Catálogo de libros: benoit

565 Catálogo de libros: benoit

  • You’re Chronically Ill... So Now What?
    Shelly Benoit Hendricks
    So you have a chronic illness. Naming it was probably hard-won and you feel like you’re reeling from the enormity of this new life and all that it entails. I’ve been there. Chronic Illness is a whole new animal. I want to share what God has taught me since learning I have a chronic illness. In this book, I have compiled 30 of my devotionals that best deal with coming to terms w...

    21,29 €

  • The Cyborg’s Fortune
    Benoit Lanteigne
    A cruel decision lies before Commander Daniel Ricdeau. No doubt it’s the hardest choice of his career, or rather his life. Ever since the mysterious cyborg known as Doctor Death became Ostark’s president, he remained out of reach. Most of his time he spent in secure military complexes. Even when a rare public appearance happened, intense security measures and disinformation cam...

    18,32 €

  • Union des Groupes d’Initiative Commune des Agriculteurs de Bokito
    Thierry Benoît Bidias
    Liberalization in the 1990s allowed the State to withdraw and encouraged private initiative. Thanks to the law of August 14, 1992 on cooperative societies and common initiative groups, ICGs have emerged in Cameroon in general, and in the Bokito district in particular. The present study focuses on the 'Union des groupes d’initiative commune des agriculteurs de Bokito (1994-2017)...

    111,90 €

  • Union des Groupes d’Initiative Commune des Agriculteurs de Bokito
    Thierry Benoît Bidias
    A liberalização dos anos 90 permitiu a retirada do Estado e favoreceu a iniciativa privada. Neste sentido, graças à lei de 14 de agosto de 1992 sobre as sociedades cooperativas e os grupos de iniciativa comum, assiste-se ao aparecimento dos CIG nos Camarões em geral e no distrito de Bokito em particular. O objeto do presente estudo é a 'união dos grupos de iniciativa comum dos ...

    111,90 €

  • l’Union des Groupes d’Initiative Commune des Agriculteurs de Bokito
    Thierry Benoît Bidias
    Die Liberalisierung ab den 1990er Jahren ermöglichte den Rückzug des Staates und förderte die Privatinitiative. Dank des Gesetzes vom 14. August 1992 über Genossenschaften und Gruppen gemeinsamer Initiative haben sich in Kamerun im Allgemeinen und im Bezirk Bokito im Besonderen die GICs entwickelt. Der zentrale Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der 'Union ...

    111,86 €

  • Union des Groupes d’Initiative Commune des Agriculteurs de Bokito
    Thierry Benoît Bidias
    La liberalizzazione degli anni ’90 ha permesso allo Stato di ritirarsi e ha incoraggiato l’iniziativa privata. A tal fine, grazie alla legge del 14 agosto 1992 sulle società cooperative e i gruppi di iniziativa comune, si assiste all’avvento dei CIG in Camerun in generale e nel distretto di Bokito in particolare. Il focus di questo studio è l’'Unione dei gruppi di iniziativa co...

    111,90 €

    Benoît MBALA KABUYA / Patty Tshomba Sumaïli
    Il nostro progetto si basa sulla 'Realizzazione di un database Data Mart per la concessione di prestiti bancari alla cassa di risparmio congolese (CADECO)', con l’obiettivo di implementare un’applicazione di sistema decisionale per soddisfare le esigenze della cassa di risparmio. Il nostro contributo allo studio è stato quello di produrre un data mart sulla concessione dei pres...

    60,32 €

    Benoît MBALA KABUYA / Patty Tshomba Sumaïli
    O nosso projeto baseia-se na 'Implementação de uma base de dados Data Mart para a concessão de empréstimos bancários à Caixa Económica Congolesa (CADECO)'. O objetivo deste projeto é implementar uma aplicação de sistema de tomada de decisão para responder às necessidades da Caixa Económica. A nossa contribuição para o nosso estudo consistiu em produzir um data mart sobre a conc...

    60,32 €

    Benoît MBALA KABUYA / Patty Tshomba Sumaïli
    Unser Projekt basiert auf dem Thema 'Mise en place d’une Base d’données Data Mart pour l’octroi des crédits Bancaires à la caisse d’épargne Congolaise, (CADECO en sigle)'. Das Ziel dieses Projekts ist die Einführung einer Anwendung für ein Entscheidungssystem, um den Bedürfnissen der CADECO gerecht zu werden. Unser Beitrag zu dieser Studie bestand darin, einen Data Mart über di...

