Catálogo de libros: n

17538 Catálogo de libros: n

  • My Brother with Wings
    Melissa N Lopez
    Facing the heart-wrenching loss of a child is unimaginably difficult, especially when it comes to explaining it to other children. In ’My Brother with Wings,’ I draw from my own experience to offer solace and guidance to those grappling with this painful reality.Follow the touching journey of a young boy as he turns to his parents for answers and reassurance after learning abou...

    5,91 €

  • Kingdom of Vines and Silence
    L. N. Cole
    Vee is a healer with a secret she has sworn to protect. When her king orders her to cross the border to assist an allied kingdom during a brutal attack, she is desperate to keep her secret contained as well as fulfill her duties. Amica is determined to protect and help her best friend. It’s rare that anyone in the Kingdom of Silva crosses the border and makes it back alive. She...

    17,27 €

  • Um olhar sobre a vida de um urso castanho dos Himalaias em cativeiro
    Devender Kumar / N. P. S. Chauhan / Vimarsh Sharma
    Na Índia, a área potencial de distribuição do urso pardo dos Himalaias é de cerca de 36 800 km, com base na estimativa de 2005, dos quais mais de 10 % estão protegidos pela rede de zonas protegidas existente na Índia. O urso pardo dos Himalaias ocorre em densidades muito baixas nas regiões subalpinas e alpinas entre 3000-5000 m nos Grandes Himalaias e em algumas partes das regi...

    49,81 €

  • Pesca com redes de emalhar na costa de Jaleshwar, Veraval Gujarath Índia
    A. N. Sayani / Jyoti Sharma / Shabir Ahmad Dar
    Devido à introdução de novos navios de pesca nas águas indianas, a captura de peixe está a diminuir de dia para dia. Os pescadores gastam mais dinheiro na pesca, mas o lucro que obtêm é muito baixo. O presente estudo foi concebido para conhecer a composição global das capturas de peixe dos pescadores com redes de emalhar que operam na aldeia de Jaleshwar; Veraval (Dist. Junagad...

    55,55 €

  • Pesca con reti da posta della costa di Jaleshwar, Veraval Gujarath India
    A. N. Sayani / Jyoti Sharma / Shabir Ahmad Dar
    A causa dell’introduzione di nuovi pescherecci nelle acque indiane, il pescato diminuisce di giorno in giorno. I pescatori spendono più soldi per pescare, ma il profitto che ottengono è molto basso. Il presente studio è stato concepito per conoscere la composizione complessiva delle catture dei pescatori con reti da posta che operano nel villaggio di Jaleshwar, Veraval (distret...

    55,55 €

  • Kiemennetzfischerei an der Jaleshwar-Küste, Veraval Gujarath Indien
    A. N. Sayani / Jyoti Sharma / Shabir Ahmad Dar
    Aufgrund der Einführung neuer Fischereifahrzeuge in den indischen Gewässern gehen die Fischfänge von Tag zu Tag zurück. Die Fischer geben mehr Geld für den Fischfang aus, doch der Gewinn, den sie erzielen, ist sehr gering. Die vorliegende Studie sollte die Zusammensetzung des Gesamtfischfangs der Kiemennetzfischer im Dorf Jaleshwar, Veraval (Distrikt Junagadh), Gujarat, und die...

    55,61 €

  • Pêche au filet maillant sur la côte de Jaleshwar, Veraval Gujarath Inde
    A. N. Sayani / Jyoti Sharma / Shabir Ahmad Dar
    En raison de l’introduction de nouveaux navires de pêche dans les eaux indiennes, les prises de poissons diminuent de jour en jour. Les pêcheurs dépensent plus d’argent pour la pêche, mais le profit qu’ils en tirent est très faible. La présente étude avait pour but de connaître la composition globale des prises de poissons des pêcheurs au filet maillant opérant dans le village ...

    55,55 €

  • Uno spaccato della vita dell’orso bruno himalayano in cattività
    Devender Kumar / N. P. S. Chauhan / Vimarsh Sharma
    In India, l’areale di distribuzione potenziale dell’orso bruno himalayano è di circa 36.800 km secondo le stime del 2005, di cui oltre il 10% è protetto dalla rete di aree protette esistenti in India. L’orso bruno dell’Himalaya è presente in densità molto basse nelle regioni subalpine e alpine tra i 3.000 e i 5.000 metri nel Grande Himalaya e in alcune parti delle regioni trans...

    49,81 €

  • Un aperçu de la vie d’un ours brun de l’Himalaya en captivité
    Devender Kumar / N. P. S. Chauhan / Vimarsh Sharma
    En Inde, l’aire de répartition potentielle de l’ours brun de l’Himalaya est d’environ 36 800 km d’après les estimations de 2005, dont plus de 10 % sont protégés par le réseau existant de zones protégées en Inde. L’ours brun de l’Himalaya est présent en très faible densité dans les régions subalpines et alpines entre 3 000 et 5 000 m dans le Grand Himalaya et dans certaines part...

