Catálogo de libros: john coleman

207 Catálogo de libros: john coleman

  • Blood Prophecy
    John Coleman
    When Jesus of Nazareth is Crucified, the world stood still, but when the news reaches Jonnas he goes into action to find those responsible for killing a true innocent. The only man to show him genuine kindness. Going back to his past life he leaves no stone uncovered. Cesar has sent his best investigators to find out who in Jerusalem would dare defy him and kill the king of the...

    9,74 €

  • Concrete Shamanism Shadow Work Deck
    Merrick Jacobson / Patrick John Coleman
    Unveil Your Authentic Self Through Ancient Wisdom and Modern PsychologyStep into a transformative experience unlike any other with the 'Concrete Shamanism Shadow Work Deck Guidebook.' Designed to be much more than a mere deck of cards or a simple guidebook, this offering is a powerful spiritual technology system that has been meticulously crafted to illuminate the recesses of y...

    33,32 €

  • Fifty Years of an Actor’s Life
    John Coleman
    In this memoir, Coleman reflects on his long and illustrious career as an actor. With candor and wit, he offers insights into the challenges and rewards of the profession, and shares stories of his collaborations with some of the greats of the stage.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we kno...

    27,07 €

  • The New Fraser and Squair Complete French Grammar
    Algernon Coleman / John Squair / William Henry Fraser
    This French grammar book is a comprehensive guide to the language, suitable for beginners or advanced learners alike. It covers all aspects of French grammar, including verbs, tenses, and sentence structure. The book also includes exercises and examples to help you practice and reinforce your learning. Whether you are studying French for school, work, or pleasure, this is an es...

    32,83 €

  • The Life and Works of Thomas Graham, D.C.L., F.R.S
    J. J. Coleman / R. Angus Smith / John Smith and Sons
    This comprehensive biography offers a detailed look at the life and scientific work of Thomas Graham, one of the most important chemists of the 19th century. With insights into the scientific and cultural context of the time, The Life and Works of Thomas Graham is an illuminating read for anyone interested in the history of chemistry and scientific discovery.This work has been ...

    33,84 €

  • William Hamilton Gibson
    John Coleman Adams
    William Hamilton Gibson was a highly influential figure in American naturalism, celebrating the beauty of the natural world through his stunning artwork and literature. This book is a fascinating study of Gibson’s life and legacy and celebrates his unique contribution to the field of nature art and literature. Richly illustrated with examples of Gibson’s work, this book is a mu...

    37,35 €

  • New Complete French Grammar
    Algernon Coleman / John Squair / William Henry Fraser
    This comprehensive guide to French grammar covers all the fundamental aspects of the language, including vocabulary, pronunciation, verb conjugations, and sentence structure. The book is designed for beginners and intermediate learners of French, and is an essential tool for anyone seeking to improve their mastery of the French language.This work has been selected by scholars a...

    44,18 €

  • Public Education in Upper Canada
    Herbert Thomas John Coleman
    This historical work on public education in Upper Canada provides a fascinating insight into the early years of the Canadian education system. Herbert Thomas John Coleman offers a detailed account of the history of education in the region, from the earliest days of European settlement to the mid-19th century. This book is an essential reference for anyone interested in the hist...

    33,78 €

  • Fifty Years of an Actor’s Life
    John Coleman
    In this memoir, Coleman reflects on his long and illustrious career as an actor. With candor and wit, he offers insights into the challenges and rewards of the profession, and shares stories of his collaborations with some of the greats of the stage.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we kno...

    39,55 €

  • Players and Playwrights I Have Known
    John Coleman
    A fascinating memoir of a life spent in the theater, featuring vivid portraits of actors, directors, and writers from the Golden Age of Broadway. With humor, insight, and an eye for detail, John Coleman offers a behind-the-scenes look at the drama and excitement of the stage.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base...

    37,41 €

  • Hosea Ballou and the Gospel Renaissance of the Nineteenth Century
    John Coleman Adams
    This book provides an in-depth look at the life and contributions of Hosea Ballou, one of the leading figures of the Unitarian Universalist movement in the United States. John Coleman Adams’ biography offers valuable insights into the religious and social movements of the 19th century, as well as Ballou’s impact on the Unitarian Church.This work has been selected by scholars as...

