LIBROS DEL AUTOR: samuel james

394 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: samuel james

  • Debunking New Age Movement
    Samuel James
    In recent decades, the New Age movement has gained significant traction, capturing the imaginations of millions with promises of spiritual enlightenment, holistic healing, and cosmic consciousness. What began as a countercultural phenomenon has evolved into a pervasive cultural force, permeating various aspects of contemporary spirituality, wellness, and self-help industries. Y...

    38,41 €

  • Confirmação Profética
    Samuel James
    Na grande tapeçaria da história humana, existe um fio de promessa divina intrinsecamente tecido ao longo das páginas do Antigo Testamento. As profecias, como fios de ouro cintilantes, iluminam o caminho da redenção e da salvação prometidos por Deus ao Seu povo. No centro destas profecias está a figura de Jesus Cristo, o tão esperado Messias predito pelos profetas séculos antes ...

    22,26 €

  • Confirmación Profética
    Samuel James
    En el gran tapiz de la historia humana existe un hilo de promesa divina entretejido intrincadamente a lo largo de las páginas del Antiguo Testamento. Las profecías, como relucientes hilos de oro, iluminan el camino de la redención y la salvación prometida por Dios a su pueblo. En el centro de estas profecías se encuentra la figura de Jesucristo, el Mesías tan esperado, predicho...

    22,22 €

  • Prophetic Confirmation
    Samuel James
    In the grand tapestry of human history, there exists a thread of divine promise woven intricately throughout the pages of the Old Testament. Prophecies, like shimmering threads of gold, illuminate the path of redemption and salvation promised by God to His people. At the heart of these prophecies lies the figure of Jesus Christ, the long-awaited Messiah foretold by prophets cen...

    6,07 €

  • Le Livre des Secrets du Neuromarketing
    Samuel James
    Préparez-vous à révolutionner votre approche du marketing. Grâce à ces informations, vous transformerez les téléspectateurs en acheteurs, les abonnés occasionnels en défenseurs passionnés et les marques oubliées en expériences mémorables. Préparez-vous à libérer la puissance du neuromarketing. ...

    43,70 €

  • O Livro de Segredos do Neuromarketing
    Samuel James
    Prepare-se para revolucionar sua abordagem de marketing. Através desses insights, você transformará espectadores em compradores, seguidores casuais em defensores apaixonados e marcas esquecíveis em experiências memoráveis. Prepare-se para liberar o poder do neuromarketing. ...

    43,88 €

  • Das Neuromarketing Buch der Geheimnisse
    Samuel James
    Kostenlos!!Willkommen in der faszinierenden Welt des Neuromarketings, in der Wissenschaft auf Überzeugungskraft trifft und die Geheimnisse des Verbraucherverhaltens entschlüsselt . Dieses umfassende Lehrbuch, sorgfältig erstellt von Dr. Samuel James, ist Ihr ultimativer Leitfaden zum Verständnis und zur Beeinflussung des verborgenen Käufers in Ihnen.Einleitung: Den Kodex der Ve...

    42,20 €

  • Skepsis Entlarven
    Samuel James
    In einer Zeit voller Zweifel hat sich eine aggressive Form des Skeptizismus etabliert, der das Christentum mit besonderer Härte ins Visier nimmt. Bei diesem modernen Skeptizismus geht es im Gegensatz zu seinen klassischen Vorgängern weniger um eine echte Suche nach der Wahrheit als vielmehr um eine vorsätzliche Ablehnung des christlichen Glaubens. Es hüllt sich in die Sprache d...

    16,62 €

  • Desmentir el Escepticismo
    Samuel James
    En una época saturada de dudas, ha echado raíces una forma agresiva de escepticismo, que ataca al cristianismo con especial venganza. Este escepticismo moderno, a diferencia de sus antecedentes clásicos, tiene menos que ver con una búsqueda genuina de la verdad y más con un rechazo predeterminado de la fe cristiana. Se envuelve en el lenguaje de la razón y la objetividad, pero ...

    37,39 €

  • Desmascarando o Ceticismo
    Samuel James
    Numa época saturada de dúvidas, uma forma agressiva de cepticismo criou raízes, visando o Cristianismo com uma vingança particular. Este ceticismo moderno, ao contrário dos seus antecedentes clássicos, tem menos a ver com uma busca genuína da verdade e mais com uma rejeição predeterminada da fé cristã. Ela disfarça-se na linguagem da razão e da objectividade, mas os seus argume...

