Catálogo de libros: olivia k

43 Catálogo de libros: olivia k

  • Nature’s Blueprint
    Olivia K.
    An intriguing voyage into the heart of life’s astounding diversity, 'Nature’s Blueprint: The Theory of Evolution Explored' unravels the intricate tapestry of evolution that has molded the living universe. This book is a must-read for anybody interested in biological diversity. Charles Darwin, a pioneering naturalist whose journey on the HMS Beagle and creation of the theory of ...

    30,58 €

  • Corporate Ethics
    Olivia .K
    Corporate morals, at its pith, exemplifies the complicated exchange between benefit looking for tries and moral obligations inside the corporate circle. It exemplifies the ethical standards, values, and principles that guide the lead of organizations as they explore the complex scene of partners, administrative structures, and cultural assumptions. As of late, the talk encompas...

    32,13 €

  • Science’s Gaze Beyond the Stars
    Olivia . K
     In the huge spread of the universe, humankind’s ravenous hunger for information moves its look past the stars. The persevering quest for understanding the secrets of the universe has driven researchers to look into the divine embroidered artwork, unwinding the privileged insights woven into the texture of existence. This determined interest has birthed a discipline that rises ...

    25,56 €

  • Processed Foods and Hair Loss
    Olivia .K
    In the complicated trap of present day dietary decisions, handled food sources have turned into an omnipresent presence, filling general store retires and tracking down their direction onto our plates with disturbing consistency. As our reliance on these helpful, pre-bundled feasts grows, an unsettling join has arisen - the likely relationship between handled food varieties and...

    26,37 €

  • Voice of an Era
    Olivia K
    Mohammad Rafi’s Brilliant Hits' is a melodic show-stopper that honors the unbelievable playback vocalist’s unmatched commitment to the Indian entertainment world. This gathering collection catches the pith of Rafi’s spirit blending voice, exhibiting an immortal assortment of his most famous and brilliant hits that have made a permanent imprint on the hearts of music lovers acro...

    23,93 €

  • Piercing the Depths
    Olivia K.
     'Penetrating the Profundities: Pelicans in Symbolist Writing' dives into the spellbinding domain of imagery from the perspective of one confounding avian figure - the pelican. As the Symbolist development tried to rise above the limits of authenticity, this book investigates how the pelican arose as a strong and complex image inside the imaginative and scholarly articulations ...

    25,63 €

  • Turtle Paradise
    Olivia K.
    'Turtle Heaven: A Visual Excursion Through Safe-havens' is a vivid investigation into the spellbinding universe of turtle preservation, flawlessly mixing the masterfulness of photography with the convincing stories of asylum life. This charming book takes perusers on a visual odyssey across the globe, disclosing the different embroidery of turtle safe-havens settled in differen...

    32,06 €

  • Mysterious Waters
    Olivia K.
    The investigation of different social viewpoints on the puzzle unfurls as a spellbinding excursion across mainlands and ages, uncovering a rich embroidery of human translation. In Western practices, the traditional Greek logicians moved toward the puzzle with scientific thoroughness, looking for legitimate answers for life’s secrets. Judeo-Christian viewpoints entwined the puzz...

    22,27 €

  • Palm Islands To Creek Culture
    Olivia .K
    The change from the famous Palm Islands to the dynamic River Culture in Dubai addresses a spellbinding excursion through the city’s structural wonders and social embroidery. The Palm Islands, a designing accomplishment, are a triplet of counterfeit islands molded like palm trees, noticeable from space. These islands, Palm Jumeirah, Palm Jebel Ali, and Palm Deira, represent Duba...

    31,23 €

  • Ethereal Explorations
    Olivia K
    In the book 'Ethereal Explorations: Unraveling Ghostly Phenomena,' the author encourages anyone with a fearless spirit to embark on a captivating trip into the mysterious realm of the supernatural. This unique voyage explores deep into the enigmatic and undiscovered places where the veil between the living and the afterlife grows thin, enticing those who are eager to unravel th...

    23,16 €

  • App Bets A Modern Gamble
    Olivia .K
    'Application Wagers: A Cutting edge Bet' is a state of the art portable application that reclassifies the scene of internet wagering and betting. This imaginative stage flawlessly mixes mechanical refinement with easy to understand configuration, offering a contemporary and exciting betting experience. At the core of 'Application Wagers' lies a different cluster of wagering cho...

    30,37 €

  • Tech, Culture, And The Future
    Olivia K.
    Satya Nadella, the visionary chief and President of Microsoft, represents the convergence of innovation, culture, and the future in a convincing story that has reshaped one of the world’s most compelling tech monsters. Nadella’s story is a demonstration of the groundbreaking force of administration, development, and flexibility in the quickly advancing scene of the computerized...

    24,01 €

  • Pilgrim’s Path
    Olivia K.
    Leaving on the consecrated excursion along Explorer’s Way to Kedarnath Dham is an extraordinary odyssey that entwines otherworldliness with the stunning excellence of the Himalayas. This venerated journey isn’t simply an actual campaign yet a journey of the spirit, crossing through rough territories and old paths that resound with hundreds of years of strict importance. As the ...

    23,05 €

  • Colors of Heritage
    Olivia K
     Shades of Legacy Imaginative Indian Stories is an entrancing display that rises above existence to exhibit the rich embroidery of India’s social legacy through an energetic range of creative articulations. This vivid experience welcomes guests on a visual excursion that unfurls the different stories implanted in the mind boggling strings of Indian history, custom, and fables. ...

    24,75 €

  • Nautical Wonders
    Olivia K
    Nautical Miracles: Monsters of Sea Development is an unprecedented presentation that epitomizes the rich embroidered artwork of human investigation and advancement on the high oceans. As guests step into the vivid universe of sea history, they are welcomed by a hypnotizing exhibit of curios, models, and intelligent showcases that follow the development of nautical designing and...

