LIBROS DEL AUTOR: s chandrasekhar

12 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: s chandrasekhar

  • Vorbereitung des Thermoakustischen Kühlsystems
    S. Chandrasekhar / S. Sirisha Chandrasekhar
    Thermoakustik ist schon seit vielen Jahren bekannt, aber die Nutzung dieses Phänomens zur Entwicklung von Motoren und Pumpen ist relativ neu. Die thermoakustische Kühlung ist ein solches Phänomen, bei dem hochintensive Schallwellen in einem unter Druck stehenden Gasrohr eingesetzt werden, um Wärme von einem Ort zum anderen zu pumpen und so einen Kühleffekt zu erzielen. Bei dies...

    57,65 €

  • Préparation du système de réfrigération thermo-acoustique
    S. Chandrasekhar / S. Sirisha Chandrasekhar
    Les phénomènes thermo acoustiques sont connus depuis des années, mais leur utilisation pour développer des moteurs et des pompes est assez récente. La réfrigération thermo acoustique est un de ces phénomènes qui utilise des ondes sonores de haute intensité dans un tube de gaz sous pression pour pomper la chaleur d’un endroit à l’autre et produire un effet de réfrigération. Dans...

    57,65 €

  • Preparazione del sistema di refrigerazione termoacustica
    S. Chandrasekhar / S. Sirisha Chandrasekhar
    La termoacustica è nota da anni, ma l’uso di questo fenomeno per sviluppare motori e pompe è piuttosto recente. La refrigerazione termoacustica è uno di questi fenomeni che utilizza onde sonore ad alta intensità in un tubo di gas pressurizzato per pompare calore da un luogo all’altro e produrre un effetto di refrigerazione. In questo tipo di refrigerazione tutti i tipi di refri...

    57,65 €

  • Preparação do Sistema de Refrigeração Termoacústica
    S. Chandrasekhar / S. Sirisha Chandrasekhar
    O termoacústico é conhecido há mais de anos mas a utilização deste fenómeno para desenvolver motores e bombas é bastante recente. A refrigeração termo-acústica é um desses fenómenos que utiliza ondas sonoras de alta intensidade num tubo de gás pressurizado para bombear calor de um lugar para outro para produzir efeito de refrigeração. Neste tipo de refrigeração, todos os tipos ...

    57,65 €

  • Preparation of Thermo Acoustic Refrigeration System
    S. Chandrasekhar / S. Sirisha Chandrasekhar
    Thermo acoustic have been known for over years but the use of this phenomenon to develop engines and pumps is fairly recent. Thermo acoustic refrigeration is one such phenomenon that uses high intensity sound waves in a pressurized gas tube to pump heat from one place to other to produce refrigeration effect. In this type of refrigeration all sorts of conventional refrigerants ...

    57,65 €

  • Carbon sequestration in multipurpose tree species at seedling stage
    Chandrasekhar C. N. / Chandrasekhar CN. / Gnanasekar S.
    My research is oriented towards investigating carbon sequestration potential of few important multipurpose tree species through physiological behavior of plants and biochemical activity at its seedling stage. To support this finding, carbon isotope discrimination study was carried out to explore the efficiency of the selected multipurpose tree species. The trees which were exam...

    94,87 €

  • Infant Mortality, Population Growth, and Family Planning in India
    S. Chandrasekhar / SChandrasekhar
    This study surveys the level, causes, and course of infant mortality in India during the last seventy years. Besides this historical survey, the book examines the implications of high and low infant mortality on the country’s major problems of population growth and the current population policy designed to reduce the birth rate through family planning.Originally published 1972....

    74,17 €

  • Eddington
    S. Chandrasekhar / SChandrasekhar

    69,13 €

  • The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes
    S. Chandrasekhar / SChandrasekhar

    115,82 €

  • Why Things Are the Way They Are
    B. S. Chandrasekhar / BSChandrasekhar

    91,50 €

  • Liquid Crystals
    S. Chandrasekhar / SChandrasekhar

    243,89 €

  • Liquid Crystals
    S. Chandrasekhar / SChandrasekhar

    124,74 €