    37,39 €

  • Debunking Hindutva
    Samuel James
    This book embarks on a rigorous exploration of Hindutva, unraveling its ideological underpinnings, historical roots, and multifaceted manifestations. Rooted in a commitment to truth, justice, and religious freedom, this book endeavors to provide a comprehensive analysis of Hindutva and its implications, offering insights, critiques, and alternative narratives from a Christian p...

    22,37 €

  • Debunking Scepticism
    Samuel James
    Unveil the fallacies of skepticism with 'Debunking Scepticism: A Christian Response' by Samuel James. This comprehensive book is divided into three parts, each offering insightful analysis and robust rebuttals to skeptical critiques:Part 1: Unmasking Skeptical FallaciesExplore the origins, influences, and modern manifestations of skepticism in Chapter 1. Dive into epistemology ...

    22,44 €

  • Spiritual Deception
    Samuel James
    Latin America, a vast region spanning from Mexico to the southern tip of South America, presents a vibrant mosaic of faiths and spiritual expressions. Christianity, in its diverse forms, remains the dominant religious force. Yet, beneath the surface, a rich tapestry of indigenous beliefs, African influences, and modern spiritual movements add layers of complexity to the region’...

    22,50 €

  • Secrets of Cash Flow
    Samuel James
    Cash flow: the often overlooked yet critically vital element that can spell the difference between thriving profitability and devastating collapse. Many businesses, even successful ones, fall victim to cash flow mismanagement - particularly during their nascent stages.This book, 'Secrets of Cash Flow,' delves into the nuances of this financial heartbeat. We’ll explore the three...

    46,62 €

  • Debunking Mormonism
    Samuel James
    Debunking Mormonism: A Christian Response seeks to provide a thorough examination of Mormonism from a Christian apologetics standpoint. Through rigorous analysis and respectful dialogue, this book endeavours to uncover the truths and misconceptions surrounding Mormon doctrine, history, and practice. Grounded in scholarly research and informed by Christian theological perspectiv...

    22,35 €

  • Sports Betting
    Samuel James
    This book seeks to foster a nuanced understanding of the practice, acknowledging both its merits and its pitfalls. By examining the industry through a critical lens, we aim to empower readers to make informed decisions about their involvement in sports betting, whether as participants, advocates, or policymakers.Through rigorous analysis and compelling narratives, we will chal...

    22,66 €

  • Cleptocracia
    Samuel James
    En las sombras del poder, donde convergen la riqueza y la influencia, prospera una plaga global: la cleptocracia. Es el arte insidioso del saqueo del Estado, no por bandidos descarados, sino por líderes disfrazados de legitimidad. Oligarcas y dictadores, políticos y populistas, transforman a las naciones en sus feudos personales, despojándolas de sus recursos y potencial.'Clept...

    33,50 €

  • Breaking the Online Gambling Illusions
    Samuel James
    The world of online gambling beckons with its promises of quick wins, jackpot thrills, and the exhilarating rush of beating the odds. Yet, concealed within the vibrant pixels and flashing enticements of online casinos, sportsbooks, and poker rooms lies a calculated code - a code of loss. This book dissects that code, exposing the technological and psychological mechanisms desig...

    22,40 €

  • Kleptokratie
    Samuel James
    'Kleptocracy: The Theft of Nations' ist eine Reise in diese verborgene Welt. Wir werden die Mechanismen der großen Korruption analysieren - die Briefkastenfirmen, die Offshore-Zufluchtsorte, die Ermöglicher, die gestohlenes Vermögen bereinigen. Von Russlands oligarchischen Clans bis hin zu den Klientelnetzwerken Indiens werden wir die Systeme aufdecken, die es den Mächtigen erm...

    21,70 €

  • Kleptocracy
    Samuel James
    'Kleptocracy: The Theft of Nations' is a journey into this hidden world. We will dissect the mechanisms of grand corruption - the shell companies, the offshore havens, the enablers who sanitize stolen wealth. From Russia’s oligarchic clans to the patronage networks of India, we’ll unravel the systems that allow the powerful to siphon off billions while their citizens stagnate.T...

