LIBROS DEL AUTOR: tracilyn george

129 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: tracilyn george

  • Right on Target
    Tracilyn George
    Dive into 'Right on Target: Breaking the Silence of Bullying,' where Tracilyn George fearlessly tackles the bullying problem we’ve all faced or witnessed. No fancy jargon here - just real stories, relatable experiences, and down-to-earth insights that hit you right in the feels. Tracilyn George doesn’t just talk the talk; they walk you through the nitty-gritty of bullying, peel...

    21,26 €

  • Unusual Rome
    Tracilyn George
    In the heart of the Eternal City lies a world beyond the tourist trails, where history whispers secrets and mystery dances through cobblestone streets. 'Unusual Rome: Hidden Gems of the Eternal City' invites you on a captivating journey through Rome’s lesser-known wonders.Discover clandestine courtyards adorned with ancient mosaics, where the echoes of past civilizations still ...

    28,31 €

  • You Are Not Alone
    Tracilyn George
    In a world that often celebrates the strength of our bodies, 'You Are Not Alone' reminds us of the equal importance of our minds and hearts. This powerful self-help and inspirational book is a guiding light for anyone who has ever felt the weight of mental health struggles and the isolation that often accompanies them.Author Tracilyn George shares a deeply personal and courageo...

    19,62 €

  • Gilda Loves Cartoons
    Tracilyn George
    Gilda loved to watch cartoons on television. She could watch them all day, if she was allowed. Gilda and her brother were always entertained on a rainy day with the antics of the characters they saw on the small screen! ...

    16,93 €

  • Rayne Loves Reggae
    Tracilyn George
    Rayne loved listening to music. His favorite genre was reggae, and he would listen to it all day long. He thought it was the best music he ever heard. Rayne was even taken to Jamaica to see where reggae had its roots. ...

    16,93 €

  • Greenlee Learns About Denmark
    Tracilyn George
    Greenlee wanted to find out some interesting things about Denmark. She learned about their pastries, and that Legos were invented in Denmark. She even learned her favorite author, Hans Christian Andersen, was from Denmark. ...

    16,93 €

  • Jacintha Learns About Angus MacAskill
    Tracilyn George
    Jacintha and her fellow students learned about Angus MacAskill, the gentle giant from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Angus traveled with the Barnum Circus along with Captain Tom Thumb. He even met Queen Victoria! ...

    16,93 €

  • Brittany and the Polar Bear
    Tracilyn George
    Brittany wanted a polar bear for her birthday. She knew Aunt Traci lived in the arctic and could get her a baby one for her big day. She asked her mother to call Aunt Traci so she could put in her special request. ...

    17,06 €

  • Right on Target
    Tracilyn George
    Dive into 'Right on Target: Breaking the Silence of Bullying,' where Tracilyn George fearlessly tackles the bullying problem we’ve all faced or witnessed. No fancy jargon here - just real stories, relatable experiences, and down-to-earth insights that hit you right in the feels. Tracilyn George doesn’t just talk the talk; they walk you through the nitty-gritty of bullying, peel...

    32,82 €

  • Kimberly has ADHD
    Tracilyn George
    Kimberly always had trouble sitting still and staring out the window. She found herself getting into trouble without meaning to do so. When her doctor diagnosed her with ADHD, Kimberly felt better about herself. ...

    21,08 €

  • Sally Learns about Sylvia Rivera
    Tracilyn George
    Sally’s Social Studies teacher assigned her to learn about Sylvia Rivera. The young student admired the tenacity of the transgender woman to fight for the rights of the LGBTQIA2S+ community. ...

    17,99 €

  • Cult 45
    Tracilyn George
    Emerson Montgomery, noted political reporter, recounts his personal views of Martin Wagner, the 45th President of the United States. He compares Wagner to other world leaders and notes the similarities with them. Emerson adds personal anecdotes from experience dealing with the president as well as those of his family and colleagues. ...

