5 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: zenko

  • KU
    Zenko Heshiki
    Okinawa, October 10, 1944, a six-year old boy was awakened by the deafening blasts of an aerial bombardment.  Terrified, frozen with fear on all fours, he could not find his mother.  During the chaos of invasion, then occupation, the family survived but was separated with one of the family members tragically lost.  Miraculously, they were reunited and after the war migrated to ...

    15,71 €

  • Saros
    Saros: Swan's Winter is the third in a series of graphic novels that explores ancient mythology,sacrifice and the struggle for existence from the perspective of the ancient gods and spirits.After days of Jerico lying unconscious in Yasur's care, Kazumii and Caya agree to release the human key into death with the help of the Danau elders.Meanwhile Ocote brings the human ...

    14,06 €

  • Saros
    Saros: Heart of sky (空の中心)は、神や精霊の立場から、人間の犠牲や生存への戦いを描いた古代神話に基づくグラフィック・ノベルの第1巻です。ネタリは、身体=ウツワを手に入れる代償に自らの地肉を捧げる古代人の中に住んでいる古い精霊です。しかしネタリによる堕落、強欲、そして行き過ぎた消耗は、やがて人間をどこかへ追いやってしまいました。忘れ去られた記憶の中から、ネタリは古い魔法を取り戻そうとします。しかし、その儀式には、人間のカギ、血の滴るような終焉によってのみ、彼らの能力を呼び覚ますことのできる特殊な霊が必要でした。放浪するネタリの王、ジェリコは、ある特別な少年を守るために登場します。オコテの手が伸びて来る前に、ジェリコは少年を守ることができるでしょうか?この物語では、古いものと新しいものとの戦い、深く広大な地下世界に到達する人間の魂の...

    14,07 €

  • Saros
    Saros: Heart of sky is the first in a series of graphic novels that explores ancient mythology,human sacrifice and the struggle for existence from the perspective of the ancient gods and spirits.The old spirit gods, the Netari, lived among ancient humans who offered flesh and blood in sacrifice to give them physical human form. But brutal corruption, greed and over consumption ...

    14,07 €

  • Saros
    Saros: Hart and hind is the second in a series of graphic novels that explores ancient mythology,human sacrifice and the struggle for existence from the perspective of the ancient gods and spirits.After narrowly escaping Ocote's death gate, exiled Netari king Jerico crosses into the netherworld with his companion Kazumii and the spirit of the human key.Recovered by local, y...

    14,05 €