Catálogo de libros: moral

94 Catálogo de libros: moral

  • Las andanzas de Juan G. - Novela histórica
    Harald Braem / Jordi Vidal Moral
    En 1548, el joven maestro de obras Juan Graje abandonó las minas de plata de Rodalquilar, en Andalucía, para partir rumbo a las insulae fortunatae, las Islas Afortunadas, tal como eran denominadas entonces las islas Canarias. En el curso de su viaje aventurero, Juan Graje entabló una profunda amistad con un italiano, que lo llevó a Gran Canaria, donde encontró el amor de su vid...

    20,26 €

  • Legado de hechizos
    ADRIÁN SUÁREZ HERENCIA / ALBERTO M. VALENCIA / ALESSA DZHAVROVA / Ariana Andrea Herrera Rodríguez / Carlos Cordero Lizana / DANIEL LANZA / Diana Elizabeth Flores Navarro / ELIZABETH GARCÍA ZAMUDIO / Fer Michel / FRANCISCO LEMUI / Griselda Sierra / ISA BEUTELSPACHER LÓPEZ / LOURDES DEL MORAL / Mariangel Calderón Contreras / ROS
    En un mundo oculto, donde la brujería y la hechicería coexisten en un delicado equilibrio. Cada relato se convierte en el escenario de un mundo espiritual, donde la batalla entre el bien y el mal cobra vida. Déjate llevar por la magia y despierta tu lado más místico. ...

    13,52 €

  • Dulce distancia
    Con un intenso aroma a enamorarse, Dulce distancia es una colección de cuentos de romance, donde nuestros autores muestran la profundidad del afecto y del aferrarse a alguien con todo su corazón, alma y mente. ¡Permítete amar y ser amado junto a ellos! ...

    13,52 €

  • Modelli di business aperti nelle start-up
    María Moral Ventosinos
    Le startup sono aziende di nuova costituzione che dimostrano come l’imprenditorialità svolga un ruolo importante nella nostra società, generando innovazione e crescita economica. Nonostante ciò, queste aziende soffrono della mancanza di risorse finanziarie e di una scarsa immagine aziendale. L’importanza di queste aziende e le sfide che devono affrontare portano alla necessità ...

    56,21 €

  • Offene Geschäftsmodelle in Start-ups
    María Moral Ventosinos
    Start-ups sind neu gegründete Unternehmen, die zeigen, dass das Unternehmertum in unserer Gesellschaft eine wichtige Rolle spielt und Innovation und Wirtschaftswachstum hervorbringt. Dennoch leiden diese Unternehmen unter einem Mangel an finanziellen Mitteln und einem schlechten Image des Unternehmens. Die Bedeutung dieser Unternehmen und die Herausforderungen, mit denen sie ko...

    56,21 €

  • Open business models in start-ups
    María Moral Ventosinos
    Startups are newly created companies that demonstrate that entrepreneurship plays an important role in our society, generating innovation and economic growth. Despite this, these companies suffer from a lack of financial resources and poor corporate image. The importance of these enterprises and the challenges they face leads to the need to analyse the right business model for ...

    56,21 €

  • Modèles d’entreprise ouverts dans les entreprises en phase de démarrage
    María Moral Ventosinos
    Les startups sont des entreprises nouvellement créées qui démontrent que l’esprit d’entreprise joue un rôle important dans notre société, en générant de l’innovation et de la croissance économique. Malgré cela, ces entreprises souffrent d’un manque de ressources financières et d’une mauvaise image de marque. L’importance de ces entreprises et les défis auxquels elles sont confr...

    56,21 €

  • Modelos empresariais abertos nas empresas em fase de arranque
    María Moral Ventosinos
    As startups são empresas recém-criadas que demonstram que o empreendedorismo desempenha um papel importante na nossa sociedade, gerando inovação e crescimento económico. Apesar disso, estas empresas sofrem de falta de recursos financeiros e de uma má imagem corporativa. A importância destas empresas e os desafios que enfrentam levam à necessidade de analisar o modelo de negócio...

    56,21 €

  • HACCP für die Herstellung von Frischkäse und Konfitüre
    Miguel Langa Moral
    Gegenwärtig sind in der EU die Lebensmittelunternehmer für die Herstellung von Lebensmitteln verantwortlich, die für den Verzehr sicher sind, und HACCP ist ein obligatorisches Instrument der Selbstkontrolle, das zur Vermeidung von Problemen mit der Lebensmittelsicherheit eingesetzt wird. In diesem Buch wurde ein HACCP-System (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point - Gefahre...

