott in jedem Dienst, den er in dieser Endzeitdispensation nennt, wünscht, ist Weisheit. Gott arbeitet ...

    71,09 €

  • Saber y vivir
    Bernard Kipsang Rop / Godwin Kiprotich Sang
    La mayoría de nosotros, hoy en día, estamos convencidos de que estamos viviendo en un momento justo antes de la segunda venida del Señor Jesús. Mateo 24:37 dice: 'Pero como en los días de Noé, así será la venida del Hijo del Hombre'. La primera cualidad que Dios desea en cada ministerio que llama en esta dispensación del fin de los tiempos es la sabiduría. Dios opera sobre el p...

    71,16 €

  • Sábio e ao vivo
    Bernard Kipsang Rop / Godwin Kiprotich Sang
    A maioria de nós, hoje, está convencida de que vivemos num momento que precede a segunda vinda do Senhor Jesus. Mateus 24:37 diz: 'Mas, como foram os dias de Noé, assim será também a vinda do Filho do Homem'. A primeira qualidade que Deus deseja em cada ministério que Ele chama nesta dispensação do Fim dos Tempos é a sabedoria. Deus opera com base no princípio da qualidade. Ele...

    71,16 €

  • Svegliarsi e vivere
    Bernard Kipsang Rop / Godwin Kiprotich Sang
    La maggior parte di noi, oggi, è convinta di vivere in un momento che precede la seconda venuta del Signore Gesù. Matteo 24:37 dice: 'Ma, come lo furono i giorni di Noè, così sarà anche la venuta del Figlio dell’uomo'. La prima qualità che Dio desidera in ogni ministero che Egli chiama in questa dispensazione della fine dei tempi è la saggezza. Dio opera sul principio della qua...

    71,16 €

  • Wijsheid en leven
    Bernard Kipsang Rop / Godwin Kiprotich Sang
    De meesten van ons zijn er vandaag de dag van overtuigd dat we leven in een tijd die net voorafgaat aan de tweede komst van de Heer Jezus. Matteüs 24:37 zegt: 'Maar zoals de dagen van Noach waren, zo zal ook de komst van de Zoon des Mensen zijn'. De eerste kwaliteit die God wenst in elke bediening die Hij in deze End Times dispensatie aanroept, is wijsheid. God werkt volgens he...

    71,12 €

  • Mądre i żywe
    Bernard Kipsang Rop / Godwin Kiprotich ang
    Większość z nas, dzisiaj, jest przekonana, że żyjemy w czasie, który właśnie poprzedza drugie przyjście Pana Jezusa. Mateusza 24:37 mówi: 'Ale jak za dni Noego, tak i przyjście Syna Człowieczego'. Pierwszą cechą, której Bóg pragnie w każdej służbie, którą wzywa w tej dyspensacji End Times, jest mądrość. Bóg działa na zasadzie jakości. On nie jest autorem zamieszania. Dlatego Bó...

    71,17 €

  • Wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen von ASM im Bezirk Taita Taveta, Kenia
    Bernard KIpsang Rop / Ian Krop / Seroni Anyona
    Der handwerkliche und kleine Bergbau (ASM) beschäftigt direkt und indirekt eine Reihe von Personen im Bezirk Taita Taveta (TTC) auf befristeter Basis, während in den Bezirksbezirken, in denen Mineralien abgebaut werden, andere Bergbauaktivitäten laufen. Diese einkommensschaffende Tätigkeit der ASM spielt eine sehr wichtige Rolle, indem sie berufliche Arbeitsplätze schafft, die ...

    90,94 €

  • Co za chwalebny Bóg kochający!
    Bernard KIpsang Rop / Godwin Kiprotich Sang
    Ta książka uczy nas, jak naprawdę poznać i zaufać Bogu jako naszemu schronieniu i silnej wieży w czasach takich problemów jak pandemia COVID-19! Wszechmogący Bóg nigdy nie opuści tych, którzy Go wzywają. Miłosierny Bóg jest rzeczywiście naszą ostoją i twierdzą w czasach ucisku przed niebezpieczeństwem i trudnościami (wysokie koszty, nędza i desperacja). Musimy przyznać, że Pan ...

