LIBROS DEL AUTOR: vivek singh

32 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: vivek singh

  • Management of Sclerotinia Blight of Brinjal
    Abhishek Singh / VIVEK SINGH
    Brinjial (Solanum melongena L. ) or egg plant is one of them important vegetable crop of Asia, where more than 90 per cent of the world’s production occurs. It is regarded as poor man’s vegetable because of its high productivity, the various diseases the sclerotinia blight caused by Sclerotinia sclerotorum (Lib.) De Bary is an important disease which causes loss in quality and ...

    61,69 €

  • Ammoniumiodid-dotierte Polymer-Festkörperelektrolyte und ihre Anwendung
    Pramod Kumar Singh / VIVEK SINGH
    Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Herstellung und Charakterisierung von mit Ammoniumiodid dotierten Polymer-Festkörperelektrolytfilmen und ihre Anwendung bei der Herstellung von Farbstoffsolarzellen (Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, DSSCs). Die drei Polymerelektrolytsysteme, nämlich (1) mit Ammoniumiodid (NH4I) dotierter Polyvinylalkohol (PVA), (2) mit NH4I dotiertes Polyvinylpyr...

    77,90 €

  • Electrolytes solides polymères dopés à l’iodure d’ammonium et leurs applications
    Pramod Kumar Singh / VIVEK SINGH
    L’objectif de ce travail est de préparer et de caractériser des films d’électrolytes solides polymères dopés à l’iodure d’ammonium et leurs applications dans la fabrication de cellules solaires à colorant (DSSC). Les trois systèmes d’électrolyte polymère, à savoir (1) l’alcool polyvinylique (PVA) dopé à l’iodure d’ammonium (NH4I), (2) la pyrrolidone polyvinylique (PVP) dopée au...

    77,89 €

  • Elettroliti solidi polimerici drogati con ioduro di ammonio e loro applicazione
    Pramod Kumar Singh / VIVEK SINGH
    Lo scopo del presente lavoro è quello di preparare e caratterizzare film di elettroliti solidi polimerici drogati con ioduro di ammonio e le loro applicazioni nella fabbricazione di celle solari sensibilizzate con coloranti (DSSC). I tre sistemi elettrolitici polimerici, ovvero (1) alcool polivinilico (PVA) drogato con ioduro di ammonio (NH4I), (2) pirolidone polivinilico (PVP)...

    77,90 €

  • Electrólitos sólidos poliméricos dopados com iodeto de amónio e sua aplicação
    Pramod Kumar Singh / VIVEK SINGH
    O objetivo do presente trabalho é preparar e caraterizar filmes de electrólitos sólidos poliméricos dopados com iodeto de amónio e as suas aplicações no fabrico de Células Solares Sensibilizadas por Corante (DSSCs). Os três sistemas electrolíticos poliméricos, a saber, (1) álcool polivinílico (PVA) dopado com iodeto de amónio (NH4I), (2) polivinilpirrolidona (PVP) dopada com NH...

    77,89 €

  • Ottimizzazione Tecniche
    Vivek Singh Rawat
    L’intento di questo libro è quello di presentare un approccio efficiente per trovare una soluzione iniziale di base fattibile e un test di ottimalità del problema del trasporto. Il libro comprende anche il programma MATLAB di alcuni dei metodi presentati. L’autore ha presentato l’argomento con spiegazioni adeguate e soluzioni passo-passo. Il libro è ricco di testo, diagrammi e ...

    59,14 €

  • Otimização Técnicas
    Vivek Singh Rawat
    O objetivo deste livro é apresentar uma abordagem eficiente para encontrar uma solução básica inicial viável e um teste de optimalidade para o problema dos transportes. Este livro também cobre o programa MATLAB de alguns dos métodos apresentados. O autor apresentou o assunto com explicações adequadas e soluções passo-a-passo. Este livro está repleto de textos muito necessários ...

    59,14 €

  • Optimierung Techniken
    Vivek Singh Rawat
    Das Ziel dieses Buches ist es, einen effizienten Ansatz für die Suche nach einer ersten grundlegenden machbaren Lösung und einen Optimalitätstest für das Transportproblem zu präsentieren. Dieses Buch enthält auch MATLAB-Programme für einige der vorgestellten Methoden. Der Autor hat das Thema mit angemessenen Erklärungen und Schritt-für-Schritt-Lösungen dargestellt. Dieses Buch ...

    59,14 €

  • Optimisation Techniques
    Vivek Singh Rawat
    L’objectif de ce livre est de présenter une approche efficace pour trouver une solution de base initiale réalisable et un test d’optimalité pour le problème du transport. Ce livre couvre également le programme MATLAB de certaines des méthodes présentées. L’auteur a présenté le sujet avec des explications appropriées et des solutions étape par étape. Ce livre est saturé de texte...

