Catálogo de libros: julian scutts

39 Catálogo de libros: julian scutts

  • My Offbeat Love Lyrics and Other Confessions of a Crazy Mixed-Up Elderly He-Goat
    Julian Scutts
    A motley collection of poems in which the many aspects of love find expression, its anguish and disappointments as well as its joys, its funny side as well as its profound seriousness. ...

    19,28 €

  • A Holistic and Logocentric Study Of Wandering As a Phenomenon In German and English Literature With Close Reference to the Age of Goethe and Romanticism
    Julian Scutts
    When confronting the phenomenon of poetic 'Wandering' in the age of Goethe and Romanticism we soon find ourselves in the midstl ...

    27,52 €

  • The Emergence of the Poetic 'Wanderer' In the Age Of Goethe
    Julian Scutts
    This study takes the 'Wanderer,' the word used by Goethe and Romantic poets, as a phenomenon many features of which require hitherto lacking explanations. A promising approach to this issue can be found by applying methods of textual analysis pioneered by Ferdinand de Saussure and the Russian Formalists ...

    36,99 €

  • A Mixed Bag Containing Essays on Meaningful Coincidences, Stories and Poems With an Apologia Defending My View Of Literature
    Julian Scutts
    A mixed bag? The expression often connotes that something or other has good and less good aspects. But, as they say, variety is the spice of life. Salads and potpourris can be delicious. Once one of my tutors called a paper I had writtem 'a salad.' I now take that appraisal as a compliment. ...

    24,50 €

  • Meaningful Coincidences In History, Literature and Life
    Julian Scutts
    What role do coincidences play in human destiny, whether with regard to historical events or with strange connections between literature and real occurrences? The issue confronts writers too, whatever their outlook, persuasion or faith. It takes great skill to create characters who appear free to determine the course of their lives if the author has already determined their fa...

    24,16 €

  • There’s No Clock In the Forest, a Comedy In Two Parts
    Julian Scutts
    The setting of this play is projected into the near future when we might envisage a global pilot scheme to establish an ideal campus. But what could that be? In German there is a saying 'Unter den Talaren ist der Muff von Tausend Jahren.' Under the scholar’s gown is the stale fluff of a thousand years. Can the new age campus retain the best of ancient tradition and liberate its...

    20,65 €

  • Death, Be Not Proud
    Julian Scutts
    The title echoes a line in John Donne’s Holy Sonnets. Donne, a man of profound but not unquestioning faith, could contemplate death with greater assurance than many in this secular and materialistic age, yet we can, indeed must, come to terms with death according to whatever attitude, creed or other persuasion we adhere to. The portrait of John Donne is in the public domain in...

    9,34 €

  • The Pied Piper of Hamelin At the Crossroads Of History, Religion and Literature
    Julian Scutts
    Even if we were to discover the historical truth about the origin of the legend of the Pied Piper of Hamelin, we still would not explain why its appeal to the imagination of artists and poets has been so extensive and the span of interpretations placed on the figure so divergent. The author of this book believes that the principle of reciprocity must be taken into account and t...

    25,04 €

  • The Word In Poetry and Its Contexts
    Julian Scutts
    Normally we consider only one context to establish the sense of a word to which a dictionary applies more than one definition. The reader of poetry can consider many more contexts, such as those supplied by his or her familiarity with other works by the same author and with literary tradition. The theoretical basis of this study resides in an analysis of Ferdinand de Saussure’s...

    17,77 €

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