Catálogo de libros: l k

740 Catálogo de libros: l k

  • Armor On
    When I saw Satan, I wanted to die. I wanted to be in the arms of Jesus that very moment. At the time, I didnt know I was in a dark spiritual warfare and my home was the battlegrounds. Through my journey, Jesus was showing me my spiritual gifts. He was teaching and training me to trust him completely. The once-dark season feels like a lifetime ago. My new voyage with Jesus is a ...

    14,22 €

  • The Grimsah Forest
    K. L. Beckman
    The world is hanging precariously in the balance between the good and evil forces who have come to earth in the aftermath of human wars using nuclear bombs and biological weapons. The planet has been decimated. Nations have fallen. Technology has been eradicated. Those who survived have begun rebuilding, but all will be destroyed if evil forces, led by Leibus, win. One girl, un...

    14,39 €

  • Erica the Elephant
    L.K. Way
    Brian is bothered by a lie he told his parents and unsure how to tell them the truth. Erica the Elephant takes him to the one person she feels can help him best, Pinocchio! Turns out Brian is not the only person who learns a valuable lesson, so does Pinocchio. ...

    12,89 €

  • Erica the Elephant
    L.K. Way
    Ben is unaware of how his bad attitude affects those around him until he is forced to spend a day with himself.  About Erica the Elephant: Erica the Elephant is an educational children’s book series. Erica takes children on magical adventures to teach them life lessons. ...

    13,41 €

  • 5 Acts of Courage
    K L Wells
    'If someone had told me that from broken dreams on a sidewalk I would embark on a journey of exploration and learning that would lead me to help other families learn an entirely new way of approaching this disease, I wouldn’t have imagined it....Yet, through my own journey, I believe that we have a choice to stay in crisis, struggling, just surviving, or develop our skills, lea...

    12,93 €

  • Wirtsvermittelte Pathogenitätsmechanismen bei Parodontalerkrankung
    Bushra K. Quazi / M. L. Bhongade / Pranav S. Patil
    Die Entwicklung einer entzündlichen Immunreaktion während der Parodontitis beim anfälligen Individuum führt zur lokalen Produktion einer Vielzahl von Entzündungsmediatoren wie IL-1, IL-6 und Tumornekrosefaktor-α (TNF-α) sowie zur Synthese und Freisetzung von Prostaglandinen und anderen Arachidonsäure-Metaboliten im parodontalen Gewebe. Darüber hinaus stimulierten die Wirtszelle...

    49,08 €

  • Mécanismes pathogènes médiés par l’hôte dans la maladie parodontale
    Bushra K. Quazi / M. L. Bhongade / Pranav S. Patil
    Le développement d’une réponse immuno-inflammatoire au cours de la parodontite chez l’individu sensible entraîne la production locale d’une variété de médiateurs inflammatoires, y compris IL-1, IL-6 et le facteur de nécrose tumorale-α (TNF-α), la synthèse et la libération de prostaglandines et d’autres métabolites de l’acide arachidonique dans les tissus parodontaux. En outre, ...

    49,08 €

  • Meccanismi patogeni mediati dall’ospite nella malattia parodontale
    Bushra K. Quazi / M. L. Bhongade / Pranav S. Patil
    Lo sviluppo di una risposta immuno-infiammatoria durante la parodontite nell’individuo suscettibile comporta la produzione locale di una varietà di mediatori infiammatori, tra cui IL-1, IL-6 e fattore di necrosi tumorale-α (TNF-α), la sintesi e il rilascio di prostaglandine e altri metaboliti dell’acido arachidonico nei tessuti parodontali. Inoltre, le cellule ospiti hanno stim...

    48,94 €

  • Mecanismos Patogénicos Mediados pelo Hospedeiro na Doença Periodontal
    Bushra K. Quazi / M. L. Bhongade / Pranav S. Patil
    O desenvolvimento de uma resposta imune-inflamatória durante a periodontite no indivíduo suscetível resulta na produção local de uma variedade de mediadores inflamatórios, incluindo IL-1, IL-6 e fator de necrose tumoral-α (TNF-α), síntese e libertação de prostaglandinas e outros metabolitos do ácido araquidónico nos tecidos periodontais. Além disso, as células hospedeiras estim...

    49,00 €

  • Traveling Nia
    L.K. Herring
    Dive into the world with Traveling Nia, a vibrant book series that celebrates the beauty of diversity and sparks global curiosity. Join Nia and her magic blanket as they take off to South Africa. Nia learns Xhosa phrases, enjoys an awesome braai, and makes some cool new friends. Through Nia’s adventures, kids will get to explore:How cultures around the world can be different, y...

