LIBROS DEL AUTOR: shivendra kumar

21 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: shivendra kumar

  • Journey to 9th Floor
    Shivendra Kumar
    This book is based on true story and inspired by true events in the Author’s life from ' A Street book seller to the author of a Book '. A marketer by profession and an emerging author has been learning, gathering experience and memories over the last 23 years in his professional career. This will help in handling tough situations and learning in our professional career. It wil...

    22,96 €

    Shivendra Pratap Singh / Vipin Kumar Singh
    The present investigation was carried out at Crop Research Center (Chirori), Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut, during rabi season 2016-17. The experimental material consisted of forty diverse genotypes/ lines of linseed. The experiment was conducted in Randomized Complete Block Design in three replications, to assess genetic variability, h...

    85,84 €

  • Morphological Characterization and Assessment of D2 in Bread Wheat
    Pooran Chand / Shivendra Pratap Singh / Vipin Kumar Singh
    The present investigation entitled 'Morphological Characterization and Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)' involving forty four genotypes was undertaken to study the genetic variability, heritability (bs), genetic advance, genetic advance as percent of mean, correlation coefficient, path coefficient and genetic divergence analysis. Forty four ...

    85,84 €

  • Un libro de texto de química farmacéutica -II
    Shivendra Kumar Dwivedi
    El libro titulado 'A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry - II' trata de los conceptos básicos necesarios para comprender la química orgánica y se ha explicado aquí con ejemplos adecuados, para que el estudiante pueda empezar a estudiar la química orgánica no a través de la memorización de roles sino a través de la comprensión. Ayudaría al académico a superar sus dificultades.L...

    39,23 €

  • Un manuel de chimie pharmaceutique -II
    Shivendra Kumar Dwivedi
    Le livre intitulé 'A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry - II' traite des concepts de base nécessaires pour comprendre la chimie organique. Ces concepts ont été expliqués ici à l’aide d’exemples appropriés, afin que l’étudiant puisse commencer à étudier la chimie organique non pas par la mémorisation des rôles mais par la compréhension. Cela aiderait l’académicien à surmonter ...

    39,23 €

  • Un libro di testo di chimica farmaceutica -II
    Shivendra Kumar Dwivedi
    Il libro intitolato ' A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry - II' tratta i concetti di base necessari per comprendere la chimica organica sono stati spiegati qui con esempi adatti, in modo che lo studente possa iniziare a studiare la chimica organica non attraverso la memorizzazione dei ruoli, ma attraverso la comprensione. Aiuterebbe l’accademico a superare le sue difficoltà....

    39,23 €

  • Een leerboek van de Farmaceutische Chemie -II
    Shivendra Kumar Dwivedi
    Het boek 'A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry - II' behandelt de basisbegrippen die nodig zijn om organische chemie te begrijpen zijn hier uitgelegd met geschikte voorbeelden, zodat de student kan beginnen met het bestuderen van organische chemie niet door middel van rolmemorfose, maar door middel van begrip. Het zou de academicus helpen om hun moeilijkheden uit de weg te ru...

    39,23 €

  • Podręcznik Chemii Farmaceutycznej - II
    Shivendra Kumar Dwivedi
    Książka zatytułowana 'A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry - II' dotyczy podstawowych pojęć potrzebnych do zrozumienia chemii organicznej, została tu wyjaśniona na odpowiednich przykładach, tak aby student mógł rozpocząć naukę chemii organicznej nie poprzez zapamiętywanie ról, ale poprzez zrozumienie. Pomogłoby to naukowcowi w pokonaniu trudności.Wczesny opis chemii stereofon...

    39,23 €

  • Um livro de Química Farmacêutica -II
    Shivendra Kumar Dwivedi
    O livro 'A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry - II' trata dos conceitos básicos necessários para compreender a química orgânica e foi explicado aqui com exemplos adequados, para que o aluno possa começar a estudar a química orgânica não através da memorização de papéis, mas através da compreensão. Isso ajudaria o acadêmico a superar suas dificuldades.Inclui a descrição precoc...

    39,23 €

  • Trigeminal Neuralgia
    Ankit Singla / Meghna Kumar / Shivendra Singh
    Neuralgia is defined as a neuropathic pain felt along the peripheral distribution of the nerve trunk. Trigeminal Neuralgia is defined as sudden, usually unilateral, severe, brief, stabbing, recurrent episodes of pain within the distribution of one or more branches of the trigeminal nerve. The diagnosis of TN is based on a history of characteristic pain attacks that are consiste...

    88,39 €

  • A Textbook of Synthesis for Different Medicinal Compounds
    Dr. Neetesh Kumar Jain / DrNeetesh Kumar Jain / Shivendra Kumar Dwivedi
    This book having the 'A Textbook of Synthetic methods of different Medicinal compounds ' written with an intention to benefit the B. Pharma students for easy understanding. In Pharmaceutical it is very important have sensitive, accurate, precise and selective method of synthesis and characterization for crude drugs. Sincere attempt has made to prepare the content simple, concis...