    33,26 €

  • The Easy Guide to Soft Bargaining
    Samuel James
    Master the subtle art of persuasion and achieve win-win outcomes in any negotiation. 'The Easy Guide to Soft Bargaining' by Samuel James (MD, MBA) will transform the way you approach conversations, from everyday interactions to high-stakes deals. Discover the power of:Building Rapport: Establish trust and connection for smoother negotiations.Emotional Intelligence: Understand y...

    35,34 €

  • Fetissien Juhla
    Samuel James
    Ihmisen seksuaalisuus on monitahoinen ja monimutkainen osa ihmisen käyttäytymistä, joka kattaa laajan kirjon kiinnostuksen kohteita, haluja ja mieltymyksiä. Seksuaalisista suuntauksista fetissit erottuvat ilmiöistä, jotka ovat yleisiä kiehtovia ja monien väärinymmärrettyjä. Tässä lyhyessä johdannossa ihmisfetiseihin lähdemme matkalle paljastaaksemme fetissien monimutkaisuuden ...

    24,47 €

  • Fetischfest
    Samuel James
    Mänsklig sexualitet är en mångfacetterad och komplex del av mänskligt beteende, som täcker ett brett spektrum av intresseegenskaper, önskningar och preferenser. Bland sexuella tendenser framstår fetischer som fenomen som är fascinerande för det vanliga och missförstådda av många. I denna korta introduktion till mänskliga fetischer ger vi oss ut på en resa för att avslöja komple...

    16,43 €

  • Fetisjfest
    Samuel James
    Menneskelig seksualitet er en mangefasettert og kompleks del av menneskelig atferd, og dekker et bredt spekter av interesseegenskaper, ønsker og preferanser. Blant seksuelle tendenser skiller fetisjer seg ut som fenomener som er fascinerende for det vanlige og misforstått av mange. I denne korte introduksjonen til menneskelige fetisjer legger vi ut på en reise for å avsløre kom...

    16,49 €

  • Fête Fétichiste
    Samuel James
    La sexualité humaine est un aspect complexe et multiforme du comportement humain, englobant un large éventail d’intérêts, de désirs et de préférences. Parmi la diversité des penchants sexuels, les fétiches se démarquent comme des phénomènes particulièrement intrigants et souvent mal compris. Dans ' Fête Fétichiste : Une Introduction Complète aux Fétiches Humains', nous nous emb...

    16,49 €

  • Fetisch-Fest
    Samuel James
    Die menschliche Sexualität ist ein vielschichtiger und komplexer Aspekt menschlichen Verhaltens , der ein breites Spektrum an Interessen, Wünschen und Vorlieben umfasst. Unter den vielfältigen sexuellen Neigungen stechen Fetische als besonders faszinierende und oft missverstandene Phänomene hervor. In 'Fetisch-Fest:Eine umfassende Einführung in menschliche Fetische' begeben wir...

    16,52 €

  • Remote Teams, Real Results
    Samuel James
    'Remote Teams, Real Results' is your roadmap to unlocking the full potential of remote work. This comprehensive guide goes beyond buzzwords, giving you proven strategies from the world’s most successful remote companies. Master communication, leadership, culture, and tech to build a distributed team that delivers exceptional results while fostering individual wellbeing.'Remote ...

    22,48 €

  • Quality of Life (QoL) Blueprint
    Samuel James
    Stop waiting for happiness to find you! The Quality of Life (QoL) Blueprint is your DIY guide to designing the life you truly want. This practical handbook offers the tools and strategies to take control and create a life filled with purpose, joy, and well-being. It’s your time to thrive!Ready to be the architect of your own happiness? The Quality of Life (QoL) Blueprint is you...

    20,22 €

  • Gut Instinct and the Science of Gutsy Decision-Making
    Samuel James
    Have you ever had a hunch that turned out to be right? A sudden sense of certainty that guided you away from a bad choice? Maybe you felt a gnawing suspicion before walking into a situation that proved problematic? That’s your gut instinct trying to communicate with you. It’s easy to dismiss these 'gut feelings' as irrational, emotional, or just plain weird. After all, how can...

    19,62 €

  • Fetish Feast
    Samuel James
    Fetishes, by definition, involve a fixation on specific objects, body parts, actions, or scenarios that are not typically considered sexually arousing. The exploration of fetishes necessitates a nuanced understanding of human psychology, cultural influences, and individual experiences. While the concept of fetishes may evoke curiosity or even discomfort for some, this book aims...

    10,72 €