Catálogo de libros: alex

3520 Catálogo de libros: alex

  • Pretty Lies / Ugly Truths
    Alex McHale
    A debut poetry collection written over the course of 5 years- from the ages 16 to 21- by a trans man coming of age while trying to balance trauma, dysphoria, and the hope that someday things will get better. From the internal struggle of growing up queer and religious, to the rage at being young in a body that is already falling apart, these poems serve as a sort of extended th...

    20,37 €

  • Las Mejores Frases Que Conducen a la Riqueza y la Felicidad
    Alex Asencio
    Aqui le proporcionamos frases que ayudan a encontrar la felicidad y riqueza, ya que la felicidad es algo que no podemos ver, pero si podemos sentir; la riqueza esta dividida en varias partes algunas de las mas influyentes son: la riqueza mental y riqueza economica, ya que si tenemos riqueza mental vamos a tener riqueza economica.Si nosotros nos movemos constantemente hacia lo q...

    10,51 €

  • Heartbreak Incorporated
    Alex De Campi
    Evie Cross had big dreams of becoming an investigative journalist but at 25 and struggling to make it in New York City, she’s finally starting to admit that her dream is her side hustle and her day job is actually... her job. That is, until she signs on as a temp for a small consultancy whose principal, Misha Meserov, specializes in breaking up relationships. Misha is tall, inf...

    15,27 €

  • Cut and Save the Line
    Alex Nolos
    Cut and Save the Line is a debut novel that sheds light on what it means to be trans when the coming out is off the table. By the time college acting student Lis meets Ty at a drag bar, she’d spent a lot of time alone in her dorm room watching transition vlogs and contemplating the space between herself and the screen. But Ty is flesh and blood, not just in a video, and he’s of...

    15,18 €

  • Le Mariage Mafieux Forcé de Mon Petit-Ami
    Alex McAnders
    Remy Lyon, héritier milliardaire d’un empire mafieux, a toujours désiré Dillon, la meilleure amie de sa sœur. Il a vu en Dillon la beauté que celle-ci ne voyait pas en elle-même. Mais avec son statut de prince, Remy n’ose pas montrer ses sentiments. À l’enterrement de son père, Remy a une dernière chance de se rapprocher de Dillon. Ses plans sont ruinés quand Armand Clement, l’...

    14,02 €

  • Tundra
    Alex Crivier
    DEMOCRACIAS PODRES? DITADURAS ÍNTEGRAS? No novo livro de Alex Crivier, nenhuma certeza fica de pé. Uma ficção que investiga a sociedade como nunca antes. Leia o livro! Compartilhe! REFLITA! Um único homem poderia mudar o mundo? E, se o pudesse, por quais razões o faria? Afinal, o mundo precisa ser mudado? Elton e Jeremias estão convencidos de que nada pode continuar do jeito qu...

    16,63 €

  • AI-Driven Innovations in Digital Healthcare
    Alex Khang
    Within the healthcare sector, a pressing need for transformative changes is growing. From chronic diseases to complex diagnostic procedures, the industry stands at the crossroads of technological innovation and a burgeoning demand for more efficient, precise interventions. Patient expectations are soaring, and the deluge of medical data is overwhelming traditional healthcare sy...

    727,19 €

  • Albor de un romance. Tomo I
    El albor de la mañana da comienzo a un viaje colmado de memorias y sensaciones. Estrofas que describen sentimientos ocultos y retratan lo que el corazón palpita. «Albor de un romance», una obra que inspira y conecta versos para hacer vibrar la poesía en tu interior. ...

    13,52 €

  • Entrepreneurial Enlightenment
    Alex Wealthfield
    Discover the path to a higher level of entrepreneurship with 'Entrepreneurial Enlightenment.' In this transformative book, author Alex Wealthfield explores the profound connection between spirituality and business success. Learn how to align your values and spiritual beliefs with your entrepreneurial journey, forging a path to fulfilment and lasting impact. Packed with practica...

    17,69 €

  • Participatory design in tactile experiences
    The inclusion and empowerment of people with visual impairments are recurring themes that are increasingly being discussed in various fields of knowledge. From the perspective of contemporary art, in exhibition environments, this reality is still a major obstacle, because for centuries and even today, art exhibitions have always been aimed at the visually impaired, alienating t...

