Catálogo de libros: m

71350 Catálogo de libros: m

  • Quiet Contemplation
    T. M. Kuefler
    Archaeologist, Dr. Greg Patel is not a fan of the Drako or their technology. Case in point the handy piece of metal they welded to his thigh, replacing the leg that he lost in the abduction. He is, however, very fond of the woman who finally acknowledged their connection. Combat pilot, Vorhalla, spent weeks running from her connection only to lose him. Six terrifying weeks of d...

    19,56 €

  • Death in St. George’s
    M. A. Monnin
    When Stefanie and Thomas meet in Bermuda for time alone away from the demands of the Artifact Retrieval Team that Thomas heads, their romantic rendezvous is waylaid after an archaeologist requests their help to recover an emerald bracelet that’s been stolen from his site. Thomas is reluctant, but Stefanie can’t resist the lure of buried Spanish treasure. Then one of the archaeo...

    13,33 €

  • Moscow Bound
    John M.G. Brown
    Moscow Bound is an expose of the US Government’s actions, and inactions, on behalf of American POWs and MIAs between 1918 and 1993. It’s findings have been cited by the US Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs, American Legion, Vietnam Veterans of America, General William Westmoreland, VFW, the Oregonian, Washington Post, and the US National Archives.It’s the result of a s...

    45,42 €

  • Darkness Has Fallen
    M. S. Aldrich
    A collection of poem’s written to express a journey through the darkest of times. An expression of thoughts, feelings and emotions, during grief, complex post traumatic disorder, chronic fatigue disorder and PMDD. They are uncensored - they’re real and raw - just how it felt at the time.*WARNING - some may trigger* ...

    7,99 €

  • Apnée obstructive du sommeil chez l’enfant
    Girish M.S / Inshiya Alazhar Contractor
    L’apnée obstructive du sommeil (AOS) est une affection qui peut toucher toutes les tranches d’âge, y compris les enfants. La classification internationale des troubles du sommeildéfini séparément le SAOS chez l’enfant et chez l’adulte en raison des différences dans sanature, les caractéristiques et le diagnostic.En pédiatrieLe SAOS est avant tout un problème de structure cranio...

    85,79 €

  • Principes fondamentaux des algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique
    Dans l’apprentissage automatique, des modèles et des algorithmes capables d’apprendre à partir de données et de faire des prédictions ou des jugements sans programmation explicite sont développés. L’apprentissage automatique est un sous-domaine de l’intelligence artificielle (IA). L’apprentissage automatique utilise un large éventail d’algorithmes et de techniques importants. U...

    60,32 €

  • Systèmes intelligents de sécurité contre les accidents d’incendie basés sur l’IdO
    M Kalamani / M Krishnamoorthi
    Les systèmes de sécurité incendie intelligents basés sur l’IdO exploitent les capacités des appareils et des capteurs interconnectés pour améliorer de manière significative la prévention, la détection et l’intervention en cas d’incendie dans divers contextes. Ces systèmes représentent une fusion de la technologie de pointe et des pratiques traditionnelles de sécurité incendie, ...

    60,26 €

  • Force (hardcover)
    Rebecca Woodbury Ph.D. M.Ed.
    Introduce young students to the physics concept of force in this simply written, colorful book. Young readers learn that force is described as any action that changes the location or shape of an object or how fast or slowly it moves, which is called speed. Examples of force are given. 24 full color pages with many illustrations and photos. Reading Level 1-3, Interest Level 2-5....

    23,71 €

    M Kalamani / M Krishnamoorthi
    Os sistemas inteligentes de segurança contra acidentes de incêndio baseados na IoT tiram partido das capacidades de dispositivos e sensores interligados para melhorar significativamente a prevenção, deteção e resposta a incêndios em vários contextos. Estes sistemas representam uma fusão de tecnologia de ponta e práticas tradicionais de segurança contra incêndios, com o objetivo...

    60,26 €

    M Kalamani / M Krishnamoorthi
    I sistemi intelligenti di sicurezza antincendio basati sull’IoT sfruttano le capacità dei dispositivi e dei sensori interconnessi per migliorare in modo significativo la prevenzione, il rilevamento e la risposta agli incendi in vari ambienti. Questi sistemi rappresentano una fusione tra tecnologia all’avanguardia e pratiche tradizionali di sicurezza antincendio, con l’obiettivo...

    60,20 €

  • Grundlagen der Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens
    Beim maschinellen Lernen werden Modelle und Algorithmen entwickelt, die aus Daten lernen und Vorhersagen oder Urteile treffen können, ohne explizit programmiert zu werden. Maschinelles Lernen ist ein Teilbereich der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI). Beim maschinellen Lernen wird eine breite Palette wichtiger Algorithmen und Techniken eingesetzt. Eine Liste der Algorithmen des masch...