    57,65 €

  • Uma Abordagem Inovadora dos Nano-fluidos e sua Aplicação
    Shivendra Kumar Dwivedi
    Este livro com a 'Abordagem Inovadora dos Nano-fluidos e sua Aplicação' foi escrito com a intenção de beneficiar os estudantes de farmácia e o acadêmico para uma fácil compreensão. Este livro cobre o método de preparação e porquê escolher nutracêuticos para o actual scienerio da medicina, característica, estabilidade e a sua aplicação do cancro, HIV e SIDA.Em Farmacêutico é mui...

    37,92 €

  • An Innovative Approach of Nano-fluids and Its Application
    Shivendra Kumar Dwivedi
    This book having the 'An Innovative Approach of Nano-fluids and Its Application' is written with an intention to benefit to the pharmacy students and academician for easy understanding. This books covers the method of preparation and why choose nutraceuticals to current scienerio of medicine, characteristic, stability and its application of cancer, HIV and AIDS.In Pharmaceutica...

    57,52 €

  • Ein innovativer Ansatz für Nanofluide und ihre Anwendung
    Shivendra Kumar Dwivedi
    Dieses Buch mit dem Titel 'An Innovative Approach of Nano-fluids and Its Application' (Ein innovativer Ansatz für Nanofluide und ihre Anwendung) wurde mit der Absicht geschrieben, den Pharmaziestudenten und Akademikern das Verständnis zu erleichtern. Dieses Buch deckt die Methode der Zubereitung und warum wählen Nutrazeutika zu aktuellen scienerio der Medizin, Merkmal, Stabilit...

    37,98 €

  • Un enfoque innovador de los nano-fluidos y su aplicación
    Shivendra Kumar Dwivedi
    Este libro que tiene el 'Enfoque innovador de los nano-fluidos y su aplicación' está escrito con la intención de beneficiar a los estudiantes de farmacia y a los académicos para una fácil comprensión. Este libro cubre el método de preparación y por qué elegir los nutracéuticos a la ciencia actual de la medicina, la característica, la estabilidad y su aplicación del cáncer, el V...

    37,98 €

  • Une approche novatrice des nanofluides et de ses applications
    Shivendra Kumar Dwivedi
    Ce livre, intitulé 'Une approche innovante des nanofluides et de leurs applications', a été écrit dans l’intention de faciliter la compréhension des étudiants en pharmacie et des universitaires. Ce livre couvre la méthode de préparation et pourquoi choisir les nutraceutiques à la scienerio actuelle de la médecine, la caractéristique, la stabilité et son application du cancer, d...

    37,98 €

  • Un approccio innovativo dei nanofluidi e la loro applicazione
    Shivendra Kumar Dwivedi
    Questo libro con 'Un approccio innovativo dei nanofluidi e la loro applicazione' è stato scritto con l’intenzione di beneficiare gli studenti di farmacia e gli accademici per una facile comprensione. Questo libro tratta il metodo di preparazione e perché scegliere i nutraceutici per lo scienerio corrente della medicina, la caratteristica, la stabilità e la sua applicazione del ...

    37,92 €

  • Een innovatieve aanpak van nanovloeistoffen en de toepassing ervan
    Shivendra Kumar Dwivedi
    Dit boek met de 'Innovatieve benadering van nanovloeistoffen en de toepassing ervan' is geschreven met de bedoeling om de apothekersstudenten en de academici te helpen om het gemakkelijk te begrijpen. Dit boek behandelt de methode van voorbereiding en waarom te kiezen voor nutraceuticals aan de huidige scienerio van de geneeskunde, karakteristiek, stabiliteit en de toepassing v...

    37,98 €

  • Innowacyjne podejście do Nano-płynów i ich zastosowania
    Shivendra Kumar Dwivedi
    Ta książka 'Innowacyjne podejście do nanopłynów i ich zastosowania' została napisana z myślą o studentach farmacji i naukowcach, aby ułatwić ich zrozumienie. Książka ta obejmuje metodę przygotowania i dlaczego wybrać nutraceutyki do aktualnych nauk medycznych, charakterystykę, stabilność i jej zastosowanie w leczeniu raka, HIV i AIDS.W farmaceutyce bardzo ważne jest posiadanie ...

    37,92 €

  • A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry -II
    Shivendra Kumar Dwivedi
    The book entitled ' A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry - II'deals with the basic concepts needed to understand organic chemistry have been explained here with suitable examples, so that student can begin to study organic chemistry not through role memorization but through understanding. It would help the academician to meet out their difficulties.Its includes early descript...

    56,21 €

  • Fibro - Osseous Lesion of Jaw
    Nishant Singh / Shivendra Kumar Singh / Waseem Khan
    Fibro osseous lesions (FOLs) are a generic designation of poorly defined group of lesions which are recognized to affect the jaws and the craniofacial bones which are known for their confusing area in diagnostic pathology.The disease comprises of varied processes in which the normal architecture of bone is replaced by fibrous tissue containing varying amount of foci of minerali...

    79,31 €