    94,66 €

  • Contemporary Geology as Applied to Mining and Construction with Geohazard Awareness
    Bernard KIpsang Rop / Fatuma Rajab Mwanganga / Wycliffe H Namwiba
    Construction profession continues to play a leading role in infrastructural development as witnessed in ongoing building and civil engineering projects. Adequate awareness of relevant principles in Applied Geology is essential, particularly in determination of geotechnical suitability of construction sites, geology of excavations of quarries, damsites and tunnels, and geomateri...

    144,98 €

  • Spiritual Garments
    Bernard Kipsang Rop
    Before you serve in the Ministry of the Lord Jesus, it is wise to pause and ask yourself: 'Do I qualify for the Ministry?' In the Old Testament, not everyone qualified to serve as priest. God had chosen only the house of Levi to serve in the priesthood ministry. Nowadays, some people apparently become ministers of the gospel on their own choice without being ordained, others fo...

    33,53 €

  • What a Glorious Loving God!
    Bernard Kipsang Rop / Godwin Kiprotich Sang
    This book teaches us how to truly know and trust God as our refuge and a strong tower in times of trouble such as the COVID-19 pandemic disease! The almighty God will never abandon those who call upon Him. The merciful God is indeed our refuge and stronghold in times of trouble from danger and difficulties (high costs, destitution, and desperation). We must acknowledge that the...

    55,49 €

  • Wise-Up and Live
    Bernard Kipsang Rop / Godwin Kiprotich Sang
    Most of us, today, are convinced that we are living at a time just preceding the second coming of the Lord Jesus. Matthew 24:37 says; 'But, as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.' The first quality that God desires in every ministry that He calls in this End Times dispensation is wisdom. God operates on the principle of quality. He is not the au...

    55,50 €

  • Quel Dieu d’amour glorieux !
    Bernard Kipsang Rop / Godwin Kiprotich Sang
    Ce livre nous apprend à connaître et à faire confiance à Dieu, notre refuge et notre tour forte en temps de troubles comme la maladie pandémique COVID-19 ! Le Dieu tout-puissant n’abandonnera jamais ceux qui font appel à Lui. Le Dieu miséricordieux est en effet notre refuge et notre forteresse dans les moments de difficulté face au danger et aux difficultés (coûts élevés, dénue...

    105,07 €

  • Was für ein herrlich liebender Gott!
    Bernard Kipsang Rop / Godwin Kiprotich Sang
    Dieses Buch lehrt uns, wie wir Gott als unsere Zuflucht und als einen starken Turm in Zeiten von Schwierigkeiten wie der COVID-19-Pandemie wirklich kennen und ihm vertrauen können! Der allmächtige Gott wird diejenigen, die ihn anrufen, niemals im Stich lassen. Der barmherzige Gott ist in der Tat unsere Zuflucht und unser Bollwerk in Zeiten der Not vor Gefahren und Schwierigkeit...

    105,06 €

  • Applied Geology in Construction Practice
    Bernard Kipsang Rop / Wycliffe H. Namwiba / Wycliffe HNamwiba
    This book integrates geoscientific principles in engineering practices for application in infrastructural and mining sectors while addressing mitigation measures for associated geohazards. It is intended for students pursuing graduate courses in higher education; particularly for African universities and technical institutions that offer programs that require applied geology as...

    189,24 €

  • An Introduction to Geology
    Bernard KIpsang Rop / Caroline Wambui Maina / Wycliffe H. Namwiba / Wycliffe HNamwiba
    An Introduction to Geology book gives the basic concepts of geology by appreciating the formation and modification of the planet Earth on which we live. Apart from explaining geological and engineering principles’ practice in industry with emphasis on exploration and exploitation of mineral resources, geohazards’ scenarios of historical significance, geology plays an important ...

    98,55 €

  • Oil and Gas Prospectivity Northwestern Kenya
    Bernard Kipsang Rop
    This revised book gives a detailed well-log, seismic and gravity data interpretations of the Chalbi, Lake Turkana, Lokichar-North Kerio and Lotikipi sub-basins. It prognostically evaluates probable sites for oil and gas potential in the northwest Kenya Rift Basin systems. Its user-friendly text enables students pursuing graduate courses in geology, geophysics, geochemistry, min...

    94,80 €

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