    60,32 €

  • Fundamentos dos algoritmos de aprendizagem automática
    Na aprendizagem automática, são desenvolvidos modelos e algoritmos que podem aprender com os dados e fazer previsões ou juízos sem programação explícita. A aprendizagem automática é um subcampo da inteligência artificial (IA). A aprendizagem automática utiliza uma vasta gama de algoritmos e técnicas importantes. Segue-se uma lista de algoritmos de aprendizagem automática: Algor...

    60,32 €

  • Fondamenti degli algoritmi di apprendimento automatico
    Nell’apprendimento automatico, vengono sviluppati modelli e algoritmi in grado di apprendere dai dati e di fare previsioni o giudizi senza una programmazione esplicita. L’apprendimento automatico è un sottocampo dell’intelligenza artificiale (IA). L’apprendimento automatico utilizza un’ampia gamma di algoritmi e tecniche importanti. Di seguito è riportato un elenco di algoritmi...

    60,32 €

  • Apneia obstrutiva do sono em crianças
    Girish M.S / Inshiya Alazhar Contractor
    A Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono (AOS) é uma doença que pode afetar qualquer grupo etário, incluindo as crianças. A Classificação Internacional das Perturbações do Sonodefiniu separadamente a AOS em crianças e adultos devido a diferenças na suanatureza, características e diagnóstico.PediátricaA AOS é essencialmente um problema estrutural craniofacial.Este livro tem como objetivo for...

    85,80 €

  • Apnea ostruttiva del sonno nei bambini
    Girish M.S / Inshiya Alazhar Contractor
    L’apnea ostruttiva del sonno (OSA) è una condizione che può colpire qualsiasi gruppo di età, compresi i bambini. La Classificazione Internazionale dei Disturbi del Sonno haha definito separatamente l’OSA nei bambini e negli adulti a causa delle differenze nella suanatura, caratteristiche e diagnosi.PediatricoL’OSA è principalmente un problema strutturale cranio-facciale.Questo ...

    85,80 €

    M Kalamani / M Krishnamoorthi
    IoT-basierte intelligente Brandschutzsysteme nutzen die Fähigkeiten miteinander verbundener Geräte und Sensoren, um die Brandprävention, -erkennung und -bekämpfung in verschiedenen Umgebungen deutlich zu verbessern. Diese Systeme stellen eine Verschmelzung von Spitzentechnologie und traditionellen Brandschutzpraktiken dar und zielen darauf ab, die allgemeinen Sicherheitsergebni...

    60,26 €

  • Examen médical du vagin humain
    Mohammad Oda Selman / Sundus Fadhil Hantoosh / Ula M. Al-Kawaz
    Ce livre traite des aspects médicaux suivants concernant le vagin humain : différenciation sexuelle et développement embryonnaire, anatomie, histologie et changements morphologiques, effet des hormones sur la muqueuse vaginale et la flore vaginale, flore normale, vaginite infectieuse et non infectieuse, immunité innée et adaptative, stress oxydatif, atrophie vaginale, et tumeur...

    70,17 €

  • Revisione medica della vagina umana
    Mohammad Oda Selman / Sundus Fadhil Hantoosh / Ula M. Al-Kawaz
    Questo libro tratta i seguenti aspetti medici riguardanti la vagina umana: differenziazione sessuale e sviluppo embrionale, anatomia, istologia e cambiamenti morfologici, effetto degli ormoni sulla mucosa vaginale e sulla flora vaginale, flora normale, vaginiti infettive e non infettive, immunità innata e adattativa, stress ossidativo, atrofia vaginale e tumori benigni e malign...

    70,11 €

  • Medizinische Überprüfung der menschlichen Vagina
    Mohammad Oda Selman / Sundus Fadhil Hantoosh / Ula M. Al-Kawaz
    Dieses Buch befasst sich mit den folgenden medizinischen Aspekten der menschlichen Vagina: sexuelle Differenzierung und Embryonalentwicklung, Anatomie, Histologie und morphologische Veränderungen, Wirkung von Hormonen auf die Vaginalschleimhaut und die Vaginalflora, normale Flora, infektiöse und nicht-infektiöse Vaginitis, angeborene und adaptive Immunität, oxidativer Stress, V...