    59,14 €

  • Pratiques de gestion des éléments nutritifs
    Gambhir Singh / Vivek Trivedi
    Je suis heureux de constater que ce livre aborde de nombreux aspects des macro et micro-nutriments. Cela comprend les nutriments, leur efficacité, leur absorption, la qualité des cultures et la relation avec le rendement. Dans ce livre, la relation entre les nutriments et les cultures de blé et de maïs est abordée afin d’obtenir un rendement élevé et une bonne qualité des cultu...

    94,92 €

  • Praktiken der Nährstoffbewirtschaftung
    Gambhir Singh / Vivek Trivedi
    Ich freue mich festzustellen, dass dieses Buch viele Aspekte der Makro- und Mikronährstoffe berührt. Dazu gehören die Nährstoffe, ihre Effizienz, ihre Aufnahme, die Qualität der Ernte und das Verhältnis zum Ertrag. In diesem Buch wird das Verhältnis von Weizen und Mais zu den Nährstoffen behandelt, um einen hohen Ernteertrag bei guter Qualität der Pflanzen zu erzielen. Viele Th...

    94,86 €

  • Pratiche di gestione dei nutrienti
    Gambhir Singh / Vivek Trivedi
    Sono lieto di constatare che questo libro ha affrontato molti aspetti dei macro e micro nutrienti. Include i nutrienti, la loro efficienza, l’assorbimento, la qualità del raccolto e la relazione con la resa. In questo libro viene trattata la relazione tra i nutrienti delle colture di grano e mais per ottenere un’elevata resa e qualità delle colture. Molti argomenti sono discuss...

    94,86 €

  • Práticas de gestão de nutrientes
    Gambhir Singh / Vivek Trivedi
    É com agrado que verifico que este livro aborda muitos aspectos dos macro e micro nutrientes. Inclui nutrientes, a sua eficiência, absorção, qualidade da cultura e relação de rendimento. Neste livro, a relação de nutrientes das culturas de trigo e milho é abordada para obter um elevado rendimento das culturas com qualidade das mesmas. Muitos tópicos são discutidos de forma adeq...

    94,86 €

  • Fütterungspraktiken für Ersatzfärsen
    Vivek Pratap Singh
    Die Tierhaltung mit verschiedenen domestizierten Nutztierarten ist seit hundert Jahren ein wichtiger Sektor der ländlichen Wirtschaft Indiens. Ihre Rolle bei der Erhöhung des Einkommens und der Beschäftigung, insbesondere für die schwächeren Teile der Gesellschaft, und bei der Verbesserung des Ernährungszustands unserer Bevölkerung muss unermüdlich gefördert werden. Färsen sind...

    86,99 €

  • Pratiques d’alimentation des génisses de remplacement
    Vivek Pratap Singh
    L’élevage de diverses espèces de bétail domestiquées est un secteur important de l’économie rurale de l’Inde depuis des centaines d’années. Son rôle dans l’augmentation des revenus et de l’emploi, en particulier pour les sections les plus faibles de la société, et dans l’amélioration de l’état nutritionnel de notre population doit être promu sans relâche. Les génisses sont une ...

    86,99 €

  • Pratiche di alimentazione per le giovenche da ristallo
    Vivek Pratap Singh
    La zootecnia, con le sue varie specie di bestiame domestico, è un settore importante dell’economia rurale indiana da centinaia di anni. Il suo ruolo nell’aumentare il reddito e l’occupazione, in particolare delle fasce più deboli della società, e nel migliorare lo stato nutrizionale della nostra popolazione deve essere promosso senza sosta. Le giovenche sono una componente vita...

    87,00 €

  • Práticas de alimentação para novilhas de substituição
    Vivek Pratap Singh
    A criação de animais, com várias espécies de gado domesticadas, é um sector importante da economia rural da Índia desde há centenas de anos. O seu papel no aumento do rendimento e do emprego, especialmente nos sectores mais fracos da sociedade, e na melhoria do estado nutricional da nossa população deve ser promovido incansavelmente. As novilhas são uma componente vital do sect...

    87,00 €

  • Feeding Practices for Replacement Heifers
    Vivek Pratap Singh
    Animal Husbandry with various domesticated species of livestock is an important sector of the rural economy of India for the past hundred of years. Its role in augmenting income and employment, specially weaker sections of the society and in improving the nutritional status of our population needs to be promoted untiringly. Heifers are a vital component of the cow-calf sector. ...

    85,78 €

  • Nutrient Management Practices
    Gambhir Singh / Vivek Trivedi
    I am happy to note that this book has touched upon many aspect of Macro and Micro nutrient. It includes Nutrient, their efficiency, uptake, quality of crop and yield relationship. In this book Wheat and maize crop nutrient relation is covered for high crop yield with quality of crops. Many topics is discussed in well manner from Introduction of crops, nutrients and their relati...