    26,49 €

  • Future Of Work
    Olivia .K
    The fate of work is going through a significant change as we adjust to a period set apart by innovative headways, moving socioeconomics, and developing work environment elements. The upcoming labor force faces a scene that requests spryness, versatility, and a nonstop obligation to learning. One noticeable driver of progress is innovation, especially man-made consciousness, com...

    27,30 €

  • Wet Canvas
    Olivia. K
    In the captivating universe of 'Wet Material: Painting Storm Stories,' the cadenced dance of raindrops turns into a range for creative articulation. This enrapturing book dives into the complexities of the storm season, investigating the significant effect of downpour on the material of life.The figurative 'wet material' fills in as a strong image for the different stories that...

    24,85 €

  • Medicine Unbound
    Olivia .K
    'Medication Unbound: Mending Developments Ahead' imagines a fate of medical care where development exceeds all rational limitations, rising above customary constraints to introduce weighty recuperating approaches. This change in perspective vows to reshape the scene of medication, opening remarkable opportunities for conclusion, treatment, and generally speaking patient conside...

    28,72 €

  • Entangled Gridlock
    Olivia K
    In the perplexing embroidery of present day legislative issues, where disparate philosophies frequently impact, an unavoidable gridlock has arisen, entrapping progress and smothering cultural development. The trap of political impasse has turned into an imposing hindrance, blocking the acknowledgment of answers for squeezing worldwide difficulties. Notwithstanding, inside this ...

    23,94 €

  • Whispers
    Olivia K
    Murmurs Miniature Stories for Occupied Personalities is an enamoring scholarly undertaking that rises above customary narrating, offering an exceptional and creative stage for those with furious timetables or a propensity for compact yet effective stories. In a world clamoring with steady commotion and interruptions, these miniature stories stand apart as brief yet strong murmu...

    27,27 €

  • Terrace Harvest Urban Greenery
    Olivia .k
    Porch Collect: Metropolitan Plant life' welcomes perusers into the captivating universe of changing infertile housetops into prospering shelters of nature. This book fills in as a far reaching guide for people trying to make energetic porch gardens in metropolitan spaces, opening the capability of ignored conditions to bloom into flourishing green retreats. Inside the pages of ...

    27,18 €

  • Historical Claims
    Olivia K
    The authentic cases and the battle for country are accounts interwoven with the mind boggling embroidered artwork of human civilization, where the reverberations of the past resound through the present. These cases are established in the firmly established associations that networks produce with the land they possess, forming their characters and molding the course of history. ...

    23,11 €

  • Navigating Drug Approval
    Olivia K
    In the multifaceted scene of medication improvement, getting administrative endorsement is a vital achievement, guaranteeing that a drug item fulfills the severe guidelines set by administrative specialists. The Focal Medications Standard Control Association (CDSCO) in India assumes a focal part in this cycle, illustrating rules and guidelines that oversee the endorsement of me...

    26,86 €

  • The Price of Convenience
    Olivia K
    The comfort of present day diapering strategies has without a doubt changed the nurturing scene, offering parental figures proficient answers for deal with their babies’ cleanliness needs. Notwithstanding, this comfort includes some significant pitfalls - one that stretches out past the financial viewpoint. Analyzing the drawbacks of diapers uncovers an intricate interaction of...

    23,91 €

  • Rails Of Progress
    Olivia .K
    The 'Rails of Progress: Train Development' is an enrapturing venture through the powerful history and development of trains, exhibiting the momentous headways that have moved train innovation forward throughout the long term. This vivid experience welcomes fans and inquisitive personalities the same to follow the advancement of trains from their unassuming starting points to th...

    26,45 €

  • Fizzled Health
    Olivia K
    In the clamoring universe of today, where comfort frequently overshadows wellbeing, the pervasive presence of carbonated soda pops, conversationally known as cool beverages, has turned into a reason to worry. These bubbly drinks, frequently loaded down with sugar, fake flavors, and additives, have woven themselves into the texture of present day living, turning into a staple in...

    23,88 €

  • Securing Tomorrow
    Olivia K
    'Getting Tomorrow: A Manual for Monetary Safeguard for Life’s Vulnerabilities' is an exhaustive and shrewd asset intended to engage people in exploring the erratic idea of existence with certainty and flexibility. At its center, the aide tries to disentangle the intricacies of monetary preparation, offering a guide to proactively secure one’s monetary future. The aide starts by...

    23,92 €

  • Road Rockets
    Olivia .K
    'Street Rockets: Planning Adrenaline Machines' is an invigorating excursion into the core of auto plan, where advancement meets the excitement of rapid execution. This enamoring investigation digs into the craftsmanship and study of making vehicles that are not just methods of transportation but rather adrenaline-energized machines intended to stretch the boundaries of speed, p...

    24,72 €

  • Clownfish in Gaming
    Olivia K.
    'Clownfish in Gaming: From Virtual Seas to Perky Pixels' welcomes perusers on a dazzling excursion through the convergence of sea life science and the gaming business. This exceptional investigation digs into the starting points of gaming and its advancement, attracting equals to the entrancing universe of clownfish in both normal and virtual conditions.Starting with a clever g...

    23,82 €

  • Spores Of Silence Invisible Battles
    Olivia .k
    Spores of Quiet: Undetectable Fights' digs into the charming universe of contagious contaminations, investigating the quiet yet tenacious battles happening inside the infinitesimal domain. This useful and drawing in book reveals insight into the frequently underrated danger presented by parasites and the significant effect they have on human wellbeing. The title, 'Spores of Qui...

    26,83 €

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