    70,14 €

  • Revisão médica da vagina humana
    Mohammad Oda Selman / Sundus Fadhil Hantoosh / Ula M. Al-Kawaz
    Este livro aborda os seguintes aspectos médicos relativos à vagina humana: diferenciação sexual e desenvolvimento embrionário, anatomia, histologia e alterações morfológicas, efeito das hormonas na mucosa vaginal e na flora vaginal, flora normal, vaginite infecciosa e não infecciosa, imunidade inata e adaptativa, stress oxidativo, atrofia vaginal e tumores benignos e malignos d...

    70,11 €

  • One Moment on Earth
    Pramod M Tippashetti
    'One Moment on Earth' invites readers on a profound journey through the eyes of an ordinary individual, offering a captivating perspective on our planet. Through the lens of this everyday observer, the book transcends the mundane, delving into the profound questions of existence, creation, and human ingenuity. With subtle yet powerful strokes, it unveils the intricate tapestry ...

    10,73 €

  • In the Hollow of my Heart
    Keely M. Ernst
    In The Hollow of my Heart poet Keely M. Ernst delves into the depths of loss, exploring themes of grief, fatherlessness, and the enduring power of memory. Through poignant verse and lyrical prose, she invites readers on a transformative journey of reflection, healing, and rediscovery. Each poem serves as a testament to the complexities of navigating life’s profoundest sorrows a...

    12,54 €

  • Comeback
    M. Steven Fish
    The fate of American democracy now hinges on the Democrats’ ability to defeat the Republicans for the foreseeable future. But for the Democrats to win consistently, they must reestablish their credentials as fearless leaders, tough fighters, and fierce patriots.Comeback delivers a bold new take on democracy’s crisis. Many liberals think that escalating economic anxieties and cu...

    17,97 €

  • The Mourning of Leone Manor
    A.M. Davis
    When death cuts Remi’s marriage to Edgar Leone short, she is forced to confront his only living son...and their romantic past. Forced to return to Leone Manor after years of exile, Ben quickly lets her know he is uninterested in making amends. Forced to deal with his temper, her overbearing family, and the discovery of unsettling love letters written for her with no signature, ...

    18,48 €

  • The Sumner Story
    Amy M. Ryan
    Amy M. Johns was born in Farmington, Iowa, in 1878, and when she was thirteen moved west to the Puyallup Valley with her family. She attended grade school in Auburn, Washington, then known as Slaughter. After her family moved to Sumner in 1891, she began attending Whitworth College because the public school had only three years of high school. At eighteen she passed the teacher...

    14,59 €

  • Take Heed, Watch & Pray
    Lee M. Cummings
    It’s time to prepare for the difficult days ahead. It’s time to 'Take heed, watch and pray!'One generation will be alive to see the greatest harvest of souls in all redemptive history. That same generation will simultaneously experience the end-time signs and birth pangs Jesus taught were coming and intensifying until the end of the age. In Take Heed, Watch & Pray, Lee Cummings...

    14,55 €

  • Deceiving the Duke
    M. Francis Hastings
    Callum leaned closer to her throat. 'Why would you tease me this way? It’s torture.''Torture? You know nothing about torture!' Her eyes narrowed, and she bit her bottom lip. 'What do you think it’s like to keep such a secret from you? To have these feelings for you and be unable to say a word for fear I’d ruin everything? Not just for me, but for my sister.'His eyes bore into h...

    14,42 €

  • Cellule staminali
    D.N.P. Sudarmani / M. Gnanaraj / P. Samuel
    Il libro intitolato 'CELLULE STAMINALI' offre una panoramica completa del settore, che spazia dalla biologia di base delle cellule staminali alle loro diverse applicazioni nella medicina rigenerativa, nella modellazione delle malattie, nei trapianti e nella ricerca sul cancro. Ogni unità e capitolo approfondisce i concetti chiave, le metodologie, le considerazioni etiche e le i...

    96,25 €

  • Cellules souches
    D.N.P. Sudarmani / M. Gnanaraj / P. Samuel
    Le livre intitulé 'STEM CELLS' fournit une vue d’ensemble complète du domaine, couvrant tout, de la biologie de base des cellules souches à leurs diverses applications dans la médecine régénérative, la modélisation des maladies, la transplantation et la recherche sur le cancer. Chaque unité et chaque chapitre approfondissent les concepts clés, les méthodologies, les considérati...

    96,24 €

  • Células estaminais
    D.N.P. Sudarmani / M. Gnanaraj / P. Samuel
    O livro intitulado 'STEM CELLS' fornece uma visão abrangente do campo, cobrindo tudo, desde a biologia básica das células estaminais até às suas diversas aplicações na medicina regenerativa, modelação de doenças, transplantes e investigação do cancro. Cada unidade e capítulo analisa os principais conceitos, metodologias, considerações éticas e implicações no mundo real, oferece...

    96,25 €