Catálogo de libros: k murali

10 Catálogo de libros: k murali

  • Toxikologische Auswirkungen von Butachlor auf Weizen - ein ganzheitlicher Ansatz
    Hemanth Kumar N.K. / M. Murali / Shobha Jagannath
    Das Buch gibt einen Einblick in das Gebiet der Umweltbiologie und Herbizidtoxikologie. Das Buch befasst sich mit den toxikologischen Auswirkungen des Herbizids Butachlor auf Weizen, der neben Reis und Mais eine der wichtigsten Getreidekulturen ist. Die Herbizidtoxikologie ist einer der wichtigsten Aspekte im Zusammenhang mit dem Wachstum und der Physiologie der Pflanzen, die ih...

    54,11 €

  • Effets toxicologiques du butachlore sur le blé - Une approche holistique
    Hemanth Kumar N.K. / M. Murali / Shobha Jagannath
    Ce livre donne un aperçu du domaine de la biologie environnementale et de la toxicologie des herbicides. Le livre tente d’aborder les effets toxicologiques de l’herbicide butachlore sur le blé, qui est l’une des cultures céréalières les plus importantes après le riz et le maïs. La toxicologie des herbicides est l’un des aspects importants de la croissance et de la physiologie d...

    54,05 €

  • Efeitos toxicológicos do Butachlor no trigo - Uma abordagem holística
    Hemanth Kumar N.K. / M. Murali / Shobha Jagannath
    O livro dá uma visão da área de Biologia Ambiental e Toxicologia de Herbicidas. O livro tenta abordar, os efeitos toxicológicos do butacloro herbicida no trigo, que é uma das culturas cerealíferas importantes ao lado do arroz e do milho. Toxicologia dos herbicidas; que é um dos aspectos importantes em relação ao crescimento e fisiologia das plantas, que por sua vez controla dir...

    54,05 €

  • Effetti tossicologici del butacloro sul grano - Un approccio olistico
    Hemanth Kumar N.K. / M. Murali / Shobha Jagannath
    Il libro offre una panoramica dell’area della biologia ambientale e della tossicologia degli erbicidi. Il libro cerca di affrontare gli effetti tossicologici dell’erbicida butachlor sul grano, che è una delle colture cerealicole più importanti dopo il riso e il mais. La tossicologia degli erbicidi è uno degli aspetti importanti della crescita e della fisiologia delle piante, ch...

    54,05 €

    K Murali / S A Sannasira / S A SANNASIRAJ & K MURALI V SUNDAR / V Sundar
    Coastlines, like many things around us, are constantly evolving. Keeping pace with the changes and their development is necessary to ensure their stability and to maintain eco-equilibrium for nearshore hydrodynamics and morphodynamics. Supported with field measurements for model validation, several numerical and analytical tools are available to us to understand the physical pr...

    145,17 €

    K Murali / S A Sannasiraj / S A SANNASIRAJ K MURALI & V S V SUNDAR / V Sundar
    The most pertinent tsunami related issues such as water borne debris during tsunami flooding, design loads to incorporate for impact forces on coastal zone infrastructure, detection and warning are meticulously incorporated in this book.Modelling of various coastal processes have proven to be successful in the recent past, which includes extreme events such as storm surge, cycl...

    120,17 €

  • Women Entrepreneurship in India
    G.Mokesh Rayalu / K.C. Bhanu / K.CBhanu / Murali Konidina
    Economic growth and revitalization of nation are propelled best by ’Entrepreneurs’. Small business and entrepreneurship in India are the prime-force in generating productive employment and ensuring a more equitable distribution of income in the process of economic development of the country. It facilitates effective mobilization of resources like capital and skills and helps to...

    87,10 €

  • Statistical data mining techniques
    G. Mokesh Rayalu / GMokesh Rayalu / K. C. Bhanu / KCBhanu / Murali Konidina
    Data mining is a process that uses a variety of data analysis tools to discover patterns and relationships in data that may be used to make valid predictions. To mine the hidden and useful information we have to take the available dataset through the process of data mining. It’s not a single step. It contains various groups of interlinking steps which will help us to find the u...

    97,47 €

  • Financial Management Practices in the State Universities of A.P.
    K. Murali Mohan / KMurali Mohan
    Universities play a vital role in the educational set up as well as in the society at large. They have to fulfill a variety of obligations to the student’s community in particular and the society at large. They need adequate financial management practices for fulfilling these obligations. The universities need finances not only for imparting high education but also for carrying...

    177,70 €

    “… the book offers a well-written, concise and serious introduction to a number of subjects which are areas of current research, enabling the reader to grasp the basic ideas and at the same time guiding her/him through the vast literature.”Mathematical Reviews This book deals with the bifurcation and chaotic aspects of damped and driven nonlinear oscillators. The analytical and...

    129,89 €