Catálogo de libros: j p

2534 Catálogo de libros: j p

  • A cinco siglos de profundidad
    J. P. Muler
    Una imprudencia da lugar a una paradoja y la consecuente sucesión de acontecimientos inesperados, a través de los cuales se empieza a descubrir la verdadera realidad oculta de aquella isla caribeña olvidada. Con algunos toques de humor, el autor va hilvanando los sucesos hasta crear una atmósfera en la que sucesos inverosímiles parecen posibles, creando una simbiosis con la isl...

    18,00 €

  • I Almost Gave Up...
    Dr. 'P.J.' McPhee
    Book Synopsis: I Almost Gave Up, But Giving Up Is Not an Option Anymore! It was fascinating to think how my life appeared so well put together by so many other people, but deep down inside I knew the threads were coming apart at the seams. Several events and/or experiences of years past and present brought this notion to mind to share with family, friends, and readers the treme...

    12,55 €

  • Pardon My French Press
    J.P. Sterling
    A brewing workplace rivalry, a coffee shop that’s drying up, and two enemies who are forced to work together. When you mix it all together, you get the perfect blend. Portia There’s nothing like getting fired by an overeducated dumb person on Christmas Eve!Even worse, I’m not the first person my cantankerous-jerk bosshole pulled this on.It isn’t fair. Not to mention I’m now bro...

    12,57 €

  • The institutionalisation of madness
    J. P. Gomes do Nascimento Simões
    This study aims to investigate the meaning produced by mental health users in relation to the condition of being institutionalised in a hospital, using the Brazilian Mental Health Policy as a reference base. The results show that the perception of mental disorder has its own characteristics for each participant, but shares the same idea: that mental disorder is considered a com...

    78,01 €

  • L’institutionnalisation de la folie
    J. P. Gomes do Nascimento Simões
    Cette étude vise à examiner le sens produit par les usagers de la santé mentale en relation avec la condition d’être institutionnalisé dans un hôpital, en utilisant la politique brésilienne de santé mentale comme base de référence. Les résultats montrent que la perception des troubles mentaux a ses propres caractéristiques pour chaque participant, mais partage la même idée : le...

    77,96 €

  • L’istituzionalizzazione della follia
    J. P. Gomes do Nascimento Simões
    Questo studio si propone di indagare il significato prodotto dagli utenti della salute mentale in relazione alla condizione di essere istituzionalizzati in un ospedale, utilizzando come base di riferimento la Politica Brasiliana di Salute Mentale. I risultati mostrano che la percezione del disturbo mentale ha caratteristiche proprie per ogni partecipante, ma condivide la stessa...

    77,98 €

  • The Adventures of Taz
    J.P. McMichael
    Join Taz (J.P.’s Service Dog) as she heads out on the road to adventure! Taz and her friends take on their first of many adventures in The Adventures of Taz: Taz goes for a ride. As a service dog, Taz provides support for J.P. and the stories of her adventures will provide the same for our young readers as Taz takes on new challenges in each of her new tales. In The Adventures ...

    21,16 €

  • La vida de San Benito José Labre
    J.P. Coghlan
    Embárquese en un profundo viaje a través de la vida de San Benito José Labre, patrón de los sin techo y de los enfermos mentales, contada por su propio confesor. Esta conmovedora narración desvela la inquebrantable devoción y vida penitente del santo, que eligió una vida impregnada de humildad, oración y sacrificio por encima de las comodidades mundanas. La incesante búsqueda d...

    16,62 €

  • Insilico-Arzneimittelentdeckung gegen Brustkrebs unter Verwendung von Phytochemikalien aus Indien
    Arun Pandiyan / Dr P. Vivek / Srinath & Dr. J. Manjunathan
    Brustkrebs ist nach wie vor eine der häufigsten und lebensbedrohlichsten bösartigen Erkrankungen, von denen Frauen weltweit betroffen sind. Er entsteht im Brustgewebe, in der Regel in den Milchgängen oder -läppchen, und kann unbehandelt auf andere Körperteile übergreifen. In dieser Arbeit geht es um die Entwicklung eines potenziellen Medikaments aus sekundären Pflanzenstoffen i...

    62,02 €

  • Insilico drug discovery for breast cancer using phytochemicals of Indi
    Arun Pandiyan / Dr P. Vivek / Srinath & Dr. J. Manjunathan
    Le cancer du sein reste l’une des tumeurs malignes les plus répandues et les plus dangereuses pour la vie des femmes dans le monde. Il prend naissance dans les tissus mammaires, généralement dans les canaux lactifères ou les lobules, et peut se propager à d’autres parties du corps s’il n’est pas traité. Ce travail porte sur le développement d’un médicament potentiel à partir de...