    49,81 €

  • Ein Einblick in das Leben eines gefangenen Himalaya-Braunbären
    Devender Kumar / N. P. S. Chauhan / Vimarsh Sharma
    In Indien beträgt das potenzielle Verbreitungsgebiet des Himalaya-Braunbären nach einer Schätzung aus dem Jahr 2005 etwa 36 800 km, von denen mehr als 10 % durch das bestehende Netz von Schutzgebieten in Indien geschützt sind. Der Himalaya-Braunbär kommt in sehr geringen Dichten in den subalpinen und alpinen Regionen zwischen 3000-5000 m im Großen Himalaya und in einigen Teilen...

    49,81 €

  • Deteção e classificação da retinopatia diabética
    O olho humano é um órgão muito sensível. Muitas doenças oculares importantes, bem como doenças sistémicas, manifestam-se na retina do olho. A retinopatia diabética (RD) é uma doença em que a retina é danificada devido à fuga de sangue ou de líquido dos vasos sanguíneos para a retina, o que provoca a perda de visão. A RD pode progredir de RD não proliferativa para RD proliferati...

    60,20 €

  • Détection et classification de la rétinopathie diabétique
    L’œil humain est un organe très sensible. De nombreuses maladies oculaires importantes ainsi que des maladies systémiques se manifestent au niveau de la rétine de l’œil. La rétinopathie diabétique (RD) est une affection dans laquelle la rétine est endommagée en raison d’une fuite de sang ou de liquide des vaisseaux sanguins dans la rétine, ce qui entraîne une perte de vision. L...

    60,20 €

  • Erkennung und Klassifizierung der diabetischen Retinopathie
    Das menschliche Auge ist ein sehr empfindliches Organ. Viele wichtige Augenkrankheiten sowie systemische Krankheiten manifestieren sich in der Netzhaut des Auges. Die diabetische Retinopathie (DR) ist eine Erkrankung, bei der die Netzhaut durch Blut- oder Flüssigkeitsaustritt aus den Blutgefäßen in die Netzhaut geschädigt wird, was zum Verlust des Sehvermögens führt. Die DR kan...

    60,20 €

  • Rilevamento e classificazione della retinopatia diabetica
    L’occhio umano è un organo molto sensibile. Molte importanti malattie oculari e sistemiche si manifestano nella retina dell’occhio. La retinopatia diabetica (DR) è una condizione in cui la retina è danneggiata a causa della fuoriuscita di sangue o liquido dai vasi sanguigni nella retina, con conseguente perdita della vista. La DR può progredire da DR non proliferativa a DR prol...

    60,20 €

  • El Bebé de la Bestia
    J. Chase / N. Alleman / Normandie Alleman
    Esta vez lucha por su familia. AxelCuando me fui de casa para seguir mi sueño de ser boxeador, era demasiado joven y estúpido para saber lo que dejaba atrás.Estos días lleno mi mundo con la sangre y el sudor de una profesión violenta, y con las conquistas sexuales sin sentido que la acompañan.Un intento inútil de borrar de mi mente a la única mujer que he amado.Y como no puedo ...

    22,09 €

  • Designer De Carros
    Ivania S.n.t.
    Élly é uma jovem muito inteligente desde bem pequena, gosta de desenhar carros estilosos para a sociedade, mas ninguém sabe que ela teve seu carro circulando pela cidade quando ela tinha apenas 14 anos e isso graças a seu pai que ao ver o desempenho e criatividade de sua filha simplesmente a levou para sua indústria de carros e daí em diante ela se viu onde mais gostava.Porém s...

    11,17 €

    Matthew N Bowers
    This is a story about a soldier who participates in a conflict against an alien invasion. In the middle of this conflict, he has a near-death experience. He then wakes up to be endowed with power. The power of a god, but now they are typically betrayed. Powers of understanding and creation like a god. Even though he has this power, he still bleeds and has troubles like an ordin...

    9,98 €

    Dr. I. Somasundaram / M. Vasanth Kumar / N Prithvi Raj
    A Pharmaceutical Engineering Lab Manual serves as a vital guide for students and practitioners in the field of pharmacy. This manual provides step-by-step instructions and theoretical background for essential experiments covering fundamental principles of pharmaceutical engineering. Drying processes: Analysis of drying curves for various substances, understanding moisture conte...