    60,20 €

  • Partizipative Gestaltung taktiler Erlebnisse
    Inklusion und Empowerment von Menschen mit Sehbehinderungen sind immer wiederkehrende Themen, die in verschiedenen Wissensbereichen zunehmend diskutiert werden. Aus der Perspektive der zeitgenössischen Kunst ist diese Realität in Ausstellungsumgebungen immer noch ein großes Hindernis. Seit Jahrhunderten und auch heute noch sind Kunstausstellungen immer auf Sehbehinderte ausgeri...

    60,26 €

  • Conception participative dans les expériences tactiles
    L’inclusion et l’autonomisation des personnes déficientes visuelles sont des thèmes récurrents qui sont de plus en plus débattus dans divers domaines de la connaissance. Du point de vue de l’art contemporain, dans les environnements d’exposition, cette réalité reste un obstacle majeur. Pendant des siècles et encore aujourd’hui, les expositions d’art ont toujours été destinées a...

    60,26 €

  • Progettazione partecipata nelle esperienze tattili
    L’inclusione e l’emancipazione delle persone con disabilità visiva sono temi ricorrenti e sempre più discussi in vari campi del sapere. Dal punto di vista dell’arte contemporanea, negli ambienti espositivi, questa realtà rappresenta ancora un grosso ostacolo: per secoli e ancora oggi, le mostre d’arte sono sempre state rivolte agli ipovedenti, escludendo coloro che non hanno ma...

    60,20 €

  • Tied That Bind
    Alex Sigmore
    Who do you trust when everyone is a suspect? In the seedy underbelly of the nation’s capital, a drug deal gone wrong ignites a firestorm which threatens to pull the entire city into a gang war.Special Agent Emily Slate, still investigating the possibility she may still have living family is brought in to help determine who is killing criminals and why. Someone is looking to pos...

    15,08 €

  • Sun-Powered Living
    Alex Reynolds
    'Sun-Powered Living: A Comprehensive Off-Grid SolarHandbook - Mastering Solar Technology for SustainableIndependence' is not just another guide on solar energy.Authored by experts in the field, this e-book stands out as aunique resource for those seeking to embrace a lifestyle ofself-sufficiency through harnessing the power of the sun.In a world where people are becoming more c...

    16,30 €

  • Il Matrimonio mafioso forzato del mio ragazzo
    Alex McAnders
    Remy Lyon, erede miliardario di un impero mafioso, ha sempre desiderato la migliore amica di sua sorella, Dillon. Remy vedeva in Dillon una bellezza che lei stessa non riconosceva in sé, ma a causa della sua posizione, non osava manifestare i suoi sentimenti.Al funerale di suo padre, Remy si trova davanti ad un’ultima possibilità di rivendicare Dillon come sua. Ma i suoi piani ...

    14,07 €

  • Um Amor De Amizade
    Alex Barbosa Lino
    Sammy é uma garota de Curitiba que mora em Florianópolis e trabalha em uma editora. Depois de ter se formado, seu cotidiano acaba virando tudo aquilo que tanto desejava durante os meses de curso de Jornalismo.Com a ajuda de Luana, sua amiga, os dias se tornam cada vez mais divertidos. A única coisa que acaba incomodando um pouco é a sua persistência por querer empurrar um prete...

    28,66 €

  • Son Loup Protecteur
    Alex McAnders
    Dillon Harris:La dernière chose à laquelle je m’attendais en affrontant mon père irresponsable était d’apprendre qu’il cachait un sombre secret - Il était un vampire. Comment est-ce possible? Les morts ne peuvent pas avoir d’enfants. Alors, comment puis-je exister? Et que suis-je vraiment? Par chance, j’ai Remy pour m’aider à démêler ce mystère. C’est le frère loup-garou de mon...

    13,87 €

  • După ce ar trebui să mă uit când aleg o biserică? (What Should I Look for in a Church?) (Romanian)
    Alex Duke
    Looking for a new church can feel overwhelming, and it’s often difficult to know what aspects to prioritize. In this addition to the Church Questions series, Alex Duke provides criteria on what to look for in a healthy local church. Using personal experiences and biblical principles, Duke identifies important elements within the church-the gospel, the Bible, and the community-a...

    4,61 €

  • Will Walker Adventure
    A. Alex Come’
    A long-abandoned Farmhouse infected with a horde of well-fed Rats, the Body of a young woman found dead in the basement, and the rebirth of an old haunting Civil War Legend; pull Will Walker and his Fiancée’ Kimberly into the adventure of a lifetime, into an underground world of secrecy and murder. A trip filled with adventure and daring, with twists and turns that put their li...