    19,71 €

  • Gus Wheelchair Races
    Tracilyn George
    Gus hated being stuck in a wheelchair. He didn’t think it was fair he couldn’t play like his friends and family. His mother introduced him to Paralympics and wheelchair racing. She told him about Rick Hansen and his achievements in the Paralympics. ...

    21,05 €

  • PJ Pretends
    Tracilyn George
    PJ loved pretending to be other characters. It was fun to dress up as other people, even if it was only for a few hours. His parents encouraged him to use his imagination because it made him happy, and they found it entertaining! ...

    17,77 €

  • Affrontare I Demoni
    Tracilyn George
    Tu o una persona cara avete una malattia mentale? Ti sei mai chiesto cosa puoi fare per aiutare? Questo libro è la tua risposta! Per comprendere appieno la depressione, devi ascoltare intensamente e attentamente quelli di noi che ne sono afflitti.È importante che chiunque soffra di una malattia mentale sia trattato con gentilezza, rispetto e dignità, non con stigmatizzazione, p...

    15,35 €

  • Faire Face Aux Démons
    Tracilyn George
    Vous ou un de vos proches souffrez d’une maladie mentale ? Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé ce que vous pouviez faire pour aider ? Ce livre est votre réponse ! Pour bien comprendre la dépression, vous devez écouter attentivement ceux d’entre nous qui en souffrent.Il est important que toute personne atteinte de maladie mentale soit traitée avec gentillesse, respect et dignité, et non...

    14,57 €

  • Deemonitega Tegelemine
    Tracilyn George
    Kas teil või teie lähedasel on vaimuhaigus? Kas olete kunagi mõelnud, mida saate aidata? See raamat on teie vastus! Depressiooni täielikuks mõistmiseks peate tähelepanelikult ja tähelepanelikult kuulama neid, keda me kannatame.On oluline, et kõiki vaimuhaigusi põdevaid inimesi koheldaks lahkuse, austuse ja väärikusega, mitte häbimärgistamise, erapoolikuse ja põlgusega, sest me ...

    15,23 €

  • Lidando Com Demônios
    Tracilyn George
    Você ou um ente querido tem uma doença mental? Você já se perguntou o que pode fazer para ajudar? Este livro é a sua resposta! Para compreender completamente a depressão, você deve ouvir atentamente e com atenção aqueles de nós que sofrem.É importante que qualquer pessoa com doença mental seja tratada com bondade, respeito e dignidade, e não com estigma, preconceito e desprezo,...

    15,35 €

  • Å Håndtere Demoner
    Tracilyn George
    Har du eller en du er glad i en psykisk lidelse? Har du noen gang lurt på hva du kan gjøre for å hjelpe? Denne boken er svaret ditt! For å forstå depresjon fullt ut, må du lytte oppmerksomt og oppmerksomt til de av oss som er rammet.Det er viktig for alle med psykiske lidelser å bli behandlet med vennlighet, respekt og verdighet, ikke med stigma, skjevhet og hån, for vi kjemper...

    13,57 €

  • Demonien Kanssa Tekemisissä
    Tracilyn George
    Onko sinulla tai läheiselläsi mielisairaus? Oletko koskaan miettinyt, mitä voit tehdä auttaaksesi? Tämä kirja on vastauksesi! Ymmärtääksesi täysin masennuksen, sinun on kuunneltava tarkasti ja tarkkaavaisesti meitä kärsiviä.On tärkeää, että kaikkia mielenterveysongelmista kärsiviä kohdellaan ystävällisesti, kunnioittavasti ja arvokkaasti, ei leimaamalla, puolueellisella ja halv...

    15,29 €

  • Að Takast Á Við Djöfla
    Tracilyn George
    Ert þú eða ástvinur með geðsjúkdóm? Hefur þú einhvern tíma velt því fyrir þér hvað þú getur gert til að hjálpa? Þessi bók er svarið þitt! Til að skilja þunglyndi til fulls verður þú að hlusta af athygli og athygli á okkur sem þjást.Það er mikilvægt fyrir alla sem eru með geðsjúkdóma að vera meðhöndlaðir af góðvild, virðingu og reisn, ekki með fordómum, hlutdrægni og fyrirlitnin...

