Catálogo de libros: gaurav garg

45 Catálogo de libros: gaurav garg

  • Analysing Your Dog’s Personality
    Gaurav Garg
    Welcome to ' Analysing Your Dog’s Personality: A Roadmap to a Deeper Bond'The purpose of this book is not to provide a handbook for training dogs but rather to serve as a guide to understanding your dog’s personality for better bonding and care.While training is an important aspect of caring for your dog, it is not the focus of this book. Instead, we have explored the various p...

    24,66 €

  • Harnessing Circadian Rhythms for Optimal life
    Gaurav Garg
    Harnessing Circadian Rhythms for an Optimal Life' is a comprehensive guide that explores the fascinating world of circadian rhythms and how they can be utilized to enhance the quality of life. From understanding the science behind these internal clocks to practical strategies for aligning our routines with them, this book covers a wide range of topics. It delves into the impact...

    28,75 €

  • Arjuna
    Gaurav Garg
    From the vibrant tapestry of Indian mythology emerges a tale unlike any other-Arjuna: Blade of the Gods-an epic saga of celestial weapons, ancient prophecies, and the indomitable spirit of a warrior destined to shape the fate of a kingdom.Arjuna, the chosen one, is plucked from the deceptive tranquility of Hastinapur’s grand celebrations, where whispers of an encroaching darkne...

    16,31 €

  • Mumbai Underdog
    Gaurav Garg
    From the depths of Mumbai’s slums, a boy named Arjun dared to dream. He wouldn’t just survive; he would rise. Cunning would be his weapon, the city’s corrupt heart his battlefield. He vowed to shatter the old order, to become the master, not the pawn.Yet, the path to power is paved with ambition’s ashes. Alliances twist and betrayals bloom amidst the chaos. Arjun’s enemies mult...

    16,34 €

  • Code of Shadows
    Gaurav Garg
    Mateo is an enforcer, a skilled killer in a world ruled by blood and power. But behind the hardened mask, a sliver of compassion remains. The lives he breaks are sacrifices to protect the one person left who depends on him. Every act of violence pushes him closer to the darkness, making him the monster he is paid to be. When one bloody job spirals out of control, he is betrayed...

    14,27 €

  • Rewire Your Brain, Discover the Best Version of You
    Gaurav Garg
    Imagine being able to tap into incredible productivity, laser-like focus, and unlimited motivation simply by changing the wiring in your brain. Sound impossible? The truth is, you can reprogram your brain through a process called neuroplasticity. Just as exercise changes your muscles, using your brain in new ways literally reshapes your neural connections for the better.In this...

    14,56 €

  • Decoding Customer Minds - Navigating the Labyrinth of Consumer Behavior
    Gaurav Garg
    Welcome to the intriguing journey ahead - a journey into the very fabric of consumer behavior, where decisions are made, preferences are formed, and connections are forged. In the bustling marketplace of ideas, products, and choices, understanding the minds of your customers is not just a business tactic; it’s the key to unlocking a world of opportunities.Unraveling the EnigmaI...

    16,63 €

  • Break the Chains
    Gaurav Garg
    In the intricate tapestry of life, relationships form the threads that weave our experiences together. They are the bonds that connect us to others, shaping our sense of belonging, love, and support. We thrive on the joy of shared moments, the comfort of companionship, and the strength of having people who truly understand us.But, in the course of our journeys, many of us have ...

    14,48 €

  • Gewebe-Klebstoffe
    Gaurav Mittal / Radhika Sharma / Ritesh Garg
    Chirurgische Klebstoffe sind attraktive Alternativen zu Nahtmaterial und Klammern. Neue Gewebeklebstoffe bieten viele der Vorteile der idealen Wundverschlussmittel. Sie haben sich bereits als kostengünstig und schmerzlos erwiesen und besitzen eine antimikrobielle Aktivität gegen grampositive Organismen. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass sie eine geringe Narbenbildung aufweisen und herv...

    60,38 €

  • Adhésifs pour tissus
    Gaurav Mittal / Radhika Sharma / Ritesh Garg
    Les adhésifs chirurgicaux sont des alternatives intéressantes aux sutures et aux agrafes. Les nouveaux adhésifs tissulaires présentent de nombreux avantages par rapport aux dispositifs idéaux de fermeture des plaies. Il a déjà été démontré qu’ils sont peu coûteux et indolores, et qu’ils ont une activité antimicrobienne contre les organismes gram-positifs. Il a été démontré qu’i...

