Catálogo de libros: alex

3525 Catálogo de libros: alex

    A inclusão e o empoderamento das pessoas com deficiência visual são temas recorrentes, que vêm sendo cada vez mais discutidos em diversos âmbitos do conhecimento. Na perspectiva da arte contemporânea, nos ambientes expositivos, essa realidade ainda é um grande obstáculo, pois, durante séculos e até mesmo nos dias atuais observa-se que as exposições de arte sempre são direcionad...

    61,57 €

  • Toddler’s World
    Alex Wood
    Welcome to 'Toddler’s World' short stories book, a delightful collection crafted especially for the littlest readers and their curious minds. In the enchanting pages of this e-book, young minds will embark on a journey filled with wonder, imagination, and the joyous exploration of the world around them. ...

    19,69 €

  • Inseguridad en las Relaciones
    Alex Sutton
    ¿Estás en una relación pero tienes un sentido de intranquilidad muy constante? ¿Te preocupas y preguntas si eres lo suficientemente bueno para tu pareja? ¿O temes que te abandonen en cualquier momento? Entonces sigue leyendo...'La inseguridad es como un veneno que puede destruir una relación. La confianza es el antídoto.' - UnknownLas relaciones siempre van a ser un territorio ...

    14,44 €

  • Gruber Meckel’s Syndrome
    Alex Villa
    Meckel Gruber syndrome is a ciliopathy, a fatal autosomal recessive, multisystemic disorder, which can affect individuals of all races and ethnicities. Also called splaknocystic dysencephaly or cerebrorenodigital syndrome. Syndrome characterised by the classic triad: polycystic hyperplastic polycystic kidneys (100 % of cases), occipital encephalocele (90 % of cases) and postaxi...

    56,21 €

  • Syndrome de Gruber-Meckel
    Alex Villa
    Le syndrome de Meckel Gruber est une ciliopathie, une maladie autosomique récessive mortelle, multisystémique, qui peut toucher des individus de toutes les races et de toutes les ethnies. Également appelé dysencéphalie splaknocystique ou syndrome cérébro-nodigital. Syndrome caractérisé par la triade classique : reins polykystiques hyperplasiques (100 % des cas), encéphalocèle o...

    56,21 €

  • Síndrome de Gruber Meckel
    Alex Villa
    A síndrome de Meckel Gruber é uma ciliopatia, uma doença autossómica recessiva fatal, multissistémica, que pode afetar indivíduos de todas as raças e etnias. Também designada por disencefalia esplaknocística ou síndrome cerebrorenodigital. Síndrome caracterizado pela tríade clássica: rins policísticos hiperplásicos policísticos (100 % dos casos), encefalocele occipital (90 % do...

    56,21 €

  • Gruber-Meckel-Syndrom
    Alex Villa
    Das Meckel-Gruber-Syndrom ist eine Ziliopathie, eine tödliche autosomal-rezessive, multisystemische Störung, die Menschen aller Rassen und Ethnien betreffen kann. Es wird auch als splaknozystische Dysenzephalie oder cerebrorenodigitales Syndrom bezeichnet. Das Syndrom ist durch die klassische Trias gekennzeichnet: polyzystische hyperplastische polyzystische Nieren (100 % der Fä...

    56,21 €

  • Sindrome di Gruber Meckel
    Alex Villa
    La sindrome di Meckel Gruber è una ciliopatia, un disturbo multisistemico autosomico recessivo fatale che può colpire individui di tutte le razze ed etnie. Viene anche chiamata disencefalia splaknocistica o sindrome cerebrorenodigitale. Sindrome caratterizzata dalla classica triade: reni policistici iperplastici (100 % dei casi), encefalocele occipitale (90 % dei casi) e polida...

    56,21 €

  • Problèmes de Deuxième Chance
    Alex McAnders
    Claude Harper pensait que son avenir dans le football-et avec son meilleur ami, Merri-était foutu, jusqu’à ce que son passé le rattrape avec une offre qu’il n’a pas vue venir.  Merri, entraîneur adjoint d’une équipe professionnelle, doit trouver un quarterback capable de changer la donne pour conserver son emploi, et il croit que Claude a toujours le cœur et le bras dont il est...

    13,97 €

  • Let’s talk about the First Date
    Alex White
    Are you feeling nervous about your first date?Don’t worry, we have got you covered! Introducing 'Let’s talk about the First Date' - a comprehensive guide for teenagers that provides practical tips and advice to help you navigate the world of dating.As a teenager, dating can be an exciting but also intimidating experience. With this guide, you’ll have all the information you nee...

