LIBROS DEL AUTOR: punis russi

4 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: punis russi

  • Tales From The Jessica Files - The First Book of LSE
    Punis Russi
    This is the story of the most regarded and influential rock band in the world, LSE (lowselfesteem), and their relationship and their importance to our most loving and wonderful couple, Punis and Jessica.LSE holds a very, very special place in their hearts, and why wouldn’t they? They knew one another, and it shows in the love they all have for one another.We here at Secret Free...

    6,86 €

  • Tales From The Jessica Files - The First Book of LSE
    Punis Russi
    This is the story of the most regarded and influential rock band in the world, LSE (lowselfesteem), and their relationship and their importance to our most loving and wonderful couple, Punis and Jessica.LSE holds a very, very special place in their hearts, and why wouldn’t they? They knew one another, and it shows in the love they all have for one another.We here at Secret Free...

    11,85 €

  • Tales From The Jessica Files - From Bad To Worser
    Punis Russi
    This is a tale of our most favorite couple, Punis and Jessica. In this delightful treat of a book, we learn how important it is for Punis to show Jessica his love for her. This book and Tales From The Jessica Files - The First Book Of LSE, are tied together at the hip. ...

    14,22 €

  • Tales from the Jessica Files
    Punis Russi
    Jessica and I live in a world that The Department of Rules and Contracts controls, but it is not required to be under their purview. Most people who seek entry into this lifestyle are denied based on the testing criteria put forth by the DORCs. Many requirements are placed upon applicants.The essential part of living this lifestyle is the consequences of violating the rules and...

    15,02 €