    60,38 €

    Benoît MBALA KABUYA / Patty Tshomba Sumaïli
    Our project is based on the 'Implementation of a Data Mart database for the granting of bank loans at the Caisse d’Epargne Congolaise, (CADECO in acronym)', the objective pursued in this project is the implementation of a decision-making system application to meet the needs of the latter. Our contribution to the study was to produce a Data Mart on the granting of loans, and fro...

    60,32 €

  • Theses defended at the University of Kisangani
    Benoît Mbaya Kabambi / Pierre-Claver Ndjango O.
    Underground literature, despite its importance thanks to its first-hand information, often remains difficult to access because of its character, i.e. its mode of production which escapes the normal circuit of document distribution. This annotated bibliography of theses defended at the University of Kisangani has been compiled to compensate for this shortcoming. Its aim is to gi...

    158,92 €

  • Tesi difese all’Università di Kisangani
    Benoît Mbaya Kabambi / Pierre-Claver Ndjango O.
    La letteratura underground, nonostante la sua importanza grazie alle informazioni di prima mano, rimane spesso di difficile accesso a causa del suo carattere, cioè del suo modo di produzione che sfugge al normale circuito di distribuzione dei documenti. La presente bibliografia commentata delle tesi difese presso l’Università di Kisangani è stata redatta per compensare questa m...

    158,89 €

  • Thèses soutenus à l’Université de Kisangani
    Benoît Mbaya Kabambi / Pierre-Claver Ndjango O.
    Die Untergrundliteratur ist trotz ihrer Bedeutung aufgrund ihrer Informationen aus erster Hand oftmals schwer zugänglich, da sie sich aufgrund ihrer Produktionsweise dem normalen Verbreitungsweg von Dokumenten entzieht. Die vorliegende annotierte Bibliographie der an der Universität Kisangani verteidigten Dissertationen wurde erstellt, um diese Unzulänglichkeit zu beheben. Ihr ...

    158,86 €

  • Teses defendidas na Universidade de Kisangani
    Benoît Mbaya Kabambi / Pierre-Claver Ndjango O.
    A literatura clandestina, apesar da sua importância graças à sua informação em primeira mão, permanece muitas vezes de difícil acesso devido ao seu carácter, ou seja, ao seu modo de produção que escapa ao circuito normal de distribuição de documentos. Esta bibliografia anotada das teses defendidas na Universidade de Kisangani foi elaborada para colmatar esta lacuna. O seu objet...

    158,89 €

  • Тигровата Лилия на Банкок
    Owen Jones / Katya Nenova-Benoit
    Тигровата Лилия на Банкок Когато семената на отмъщението разцъфват. Лили беше щастливо малко момиче, което продължи до момента, в който 'чичо' започна да я насилва, когато беше на единадесет. Тя стана срамежлива и затворена, водейки самотен живот, докато не се премести в Банкок да учи в университет. Обаче, мислите и миналото й не я оставяха на мира, за това след часовете тя зап...

    12,54 €

  • Biogéothérapie
    Benoit Lambert
    Biogéothérapie — solutions à la crise climatique fondées sur la nature,la vie comme force géologique présente un mouvement de fermiers, descientifiques, un mouvement politique et diplomatique. Il s’appuie surquatre pratiques restauratrices : la gestion holistique des pâturages,l’agriculture sans labours avec plantes de couverture, le biochar, lareforestation à grande échelle. L...

    28,31 €

  • The Cyborg’s Riddle
    Benoit Lanteigne
    The cyborg’s game intensifies as he once again contacts James. This time, he proposes a riddle of sorts. According to his claims, solving it will reveal Rose and the others lied about the origins of the first human.As a human himself, this is a subject close to James’s heart. Especially given the hatred he experienced on arrival because of his specie. Though Rose offered an exp...

    18,15 €

  • Accounts, Excuses, and Apologies, Third Edition
    William L. Benoit
    Proposes a theory and case studies on repairing a damaged or threatened image or reputation. ...

    43,68 €

  • Accounts, Excuses, and Apologies, Third Edition
    William L. Benoit
    In our constantly plugged-in and connected world, image is everything. People, groups, organizations, and countries frequently come under suspicion of wrongdoing and sometimes require defense. Accounts, Excuses, and Apologies describes the image-repair strategies that may be used to help defuse these threats.The Third Edition of this classic book builds on theories for rehabili...

