Catálogo de libros: mari silva

269 Catálogo de libros: mari silva

  • Proyección astral y sueño lúcido
    Mari Silva
    Si desea tener una increíble experiencia de proyección astral, siga leyendo...Dos manuscritos en un libro:Proyección astral: Una guía sobre cómo viajar por el plano astral y tener una experiencia fuera del cuerpoSueño lúcido para principiantes: Lo que necesita saber sobre el control de sus sueños para mejorar su sueño y su creatividad¿Quiere explorar el universo y desentrañar l...

    27,18 €

  • Samadhi and Vastu
    Mari Silva
    If you want to find a harmonious life and a harmonious living in flow with energy levels, then keep reading...Two manuscripts in one book:Samadhi: Unlocking the Different Stages of Samadhi According to the Yoga Sutras of PatanjaliVastu: The Ultimate Guide to Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui Remedies for Harmonious LivingPart one of this book is the ultimate source of information abo...

    27,08 €

  • Capricorn
    Mari Silva
    Discover the secrets of the Capricorn Zodiac sign and harness your full potential! Does the world of astrology, especially the Zodiac, fascinate you? Do you ever wonder about your purpose in life? Do you believe you are part of a bigger picture, but you aren’t sure how? Do you want to learn about your cosmic purpose? Do you want to learn more about the Zodiac sign, Capricorn? A...

    23,51 €

  • Cancer
    Mari Silva
    If you want to learn about the Cancer zodiac sign, then keep reading...Are you trying to understand more about the astrological impact on your life? Now you can go beyond daily horoscope readings and learn about how your sun sign and the many planets and luminaries within the universe impact you and your personality. Dive deep into what each planet means, how their movements im...

    23,50 €

  • Magic
    Mari Silva
    If you want to activate your magical abilities, then keep reading...Do you want to know your True Will? Do you ever wonder how to connect with worlds beyond what you can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch? Have you been practicing magic but are looking for ways to deepen your practice? Or perhaps you’ve thought about taking up the practice, but you’re overwhelmed by the informa...

    23,51 €

  • Samadhi
    Mari Silva
    If you want to discover the final and true state of yoga, then keep reading...You have just discovered 'Samadhi: Unlocking the Different Stages of Samadhi According to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali,' the ultimate source of information about everything related to practicing Samadhi yoga. Whether you are a beginner or experienced yoga practitioner, or just someone interested in th...

    23,38 €

  • Vedic Astrology
    Mari Silva
    If you want to unlock the secrets of Vedic Astrology, then keep reading...Have you ever wondered if the sky above, which holds a multitude of heavenly bodies, affects your life?Have you ever wondered why you are happy on certain days and sad on other days?Have you ever thought about why you work so hard, and yet your rewards don’t match your efforts?Have you thought about astro...

    23,41 €

  • Sueño lúcido para principiantes
    Mari Silva
    ¡Aprenda a ser el maestro de sus sueños y explore su creatividad!¿Sabía que usted tiene el poder de regular sus sueños?¿Quiere mejorar la calidad general de su sueño?¿Tiene experiencias en su subconsciente que desea explorar?¿Quiere descubrir y explorar el universo que se encuentra dentro de su mente?Si ha respondido afirmativamente a cualquiera de las preguntas anteriores, ent...

    23,51 €

  • Vastu
    Mari Silva
    If you want to discover the ancient Indian science called Vastu Shastra, then keep reading...Congratulations on finding this book, your gateway to the vast world of the ancient science of Vastu Shastra. This book is written to suit an array of audiences, from beginners who’ve never heard about Vastu Shastra to seasoned architects who wish to implement The Vastu principles and t...

    23,50 €

  • Psíquico
    Mari Silva
    Innumerables personas en todo el mundo han tenido experiencias que no pueden explicar, experiencias que vienen del mundo de los espíritus y apuntan a sus habilidades psíquicas inherentes.Además, casi todos tienen al menos un talento psíquico esperando a ser descubierto y usado, pero solo un pequeño número alcanza su verdadero potencial psíquico.Si usted es uno de los que ha ten...

    23,47 €

  • Telepathy
    Mari Silva
    If you want to discover how to unlock your telepathic abilities, then keep reading...You have just found your one-way ticket to mind-to-mind communication. Do you have the gift of intuition? Are you interested in learning how to use the gift to communicate with other people via the mind? Would you like to learn the secrets of advanced telepaths?Like everyone else, you were born...

    23,55 €

  • Pisces
    Mari Silva
    If you want to learn about the Pisces zodiac sign, then keep reading...Pisces is an amazing sign in the zodiac and is misunderstood by many. That could be due to a general lack of knowledge about astrology, but it’s probably because Pisces is not that easy to pin down. Just when you think you’ve got a bead on the slippery fish, they swim away, and you’re no wiser!In this compre...

    23,51 €

  • Sagittarius
    Mari Silva
    If you want to learn about the Sagittarius zodiac sign, then keep reading...Finally, a complete guide for Sagittarius natives. If you were born between November 23rd and December 21st you probably already feel as though you’re a little different from everyone else. In this guide you’ll discover the hidden reasons you feel that way and explore how the many factors surrounding yo...

    23,51 €

  • Registros Akáshicos
    Mari Silva
    ¿Está cansado de no poder resolver los problemas que le impiden progresar en la vida?Tal vez su búsqueda de respuestas solo le ha traído decepción.Es hora de relajarse porque acaba de encontrar las respuestas que ha estado buscando.Prepárese para entrar a un nuevo mundo lleno de registros de energía y vibración.Los Registros Akáshicos son el camino no solo para entender la divi...

