LIBROS DEL AUTOR: virginia virginia

2392 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: virginia virginia

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  • Little Honker Saves the Day
    Virginia K White
    Warren’s meow is a honk.  He doesn’t sound like his Seal Point Siamese family or look like them.  His brothers and sisters will not play kitty games with him.  And, then, on a backyard adventure things change.  He saves his family from an unwanted visitor and his honking is important after all. ...

    6,26 €

  • Where is Sidney?
    Virginia A Trahan
    Sidney's favorite stuffed toy, a fox named Nix, finds himself lost and alone and missing his favorite little boy. He gets tossed around in a washing machine and left out to dry all alone; no one seems to care!Follow the journey that unites Nix with his little boy once again. 3 ...

    18,25 €

  • Poppybug!
    Virginia Lynn Anderson
    A young poppy bud sees a ladybug and believes he looks a lot like him. 'I am Poppybug!' announces the young bud to all off his friends in the meadow. When they try to tell him that he is not a bug, he refuses to believe them. Finally, after speaking with Old Oak, young bud realizes that everything he will become is inside of him. This beautifully illustrated picture book is...

    17,04 €

  • Dixie Diva Blues
    Virginia Brown
    Trinket and the Gang Will Stop At Nothing To Clear A Diva's Husband of Murder Charges."You'd think a midnight prowler would have sense enough to get out after being discovered by a group of middle-aged women armed with flower vases. Or at least stop what he was doing. Not this one. Despite our menacing appearance, he kept opening cabinet doors and drawers. "Our intruder...

    21,08 €

  • Ira's Farm
    Virginia Johnson
    A WWI veteran with a young family, Ira bought a sixty-acre farm in the rural community of Harlan Michigan just ninety days before the October 1929 stock market crash and its ensuing financial crisis. He fashioned a living with a team of horses and a never-give-up work ethic on land his wife often called “sand banks” when a harvest failed. This memoir covers a thirty-year span o...

    11,19 €

  • Divine Merit
    Virginia Cantrell
    Trained from birth to become the ruler of the Nephilim and their island sanctuary, Amira is the perfect princess, until her birthright and even her fundamental beliefs are ripped away. She'll discover perfection and training count for nothing when faced with a ruthless enemy determined to possess her and all she holds dear.As captain of the Royal Guard, Caeden's priorit...

    17,37 €

  • Mrs. Dalloway
    Virginia Woolf
    Mrs. Dalloway, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies of ...

    23,28 €

  • The Voyage Out
    Virginia Woolf
    Woolf began work on The Voyage Out by 1910 (perhaps as early as 1907) and had finished an early draft by 1912. The novel had a long and difficult gestation; it was not published until 1915, as it was written during a period in which Woolf was psychologically vulnerable. She suffered from periods of depression and, at one point, attempted suicide.[2] The resultant work contained...

    25,77 €

  • Sacred Music and Liturgy After Vatican II
    Virginia A. Schubert
    On a Mission to Preserve Our Worship of the DivineSacred Music and Liturgy After Vatican II recounts the important role that Monsignor Schuler played in the post-Vatican II Church. It was his heroic commitment, through countless writings in Sacred Music magazine, and through the authentic implementation of the Council’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy at the Church of Saint ...

    33,40 €

  • Sacred Music and Liturgy After Vatican II
    Virginia A. Schubert
    On a Mission to Preserve Our Worship of the DivineSacred Music and Liturgy After Vatican II recounts the important role that Monsignor Schuler played in the post-Vatican II Church. It was his heroic commitment, through countless writings in Sacred Music magazine, and through the authentic implementation of the Council’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy at the Church of Saint ...

    39,81 €

  • Madalena - Despertar Apométrico
    Virginia Santos
    Madalena: O Despertar Apométrico - Uma Jornada Espiritual Profunda Através da ApometriaDescubra os mistérios da apometria em uma jornada de autoconhecimento e transformação espiritual.Em 'Madalena: O Despertar Apométrico', você será guiado por uma narrativa envolvente que explora temas espirituais profundos através da perspectiva de Madalena, uma exploradora do invisível e guar...

    16,62 €

  • Magdalene Apometric Awaykening
    Virginia Santos
    Magdalena: The Aphometric Awakening - A Deep Spiritual Journey Through AphometryUncover the mysteries of aphometry on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual transformation.In 'Magdalena: The Aphometric Awakening,' you will be guided through an engaging narrative that explores profound spiritual themes through the perspective of Magdalena, an explorer of the invisible and gua...