    15,69 €

  • Remarks and Criticism on the Hon. John Quincy Adams’s Letter to the Hon. Harrison Gray Otis
    Harrison Gray 1792-1827 Otis / John Quincy 1767-1848 Adams / William 1766-1829 Coleman
    This monograph is the response to John Quincy Adams’s letter to Harrison Gray Otis. Coleman critiques Adams’s letter regarding the War of 1812, refuting Adams’s claims and presenting his own arguments. It offers insight into the political debates of the time and offers valuable commentary on the political context of that era. This work has been selected by scholars as being cul...

    17,41 €

  • Players and Playwrights I Have Known
    John Coleman
    A fascinating memoir of a life spent in the theater, featuring vivid portraits of actors, directors, and writers from the Golden Age of Broadway. With humor, insight, and an eye for detail, John Coleman offers a behind-the-scenes look at the drama and excitement of the stage.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base...

    26,08 €

  • William Hamilton Gibson
    John Coleman Adams
    William Hamilton Gibson was a highly influential figure in American naturalism, celebrating the beauty of the natural world through his stunning artwork and literature. This book is a fascinating study of Gibson’s life and legacy and celebrates his unique contribution to the field of nature art and literature. Richly illustrated with examples of Gibson’s work, this book is a mu...

    26,02 €

  • The New Fraser and Squair Complete French Grammar
    Algernon Coleman / John Squair / William Henry Fraser
    This French grammar book is a comprehensive guide to the language, suitable for beginners or advanced learners alike. It covers all aspects of French grammar, including verbs, tenses, and sentence structure. The book also includes exercises and examples to help you practice and reinforce your learning. Whether you are studying French for school, work, or pleasure, this is an es...

    44,17 €

  • Remarks and Criticism on the Hon. John Quincy Adams’s Letter to the Hon. Harrison Gray Otis
    Harrison Gray 1792-1827 Otis / John Quincy 1767-1848 Adams / William 1766-1829 Coleman
    This monograph is the response to John Quincy Adams’s letter to Harrison Gray Otis. Coleman critiques Adams’s letter regarding the War of 1812, refuting Adams’s claims and presenting his own arguments. It offers insight into the political debates of the time and offers valuable commentary on the political context of that era. This work has been selected by scholars as being cul...

    32,87 €

  • New Complete French Grammar
    Algernon Coleman / John Squair / William Henry Fraser
    This comprehensive guide to French grammar covers all the fundamental aspects of the language, including vocabulary, pronunciation, verb conjugations, and sentence structure. The book is designed for beginners and intermediate learners of French, and is an essential tool for anyone seeking to improve their mastery of the French language.This work has been selected by scholars a...

    32,85 €

  • Public Education in Upper Canada
    Herbert Thomas John Coleman
    This historical work on public education in Upper Canada provides a fascinating insight into the early years of the Canadian education system. Herbert Thomas John Coleman offers a detailed account of the history of education in the region, from the earliest days of European settlement to the mid-19th century. This book is an essential reference for anyone interested in the hist...

    20,14 €

  • Fifty Years Of An Actos Life Vol I
    John Coleman / Hutchinson / James Pott
    In this engaging memoir, James Hutchinson takes readers on an unforgettable journey through his fifty-year career as an actor in the British theater. From his early days as a struggling young performer to his later triumphs on some of the world’s greatest stages, Hutchinson shares his personal and professional highs and lows with warmth and wit. Along the way, readers will get ...

    39,55 €

  • The Book Of Job
    John Noble Coleman
    First published in 1853, this translation of the Book of Job is a masterpiece of Biblical scholarship. John Noble Coleman, a renowned Biblical scholar, presents an accurate and readable translation of this canonical text, accompanied by extensive notes that illuminate its meaning and context. A must-read for anyone interested in the Bible, literature, or philosophy.This work ha...

    33,72 €

  • The Devil in My Dreams
    John Coleman
    Confronted with rigors of war, Navy chaplain Robert Buchanan struggles with faith and fear. His determination to fulfill his mission as chaplain brings him face to face with the Devil in his dreams. He finds friendship, courage, and heartbreak in his tour of duty in Vietnam. The memory of war forever lingers in his memory. ...