    54,90 €

  • HACCP per la linea di produzione di formaggi freschi e marmellate
    Miguel Langa Moral
    Attualmente nell’UE gli operatori del settore alimentare sono responsabili della produzione di alimenti sicuri per il consumo e il sistema HACCP è uno strumento obbligatorio di autocontrollo che viene attuato per prevenire i problemi di sicurezza alimentare. In questo libro, è stato progettato un sistema di analisi dei rischi e dei punti critici di controllo (HACCP) per la line...

    54,90 €

  • HACCP for fresh cheese and jam processing line
    Miguel Langa Moral
    Currently in the EU, food operators are responsible for the production of safe food for consumption, and the HACCP system is a mandatory self-monitoring tool that is implemented to prevent problems affecting food safety. In the book presented here, a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system has been designed for the production line of fresh cheese with light or...

    54,90 €

  • HACCP pour la ligne de production de fromage frais et de confiture
    Miguel Langa Moral
    Actuellement, dans l’UE, les opérateurs du secteur alimentaire sont responsables de la production d’aliments sûrs pour la consommation, et le système HACCP est un outil d’autocontrôle obligatoire qui est mis en œuvre pour prévenir les problèmes de sécurité alimentaire. Dans cet ouvrage, un système d’analyse des risques et de maîtrise des points critiques (HACCP) a été conçu pou...

    54,90 €

  • HACCP para a linha de produção de queijo fresco e compota
    Miguel Langa Moral
    Atualmente, na UE, os operadores do sector alimentar são responsáveis pela produção de alimentos seguros para consumo e o HACCP é uma ferramenta obrigatória de autocontrolo que é implementada para prevenir problemas de segurança alimentar. Neste livro, foi concebido um sistema de Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controlo (HACCP) para a linha de produção de queijo fresco ...

    54,90 €

  • Semiotik, Hermeneutik und Analogie
    Ángel del Moral
    Dieser Text stellt einige Überlegungen zur Dialektik zwischen Hermeneutik und Semiotik an. Diese Beziehung bezieht sich auf einen relevanten Aspekt des erkenntnistheoretischen Status der Philosophie, da sie die problematische Unterscheidung zwischen Erklären und Verstehen im Kontext bestimmter aktueller Tendenzen des szientistischen Reduktionismus oder des unbegrenzten Relativi...

    55,04 €

  • Semiotics, hermeneutics and analogy
    Ángel del Moral
    This text makes some considerations about the dialectic between hermeneutics and semiotics. This relationship refers to a relevant aspect of the epistemological status of Philosophy, as it recovers the problematic distinction between explaining and understanding, in the context of certain current tendencies of the order of scientistic reductionism or unlimited relativism. This ...

    54,97 €

  • Semiotica, ermeneutica e analogia
    Ángel del Moral
    Questo testo fa alcune considerazioni sulla dialettica tra ermeneutica e semiotica. Questa relazione si riferisce a un aspetto rilevante dello statuto epistemologico della filosofia, in quanto recupera la problematica distinzione tra spiegare e comprendere, nel contesto di alcune tendenze attuali dell’ordine del riduzionismo scientista o del relativismo illimitato. Questa diale...

    54,97 €

  • Semiótica, hermenêutica e analogia
    Ángel del Moral
    Este texto tece algumas considerações sobre a dialética entre a hermenêutica e a semiótica. Esta relação remete para um aspeto relevante do estatuto epistemológico da Filosofia, na medida em que recupera a problemática distinção entre explicar e compreender, no contexto de certas tendências actuais da ordem do reducionismo cientificista ou do relativismo ilimitado. Esta dialéti...

    54,97 €

  • Sémiotique, herméneutique et analogie
    Ángel del Moral
    Ce texte présente quelques considérations sur la dialectique entre l’herméneutique et la sémiotique. Cette relation renvoie à un aspect pertinent du statut épistémologique de la philosophie, puisqu’elle récupère la distinction problématique entre expliquer et comprendre, dans le contexte de certaines tendances actuelles de l’ordre du réductionnisme scientiste ou du relativisme ...

    55,04 €

  • Moral Instruction in Elementary Schools in England and Wales
    London Moral Instruction League
    This comprehensive report provides an invaluable overview of the state of moral education in English elementary schools during the late 19th century. Drawing on official documents, the London Moral Instruction League sheds light on the challenges and opportunities facing educators in this era. This is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of education in England.This...