    98,76 €

  • Antibakterielle Ausrüstung auf Baumwollgewebe mit Kinnow Peel
    Neenu Poonia / VIVEK SINGH
    Hygienische Textilien und ein angenehmes Mikroklima sind die wichtigsten Voraussetzungen für ein angenehmes und gesundes Leben des Menschen. Das Haupthindernis, das sich ihnen in den Weg stellt, sind Mikroorganismen, die dem Menschen durch die Übertragung von Krankheiten und Infektionen Schaden zufügen. Grundsätzlich werden zum Schutz des Trägers und der textilen Substrate selb...

    90,95 €

  • Finition antibactérienne sur tissu en coton à l’aide de Kinnow Peel
    Neenu Poonia / VIVEK SINGH
    Des textiles hygiéniques et un micro-environnement agréable sont des conditions essentielles pour que les êtres humains puissent vivre confortablement et en bonne santé. Le principal obstacle qui se dresse sur leur chemin est le micro-organisme qui cause du tort à l’être humain en transmettant des maladies et des infections. En fait, afin de protéger le porteur et les substrats...

    90,96 €

  • Finitura antibatterica su tessuto di cotone con Kinnow Peel
    Neenu Poonia / VIVEK SINGH
    I tessili igienici e un microambiente congeniale sono requisiti primari per gli esseri umani per vivere comodamente e in salute. L’ostacolo principale che si trova sulla loro strada è il microrganismo che causa danni all’essere umano trasmettendo malattie e infezioni. Fondamentalmente, al fine di proteggere chi lo indossa e i substrati tessili stessi il trattamento antibatteric...

    90,96 €

  • Acabamento antibacteriano em tecido de algodão usando Kinnow Peel
    Neenu Poonia / VIVEK SINGH
    Os têxteis higiénicos e o microambiente agradável são requisitos fundamentais para que os seres humanos possam viver confortavelmente e com saúde. O maior obstáculo que se coloca no seu caminho são os microorganismos que causam danos ao ser humano ao transmitirem doenças e infecções. Basicamente, com vista a proteger o utente e os próprios substratos têxteisO tratamento antibac...

    90,96 €

    Sanjay Kumar Singh / Vivek Kumar
    The land use pattern for different crops and soil management practices influence the soil nutrients and related soil processes, such as erosion, oxidation, mineralization and leaching etc. However, practice of particular type of cropping system for many years on same piece of land leads to variation in soil fertility. The long-term inclusion of pulses in maize-wheat rotation im...

    96,19 €

  • Antibacterial finish on cotton fabric using Kinnow Peel
    Neenu Poonia / VIVEK SINGH
    Hygienic textiles and congenial micro environment are prime requirements for human beings to live comfortably and healthy. The major hindrance that comes in their way is microorganism which cause harm to human being by transmitting disease and infection. Basically, with a view to protect the wearer and the textile substrates itselfantibacterial treatment is applied to textile m...

    94,93 €

  • The Journey of REGTECH
    Dr. Awadhesh Pratap Singh / DrAwadhesh Pratap Singh / Rakesh Sonar / Vivek Dubey
    The Journey of REGTECH covers a wide range of topics such as FinTech, RegTech (Regulation Technology), Artificial Intelligence, Data Protection, Disruption of the Blockchain and the application of FinTech in international environments.The digital transformation is continuously evolving and the niche areas are in demand. Recent reports forecasted that investment in RegTech would...

    40,13 €

  • Health and Safety Issues in Small Scale Manufacturing Industries
    Gurpreet Singh Sidhu / Ravinder Kumar / Vivek Aggarwal
    Occupational safety is very important for organisations to develop and to gain competitive edge. Occupational safety and health programs protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers, and others who might be affected by the environment of workplace. Safety compliance is the core safety related activities which needs to be performed by workers to maintain workplace sa...

    57,90 €

  • Trims
    Sarita Devi / Sushila Hooda / VIVEK SINGH
    Reducing waste, reusing materials and products, and recycling are the most powerful ways by which individuals, households, institutions and businesses can protect their communities and the environment. To prevent the textile wastage and to protect the environment, it is highly important to make use of waste/ discarded textile materials by developing diversified products for eco...

    80,56 €

  • Myofunctional appliances
    Nikhil Srivastava / Preeti Singh / Vivek Rana
    All the functional appliances have been designed to treat all types of malocclusion, they are most effective in treating dental and skeletal class II malocclusion, particularly in cases with mandibular deficiency. The goal of myofunctional appliances is to use functional stimulus, channeling it to the greatest extent that the tissues, jaws, condyles and teeth allow.The age at w...

    90,94 €

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    25,02 €

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