    60,38 €

  • Adesivi per tessuti
    Gaurav Mittal / Radhika Sharma / Ritesh Garg
    Gli adesivi chirurgici sono un’alternativa interessante a suture e punti metallici. I nuovi adesivi tissutali offrono molti dei vantaggi dei dispositivi ideali per la chiusura delle ferite. È stato dimostrato che sono poco costosi e indolori e che hanno un’attività antimicrobica contro gli organismi gram-positivi. È stato dimostrato che hanno un basso tasso di cicatrici e forni...

    60,32 €

  • Adesivos para tecidos
    Gaurav Mittal / Radhika Sharma / Ritesh Garg
    Os adesivos cirúrgicos são alternativas atractivas às suturas e aos agrafos. Os novos adesivos para tecidos oferecem muitas das vantagens dos dispositivos ideais de encerramento de feridas. Já se demonstrou anteriormente que são baratos e indolores e que têm atividade antimicrobiana contra organismos gram-positivos. Foi demonstrado que têm uma baixa taxa de cicatrizes e proporc...

    60,38 €

  • The Charisma Code
    Gaurav Garg
    Welcome to a journey of personal growth, connection, and self-discovery. In the digital age, where our lives are increasingly intertwined with screens and devices, the art of personal appeal remains as vital as ever. This book is a roadmap for anyone looking to enhance their personal appeal, boost their influence, and leave a lasting impression in both their personal and profes...

    14,47 €

  • Echoes of Ancestral Wisdom
    Gaurav Garg
    History is a tapestry woven with the threads of countless stories, cultures, and legacies. It is a journey through time, a window into the triumphs and tribulations of those who came before us. Within this grand narrative, there exists a chapter that is both unique and profound—the history of Native Americans in North America.This book, " Echoes of Ancestral Wisdom: A Journey T...

    10,94 €

  • Threads of Destruction to Threads of Hope
    Gaurav Garg
    Welcome to a journey that transcends the mere act of getting dressed. This is an expedition through the vibrant, complex, and at times, elusive world of fashion and textiles. But it’s a journey with a difference, one that beckons you to explore the hidden stories behind your garments, the environmental footprints lurking beneath those stylish shoes, and the lives that weave our...

    14,30 €

  • Getting into the Mind of a Teenager
    Gaurav Garg
    Welcome to "Getting into the Mind of a Teenager: A Guide for Parents." We understand that parenting teenagers can be an exhilarating yet perplexing adventure, much like embarking on an epic odyssey. These years are a time of transformation, a period of discovery, and sometimes, a journey through uncharted waters. It’s a time when your child is growing into an adult, and you, as...

    14,47 €

  • Crypto Trading Fundamentals
    Gaurav Garg
    Welcome to the fascinating world of cryptocurrency trading! If you’re holding this book in your hands, you’ve already taken the first step towards mastering a financial frontier that’s reshaping the way we think about money and investments.In the past decade, cryptocurrencies have surged from obscurity to headlines, making millionaires and capturing the imaginations of investor...

    14,34 €

  • Flavors Unveiled
    Gaurav Garg
    Welcome to a culinary voyage like no other, where science and art converge to unravel the secrets of flavor, texture, and aroma. In this exploration of the Chemistry of Cooking, we embark on a gastronomic adventure that transcends boundaries and traditions, seeking to understand the profound chemical transformations that occur in our favorite dishes.Our journey takes us beyond ...

    14,44 €

  • Interpreting Our Dreams
    Gaurav Garg
    Welcome to a world where the boundaries of reality blur, and the landscapes of the mind come alive with endless possibilities. Dreams—the enigmatic, mysterious, and often bewildering tapestries woven in the realm of sleep—have intrigued and captivated humanity since time immemorial. They have been the subjects of myths, the muses of artists, and the focus of scientific inquiry....