    26,01 €

  • Ölentfernung durch Flotation mit Biotensid
    Maitê Medeiros de Santana e Silva / Maria V. P. Rocha / Paula K. L. S. Valença
    Die Entstehung von Abfällen ist bei den meisten industriellen Prozessen praktisch unvermeidlich. In der Ölindustrie ist eines der größten Probleme für die Umwelt die große Menge an Wasser, die bei der Ölförderung anfällt. Derzeit hat sich die Flotation im Vergleich zu anderen Methoden als sehr effizient erwiesen, da sie nicht in der Lage ist, einen Großteil des emulgierten Öls ...

    48,37 €

  • Rimozione dell’olio mediante flottazione con biosurfattante
    Maitê Medeiros de Santana e Silva / Maria V. P. Rocha / Paula K. L. S. Valença
    La generazione di rifiuti nella maggior parte dei processi industriali è praticamente inevitabile. Nell’industria petrolifera, uno dei maggiori problemi per l’ambiente è il grande volume di acqua prodotto nei processi di produzione del petrolio. Attualmente, l’uso della flottazione si è dimostrato molto efficiente rispetto ad altri metodi, che non sono in grado di rimuovere gra...

    48,37 €

  • Oil removal by flotation using biosurfactant
    Maitê Medeiros de Santana e Silva / Maria V. P. Rocha / Paula K. L. S. Valença
    The generation of waste in most industrial processes is practically unavoidable. In the oil industry, one of the major problems for the environment is the large volume of water produced in oil production processes. Currently, the use of flotation has been very efficient compared to other methods, as they are unable to remove much of the oil that is emulsified. In this context, ...

    48,37 €

  • Élimination du pétrole par flottation à l’aide d’un biosurfactant
    Maitê Medeiros de Santana e Silva / Maria V. P. Rocha / Paula K. L. S. Valença
    La production de déchets dans la plupart des processus industriels est pratiquement inévitable. Dans l’industrie pétrolière, l’un des plus gros problèmes pour l’environnement est le grand volume d’eau produit lors des processus de production de pétrole. Actuellement, l’utilisation de la flottation s’est avérée très efficace par rapport à d’autres méthodes, car elles sont incapa...

    48,37 €

  • Dispositifs optoélectroniques
    K. Ramalakshmi / L. V. S. Narayana / Srilali Siragam
    'Dispositifs optoélectroniques' est un manuel complet couvrant les principes fondamentaux, la conception et les applications des dispositifs optoélectroniques. Le livre explore l’interaction entre la lumière et les systèmes électroniques, en abordant des sujets tels que la physique des semi-conducteurs, les propriétés optiques des matériaux et les techniques de fabrication des ...

    109,96 €

  • Dispositivos optoelectrónicos
    K. Ramalakshmi / L. V. S. Narayana / Srilali Siragam
    'Dispositivos optoelectrónicos' é um livro abrangente que cobre os princípios fundamentais, a conceção e as aplicações dos dispositivos optoelectrónicos. O livro explora a interação entre a luz e os sistemas electrónicos, abordando tópicos como a física dos semicondutores, as propriedades ópticas dos materiais e as técnicas de fabrico de dispositivos. Abrange uma vasta gama de ...

    110,02 €

  • Dispositivi optoelettronici
    K. Ramalakshmi / L. V. S. Narayana / Srilali Siragam
    'Dispositivi optoelettronici' è un libro di testo completo che copre i principi fondamentali, la progettazione e le applicazioni dei dispositivi optoelettronici. Il libro esplora l’interazione tra luce e sistemi elettronici, affrontando argomenti quali la fisica dei semiconduttori, le proprietà ottiche dei materiali e le tecniche di fabbricazione dei dispositivi. Copre un’ampia...

    110,02 €

  • Optoelektronische Geräte
    K. Ramalakshmi / L. V. S. Narayana / Srilali Siragam
    'Optoelektronische Geräte' ist ein umfassendes Lehrbuch, das die grundlegenden Prinzipien, den Entwurf und die Anwendungen optoelektronischer Geräte behandelt. Das Buch erforscht die Wechselwirkung zwischen Licht und elektronischen Systemen und behandelt Themen wie Halbleiterphysik, optische Eigenschaften von Materialien und Techniken zur Herstellung von Geräten. Es deckt ein b...

    109,96 €

  • Still Waters of Round Lake
    K. L. Dempsey
    The story begins with a revisit to the boutique town of Round Lake, South Dakota, by Brad Davis, a now retired FBI profiler who once grew up in the town during the period when trains actually made a stop to offload the day’s mail. Today the town’s claim to notoriety no longer is the German sausage produced by its aging butcher but rather the people within the community still tr...

    21,41 €

  • Evaluierung der institutionellen Finanzierung für ungebildete Arbeitnehmer
    K.L. Prasanna Kumar / T. Malkaiah
    Es ist ein Versuch, einen Überblick über das institutionelle Finanzwesen und seinen Zugang zu den verschiedenen Interessengruppen in der Gesellschaft, insbesondere zu den gebildeten Arbeitslosen, zu geben. Das Ziel dieser Publikation ist es, Akademikern, die im Bereich der institutionellen Finanzen forschen, Anregungen zu geben. Dieses Buch wird sowohl für Studenten als auch fü...