    60,52 €

  • Welcome to Majestic Falls
    Naja’Q / Nina N. P.
    Join a new fictional series of a melanin royal family as their young, curious, adventurous princess prepares to enter adulthood.After hearing about her family traditions, Princess Fari questions if her parents’ lifestyle is the lifestyle she chose over her own. As she sets out on an adventure to clear her troubled mind, she meets a friend who leads her into a majestic land. Whi...

    17,60 €

    Born into the tenets of faith but tormented by ungodly acts on the Caribbean Island of St Lucia, Stephen’s unwavering belief in the power of the Supreme Being through prayer, while tapping into his inner strength to navigate a maze of affliction throughout his journey was the essence of averting comprehensive defeat. His voyage to England in 1979 presented his best chance to el...

    21,66 €

  • Social and environmental impacts of Maryland Oil Palm plantations
    Nornor N Bee / Richard N. Sam / Sampson Williams
    In May 2022, a program team from the Sustainable Development Institute, Friends of the Earth Liberia researched the social and environmental impacts of Maryland Oil Palm Plantations in Liberia. The research finds that land conflict and deforestation have several negative impacts on communities. MOPP has not respected land tenure rights or followed Free Prior and Informed Consen...

    60,13 €

  • Mastering Machine Learning for Data Scientists
    Aditya Mahamkali / N. Rama Rao
    In this book we embark on a fascinating journey through various techniques and algorithms crucial for modern data scientists. As the field of data science rapidly evolves, machine learning stands as a cornerstone technology, facilitating organizations in extracting valuable insights from vast datasets to drive informed decision-making. Whether you’re a seasoned data scientist s...

    110,35 €

  • Cloning of oil degradation genes
    Fadhil N. Alkanany / Rasha M. Othman
    A novel bacterium was engineered with an effective expression system to improve its ability to degrade oil in contaminated environments. Enrichment culture techniques were used with crude oil as the sole carbon source to isolate microorganisms. Seventeen bacterial isolates were identified using biochemical tests and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Identified genera included Acinetoba...

    96,15 €

  • Lucifer’s Triangle
    N. S. Wikarski
    During the untold millennia before patriarchy was conceived, the world was a very different place. Nothing concealed stays buried forever.For Fans of Archaeology Adventure and Historical Thrillers THE ARKANA MYSTERIESThe forgotten past refuses to stay buried in an artifact hunt spanning continents, centuries, and lost civilizations. The prize is a cache of myth-busting relics t...

    19,59 €

  • DEAD DOG ROAD A True Story Into The Dark World Of An Abused Child
    Diane N. Black
    A heart-stopping story that highlights the failure of the agencies we trust to protect the most vulnerable among us-and a truth more compelling and powerful than we could imagine. Abuse reports from neighbors draw attention to twelve-year-old Alexey who runs away to hide in the woods. The local child protection agency sends the director of the children’s home to visit Alexey an...

    14,79 €

  • Regency Romance
    Jennifer N Perz
    Unleash your creativity and revisit the romantic world of of your favorite period romance series in this beautifully hand illustrated coloring book featuring 22 pages of captivating regency costume designs inspired by beloved book characters. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of literature as you bring these characters to life with your own artistic touch.Each page of th...

    14,02 €

    N.V.Srinivas Rao / Subhashish Dey
    Increase in the demand of conventional construction materials and the need for providing a sustainable growth in the construction field has prompted the developers to opt for `Alternative materials. For this objective, agricultural by-products like rice husk ash can be replaced instead of cement. Rice Husk ash provides good compressive strength to the concrete, it is a by produ...

    61,57 €

  • Beyond Protection
    Hemant N. Chaudhari / Vinay T. Patil
    'Beyond Protection: Understanding Security and Risk' provides a comprehensive examination of cybersecurity in our digital era. It delves into the intricacies of threat landscapes, vulnerabilities, and safeguarding strategies, offering practical insights and actionable recommendations for individuals and organizations. From dissecting emerging threats to navigating risk assessme...

    60,32 €

  • Neural Network based Throttle Controller for Compressor
    Divya M N
    The centrifugal Compressor is used in various industries, including oil, aerospace, and gas facilities, to increase pressure and oil output. If the Compressors are failed, then the entire system’s production will be halted.The primary objective is to model the centrifugal Compressor with Anti-surge control (ASC) mechanism using neural networks to avoid surge issues and improve ...

    60,13 €

  • Spirulina platensis
    Ane Karoline N. Santos / José Roberto Cunha Lima / Leiz Maria Costa Véras
    La Spirulina platensis è una specie di microalga che si trova in ambienti marini, acque continentali o interne, nei terreni o anche in associazione con altre piante e animali. Secondo Oliveira (2006), la Spirulina platensis si distingue per la sua composizione nutrizionale, che può raggiungere l’80% del peso secco totale, per l’elevato contenuto proteico e per la presenza di ac...

    49,68 €