    14,37 €

  • The Brain Unveiled
    Gaurav Garg
    Welcome to a captivating journey into the uncharted territory of your most incredible organ—the human brain. This book is your ticket to unraveling the mysteries of this intricate neural universe, a journey that will take you from the very basics to the frontiers of contemporary neuroscience, all while keeping the wonders of the brain accessible to every curious mind.In the pag...

    15,36 €

  • Understanding Child Psychology for Better Upbringing
    Gaurav Garg
    In the intricate tapestry of human existence, there exists a remarkable and awe-inspiring thread that weaves the fabric of society: our children. They are the embodiment of our hopes, the vessels of our dreams, and the carriers of our legacy. Understanding these young minds, nurturing their potential, and guiding them through the labyrinthine journey of childhood is a pursuit b...

    14,30 €

  • Mathematical Theories in Strategic Decisions
    Gaurav Garg
    Welcome to a journey through the fascinating world of decision-making, where mathematics and technology converge to illuminate the path forward. This book, "Mathematical Theories in Strategic Decisions," is your guide to the mathematical underpinnings of decision-making processes that shape our lives, from business strategies that drive economies to healthcare decisions that im...

    15,36 €

  • Rolling the Dice on Redemption
    Gaurav Garg
    Las Vegas - a city forever cloaked in glamour, secrets, and sin. The bright lights beckon dreamers and vagabonds alike, promising fame, fortune, and fantasy. But beneath the neon glow pulses an underworld where ambition and avarice collide.Daniel "Dice" Rivers learned those dark truths young while surviving Detroit’s gritty streets. His skill with cards and reading people soon ...

    10,94 €

  • Mystical Astrology of Ancient India
    Gaurav Garg
    This book offers an introduction to the unique system of Hindu astrology known as Lal Kitab. Authored in ancient times by the sage Ravana, it forms part of India’s rich legacy of occult sciences documented in classical scriptures like the Atharva Veda. The philosophical wisdom enclosed within Lal Kitab aims to help seekers maneuver life’s karmic challenges by awakening the soul...

    11,03 €

  • The Art of Connecting
    Gaurav Garg
    In our complex, fast-paced world, the ability to communicate effectively has never been more essential, or more challenging. Technology allows us to reach a global audience instantly, yet risks distancing us from the nuances of face-to-face human connection. Demands on our time and attention relentlessly erode focus. Diverse perspectives are heard, yet people retreat further in...

    14,23 €

  • The Ayurvedic Kitchen
    Gaurav Garg
    Ayurveda is an ancient Indian holistic healing system that has been practiced for thousands of years. It aims to create balance in the body and mind through proper diet, lifestyle, herbal remedies and spiritual practices. This cookbook brings the wisdom of Ayurveda straight to your kitchen with a collection of easy, delicious recipes tailored to nourish each dosha or mind-body ...

    16,37 €

  • Ayurveda for Glowing Skin
    Gaurav Garg
    For thousands of years, women in India have practiced ancient Ayurvedic rituals to enhance their natural beauty. These time-tested traditions bring out the most radiant and healthy version of yourself using only natural ingredients and mindfulness techniques. This book brings you the secrets of Ayurvedic beauty care from ancient scriptures and texts so you can adopt these ritua...

    17,41 €

  • Ayurveda for Weight Management
    Gaurav Garg
    Tired of struggling to lose weight only to regain it all back? The solution isn’t trying harder - it’s balancing your body and mind holistically.Grounded in thousands of years of practice, Ayurveda provides natural, personalized protocols to help you achieve your healthiest weight in body, mind, and spirit. Unlike fad diets, Ayurveda identifies the root causes behind your imbal...

    14,34 €

  • Innovators Unleashed
    Gaurav Garg
    In an increasingly complex and fast-changing business environment, strategy is vital to outmaneuver competitors and lead organizations forward. This book presents 36 compelling case studies spanning diverse companies across industries, geographies and business models. Real-world examples bring strategy principles to life - how visionary leaders anticipated change, set bold dire...

    10,90 €

  • No More Mr. Nice Guy
    Gaurav Garg
    Assertiveness is one of the most valuable skills anyone can cultivate, yet also one of the most challenging. After a lifetime of cultural conditioning toward compliance and conflict avoidance, embracing assertive communication requires transformative personal growth. It takes courage to find your voice after being silenced. My aim in writing this book is to provide guidance and...

    14,24 €

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