    62,02 €

  • Scoperta di farmaci insilici per il cancro al seno utilizzando sostanze fitochimiche dell’Indiana.
    Arun Pandiyan / Dr P. Vivek / Srinath & Dr. J. Manjunathan
    Il cancro al seno rimane uno dei tumori maligni più diffusi e pericolosi per la vita delle donne in tutto il mondo. Ha origine nei tessuti della mammella, comunemente nei dotti lattiferi o nei lobuli e può diffondersi ad altre parti del corpo se non viene trattato. Questo lavoro prevede lo sviluppo di potenziali farmaci a partire da sostanze fitochimiche di erbe indiane, iniben...

    61,94 €

  • Descoberta de medicamentos in silico para o cancro da mama utilizando fitoquímicos da Índia
    Arun Pandiyan / Dr P. Vivek / Srinath & Dr. J. Manjunathan
    O cancro da mama continua a ser uma das neoplasias malignas mais prevalentes e potencialmente fatais que afectam as mulheres em todo o mundo. Tem origem nos tecidos da mama, geralmente nos ductos ou lóbulos do leite, e pode espalhar-se para outras partes do corpo se não for tratado. Este trabalho envolve o desenvolvimento de um medicamento potencial a partir de fitoquímicos de ...

    62,02 €

  • Symador
    Danielle Hughes / G.R. Thomas / J.P. McDonald
    Charity Anthology on sale for a limited time only!In the bleak expanse of a dystopian Earth, where the sky is permanently smudged with industrial grime and the metallic taste of the air settles on tongues like radioactive snowflakes, Symador’s towering walls stand sentry, protecting the inhabitants from the ever-increasing radiation beyond.From compulsory tests of magical abili...

    24,02 €

  • Operação Santa Catarina
    J. P. Pires Gomes
    Neste novo thriller policial, o autor J. P. Pires Gomes narra a virada na vida de Catarina Bianchi, que, após infortúnios pessoais, transforma-se numa advogada com coração frio e sem escrúpulos para atingir seus propósitos pessoais e de seus clientes.Em um mundo onde a corrupção se espalha como uma doença, o Promotor Alberto e o delegado Jorge reaparecem para desvendar os segre...

    15,25 €

  • Since You’ve Been Gone
    J.P. McMichael
    Since You’ve Been Gone is a story of losing someone who has impacted your life in every way, and the struggle of moving on without them there. Often times a loss is sudden and unexpected. How do you go from them being there one day and gone the next? I hope this story helps people begin to move forward and at the same time help them focus on the impact that the person they lost...

    31,68 €

    J Manjunathan / P Brindha Devi / R Sudha & Mr.S.Jayasuryan
    Kosmetika, die mit Carotinoiden hergestellt werden, haben ansprechende ästhetische Qualitäten sowie eine verbesserte topische Absorption, Funktionalität und sensorische Eigenschaften. Carotinoide als Humankosmetika haben in epidemiologischen Berichten, in der Gesundheitsforschung und in der mechanistischen Forschung nachweislich positive Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit. gründli...

    60,44 €

    J Manjunathan / P Brindha Devi / R Sudha & Mr.S.Jayasuryan
    Os cosméticos feitos com carotenóides têm qualidades estéticas apelativas, bem como uma melhor absorção tópica, funcionalidade e qualidades sensoriais. Os carotenóides como cosméticos humanos demonstraram ter impactos positivos na saúde em relatórios epidemiológicos, benefícios para a saúde e investigação mecanicista. investigação exaustiva in-vivo e in-vitro para compreender o...

    60,38 €

    J Manjunathan / P Brindha Devi / R Sudha & Mr.S.Jayasuryan
    I cosmetici a base di carotenoidi hanno qualità estetiche accattivanti, oltre a migliorare l’assorbimento topico, la funzionalità e le qualità sensoriali. I carotenoidi come cosmetici per l’uomo hanno dimostrato di avere un impatto positivo sulla salute nei rapporti epidemiologici, nei benefici per la salute e nella ricerca meccanicistica. L’individuazione di nuovi carotenoidi,...

    60,38 €

  • The Gospel in the Old Covenant
    P. J. Hoedemaker / Ruben Alvarado
    'Then Jesus said to them, ’O foolish ones, how slow are your hearts to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and then to enter His glory?’ And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He explained to them what was written in all the Scriptures about Himself' (Luke 24: 25-27). So spoke Jesus to the travellers to E...

    15,55 €

  • When My Life Began
    J P Eddies
    Are you a college student and seeking God, or are you open to the possibility that there may be a God? If so, explore the life of a young man named Jacob, a young man that was in search of meaning when all seemed lost. This tale will challenge everything you believe and leave you with a sense of wonder about if there is more to life than just what you are currently experiencing...