    13,06 €

  • Problemas de una Segunda Oportunidad
    Alex McAnders
    Claude Harper pensó que su futuro en el fútbol americano -y con su mejor amigo, Merri- había sido derribado, hasta que su pasado volvió con una oferta que nunca esperó.Merri, entrenador asistente de un equipo profesional, necesita encontrar a un mariscal de campo que cambie el juego para mantener su trabajo y cree que Claude sigue teniendo el corazón y el brazo del cual se enam...

    14,03 €

  • I guai di una seconda possibilità
    Alex McAnders
    Claude Harper pensava che il suo futuro nel football, e con il suo migliore amico, Merri, fosse stato messo da parte, finché il passato non tornò all’attacco con una proposta che non avrebbe mai previsto.  Merri, assistente allenatore di una squadra professionistica, per mantenere il suo lavoro, doveva trovare un quarterback capace di cambiare le sorti del gioco, e credeva che ...

    14,05 €

  • What Should I Look for in a Church? (Arabic)
    Alex Duke
    Looking for a new church can feel overwhelming, and it’s often difficult to know what aspects to prioritize. In this addition to the Church Questions series, Alex Duke provides criteria on what to look for in a healthy local church. Using personal experiences and biblical principles, Duke identifies important elements within the church-the gospel, the Bible, and the community-a...

    5,67 €

  • What Should We Do About Members Who Won’t Attend? (Arabic)
    Alex Duke
    Helping Leaders to Develop Meaningful Church MembershipMany new believers have questions about what it means to live as a Christian in the context of a local church, and pastors are looking for resources to pass along to their congregations to help them think biblically about the Christian life. Created in partnership with 9Marks, Church Questions is a series that seeks to prov...

    5,70 €

  • La guerra del orden
    Alex Manzano Salas
    Hiro y Lyan son unos jóvenes hermanos, que viven junto a sus padres de origen campesino, en el pacífico y próspero Reino de Hordof. Hiro desea y sueña despierto con salir al exterior, cosa que el mismo rey de dicha nación, les impide a todos sus habitantes por los peligros exteriores. Pero un día eso cambiaría para siempre.Tras el ataque de un ejército misterioso y salvaje, tod...

    21,78 €

  • All Gods Children
    Alex Mitchell
    A crime so atrocious gangsters, killers, and social deviants alike cringe at the thought of it.Who really is responsible for all Gods Children.When the good guys are impotent to stop the bad guys, an even worse group of people is required.Enter the Braden twins.The twins Nicky and Cole combine with Libby to fight against a pair of twins that auction infant body parts stolen fro...

    24,80 €

  • Problemas de Matrimonio Mafioso
    Alex McAnders
    Remy Lyon, heredero multimillonario de un imperio mafioso, siempre ha deseado al mejor amigo de su hermano menor, Dillon. Él veía la belleza en Dillon que Dillon no podía ver en sí mismo, pero debido al estatus principesco de Remy, no se atrevía a actuar. En el funeral de su padre, Remy tiene una última oportunidad de reclamar a Dillon como suyo. Sus planes se arruinan cuando A...

    14,06 €

  • Peaceful Coexistence
    Alex Rivera
    In our journey through life, we encounter a diverse tapestry of individuals, each with their own unique perspectives, personalities, and quirks. While many of these encounters are pleasant and enriching, there are moments when we find ourselves facing the challenging task of dealing with difficult people. Whether it’s a confrontational colleague, a passive-aggressive friend, a ...

    16,32 €

  • Boost Your Skills in Microsoft® Excel 365/2021
    Alex Scott
    The easy way to learn and retain key Microsoft® Excel skills!Prove your skills to employers and get certified! Provides prep for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Excel exam (Associate and Expert levels)Includes access to an online resource center with multimedia assets that enhance learningProvides training for beginning, intermediate, and advanced users Employs the unri...

    29,93 €

  • Felicidade
    Alex Wizzenberg
    A busca da felicidade é tão antiga quanto o próprio homem.Procuramos por ela desde que nascemos.Tão cedo quanto ainda bebê, você já buscava motivos para sorrir.Ao crescer, passou a sonhar com a felicidade.Achou que ela estaria nas coisas externas, ou que alguém a traria para você.Como tantos descobriram, isso não é verdade.Muitos decidiram então que felicidade é algo impossível...

