LIBROS DEL AUTOR: shikha bhukal

6 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: shikha bhukal

  • Impact du PMKVY
    Ella Rani / Shikha Bhukal / Vandana Verma
    Le livre s’intitule 'Impact of Beauty Culture Trainings on beneficiaries under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana' dans le district d’Hisar de l’État d’Haryana. La plupart des personnes interrogées étaient âgées de 20 à 30 ans, appartenaient à une caste répertoriée, avaient un niveau d’éducation familial moyen, résidaient en zone rurale et avaient des familles nucléaires de pe...

    91,80 €

  • Impatto del PMKVY
    Ella Rani / Shikha Bhukal / Vandana Verma
    Il libro si intitola 'Impatto dei corsi di formazione sulla cultura della bellezza sui beneficiari della Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana' nel distretto di Hisar, nello stato di Haryana. La maggior parte degli intervistati aveva un’età compresa tra i 20 e i 30 anni, apparteneva a una casta classificata, aveva un livello di istruzione medio, risiedeva in un’area rurale e avev...

    91,80 €

  • Impacto do PMKVY
    Ella Rani / Shikha Bhukal / Vandana Verma
    O livro intitulado 'Impact of Beauty Culture Trainings on beneficiaries under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana' (Impacto da formação em cultura da beleza nos beneficiários ao abrigo do Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) foi publicado propositadamente no distrito de Hisar, no estado de Haryana. A maior parte dos inquiridos pertencia ao grupo etário dos 20-30 anos, pertencia...

    91,80 €

  • Auswirkungen des PMKVY
    Ella Rani / Shikha Bhukal / Vandana Verma
    Das Buch mit dem Titel 'Auswirkungen von Beauty Culture Trainings auf die Begünstigten des Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana' im Bezirk Hisar im Bundesstaat Haryana. Die meisten der Befragten waren zwischen 20 und 30 Jahre alt, gehörten einer bestimmten Kaste an, hatten einen mittleren Bildungsstatus, wohnten auf dem Land und lebten in kleinen Kernfamilien. Die Mehrheit der B...

    91,80 €

  • Gender Differentials among Urban Households
    Diksha Rani / Shikha Bhukal / Sushma Kaushik
    The book entitled, 'Gender Differentials among Urban Households' in Haryana state purposively. This is a comprehensive book on gender differentials in which the theoretical aspects have been explained lucidly with adequate examples from the field. Gender Differential is a term used to describe the unequal distribution of resources and opportunities available to individuals base...

    106,64 €

  • Impact of PMKVY
    Ella Rani / Shikha Bhukal / Vandana Verma
    The book entitled, 'Impact of Beauty Culture Trainings on beneficiaries under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana' in Hisar district of Haryana state purposively. Most of the respondents were from age group of 20 - 30 years, belong to scheduled caste, having medium family educational status, residing in rural area and had small sized nuclear type of families. Majority of the re...

    92,12 €