Catálogo de libros: augustine chingwala musopole

7 Catálogo de libros: augustine chingwala musopole

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  • Die Vorfahren und Jesus Christus in der afrikanischen Theologie
    Augustine Chingwala Musopole
    Die Afrikaner haben ihre Vorfahren als Vermittler zwischen ihnen und ihrem Schöpfer betrachtet. Wie kommt es, dass das Christentum erklärt, es gebe nur einen Vermittler zwischen Gott und der Menschheit, den Menschen Jesus Christus. Wie bringen afrikanische Christen diese beiden Ansprüche miteinander in Einklang? Die Lehre von der Gemeinschaft der Heiligen ist unzureichend, da H...

    101,22 €

  • Les ancêtres et Jésus-Christ dans la théologie africaine
    Augustine Chingwala Musopole
    Les Africains ont considéré leurs ancêtres comme les médiateurs entre eux et leur créateur, comment se fait-il que le christianisme, lui, a déclaré qu’il y avait un seul médiateur entre Dieu et l’humanité, l’homme Jésus-Christ. Comment les chrétiens africains concilient-ils ces deux affirmations ? La doctrine de la communion des saints est inadéquate puisque la sainteté et l’as...

    101,24 €

  • Gli antenati e Gesù Cristo nella teologia africana
    Augustine Chingwala Musopole
    Gli africani hanno considerato i loro antenati i mediatori tra loro e il loro creatore, come mai il cristianesimo, che ha dichiarato che c’era un solo mediatore tra Dio e l’umanità, l’uomo Cristo Gesù. Come fanno i cristiani africani a conciliare queste due affermazioni? La dottrina della comunione dei santi è inadeguata, poiché santità e ascendenza non sono la stessa cosa. Poi...

    101,29 €

  • Os Ancestrais e Jesus Cristo na Teologia Africana
    Augustine Chingwala Musopole
    Os africanos consideraram os seus antepassados os mediadores entre eles e o seu criador, como é que o cristianismo, declarou que havia um mediador entre Deus e a humanidade, o homem Cristo Jesus. Como é que os cristãos africanos conciliam estas duas afirmações? A doutrina da comunhão dos santos é inadequada uma vez que a santidade e a ancestralidade não são a mesma. uma vez que...

    101,28 €

  • Singing and Dancing for God
    Augustine Chingwala Musopole
    No sooner had northern Malawians started to become Christians in the late 19th century, than they began to compose hymns. Rather than attempting rational discourse or literary production, their first instinct was to sing and dance their faith. In this book Augustine Musopole offers us the first comprehensive analysis of the theology found in the hymns - a ground-breaking contri...

    58,98 €

  • Umunthu Theology
    Augustine Chingwala Musopole
    What is the key to understanding in a truly Malawian way? After a lifetime’s theological reflection the author finds the answer in the concept of uMunthu (personhood or human-ness). Drawing on Malawi’s cultures and languages, the biblical text and the evangelical faith, he casts a theological vision that can be transformative for church and nation.  ...

    39,23 €

  • Me And My Thoughts
    Augustine Chingwala Musopole
    While life is meant to be celebrated in its entirety, it faces challenges that baffle the mind, making it appear contradictory, rendering humanity often times vulnerable, helpless and hopeless. Yet there is some truth in the words of Max Erhmann, 'With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world’ that is fearfully and wonderfully made.' These poems a...

    34,81 €