    15,29 €

  • Umgang Mit Dämonen
    Tracilyn George
    Leiden Sie oder ein geliebter Mensch an einer psychischen Erkrankung? Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, was Sie tun können, um zu helfen? Dieses Buch ist Ihre Antwort! Um Depressionen vollständig zu verstehen, müssen Sie den Betroffenen aufmerksam und aufmerksam zuhören.Es ist wichtig, dass jeder mit einer psychischen Erkrankung mit Freundlichkeit, Respekt und Würde behandelt wird...

    15,45 €

  • Beskæftiger Sig Med Dæmoner
    Tracilyn George
    Har du eller en pårørende en psykisk sygdom? Har du nogensinde spekuleret på, hvad du kan gøre for at hjælpe? Denne bog er dit svar! For fuldt ud at forstå depression skal du lytte opmærksomt og opmærksomt til dem af os, der er ramt.Det er vigtigt for alle med psykisk sygdom at blive behandlet med venlighed, respekt og værdighed, ikke med stigmatisering, partiskhed og hån, for ...

    15,29 €

  • Tractar Amb Els Dimonis
    Tracilyn George
    Vostè o un ésser estimat té una malaltia mental? Alguna vegada t’has preguntat què pots fer per ajudar? Aquest llibre és la teva resposta! Per entendre completament la depressió, cal escoltar amb atenció i atenció als que estem afectats.És important que qualsevol persona amb malaltia mental sigui tractada amb amabilitat, respecte i dignitat, no amb estigma, prejudicis i menyspr...

    15,29 €

  • Omgaan Met Demone
    Tracilyn George
    Het jy of ’n geliefde ’n geestesongesteldheid? Het jy al ooit gewonder wat jy kan doen om te help? Hierdie boek is jou antwoord! Om depressie ten volle te verstaan, moet jy aandagtig en aandagtig luister na dié van ons wat geteister word.Dit is belangrik vir enigiemand met geestesongesteldheid om met vriendelikheid, respek en waardigheid behandel te word, nie met stigma, vooroo...

    15,29 €

  • Love is in the Era
    Tracilyn George
    Love is in the Era is a collection of short stories, telling tales of love over the course of the Twentieth Century. The stories show that love can withstand adversity and setbacks. Feel the Love in the Era. ...

    15,69 €

  • Deabruekin Aurre Egitea
    Tracilyn George
    Zuk edo pertsona maite batek gaixotasun mental bat daukazu? Inoiz galdetu al zaizu zer egin dezakezun laguntzeko? Liburu hau zure erantzuna da! Depresioa guztiz ulertzeko, arretaz eta arretaz entzun behar dituzu kaltetuta gaudenoi.Garrantzitsua da buruko gaixotasuna duen edonork adeitasunez, errespetuz eta duintasunez tratatzea, ez estigma, alborapen eta mespretxuz, norberaren ...

    15,29 €

  • Rami and Ramadan
    Tracilyn George
    Rami and his family took the holy month of Ramadan with devotedness it deserved. Rami had many favorite aspects of the month of fasting, but his favorite was Eid al-Fitr. ...

    17,18 €

  • Believe Me
    Tracilyn George
    Kennedy Karl Kilpatrick grew up in a world of privilege. As an only child, he believed he was entitled to everything and anything he wanted. His parents found themselves too late in their attempts to discipline their son.Ken loved being in the spotlight and often bragged how great he was. His family, on the other hand, preferred to be left alone. When he decided to run for pres...

    21,80 €

  • The Chosen One
    Tracilyn George
    My life is not what one would call normal. From my birth, I have faced and overcome many challenges to become the person I am today. Life is rarely easy even if it appears so for others.Everyone has to deal with their own adversities in their own way. Most stay silent on their struggles believing they will a burden to their loved ones.After reading my story, I hope to relay the...

    19,82 €

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