    7,66 €

  • The Gym Club
    J. P. Daniels
    Rocky Mount Gymnastics team member Niki Fowler is unexpectedly removed from the team and away from her best friend, Mia Allen, by Niki’s dad, Deputy Sheriff Nick Fowler. His reason for moving Niki to another gym is kept secret from Mia and Niki. In no time, Niki falls behind her former teammates. Discouraged, Niki is ready to give up gymnastics, forcing Mia to try to help her f...

    14,57 €

  • Nagas as a Society against Voting
    Jelle J. P. Wouters
    This book explores the form and character of political and social life in Nagaland. Firmly grounded in the historical experiences and ethnographic specifics of Naga society, its eleven essays variously discuss the origins, evolution and convolutions of the Naga Movement for self-determination, the ways Naga villagers apply their agency and imagination to appropriate and rework ...

    25,82 €

  • ’Tis the Season to Get Married
    J.P. Sterling
    Holidays are a time to eat, drink and get married!Or at least that is what my best friend, Nick, and I joked about but neither one of us thought would happen!It all started with a marriage pact-if neither of us were married by the time we were thirty, we would meet in Mapleton on Christmas and get hitched. We even booked the honeymoon suite to seal the pact! Then we went on wit...

    10,45 €

  • It’s Reigning in London
    J.P. Robideaux
    Rick Blaine has a new overseas mission. Under the pretext of expanding his business, Rick arrives in the UK after confronting a former adversary, Michael Castillino, in Italy. But old foes lead to new perils, and soon Rick is investigating a terrorist organization intent on ending the reign of the British Royals. Once again, Rick Blaine is put to the test as he fights injustice...

    13,03 €

  • Plague Wizards
    J P Wagner
    Discover a world where magic and science collide, where a courageous botanist and a wizard of medium ability must navigate perilous challenges and ancient mysteries to save their kingdoms from a devastating threat. In Plague Wizards, Alison Mackarg’s journey to Scotland takes an unexpected turn when she’s transported to a land with unfamiliar plant life and where people rely on...

    20,61 €

  • Physiologische und biochemische Reaktionen auf Salzstress bei der Tomate
    Osman Basha P / Sivakumar J
    Die Salzstressphysiologie ist einer der wichtigsten Bereiche in der Biologie. Die erfolgreiche Entwicklung künftiger Anwendungen hängt jedoch von den grundlegenden Kenntnissen in diesem Bereich ab. Das vorliegende Buch mit dem Titel 'Salt stress physiological response in tomato' (Physiologische Reaktion auf Salzstress bei Tomaten) deckt ein Maximum an Aspekten der biochemischen...

    114,37 €

  • Risposte fisiologiche e biochimiche allo stress salino nel pomodoro
    Osman Basha P / Sivakumar J
    La fisiologia dello stress salino è uno dei domini importanti di qualsiasi campo della biologia. Tuttavia, il successo dello sviluppo di applicazioni future dipenderà dalla conoscenza di base del dominio. Il presente libro, intitolato 'Salt stress physiological response in tomato' (Risposta fisiologica allo stress salino nel pomodoro), copre i massimi aspetti delle risposte bio...

    114,38 €

  • Réponses physiologiques et biochimiques au stress salin chez la tomate
    Osman Basha P / Sivakumar J
    La physiologie du stress salin est l’un des domaines importants de la biologie. Cependant, le développement réussi des applications futures dépendra des connaissances de base dans ce domaine. Le présent ouvrage intitulé 'Réponse physiologique au stress salin chez la tomate' couvre un maximum d’aspects des réponses biochimiques et physiologiques et s’adresse à des lecteurs issus...

    114,38 €

  • Respostas fisiológicas e bioquímicas ao stress salino no tomate
    Osman Basha P / Sivakumar J
    A fisiologia do stress salino é um dos domínios mais importantes de qualquer área da biologia. No entanto, o desenvolvimento bem sucedido de futuras aplicações dependerá do conhecimento básico do domínio. O presente livro, intitulado 'Salt stress physiological response in tomato', abrange o máximo de aspectos das respostas bioquímicas e fisiológicas e destina-se a leitores de á...

    114,38 €

  • Bob Becomes a Superhero
    P.J. Cruz
    Bob lives a quiet life in Central City. His days are routine, but he always enjoys lunches from his local restaurants. Then, one day his favorite sandwich is replaced with a culinary abomination. Bob quickly learns that a dark and flavorless shadow is sweeping over the city. A money hungry villain and his army of thugs slowly take over the city, one store at a time after which ...

    7,71 €