    95,77 €

  • Évaluation du financement institutionnel des chômeurs instruits
    K.L. Prasanna Kumar / T. Malkaiah
    Il s’agit d’une tentative de fournir une vue d’ensemble de la finance institutionnelle et de son accès aux différents acteurs de la société, en particulier aux chômeurs instruits. L’objectif de cette publication est d’apporter une contribution aux universitaires qui poursuivent leurs recherches dans le domaine de la finance institutionnelle. Ce livre sera utile à la fois aux ét...

    95,82 €

  • Avaliação do financiamento institucional aos desempregados instruídos
    K.L. Prasanna Kumar / T. Malkaiah
    Trata-se de uma tentativa de fornecer uma visão global das finanças institucionais e do seu acesso aos vários actores da sociedade, nomeadamente aos desempregados com formação. O objetivo desta publicação é dar contributos aos académicos que prosseguem a sua investigação no domínio das finanças institucionais. Este livro será útil tanto para os estudantes como para os investiga...

    95,84 €

  • Valutazione dei finanziamenti istituzionali ai disoccupati istruiti
    K.L. Prasanna Kumar / T. Malkaiah
    È un tentativo di fornire una visione d’insieme della finanza istituzionale e del suo accesso ai vari attori della società, in particolare ai disoccupati istruiti. L’obiettivo di questa pubblicazione è quello di fornire input agli accademici che stanno conducendo le loro ricerche nel campo della finanza istituzionale. Questo libro sarà utile sia agli studenti che ai ricercatori...

    95,85 €

  • Défauts parodontaux osseux
    GNR Bharath Chandra / K. Sadanand / K.L. Vandana
    La parodontite est un processus inflammatoire d’origine multifactorielle qui affecte les tissus parodontaux. La perte de soutien de l’os alvéolaire est l’un des signes caractéristiques de la maladie parodontale destructrice et est généralement considérée comme la séquelle anatomique de la propagation apicale de la parodontite. La connaissance intime de tous les défauts osseux a...

    48,76 €

  • Difetti ossei parodontali
    GNR Bharath Chandra / K. Sadanand / K.L. Vandana
    La parodontite è un processo infiammatorio di origine multifattoriale che colpisce i tessuti parodontali. La perdita di supporto dell’osso alveolare è uno dei segni caratteristici della malattia parodontale distruttiva ed è generalmente considerata la sequela anatomica della diffusione apicale della parodontite. La conoscenza approfondita di tutti i difetti ossei associati alla...

    48,69 €

  • Defeitos ósseos periodontais
    GNR Bharath Chandra / K. Sadanand / K.L. Vandana
    A periodontite é um processo inflamatório, de origem multifatorial, que afecta os tecidos periodontais. A perda de suporte ósseo alveolar é um dos sinais característicos da doença periodontal destrutiva e é geralmente considerada como representando a sequela anatómica da disseminação apical da periodontite. O conhecimento íntimo de todos os defeitos ósseos associados à doença p...

    48,69 €

    K. L. Joyner
    The title said it all. 'EVERYDAY IS MOTHER’S DAY'The tree on the cover represents The Tree of Life,Just as Mother’s are the givers of life and their rootsAre our foundation in this world, and once they’re gone,Whether we know it or not. The biggest part of us hasDied with them. So treasure that tree, treasure your Mother,Not just on Mother’s Day, but every day, because 'EVERYDA...

    12,95 €

  • Another Voice
    K. L. Busick
    'It was where she would go when life got too hard. Deep into her daydreams she would retreat. There, she wasn’t fearful or weak. There, she was brave, smart, wise. She could always rely on her, the woman in her mind. She never let her down.'Clara Rivers imagined a lot of things for her life, but working at the local Bean Queen as a barista wasn’t one of them. Idolizing about th...

    11,53 €

  • Another Voice
    K. L. Busick
    'It was where she would go when life got too hard. Deep into her daydreams she would retreat. There, she wasn’t fearful or weak. There, she was brave, smart, wise. She could always rely on her, the woman in her mind. She never let her down.'Clara Rivers imagined a lot of things for her life, but working at the local Bean Queen as a barista wasn’t one of them. Idolizing about th...

    26,32 €

  • Optoelectronic Devices
    K. Ramalakshmi / L. V. S. Narayana / Srilali Siragam
    'Optoelectronic Devices' is a comprehensive textbook covering the fundamental principles, design, and applications of optoelectronic devices. The book explores the interaction between light and electronic systems, addressing topics such as semiconductor physics, optical properties of materials, and device fabrication techniques. It covers a wide range of optoelectronic devices ...

    110,26 €