    32,91 €

  • Atti Dell’accademia Di Scienze Morali E Politiche; Volume 24
    Accademia Di Scienze Moral... Politiche
    Una raccolta di saggi di alta qualità sulle questioni morali e politiche del XIX secolo, ’Atti dell’Accademia di Scienze Morali e Politiche’ è una fonte preziosa per gli studenti e gli studiosi di storia sociale e politica italiana.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is ...

    46,92 €

  • Atti Dell’accademia Di Scienze Morali E Politiche; Volume 24
    Accademia Di Scienze Moral... Politiche
    Una raccolta di saggi di alta qualità sulle questioni morali e politiche del XIX secolo, ’Atti dell’Accademia di Scienze Morali e Politiche’ è una fonte preziosa per gli studenti e gli studiosi di storia sociale e politica italiana.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is ...

    35,60 €

  • Miscellaneous Moral Maxims, Collected From Various Authors By Muha Raja Kalee Krishun
    Miscellaneous moral maxims
    This fascinating collection of maxims and aphorisms from across history and around the world offers readers a rich tapestry of wisdom, insight, and inspiration. From Confucius to Cicero, from Emerson to Gandhi, these pithy sayings distill centuries of human experience into concise and memorable expressions of truth. A must-read for anyone seeking guidance and enlightenment.This...

    32,94 €

    Daniel Moral
    Más leyendas, más relatos, más curiosidades y más «fragmentos». Daniel Moral cierra un ciclo con esta segunda entrega de su recopilación de la Historia más oculta de la ciudad de Talavera de la Reina. Moral nos vuelve a sumergir en un mundo lleno de personajes enigmáticos como el «doctor Galleta» o la vida de Faustino Chacón, «el hombre que no sentía dolor». Nos sitúa en moment...

    14,00 €

  • Desde mi garita
    Pascual Hernández del Moral
    Recopilación de cien cartas escritas por el autor desde 2011 a 2022 en las cuales se pasa revista a circunstancias de la vida cotidiana y el cambio social, cultural, lingüístico y político de España y el mundo. Desde una garita imaginaria, Pascual intercambia pensamientos, opinión y reflexiones con sus amigos Venancio y Serapio. Pase lector, y lea.Prólogo de Juan Eslava Galán. ...

    20,00 €

  • Una bruja sin verruga
    María Jesús Moral Molina
    Casilda es una brujita ingeniosa y perseverante que está a punto de empezar la escuela de brujería, pero ¡Oh! Parece que le falta algo muy importante para ser una verdadera bruja y poder entrar ¡Una verruga! ¿Se le ocurrirá algo para cumplir el requisito? O ¿Se dará cuenta de que hay algo más importante que una verruga para ser una bruja de verdad? ¡Descúbrelo junto a ella y su...

    12,00 €

  • Recogn And Eyes
    BriMoral Stories
    This is a story about expressing wishful thinking. Wishful thinking is believing in an outcome regardless of what is most likely going to be true. It is believing in the possibilities before the potential realities. It is the first step to accomplishing any long-term goal because it gives you a reason to accomplish it. You can develop your wishful thinking by focusing on what c...

    18,17 €

  • Car Theme Park
    BriMoral Stories
    This is a story about self-exploration. Self-exploration is discovering your feelings by paying attention to their root causes. It is wondering why you feel a certain way and discovering the reasons for them. By visualizing your ideal self you can explore your passions, try new things, and figure out what drives you! The driver in this story discovers that he finds the most hap...

    18,17 €

  • The Young Alfred Hitchcock’s Moviemaking Master Class
    Tony Lee Moral
    Alfred Hitchcock is one of the most revered filmmakers of the 20th century. Now to mark the 100th anniversary of his directorial debut in 1922, this updated edition of 'The Young Alfred Hitchcock’s Movie Making Masterclass' shows the influences upon the young Alfred Hitchcock as he launched his directing career and how he ultimately made a lasting impression upon cinema. The '...

    11,71 €

  • Papers on Moral Education, Communicated to the First International Moral Education Congress Held at the University of London September 25-29, 1908;
    International Moral Education Congress.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the wor...

    42,16 €

  • Papers on Moral Education, Communicated to the First International Moral Education Congress Held at the University of London September 25-29, 1908;
    International Moral Education Congress.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the wor...

    29,68 €

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