    9,18 €

  • Flower and Jewel Or Daisy Forrest’s Daughter
    Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller
    'Flower and Jewel' is an ancient fiction romance story book written by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller. The tale covers the lives of two crucial characters, every representing a wonderful component of society’s expectancies and aspirations. As the tale progresses, net website online site visitors are transported into a wonderfully built global in which societal conventions compete wi...

    13,71 €

  • The Time Writer and The Chase
    Alex R Crawford
    Beware of doorways through time... and the EnglishHouse? CheckCat? CheckHusband? Nope!Henry Spencer traveled through time to sail with the crew of the Fancy in 1695, and Amelia is determined to find him.Amelia Spencer, a 21st century time traveler devises a plan to travel the Mediterranean in search of answers to time travel. What do Ancient Greek temples have to do with 17th c...

    18,64 €

  • Sein Wolfsbeschützer
    Alex McAnders
    Dillon Harris:Das Letzte, was ich erwartete, als ich meinen nichtsnutzigen Vater konfrontierte, war, dass er ein dunkles Geheimnis hatte -- Er war ein Vampir. Wie konnte das sein? Tote Männer können keine Kinder haben. Also, wie kann ich existieren? Und was bin ich? Zum Glück habe ich Remy, um dieses Rätsel zu entwirren. Er ist der Wolfswandlerbruder meines besten Freundes, und...

    13,80 €

  • Stretch Not Snap
    Alex Freytag
    Are your Employees Entitled or Engaged? In this follow-up to the entrepreneurial fable Get A Grip by Gino Wickman and Mike Paton, Vic, and Eileen have been running successfully on EOS® (The Entrepreneurial Operating System®) for several years at Swan Services. They feel the traction EOS has on their company, they have their priorities straight, and the leadership team is aligne...

    17,30 €

  • The Zen of Kata
    Alex W. Tong
    Kata, the deliberate practice of choreographed combat techniques and psychology, has been the centerpiece of traditional martial arts practice for centuries. The Zen of Kata is an in-depth study of karate-dō kata that have withstood the test of time. Author, biomedical scientist, and sensei Alex W. Tong focuses on this fascinating subject through the lenses of traditional Shoto...

    37,29 €

  • The Zen of Kata
    Alex W. Tong
    Kata, the deliberate practice of choreographed combat techniques and psychology, has been the centerpiece of traditional martial arts practice for centuries. The Zen of Kata is an in-depth study of karate-dō kata that have withstood the test of time. Author, biomedical scientist, and sensei Alex W. Tong focuses on this fascinating subject through the lenses of traditional Shoto...

    50,90 €

  • Applications and Principles of Quantum Computing
    Alex Khang
    In a world driven by technology and data, classical computing faces limitations in tackling complex challenges like climate modeling and financial risk assessment. These barriers impede our aspirations to revolutionize industries and solve intricate real-world problems. To bridge this gap, we must embrace quantum computing. Edited by Alex Khang PH, Principles and Applications o...

    295,14 €

  • Stretch Not Snap
    Alex Freytag
    Are your Employees Entitled or Engaged? In this sequel to the entrepreneurial fable Get A Grip by Gino Wickman and Mike Paton, Vic, and Eileen have been running successfully on EOS® (The Entrepreneurial Operating System®) for several years at Swan Services. They feel the traction EOS has on their company, they have their priorities straight, and the leadership team is aligned o...

    12,57 €

  • Memorias del olvido
    ADALBERTO BERZOZA / Aldo Cristian Méndez Castillo / Alejandro Escobar Bedoya / Alex Toledo / Alfonso Nieva Álvarez / Alisson Cervantes / Alma Lizbet Vazquez / Alonso Lamilla / Andrea Ortiz Rodríguez / Andrea Rojas / Andrés Pacherres Moreno / Anna Donner / Armando Saint-Martin / Arnold OMar Arias Oñate / Blackheart Blackheart / B
    ¿Por qué sobreviven los recuerdos de ayer? ¿Qué es lo que siento? ¿Quién soy? Cien poetas han dejado sus recuerdos plasmados en versos. Miles de sensaciones que ahondan en cada página. «Memorias del olvido», una antología poética que te hará cuestionar la existencia. ...

    13,52 €

  • The Mole Hunters Children
    Alex Mitchell
    It is never good when the police have to call the police.A military style assault on a man who for all practical purposes was an average homeowner.Now the St. Louis Area Major Case squad is catapulted into a political game of death.Sibling rivalry on a Governmental level with the Whitehouse desperate for answers. ...

    23,77 €