    28,07 €

  • Vrijmetselarij van A tot Z
    John Coleman
    De vrijmetselarij wordt vaak beschreven als een 'geheim genootschap', maar de vrijmetselaars zelf vinden dat het correcter is om te zeggen dat het een esoterisch genootschap is, voor zover bepaalde aspecten privé zijn. De meest gangbare formulering is dat de vrijmetselarij in de eenentwintigste eeuw minder een geheim genootschap is geworden en meer een 'genootschap van geheimen...

    22,28 €

  • De Rothschild dynastie
    John Coleman
    Dr. John Coleman, auteur van The Committee of 300, vertelt het verhaal van hoe Mayer Amschel, de oprichter van de 'Red Shield' dynastie, zijn eerste fortuin verwierf. Dit staat ver af van de mythen en legenden die nog steeds rondgaan over de man die begon als een lompenhandelaar en pandjesbaas, werkend vanuit een klein huis in de Judenstrasse in Frankfurt am Main, Duitsland, wa...

    23,33 €

  • Het Tavistock Instituut voor Menselijke Relaties
    John Coleman
    Het Tavistock Institute for Human Relations heeft een diepgaand effect gehad op het morele, spirituele, culturele, politieke en economische beleid van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika en Groot-Brittannië. Het stond vooraan bij de aanval op de Amerikaanse grondwet. Geen enkele groep produceerde meer propaganda om de Verenigde Staten aan te moedigen om deel te nemen aan de Eerste ...

    25,27 €

  • De hiërarchie van de samenzweerders
    John Coleman
    Velen van ons zijn zich er zeker van bewust dat de mensen die onze regering leiden niet de mensen zijn die de politieke en economische kwesties, in binnen- en buitenland, werkelijk controleren. Dit heeft velen van ons ertoe gebracht om de waarheid te zoeken in de alternatieve pers, die nieuwsbriefschrijvers die, net als ik, hebben onderzocht, maar niet altijd gevonden, waarom d...

    29,55 €

  • De drugsoorlog tegen Amerika
    John Coleman
    De meerderheid van de Amerikanen weet dat er een drugsepidemie is, maar slechts een kleine minderheid is zich ervan bewust dat deze aan onze samenleving is toegebracht door de 'heersers van de duisternis, de goddelozen op hoge plaatsen, die de duisternis verkiezen boven het licht omdat hun daden verkeerd zijn'. Dit boek gaat over wie deze mannen zijn en hoe ze het grootste en m...

    25,60 €

  • De dictatuur van de socialistische wereldorde
    John Coleman
    'De vijand in Washington is meer te vrezen dan de vijand in Moskou.' Het is een gevoel dat ik keer op keer heb geuit. Het communisme heeft de tariefbescherming van president George Washington niet vernietigd. Het communisme dwong de Verenigde Staten niet om de progressieve inkomstenbelasting in te voeren. Het communisme creëerde niet de Federal Reserve Board. Het communisme sle...

    27,34 €

  • Diplomatie door leugens
    John Coleman
    Het verhaal van de oprichting van de Verenigde Naties is een klassiek geval van diplomatie door middel van leugens. De Verenigde Naties volgden de ter ziele gegane Volkenbond op, de eerste poging om één enkele wereldregering op te richten in het kielzog van de Vredesconferentie van Parijs die aanleiding gaf tot het Verdrag van Versailles.De vredesconferentie opende op 18 januar...

    27,56 €

  • Voorbij de samenzwering
    John Coleman
    Door de geschiedenis heen is er vaak op gewezen dat de gemiddelde man in de meeste landen weinig of geen tijd heeft om iets anders te doen dan in zijn levensonderhoud te voorzien, een gezin groot te brengen en een baan te hebben die hem in staat stelt deze doelen te bereiken. Hierdoor heeft hij weinig of geen tijd om zich bezig te houden met politiek, economische kwesties of an...

    25,52 €

  • De Club van Rome
    John Coleman
    Om de wereldgebeurtenissen te beginnen begrijpen, moeten we ons realiseren dat de vele tragische en explosieve gebeurtenissen van de 20e eeuw niet vanzelf gebeurden, maar gepland waren volgens een vast patroon. Wie waren de planners en bedenkers van deze grote gebeurtenissen?De bedenkers van deze vaak gewelddadige en revolutionaire omwentelingen behoren voor het grootste deel t...

    22,56 €

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