    16,66 €

  • English Grammar
    Virginia D. Elser
    The syntax of Prepositions consists, not solely or mainly in their power of governing the objective case, (though this alone is the scope which most grammarians have given it,) but in their adaptation to the other terms between which they express certain relations, such as appear by the sense of the words uttered. Interjections, being seldom any thing more than natural sounds o...

    14,29 €

  • Analisi dell’incastro del guscio di un tubo flessibile sotto carico
    Álvaro A.A. Carvalho / Elias Gonçalves Jr. / Virgínia S. Gonçalves
    Gli involucri ad incastro sono strutture fondamentali per lo sviluppo dell’industria petrolifera e vengono utilizzati per i tubi flessibili. I tubi flessibili sono utilizzati nelle strutture sottomarine per spostare i fluidi e/o per strumentare i sistemi sulle piattaforme. In questo lavoro, l’involucro di un tubo flessibile da 4 pollici è stato analizzato sotto carichi esterni ...

    44,83 €

  • Analyse de la coque d’emboîtement d’une conduite flexible sous l’effet des charges
    Álvaro A.A. Carvalho / Elias Gonçalves Jr. / Virgínia S. Gonçalves
    Les tubages à emboîtement sont des structures fondamentales pour le développement de l’industrie pétrolière et sont utilisés dans les conduites flexibles. Les conduites flexibles sont utilisées dans les structures sous-marines pour déplacer des fluides et/ou pour instrumenter des systèmes sur des plates-formes. Dans ce travail, l’enveloppe d’une conduite flexible de 4 pouces a ...

    44,83 €

  • La Renaissance De La Déesse Intérieure -Chuchotements D’ascendance
    Virginia Santos
    Dans 'La Renaissance de la Déesse Intérieure - Chuchotements d’Ascendance', vous embarquez dans un voyage transformateur de connaissance de soi et d’autonomisation féminine. À travers un récit captivant et des pratiques spirituelles efficaces, ce guide pratique vous invite à :Vous reconnecter avec votre essence divine féminineVous libérer des liens des attentes limitantesDévelo...

    16,66 €

  • Analysis of the Interlocking Shell of a Flexible Pipe under Loading
    Álvaro A.A. Carvalho / Elias Gonçalves Jr. / Virgínia S. Gonçalves
    Interlocking casings are fundamental structures for the development of the oil industry and are used in flexible pipes. Flexible pipes are used in subsea structures to move fluids and/or to instrument systems on platforms. In this work, the casing of a 4-inch flexible pipe was analyzed under external tensile loads using the finite element method. The simulations were carried ou...

    44,83 €

  • Analyse der Verriegelungsschale eines flexiblen Rohrs unter Belastung
    Álvaro A.A. Carvalho / Elias Gonçalves Jr. / Virgínia S. Gonçalves
    Ineinander greifende Gehäuse sind grundlegende Strukturen für die Entwicklung der Erdölindustrie und werden in flexiblen Rohren verwendet. Flexible Rohre werden in Unterwasserstrukturen verwendet, um Flüssigkeiten zu transportieren und/oder um Systeme auf Plattformen zu instrumentieren. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Ummantelung eines flexiblen 4-Zoll-Rohrs unter externen Zugbelast...

    44,90 €

  • Die Wiedergeburt der Inneren Göttin - Das Flüstern der Vorfahren
    Virginia Santos
    In 'Die Wiedergeburt der Inneren Göttin' begeben Sie sich auf eine transformierende Reise des Selbstwissens und weiblichen Empowerments. Durch eine fesselnde Erzählung und effektive spirituelle Praktiken lädt Sie dieser praktische Leitfaden ein, sich wieder mit Ihrer göttlichen weiblichen Essenz zu verbinden, sich von den Fesseln einschränkender Erwartungen zu befreien, Ihre St...

    16,61 €

  • Eingekerkerte Köpfe - Jenseits Imaginärer Mauern
    Virginia Santos
    'Eingekerkerte Köpfe: Jenseits Imaginärer Mauern', von Virginia Santos, ist eine aufschlussreiche Reise ins Herz der menschlichen Kondition. In diesem Werk wird der Leser eingeladen, die Tiefen seines eigenen Geistes zu erkunden, indem er die unsichtbaren Barrieren konfrontiert, die durch ein Leben voller Ängste, Zweifel und selbstauferlegter Einschränkungen gebaut wurden. Mit ...