    127,31 €

  • l’Union des Groupes d’Initiative Commune des Agriculteurs de Bokito
    Thierry Benoît Bidias
    La libéralisation survenue à partir des années 1990 a permis le retrait de l’Etat et encouragé l’initiative privée. A cet effet, grâce à la loi du 14 Août 1992 relative aux sociétés coopératives et aux groupes d’initiative commune, on assiste à l’avènement des GIC au Cameroun en général, et en particulier dans l’arrondissement de Bokito. Le présent travail a pour objet central ...

    114,28 €

  • Legend of the Crimson Blaze
    Damien Benoit-Ledoux
    When First Lieutenant Catalina Hernandez awakens in the morgue with superpowers, she’s determined to discover the truth behind the CIA’s faulty experiments and the mysterious organization known as The Order. But when the Ranalli mafia kills her lover, Catalina’s past comes back to haunt her. With a heart full of vengeance, Catalina heads to Baltimore, MD, with a plan to infiltr...

    20,65 €

  • The Cyborg’s Warning
    Benoit Lanteigne
    I almost ripped my ears off. And yet, part of me wanted to listen to him. It’s like a horrible car crash. You try to look away, but you just can’t. No question James had a raw deal. Not only did he teleport to another universe, but he also had to live in a secure military complex named Valardir for protection. The only bright spot is that Rose Ricdeau, his winged benefactor, sh...

    17,49 €

  • أخلاقيّّات الماء
    Benoît Girardin
    يرى بعضهم أنّ ما من أهميّةٍ تذكر للآفاق الأخلاقيّة المتصلة بإدارة المياه أو أنّ لا قيمة مضافة لها. بيد أنّ هذا النّص، في تناوله لأخلاقيّات الماء، يدافعُ عن الأطروحة المضادة، ذلك أنّه يستحضرُ القيم والمبادئ الأخلاقية بغية التأثير في القضايا المتّصلة بالمياه وتقديم الحلول الّتي تزيدُ من فرص الأطراف المعنيّة في تحقيق نتائج إيجابيّة. وما من شكّ في أنّ الاعتبارات الأخلاقيّة تلعبُ دو...

    11,42 €

  • La règle de Saint Benoît
    Saint Benoit
    'La Règle de Saint Benoît' est un ouvrage écrit par Saint Benoît de Nursie, un moine chrétien du VIe siècle, considéré comme l’un des saints les plus importants de l’histoire de l’Église catholique. Cette règle monastique, également connue sous le nom de la 'Règle bénédictine', est un document fondateur pour l’ordre des Bénédictins et a eu une influence majeure sur le monachism...

    27,18 €

  • Moving Forward - Collection of Poetry 3
    L. Benoit
    My third collection of poetry book, about many different issues we deal with daily. ...

    60,37 €

  • Tinta decorativa
    O domínio da cor é essencial para o decorador quando se trata de reconhecer os diferentes objectivos a atingir antes de cada conceção. Tudo deve variar de acordo com o ambiente, o gosto e a natureza daqueles a quem propõe as suas criações.Se a música, sem ser um produto de consumo vital, tem uma grande importância nas nossas vidas, a decoração é também uma substância sem a qual...

    60,32 €

  • Dekorative Malerei
    Die Beherrschung der Farbe ist für den Dekorateur sehr unerlässlich, wenn man die verschiedenen Ziele erkennt, die vor jedem Entwurf erreicht werden müssen. Alles muss je nach der Umgebung, dem Geschmack und der Natur derer, denen man seine Kreationen anbietet, variieren.Wenn Musik, ohne ein lebenswichtiges Konsumgut zu sein, eine sehr große Bedeutung in unserem Leben hat, ist ...

    60,32 €

  • Decorative paint
    The mastery of color is indispensable for the decorator when it comes to recognizing the different objectives to be achieved before each design. Everything must vary according to the setting, the taste and the nature of those to whom one is proposing one’s creations.If music, without being a vital consumer product, is of great importance in our lives, decoration is also a subst...

    60,26 €

  • Vernice decorativa
    La padronanza del colore è essenziale per il decoratore quando si tratta di riconoscere i diversi obiettivi da raggiungere prima di ogni progetto. Tutto deve variare a seconda dell’ambiente, del gusto e della natura di coloro ai quali si propongono le proprie creazioni.Se la musica, senza essere un prodotto di consumo vitale, ha una grande importanza nella nostra vita, anche la...

    60,32 €

  • The International Law on Climate Change
    Benoit Mayer

    157,27 €