    21,91 €

  • Arabian Noir
    Alex Shaw / Annabel Kantaria / Michael Lynes
    'A dynamic, diverse and above all brilliant collection of stories.' Mark Billingham Sunday Times Bestselling Crime Writer, Comedian, ActorThe Arabian Noir anthology represents a milestone for the Crime Writers Association’s (CWA) Gulf Chapter. Editor-authors Michael Lynes and Alex Shaw have compiled a collection that foregrounds tales of murder and mystery either set in the loc...

    10,11 €

  • The Lawsuit-Free Company
    Alex Gertsburg / Louis J. Licata
    You are at risk of being sued. What are you doing about it?Lawsuits are business killers. Your focus should be growing your business and taking care of your people, not painful, expensive litigation. Thankfully, you now have a proven tool to help navigate the path to a lawsuit-free company. Through the groundbreaking CoverMySix® program, you can assess your exposure to the only...

    12,08 €

  • The Lawsuit-Free Company
    Alex Gertsburg / Louis J. Licata
    You are at risk of being sued. What are you doing about it?Lawsuits are business killers. Your focus should be growing your business and taking care of your people, not painful, expensive litigation. Thankfully, you now have a proven tool to help navigate the path to a lawsuit-free company. Through the groundbreaking CoverMySix® program, you can assess your exposure to the only...

    17,61 €

  • Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
    Alex Borde
    The book delves into the research and advancements in agricultural biosystem development, bioprocess, and bioproducts. It takes an integrative approach by combining agronomical practices and agricultural engineering to address the challenges in these areas. The adoption of technology in the agricultural sector is crucial for ensuring food security and alleviating poverty, whic...

    134,71 €

  • La compagne retrouvée du loup solitaire
    Alex (Shifter) McAnders
    Claude Harper, un hybride loup métamorphe reclus, a toujours cru que son destin était d’être seul. Pourquoi? Parce que tout le monde avait peur de lui. Du moins, ils l’auraient été s’ils avaient su ce qu’il était. Son espèce se nourrit de surnaturel. Cela faisait de lui la chose des cauchemars de l’enfance... si quelqu’un connaissait le vrai lui. Il y avait cependant une person...

    13,93 €

  • A Cheeky Adventure
    Alex E Warren
    If there is one thing that Frankie the Squirrel loves, it’s a slow morning of drinking hot tea and listening to his favorite music. During one of these routine mornings, he receives some startling news; a monster has taken his friends! Frankie will have to muster his courage and pack a lunch as he sets out on this adventure. It is sure to be a challenge, but he will press on wi...

    17,42 €

  • La Compañera Reclamada del Lobo Solitario
    Alex (Shifter) McAnders
    Claude Harper, un cambiaformas lobo híbrido y ermitaño, siempre creyó que su destino era estar solo. ¿Por qué? Porque todos le temían. Al menos lo harían si supieran lo que era. Su especie se alimentaba de lo sobrenatural. Eso le convertía en la criatura de las pesadillas infantiles... si alguien conociese al verdadero Claude. Sin embargo, hubo una persona que sí conoció al ver...

    13,98 €

  • La compagna riconquistata di un lupo solitario
    Alex (Shifter) McAnders
    Claude Harper, un ibrido lupo solitario mutaforma, ha sempre creduto che il suo destino fosse quello di rimanere solo. Perché? Perché tutti avevano paura di lui. O almeno l’avrebbero temuto se avessero saputo cos’era. La sua specie si nutriva del soprannaturale. Questo lo rendeva l’oggetto degli incubi dell’infanzia... sempre che qualcuno conoscesse il suo vero essere. C’era pe...

    13,15 €

  • Zurückgewonnene Gefährtin des einsamen Wolfs
    Alex (Shifter) McAnders
    Claude Harper, ein zurückgezogener Wolfswandlermischling, hat immer geglaubt, dass es sein Schicksal sein würde, allein zu bleiben. Warum? Weil alle vor ihm Angst hatten. Zumindest würden sie welche haben, wenn sie wüssten, was er war. Seine Art ernährte sich vom Übernatürlichen. Das machte ihn zum Gegenstand von Kindheitsalpträumen ... wenn denn jemand sein wahres Ich kennen w...

    13,02 €

  • Scorpio Rising
    Alex McDonough
    A Journey Through Time and SpaceFleeing his home planet, Scorpio traveled through time, only to find new dangers on the strange world called Earth!The alien Scorpio escaped the violence of his home planet-but the vengeful Hunters were fast on his trail, Fleeing medieval France, Scorpio and his earthling friend Leah jump through time to Elizabethan London, only to be thrust into...

    13,98 €