    16,65 €

  • Les Esprits Incarcérés - Au-Delà Des Murs Imaginaires
    Virginia Santos
    'Les Esprits Incarcérés: Au-delà des Murs Imaginaires', par Virginia Santos, est un voyage révélateur au cœur de la condition humaine. Dans cet ouvrage, le lecteur est invité à explorer les profondeurs de son propre esprit, affrontant les barrières invisibles construites par une vie de peurs, de doutes et de restrictions auto-imposées. Avec un mélange de narration introspective...

    16,70 €

  • The Rebirth of the Inner Goddess - Whispers of Ancestry
    Virginia Santos
    Discover the power and eternal wisdom with 'The Awakening of the Inner Goddess'. In this transformative journey, you will be guided through the deepest self-awareness, freeing yourself from the shackles of limiting expectations to embrace the fullness of your being. With profound visions and spiritual practices, this book is not just a guide but a beacon for those seeking to re...

    16,73 €

  • O Renascer da Deusa Interior
    Virginia Santos
    Em 'O Despertar da Deusa Interior', você embarca em uma jornada transformadora de autoconhecimento e empoderamento feminino. Através de uma narrativa envolvente e práticas espirituais eficazes, este guia prático te convida a:Reconectar-se com a sua essência divina femininaLibertar-se das amarras das expectativas limitantesDesenvolver sua força, sabedoria e criatividadeFortalece...

    16,66 €

  • One More Last Trip
    Bob MacKenzie / Virginia and
    You’re never too old to be a child.This is a nonfiction account of the dreams of a couple to visit one hundred countries. They never gave up even though they were both octogenarians. This book is about reaching their goal, going beyond, and having wonderful adventures in the process. ...

    17,94 €

  • One More Last Trip
    Bob MacKenzie / Virginia
    You’re never too old to be a child.This is a nonfiction account of the dreams of a couple to visit one hundred countries. They never gave up even though they were both octogenarians. This book is about reaching their goal, going beyond, and having wonderful adventures in the process. ...

    24,89 €

  • Cómo se diseñan las cosas. Manual del diseñador de producto.
    Virginia Puertollano Galán
    ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo se diseñan los objetos que usamos todos los días? Desde el bolígrafo con el que escribes hasta el teléfono que utilizas para comunicarte, cada producto ha sido cuidadosamente concebido y desarrollado por diseñadores de producto dedicados.En este fascinante manual, exploramos el emocionante mundodel diseño de producto, desde los procesos creat...

    20,53 €

  • Choo Choo
    Virginia Lee Burton
    The adventures of a beautiful little locomotive who decided to run away from her humdrum duties.Once upon a time there was a little engine. Her name was CHOO CHOO.The story of a beautiful little steam train. She pulls carriages from the city to the country, and back again. At least she does till one surprising day when she decides to run away. Her exciting adventure makes one o...

    12,44 €

  • Choo Choo
    Virginia Lee Burton
    The adventures of a beautiful little locomotive who decided to run away from her humdrum duties.Once upon a time there was a little engine. Her name was CHOO CHOO.The story of a beautiful little steam train. She pulls carriages from the city to the country, and back again. At least she does till one surprising day when she decides to run away. Her exciting adventure makes one o...

    25,10 €

  • Little Lost Sister (Esprios Classics)
    Virginia Brooks
    Virginia Brooks (January 11, 1886 - June 15, 1929) was a suffragette and political reformer who worked in the Chicago region and throughout Indiana in the early 1900s. Brooks penned two books, Little Lost Sister (1914) and My Battles with Vice (1915). Brooks spent time in Chicago throughout the 1910s working with different groups and political reformers. Brooks had a close rela...

    23,68 €

  • Mentes Encarceradas - Além Das Grades Imaginárias
    Virginia Santos
    'Mentes Encarceradas: Além Das Grades Imaginárias', de Virginia Santos, é uma viagem reveladora ao coração da condição humana. Nesta obra, o leitor é convidado a explorar as profundezas de sua própria mente, enfrentando as barreiras invisíveis construídas por uma vida de medos, dúvidas e restrições autoimpostas. Com uma mistura de narrativa introspectiva e reflexões profundas, ...

    16,70 €