    23,50 €

  • Scorpio
    Mari Silva
    If you want to learn about the Scorpio zodiac sign, then keep reading...Have you ever wondered who you really are? Have you read horoscopes and articles about the Scorpio but found that you’re very misunderstood? Do you know a Scorpio you find so fascinating that you’re dying to understand what makes them tick? Or do you want to get along better with the Scorpios in your life? ...

    23,54 €

  • Proyección astral
    Mari Silva
    Si desea tener una increíble experiencia de proyección astral, siga leyendo...¿Quiere explorar el universo y desentrañar las respuestas a los misterios de las dimensiones no físicas?¿Está listo para embarcarse en una saludable experiencia fuera del cuerpo (EFC) para alcanzar un nivel más alto de iluminación, conciencia y espiritualidad?¿Quiere desbloquear sus habilidades psíqui...

    23,50 €

  • Tercer Ojo
    Mari Silva
    Hay una mina de oro sin explotar que existe dentro de todos y cada uno de nosotros, un tremendo tesoro que desafía la imaginación. Si usted quiere descubrir esto, entonces siga leyendo...Dos manuscritos en un libro:Despertar del tercer ojo: Una guía esencial para abrir el chakra del tercer ojo, experimentar una conciencia superior, visiones psíquicas y clarividencia y consejos ...

    27,27 €

  • Empaths
    Mari Silva
    Unleash your power of empathy and harness this wonderful gift!Do you experience emotions or feelings that don’t feel like your own? Are you sensitive to those around you? Do you feel overwhelmed and stimulated when you spend time in public? Do you have a strong sense of intuition about others and situations? Do your friends often approach you in times of need or difficulties? D...

    23,59 €

  • Virgo
    Mari Silva
    If you want to learn about the Virgo zodiac sign, then keep reading...Have you been questioning particular aspects of yourself lately? Do others accuse you of being confusing or complicated? Do you contradict yourself so often that you don’t even know what you think anymore?This book will give you in-depth information on who the stars say you are, granting you a much-needed und...

    23,59 €

  • Kundalini Awakening
    Mari Silva
    If you want to unleash your inner spiritual power, then keep reading...Have you ever wondered if there was more to life than just being born, living and working, and finally dying? Have you wondered if we are alone in this universe? Have you had strange and inexplicable experiences in your life you want answers to?Have you suddenly felt you have a higher calling but don’t know ...

    23,58 €

  • Despertar del tercer ojo
    Mari Silva
    Hay una mina de oro sin explotar que existe dentro de todos y cada uno de nosotros, un tremendo tesoro que desafía la imaginación.Si usted quiere descubrir esto, entonces siga leyendo...¿Se siente a menudo abrumado, exhausto y emocionalmente agotado?¿Se pregunta a menudo por qué no es feliz?¿Tiende a pensar en exceso y a preocuparse demasiado por el futuro?¿Le falta inspiración...

    23,44 €

  • Shakti
    Mari Silva
    If You Want to Awaken the Shakti Within, Then Keep Reading...Are you a yoga practitioner who wants to learn more about the power of yoga? Are you interested in Kundalini Yoga but do not know where to begin? Are you a researcher who wants to know more about Eastern mysticism, cults, and practices of the Indian subcontinent? Do you want to harness the power of the divine mother g...

    23,50 €

  • Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming
    Mari Silva
    If you want to discover and explore the universe that lies within your mind, then keep reading...Two manuscripts in one book:Astral Projection: A Guide on How to Travel the Astral Plane and Have an Out-Of-Body ExperienceLucid Dreaming for Beginners: What You Need to Know About Controlling Your Dreams to Improve Your Sleep and CreativityDo you have experiences in your subconscio...

    27,26 €

  • Astral Projection
    Mari Silva
    If you want to have an amazing astral projection experience, then keep reading...Do you want to explore the universe and unravel the answers to mysteries in the non-physical dimensions? Are you ready to embark on a wholesome Out-of-Body Experience (OBE) to attain a higher level of enlightenment, awareness, and spirituality? Do you want to unlock your inherent psychic abilities ...

    23,51 €

  • Lucid Dreaming for Beginners
    Mari Silva
    Learn to be the master of your dreams and explore your creativity!Did you know that you have the power to regulate your dreams? Do you want to improve your overall quality of sleep? Do you have experiences in your subconscious you wish to explore? Do you want to discover and explore the universe that lies within your mind?If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then ...

    21,84 €

  • Akashic Records
    Mari Silva
    Are you tired of being unable to resolve problems hindering you from progressing in your life?Perhaps your search for answers has returned only disappointment.It’s time to relax because you’ve just found the answers you’ve been looking for.Prepare to enter a new world filled with records of energy and vibration.Akashic Records are your pathway to not only understanding divinity...

    23,55 €

  • Third Eye
    Mari Silva
    There is an untapped goldmine that exists within each and every one of us, a tremendous treasure trove that defies imagination. If you want to discover this, then keep reading...Countless people all across the world have had experiences they cannot explain; experiences that come from the spirit realm and point to their inherent psychic abilities.In addition, most everyone has a...

    27,18 €

  • Third Eye Awakening
    Mari Silva
    There is an untapped goldmine that exists within each and every one of us, a tremendous treasure trove that defies imagination. If you want to discover this, then keep reading...Do you often feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and emotionally drained?Do you often ask yourself why you’re not happy?Do you have difficulty staying in relationships or gravitate toward unhealthy attractions...

    23,44 €

  • Psychic
    Mari Silva
    Countless people all across the world have had experiences they cannot explain; experiences that come from the spirit realm and point to their inherent psychic abilities.In addition, most everyone has at least one psychic talent waiting to be discovered and used, but only a small number ever fulfill their true psychic potential.If you are one of those who have had experiences y...

    23,54 €

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